How To Break Unholy Soul Ties (with FREE Printable Guide)

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How To Break Soul Ties | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comHave you ever tried to stop thinking about someone or something, but you just haven’t been able to? Have you tried and tried to forget about that ex-boyfriend, ex-girlfriend, ex-husband, ex-wife, or the friend who did you wrong … to no avail?

Have you ever gotten frustrated with yourself because you haven’t been able to just move on … even though you’ve tried so hard?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, you may have a soul tie.

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    What is a soul tie?

    A soul tie is a spiritual phenomena that happens when your soul (your mind, will, and emotions) become linked to another person. Some soul ties are good. For example:

    • The loving bond between a godly parent and a child is a holy soul tie. God designed the family so that mothers and fathers and children would be connected to each other in love.
    • Another holy soul tie is the relationship between a husband and his wife–one man and one woman, bound together in holy matrimony. When a man and a woman get married, the Bible says that God has joined them together. The two become one flesh, and they are simply two halves of one whole. Husband and wife become one.
    • Another example of a godly soul tie could be a godly relationship between a parishioner and his or her pastor. The parishioner can love, honor, and serve the pastor as his/her spiritual leader (always making sure that everything lines up with God’s Word first, of course).

    [mv_video doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” jsonLd=”true” key=”bkuwrjtczr1k2qulewo3″ ratio=”16:9″ thumbnail=”” title=”How To Break Unholy Soul Ties” volume=”70″] In that situation, with the pastor and his/her sheep, the parishioner can have a real fondness or even brotherly love for the pastor, and the pastor appreciates the parishioner and has a fatherly love for that person. That kind of relationship is a good thing. God’s Word tells us to love and honor our pastors.

    Related: When we talk about inner healing, you’ll hear a lot about “strongholds.” Want to know what a “stronghold” is? Watch this short video for my illustration:


    In all these situations, the bond that forms between the people in these holy relationships is a godly thing. It edifies, encourages, and lifts up both people who have the connection with one another.

    But some soul ties are unholy. Instead of being based on a holy relationship, they are based on unholy relationships–or based on situations that keep you in chains.

    And what started off badly–the relationship–doesn’t get any better just because a bond forms.

    For example, let’s say you dated someone who abused you. You really loved them, but they weren’t willing to change, so you found the courage to end the relationship. You try to move on, but you just can’t get that person out of your mind.

    Or maybe …

    You used to be married, but your spouse cheated on you and left years ago. You’ve forgiven them, and you really meant it when you did. You don’t harbor any animosity toward your ex. However, you still can’t stop thinking about them. You haven’t been able to get free from the memories of what they did, even though you’ve tried.

    Or maybe …

    You used to be bullied a lot when you were growing up. In the adult world, people no longer bully you; but you still catch yourself shying away from people, thinking that they will. You feel like the bullying happened just yesterday, even though it was years ago. And like the situation above, you may have even forgiven them–but you still suffer from the damage inflicted on you.

    In all these situations, chances are that you have a soul tie.

    Keep reading below for more about how to break these soul ties. But, if you’d like to also download my FREE, printable guide for how to break unholy soul ties, you can do that here. It’s free when you sign up for email updates from my blog!

    Related: Read the rest of the posts in this series:

    A soul tie simply is a soul-based attachment to another person.

    You see this in the Bible in 1 Samuel 18:1, which says:

    “Now when he had finished speaking to Saul, the soul of Jonathan was knit to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul.”

    Soul ties can be formed with people you like, as happened with Jonathan and David; BUT, they can also be formed with people you don’t like–or people who have abused you, done you wrong, or left you. The circumstances of your current relationship don’t matter. What matters is that the soul tie exists, and it will remain unless you break it.

    And soul ties keep you attached, whether you want to be attached or not.

    A soul tie keeps you thinking about that person all the time, and it keeps them thinking about you. It keeps you from moving on, even if you want really badly to be free.

