Allow Yourself To Heal

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This entry is part 10 of 23 in the series 31 Days of Supernatural Encounters

31 Days of Supernatural Encounters | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | free devotional series on FromHisPresence.comFor Day 10 of our 31 days of supernatural encounters, I sense the Lord still talking about healing for broken hearts.

Read: 2 Samuel 7


After any great hurt or disappointment, there is always a time of healing.

Think about it this way: Lazarus came out of the tomb alive, but he was still bound up in graveclothes. Someone had to get those graveclothes off of him, or he would not have been able to proceed with his resurrection life.

In the same way, if your heart has been broken …

… trampled upon …

… or shattered into a million pieces …

… you can heal. I believe God is healing you now. I believe that’s what yesterday’s word about how much He hates what people did to you is all about.

But in order to heal from a broken dream or a broken heart, most of the time there has to be a pause.

Allow Yourself to Heal | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

In 2 Samuel 7, David told his friend Nathan–a prophet–about a dream he had. His dream was to build a great house for the Lord.

At first, Nathan the prophet thought that was a great plan. But later, the Lord spoke to Nathan and told him to tell David “no.”

The Lord didn’t just say “no,” however. It was a very nice “no,” with a whole lot of amazing promises to David. I’m sure the “no” still hurt, though.

And then David did one of my favorite things I have ever read about his life.

Second Samuel 7:18 says: “Then King David went in and sat before the Lord ….”

David didn’t know what to do. His heart was devastated. His dream and hope had been dashed. His great aspirations wouldn’t happen after all.

David didn’t know what to do, but he did know who to meet. So he went in and sat before the Lord.

I love that. Don’t you?

Track 1 of my solo piano album is called “And David Sat,” and it was written to describe David’s moment alone with God. Click the image to listen to previews of the tracks!

David’s hopes were dashed, so he took time to sit before the Lord and heal.

Recently, during a worship service, the Lord gave me a vision that helped to heal my heart of a specific hurt. I got His point right away, and it blessed me. But then, instead of just sitting on the healing word He had given me, I tried to press into worship and high praise with the rest of the congregation.

21 Kisses: The Sure Mercies of David for Your Life | Jamie Rohrbaugh |
21 Kisses is my 4-part prophetic teaching of hope and restoration for the victimized, rejected, and neglected. Click the image to check it out on my Gumroad store!

But Holy Spirit kept pulling me back to that healing word. He wouldn’t let me move on.

It took me awhile to understand, but I finally understood that He knew I needed more ministry than just a momentary word. The hurt He was healing went deeeeeeeeep. So He wanted me to sit before Him, be still, and just receive.

He wanted me to receive as deeply as I had been hurt.

And Holy Spirit wants YOU to receive healing as deeply as you have been hurt too.

Sometimes that takes time. Sometimes that takes meditating on one point during the whole worship service. Sometimes it takes meditating on one prophetic word or passage of Scripture for days.

Sometimes it takes just sitting before the Lord, like David did.

But beloved, no matter how long it takes you to absorb the comfort that the Lord is extending to you, please. I beg you to sit with Him in stillness; lay aside every weight and distraction; and let Him heal you.

If you will let Him, the precious Holy Spirit of the Living God will personally remove those graveclothes. He’ll loose you and let you go, and you won’t hurt anymore.


“Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I choose to sit before You right now. Please help me to quiet myself before You and simply receive. Heal my heart, Lord Holy Spirit. Comfort me. Fill me with Your revelation about what has happened to me, and put my heart, body, soul, mind, and spirit back together better than I ever was before.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


Listen to Kari Jobe sing “The More I Seek You,” and simply sit before the Lord today. In His presence is fullness of joy, and at His right hand there are pleasures forevermore. He will heal you as you sit with Him.

Does this message speak to your heart today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

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<< Jesus Says: I Hate What They Did To YouAn Encounter With the Great Door-Closer >>


  1. OK I am ready to receive the power of holy sprit to heal my brocken heart deep …..

  2. I needed every word of this today. Especially the song. “The more I seek you, the more I find you. The more I find you, the more I love you.” I didn’t realize just how much my heart has been broken. By things I’ve done, by things other people have done. I thought it’d been healing, but it’s just been skin deep. This evening I intend to make time to simply sit at the feet of Jesus and thank Him for all He’s done for me and my family. For what’s He’s opening my eyes to and the blessings He’s given me when I’ve in no way deserved them. Thank you Jamie for this message.

  3. Rebecca L Jones says:

    I have already felt some healing and you are right it is deeeeeeep. And not just with me. It can go back to childhood or the divorce or long term illness, something you never saw come to fruition. My father left when I was 2 but God didn’t. The devil is a deceiver and wants nothing more that to trick you out of your identity in Christ. Unrolling the bandages as we speak.

  4. Emmi Micheal says:

    I love every bit of these words … Very much educative to my inner world of understanding the power of God’s word and teachings making a new way for my life to be fully healed .
    I love the teachings Jamie, and thank you for your time and effort helping me grab favor from this life changing institutional program
    May our good Lord bless and strengthen your more and more in Jesus name

  5. Patrice Adkins says:

    I’ve been following your blog for quite sometime! I have to say, these last two days have really spoken to me! I know I need to sit before God. But the distractions of life and pain have me imprisoned. Thank you for your word! Thank you for allowing God to use you! Thank you for never getting stuck and grieving the Holy Spirit and allowing Him to use you to help us!

    1. Amen to that Patrick!

  6. George modise says:

    Hah Jamie.i choose to be David.i was reading 2samuel7 I pull up my socks and I’ll go every where God send me I will obey.have a nice day my sister in Christ

  7. Maria Dimba says:

    Wow that was my prayer for today for God to help me forget about my past and to forgive anyone who has in anyway hurt me that is including my father and my ex husband. I am a new person now. 1 Thank you very much God bless you

  8. Thank you for this word I was wounded sooo deep by soo many and I’m ready to be healed I hav e forgiven, but I didn’t realize my heart was so shattered. And God is touching me now time to let go and let God . Amen

  9. Timely. My hurt is deep and the Lord has been helping me work through each one with grace and mercy. Today is particularly important. My priest told me that tears were the Holy Spirit working through you. He is working through me today because tears were flowing like a waterfall. The Holy Spirit was taking off my grave clothes so that I may live in the light and love of Jesus and by the will of our Heavenly Father.

    Thank you.

    God bless.

  10. Oh my goodness! I am catching up on your 31 days of Supernatural encounters and I come across this one. This one has grabbed my attention at the heart. You see I’ve been dealing with a broken friendship this whole week and it’s hard. I hurt. I’m struggling with it. Yes, I do take ownership for my part. I’ve made amends however for the other person the friendship is over. That stinks! And quite frankly, I don’t understand. One thing could overshadow all the good of our friendship. It doesn’t make sense. Why do friends walk away so easily instead of pressing in to mend and restore? And it was a big deal. Anyway, your post spoke to me. It’s time to quit beating myself up. It’s to be quiet, pause and sit at Jesus’ feet. Thank you for sharing!

  11. What an amazing word❤️Sitting with the Lord ❤️??What a wonderful joy and peace this gives me??Lord come sit with me I need your comfort and I long for you to be in my presence always??Thank you Jamie ??❤️

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