    But you can break soul ties. You don’t need to break the holy ones–like the ones with your husband or wife, or any other godly (repeat: godly!) relationship in the Body of Christ. But you definitely want to break the unholy soul ties.

    So how do you break soul ties?

    You break soul ties with the blood of Jesus.

    How to break soul ties with the blood of Jesus | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |
    Click the image to share it on Facebook!

    The blood of Jesus cleanses us and washes us from all evil things. Jesus’ blood is the most powerful force in the universe, and NOTHING can stand up to it.

    Not even an ungodly soul tie. 🙂

    So what do you do? You pray. I’ve placed a sample prayer below. If you’d like to break ungodly soul ties off your life, pray this prayer OUT LOUD.

    Important: In the place where the prayer below says “I break every unholy soul tie right now,” and when you say the word “BREAK,” I want you to clap once when you say that word, okay? The physical sound of the clap actually startles your brain out of its old thought pattern and into a new thought pattern. It’s a very cool thing based in simple, high-school-level neuroscience, and you can actually feel the old pattern breaking.

    So pray this prayer to break soul ties that you don’t want off of your life:

    “Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name. Thank You for buying me back from sin with the blood of Jesus. Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross for me–and thank You for being resurrected to life again so that I could live a victorious, powerful life in You. 

    Dear Jesus, You paid the price with Your own blood for me to be free in every way. So, I receive Your gift of freedom. I choose to be completely free today.

    Jesus, it is Your name and Your blood that make me free, and I thank You for that. You said that he/she whom the Son sets free shall be free indeed. So thank You that You’re doing the work as I agree with Your Word and obey You.

    So Father God, in the name of Jesus, I plead the blood of Jesus over every unholy soul tie that is attached to or from me to any other person. And in the name of Jesus, with His blood, I (CLAP=>)BREAK every unholy soul tie right now.

    In the name of Jesus, let every part of me that has been attached to someone else return to me, washed clean with the blood of Jesus, right now. And let every part of anyone else that has been attached to me be broken off and return to them, right now, in the name of Jesus.

    Jesus, thank You for setting me free. I plead Your blood over my body, spirit, soul, mind, will, and emotions. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit afresh and anew. Please help me not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of my mind in Your Word. Help me to wash my mind in Your Word every day, Jesus, and help me receive Your truth in all things.

    Thank You, Father God. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. I love You, and I give You all the praise. In Jesus’  name, amen.”

    If you prayed that prayer, then Jesus just broke the unholy soul ties off of your life.

    You are very likely to feel different after praying that prayer. I often have had people tell me they can sense their freedom–that they suddenly feel disassociated (in a good way) from the people who have hurt them.

    If you feel suddenly disassociated from those people, that is a VERY good thing! That is what freedom feels like, beloved. It feels whole and healthy just between you and Jesus–no other people needed. That is as it should be; you should feel whole and complete in Jesus alone. You want to be able to leave those people behind.

    And you will find that, without the soul tie, you will be able to move on and stop thinking about that person.

    However, here’s a spiritual warfare tip you’ll need to know:

    If you prayed this prayer to break soul ties, be forewarned that the person with whom you had the ungodly soul tie will also feel the difference. They will suddenly sense that you are free from them; that you have broken free from their control or influence.

    And they may not like it.

    If the person abused or hurt you on purpose, they might not like it that you are suddenly free. It is very possible that they will (even out of nowhere) try to strike up a connection with you again.

    True story. Beloved, BE WARNED that they may try to connect with you again. And if that happens, and they do try to connect with you again, be very careful. That connection wasn’t godly before, and it’s not going to be godly now. It is a trick of the enemy to try to pull you back into bondage.

    So run.

    In other words, if I were in your shoes, I would run not walk to say a polite “no thanks” to their efforts; and I would stay far, far away from them. Just a word to the wise on that. 🙂

    Soul ties can be good, and they can be bad. It just depends on the type of relationship and the fruit that relationship produces.

    But if you have unholy soul ties, you can break them easily and quickly with the blood of Jesus. Pray the prayer above. Apply the blood of Jesus and sever those unholy soul ties.

    Then do what it takes to maintain your freedom. Wash your mind in God’s Word. Stay away from ungodly relationships, even if they try to take root in your life again. Seek after God with all your heart … and you will stay free.

    Does this message resonate with you today? Did you pray the prayer to break soul ties–and did you notice the difference when you did? If so, please leave a comment below, and share your thoughts with our community!

    Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? This blog, and all of my mission work in person, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases.

    If you’d like to help me, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible!


    1. Let’s pray for marriages to succeed in the name of Jesus. (edited by admin)… Always pray for your partner.

      1. We should definitely pray for our marriages all the time, Servant. I agree.
        By the way, I edited your comment above because I did not any person whose marriage ended through no fault of their own to read it and be hurt. Thanks for understanding.

        1. Great and insightful teaching. God bless.

        2. What if I prayed and don’t feel different?

          1. Also, as soon as I prayed, that person texted me. It’s so hard cause I crave that attention but I know it’s wrong

            1. Hi, Perla. It’s crazy how that happens, isn’t it? And it’s natural for us to want attention and affection. God made us that way. The thing is–that attention/affection-shaped hole in our hearts is made to be filled by Jesus, and by Father God, not by people. It’s only after we allow Him to fill that place in us that our hearts can be made whole, so that we can find and enjoy holy relationships with other people here on earth.

              Here’s my story about how I struggled with that if you want to read it. It’s called How To Feel Like God Loves You: My Story.

          2. That’s a fantastic question. The answer is: we can’t live based on our feelings. We have to live according to James 4:7-10, which says:

            “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.”

            We’ve got to make the DECISION to obey Jesus and love Him and seek Him with all our hearts. It has to be a decision, with or without feelings. Feelings come and go, but Jesus set His face like flint to obey the Father (Isaiah 50:7). That’s what we all have to do. And when we do, Papa will help us and bless us. And we shall NOT be ashamed. 🙂

            I hope that helps. Thanks so much for reading. I prayed for you just now.

            1. Presence seeker. Am so grateful that the blood of the Lamb has unified us to be one family to the glory of God Almighty.

          3. Bantshang Karesaza says:

            Hi Jamie! I thank you for the word. I pray for deliverance from demonic soul ties.

        3. Please help me pray for my marriage marlon & luz sandres

          1. Hi Jamie,
            thanks for your teachings I really have been following most of them as much as possible from the beginning of this year when I came across you “divine providence”.
            Please do not disclose my name, but I just read through the prayer once, twice then felt the urge to pray it and I did.
            I have been separated with my covenant(christian marriage) husband for over 4 years now, in between it was like he would try to return then fall out again. we have children together beautiful young children. However, I strongly believe he is strongly yoked to the devil now, he moves from one woman to the other and each woman he promises to marry without dissolving our marriage. Believe me I am not an advocate of divorce because of my strong christian faith, but my husband, he has never been a strong christian and at the level he is now, it has to take a strong move of GOD to shake him and bring him down to his knees….how many soul ties is he carrying now??? What should I do, covenant marriages are not easily broken because you swear before the throne of God Most High. How does this affect my children, I dont talk to him its been seven months now I totally blocked him. He does not see nor support the children, he doesnt care at all.
            Where am I in this sole tie strory Jamie tell me…..

      2. Stacy DeLigne says:

        Good morning I want to start off by saying thank you..after saying this prayer this person was in my dreams, this person was involved in witchcraft and unfortunately is very sick in the mind , she is definitely a Jezebel spirit so this morning I prayed it again..please advise of any other prayers I should do.

        1. I believe that is probably just the enemy’s way of trying to re-establish that soul tie, Stacy. Rebuke that dream out loud in the name of Jesus, plead the blood of Jesus over yourself, and confess out loud that you are free in Jesus’ name and by the blood of Jesus. Command any evil thing to leave you in Jesus’ name and ask Holy Spirit to fill you up, surround you, and protect you.

      3. Marilyn Schmidt says:

        In the past I have had trouble escaping a soul tie. I placed a large rubber band (not tight) on my wrist. Every time I thought of the person or wanted them back, I snapped the rubber band. That quickly helped me to change my thoughts.

      4. Simmonette says:

        I thank you in the name of Jesus Christ I thank God for that prayer. I believe it and I receive it in Jesus name. God bless you.

        1. I’m grateful for that prayer of breaking a soul tie. For some reason I thought a soul tie only came from having sex. Boy was I wrong. I’d asked this person to leave me alone for a while and For a little while he did but recently he was back at it. I just did the prayer. I’m convinced I’m free. I feel different, much better. No looking back. I know he’ll try again but I too know it’s not healthy so I’ll keep standing on the blood of Jesus. Thanks for the prayer and resources!

      5. Iam glad I’ve found this prayer of breaking soul ties i have been troubled with these souls ties for such a long time 🙏

    2. Thank you so much for the information on “soul ties” and the freedom prayer! I have a question. I understand we cannot pray our will over another persons life; if a dear friend has an unholy soul tie can you pray for them or over them in order to break their unholy soul ties?

      1. Hi Alisa. Great question. No, they would have to break the soul tie for themselves. It’s a personal choice. But you can pray that the Lord will open a door for you to talk with them about it, and you can share this post with them if you feel led. Only God can help them want to be free, though, and they will have to break the ties for themselves.

        1. Thank you! I understand completely! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. God bless you!

        2. Id like to also comment on this. I have had alot of experience with HOW TO PRAY over our loved ones in unhealthy soul ties succesfulky i might add. First thing as always, when we pray, WE MUST BELIEVE HE HEARS US AND IS A REWARDER OF THISE WHO DILIGENTLY SEEK,…. HIM.” – And then back to topic… simply ask the Lord to cause them to see clearly and strengthen them to walk away. That whatever it takes ,he will move and provide every bit of spiritual, emotional and monitary provision to your loved one si that they are able to continue forward. *Im a prayer WARRIOR! I have 9 children and 6 1/2 grandchildren…(one on the way) ive watched daughters of mine end up in some bad relationships, ungodly relationships, homosexual relatiinships, abusivive, i can not “tell them to leave” they have ears that dont hear! So i call upon the God who can! I put the Word in them as they grew, and the Lord has heard each and EVERY PRAYER! Each of them KNOW when i am praying over them because of sudden change that begins to occur! KEEP PRAYING TO THE ONE WHO IS ABLE, TO DO EXCEDENGLY, ABUNDANTLY, ABOVE, ALL….WE ASK!!! AND BELIEVE!!! IT IS FINISHED!

          1. Rondolyn,
            Thank you for your encouraging reply to my question!! When I read your reply it was like a fresh breeze to me and it fueled my heart with a passion to continue praying and believing that God does work miracles for the people you pray for and on behalf of….thank you!

          2. Wonderful advise! Thank you for sharing…?

    3. Millie Williams says:

      Jamie, I thank you for this one. Praise God.
      Be bless. Love Millie

    4. Jamie I concur with the last comment.
      “Thanks for this one!” It was very
      much by God’s grace that you
      bless us with your Blog. It is
      filled with a lot of hope from
      our Father up above.

      1. It has been 4 years since my husband committed suicide. I am desperately trying to move forward but still have legal matters pending from his estate. My life of filled with betrayal & attorneys, & having to relive his death on a weekly basis. I know our bond was holy & blessed by God, but I am not free of him. I am not obsessed with thoughts of him, but he was my husband for 20 years. I am holding tightly to God as he walks me through the valley.

        1. I’m so very sorry for your loss, sister. I will pray for you today.
          Love in Jesus,

    5. Thank you so much,this is right on time for me. My husband walked out on me as well,and I felt stuck in trying to move forward . I always felt like a failure,hearing his words constantly that I’d be nothing without him. But praise God for his blood,and I accept now that I am free to be the woman God created me to be and live in abundance for the rest of my life!! Thank you!!!

      1. Angela, I’m so sorry you have been through that, but I do praise Jesus for setting you free! Glory be to Him! May He make all things new in your life, and heal and rebuild and restore you better than you ever were before, in Jesus’ name!

        1. To the Glorification of the Father! AMEN!!!

    6. Rebecca L Jones says:

      I prayed the prayer. I hope you can find time to answer this, can you have these unholy soul ties with another Christian? A fellow believer, who may not walk in the Spirit? I would say yes. Please get some rest Jaime. 16 hr days will burn you out.

      1. Yes, a soul tie can happen with anybody. And thanks … I’m trying. Prayers appreciated. <3

    7. What happens if you break the soul tie and then you go back to the relationship? Will you find yourself empty and lack of passion for this person that you had before the soul tie. I broke a soul tie and I ended up going back to the relationship, but I find myself feeling no emotion with this person. But somehow I can’t seem to break free so that I can move on with someone else. I’m still in the relationship – I feel confused as to why I can’t seem to break away.

      1. Kristina, hi. Thanks for reading! I’m not sure how to answer without knowing the details of your situation. If you’d like to schedule a mentoring appointment with me, we can talk about it. Otherwise, I would just encourage you to ask Father for wisdom, and to obey what He tells you to do no matter what.

        If you are in any relationship that is not His best for your life, then you are robbing yourself of the good thing He is trying to bring you. We always have to make space in our lives for the best thing in order to receive those best things. And if we don’t make space, Father can try and try to work in our hearts to get us to obey–but He can’t bless us until we do obey and demonstrate our willingness to follow Him rather than our own desires. If you are in a relationship that is not God’s will for you, then I pray Father would give you grace and strength to obey Him in whatever He is telling you to do. It’s a hard thing, I know–but the reward will be worth it.

        1. Thank you, this is what I needed to hear as it’s the second time I heard it.
          God Bless You and thank you so much!

        2. How do i know if a relationship is what God wants for me?

    8. i feel so free. Thank you Lord

    9. I needed this today. I’m going through a breakup with a man who I was set in my heart to marry but then he began to continously show lack of respect for our relationship, then he started abusing, and blaming me for it. Next Friday, by God’s will, I will be in my own place and far away from him. I pray I will be forgive him one day, be financially stable to get through this, and that he get the professional help he needs and change his life around to glory the Kingdom of God. Amen.

      1. I went through this as well and had to sneak away from my abuser because he’d become full of rage. I did not know I was bound by an unholy soul tie. I wish I had a closer relationship with God years ago, but I know Father God does everything for a reason. Candiz, you are powerful because Holy Spirit is within you. You took a big step to leave, don’t lose faith, no matter how rough it may be. Just know that God is with you, for you and in you, therefore, you will make it no matter what! God bless you Candiz, I am cheering you on from the sideline.

    10. Lillian Bwowe Nanteza says:

      Thanks alot Jamie for the praye

    11. My husband came back after an affair. I forgave him, but am still having a hard time with it. I know he needs to break the soul tie. Why am I still having such a hard time?

      1. Regina, hi. I’m so very sorry you are going through that. I don’t know how exactly to answer without talking with you personally. If you’d like to book a mentoring appointment with me, we can talk about it. Otherwise, the best thing I can say is to make sure your forgiveness was total–and that you prayed through to forgive, i.e. presenting it to the Lord, and receiving His healing in return. If we don’t pray through our forgiveness, then the forgiveness tends to not reach the deepest places of our heart.

        A couple of prayer points that might help: Ask the Lord also to help you see your husband the way He does, and to love him the way Father does. That is a transforming prayer. I would also encourage you to make a point to pray for your husband by name every day, specifically. God always gives us a supernatural perspective about the people we pray for. 🙂

        Also, the Finding Deep Soul Healing 101 and 102 webinars may be quite a bit of help to you, if you haven’t already heard them. Especially the 101, for this area.

    12. Hi, so blessed by your soul tie message. I did feel free and like a heavy weight being lifted off my shoulders. Just as u said the other person might sense this freedom n contact u, he contacted me!!!! Out of the blue!!! My words ” wrong number.goodbye” thank you for teaching me these extraordinary truths.God bless you and much love

      1. Wow, Melissa. That’s wild! Thanks so much for letting me know! And thank You Jesus for setting my sister free! WhooHOO!

    13. Wow, I can’t even lie, I do feel I felt different Aflyer I prayed this prayer! I definitely need to break some unholy ties, one in specific.

      1. So glad it helped, Lcherie! God’s Word never fails! The blood of Jesus can set us free from anything. 🙂 Thanks so much for reading!

    14. Priscilla says:

      I just discovered this website and I am so blessed I did. God bless you.

    15. Milli Twumasi says:

      Thank you so much for this! I didn’t even realize I had a soul tie until reading your page. May God bless you and continue to use you to bless others… thanks again!

    16. Thank you so much for this blog/writing. I have been praying to God for a way to rid myself of soul ties and I came across this site on Pinterest. Thank God for Pinterest and thank you for being led by the Holy Spirit to write this. Instantly when I said break I snapped (I couldn’t clap because everyone is asleep) I felt different. I had an exboyfriend who was abusive and broke my nose, since then I have had problems breathing like before but instantly when I prayed this prayer my nose was opened and I could breath perfect. It was like God himself breathed a fresh breath of air into my nostrils. It was amazing!!! I feel awesome!!! Like now I could peacefully go to sleep. I could go on and on about how great God is, thank you for being obidient to the word of God. God bless you and keep up the amazing work of the Lord Jesus Christ!

    17. I love this!
      Hallelujah! Ive been set free! Thank you! God bless!
      Much Love,

    18. Definitely on time…that prayer was powerful and needed. Thank you Abba for freedom from my soul ties.

    19. I’m sorry if this was already answered but I wondered if there is any way to break unholy soul -ties with someone that has passed?

      1. Yes, absolutely! Just change the words a little bit. In the prayer, say you BREAK every soul tie and give any parts of or thoughts about that person to Jesus. Speak also that you bless your memories of this person with all the bad memories going away, washed in the blood of Jesus, and all the good memories to take their place. Ask Jesus to give you back every piece of you that was with them, washed in His blood.

        1. Thank you! This prayer has been very helpful for both my sister and myself going through broken relationships.

    20. May the Lord Jesus Christ break the unholy ties in my life.

      Thank you for this wonderful teaching.

      Keep me in prayers

    21. Wow! Definitely a needed prayer to move on from bad relationships.

    22. Thank you for reminding us. This will help keep on praying for my wife who has stood withe always. May the Lord continue to bless, use and protect her in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.

    23. I have a question I don’t think has been asked. I have a very strong bond with my Christian therapist who has helped me heal from very horrific childhood abuse that made it very hard to trust my Lord and Saviour.

      We had a misunderstanding that caused great divide between us but God led us to work through it and continue therapy.

      However, both of us hated hurting anyone and ended up projecting those feelings onto the other and therapy became difficult after that even though we loved, respected, and prayed for each other’s good. It was painful.

      God has significantly healed me and has recently told us both it’s time He should be my sole counselor, however my wonderful therapist will continue to play a role in my healing journey (of prayer), as God instructed.

      However, abuses in my past caused an unhealthy spirit of abandonment/rejection and I wrongly feared and perceived she rejected me earlier. I also developed an unhealthy dependency on her during the years of intense therapy as I learned to trust her. I’ve heard that can happen.

      Thankful I have a closer relationship to God and I agree it’s best for God to become my counselor as I grow in maturity.

      I will be including her when I list those who abandoned me to pray over later, although she didn’t truly reject me (there was a time she resented me) however God has told us she will continue a role in my journey and her prayers are Invaluable at this time.

      Do I need to cut soul ties with her at this time also? If it’s nessary, I will. Every few months I email her to ask for specific prayer concerns, as needed.

      Please advise,

      1. I would pray to cut every unholy soul tie, DMarie. That way, God will get rid of anything harmful and leave anything holy.

    24. Charlotte says:

      Hi Jamie
      My marriage is on the rocks rocks. But God has asked me not to leave hubby. I founf out in jan this yr. He came clean when i confronted him with evidence God lead me to. God lead me to a flash drive in his wallet. A shocking discovery of a relationship of 2 yrs or more. In jan he agreed to stop and work on our marriage. But its july now and he hasnt stopped. I sense it in my spirit. Questioned him and he denies it. But holy spirit shows me that i am right. But God has said to leave him. He will expose him and this demon in Aug. I prayed and broke off the unholy soul tie between her and my husband and all the other possible adultery soul ties he might have. Am i wrong, will God break them as i prayed that prayer?
      Tnx for your good work and God bless you over and above.

    25. Thank you and God bless you. I receive the freedom in Lord Jesus’ Name.The Lord is leading me through a season of cleansing. And I believe that He wants to release me from all the remaining pain ,brokenness ,bitterness and anxiety I have . Praise God. I did feel comfort and feeling of cleanliness as soon as I prayed. I felt lifted. Our God is merciful.
      If the feelings come back,shall I repeat the prayer?
      May God bless you and your ministry in every way.
      Praise the Lord.

      1. You can if you like! It won’t hurt anything. Definitely pray it again if you think the soul tie may have been re-established.

    26. I prayed the prayer ,and as soon as i finished the anointing came upon me and I began praising in tongues ,I felt a joy in my heart ,I am so happy ,I thank you for that prayer it has really bless me ,PRAISE GOD ,THANK YOU JESUS .

    27. Absolutely wonderfully insightful teaching!!
      Thank you so much Jamie!

    28. Elizabeth says:

      I do thank God for this prayer,I felt the Power of the Blood of JESUS releasing this unholy soul tie in me,I want to be released for sooo long n now I am..Glory to God.. ..may God blesses your ministry..keep sending me your prophetic word

    29. Daphenie Benders says:

      This prayer was right on time when I needed it, praise God I am set free!!!
      Thank you, Thank you, thank you!

      Be Blessed Always!

    30. My son has a chronic mental illness (praying for God to heal him) and he has delusions about a past girlfriend being his common law wife (no such thing in our state) and that they have children. These things are not true but he will not let go of their relationship even tho it ended 7 years ago. Can I pray to break this soul tie between him and her if he is confused in his mind about a lot of things… including his relationship to God (even tho he was saved, baptized in water and the Holy Spirit as a teenager and he is now 39 years old?) She won’t have anything to do with him after she soaked him of his monthly disability checks for a while after they broke up. I don’t think he can understand the concept of soul ties and things are so demonic with this.

    31. I’m FREE !!!!! Glory to God I finally feel freedom. Thank you Lord and thank you also for posting this prayer. As soon as I finished it I felt the most amazing warm tingling sensation all over me. my heart felt full and my whole body felt wrapped in the most wonderfully warm blanket you could imagine. For the first time in over 35 yrs I felt whole , comforted, loved, peaceful and full of joy. I lived a very traumatic life and suffered terrible losses and abuse. I’ve always felt like something was missing even when I was pulling close to God. But I finally feel free from the ungodly soul ties that have stripped my spirit into millions of pieces. Thank you so much, a weight feels gone from my soul and the black cloud that hung over me has lifted. God bless you and your ministry.

    32. I enjoyed this prayer it was comforting for me.

    33. Marisol Reyes says:

      I prayed this prayer with everybit of strength that i have. My fiance has cheated lied and hurt me in the worst possible ways he leaves and i beg him to come back. Not this time ! clearly the lord has given me every sign and led me to every hidden corner to expose this mans lies and i was hurting so deeply this time but at the same time i know this toxicity cannot continue. Thank you so much for this prayer for the first time since he walked out on me yet again do I feel the weight has been lifted. I no longer feel powerless and lonely .i feel completely at peace with myself and not longing for this man. This is truly an amazing and powerful prayer! Blessings to you!

    34. Jobin Joseph says:

      This is a true fact that there are unholy ties in relationships. Very often we in the name of forgetting and forgiving the other person gets into contact again unaware of the underlying danger. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to be genuine generous and careful.

    35. Anonymous says:

      My first love with my boyfriend was when I was around 19 or 20. I am 30 now and happily married for a few years now. Till this day I remember my first love, I don’t know why I think about him occasionally.

      Could it be that I am attached to this person by the unholy tie? That guy has now arrived from overseas and will be living in my state and close by to my area. Another thing, he is a relative, and I am definitely going to be seeing him probably every now and then, hopefully not lol.

      I don’t know how I can face him again. He went over to my parents house the other day to greet them, the day of his arrival. He is married with a daughter. The thing is, he was apparently very normal in a way that he asked about me as soon as he saw my parents, his first question was, “where is she?” and after I was told that, these couple of days I have been uncomfortable and I don’t know how I am feeling. It’s really bothering me, I wake up and that thought is there, I don’t want to feel this way.

      It has been around 10 years that I think of this person, like he comes to my mind occasionally, I don’t think that’s normal, I was only with this guy for 8 months and it was a long distance relationship. Could it be that your first love will always remain with you and not be easily forgotten. There are times where I think if only we were together, but I don’t want to feel this way. Help!!!

    36. Thank you for your website and making this wonderful prayer (and others) available!
      It has helped me powerfully today. Do you have any advice or insight into why a person might create soul-ties very quickly or easily? Thank you so much. x

      1. Hi Helen! Thanks for reading. Regarding making soul ties quickly and easily, I think that happens when we are looking to people to fill a need that is supposed to be filled by the Lord. Does that help?

        1. Charlotte says:

          Hi Jaime
          Can i break soul ties bewtween my husband and the strange woman. He does not see the wrong in what He does although he thinks i don’t know that he is still invloved with the strange woman. Also on anitger topic. Can i cast out the spirit of lust and sexual immorality in him without him ? He is far away from God abd wont acknowledge that hr has these unholy spirits in him. Please help me as to how to pray his deliverance and salavtion.

          1. Yes Jaime, I wanted to ask the same question. Can we pray on behalf of a friend without his presence? To cut all the ungodly soul ties, those he had casual sex with and to remove the lust and sexual immorality in him?

            1. Hi. No, you can’t break someone else’s soul ties. You can break YOUR soul ties with someone else, but not someone else’s ties with another person.

        2. Thank you for your reply Jamie,
          You hit it spot on I think!
          Bless you heaps.

    37. Hi Jamie, I prayed the prayer and didn’t feel differently. In fact I prayed a similar one in a Bethel Sozo appointment and still struggling with the same issue. I’ve even said over 77 forgiveness prayers. Maybe I should be asking God this answer I realise but obviously I’m struggling somewhere in my faith so help from you may help me understand more. Should I just keep praying the prayer for a number of days?! I would really appreciate some support! Thanks! X

      1. Hi Alison. I don’t know how to help exactly, since I don’t know you or your situation. I do know that it is not about the words you pray or the number of times you pray them, but rather about the state of your heart. Ask Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal to you anything that is not pleasing to Him, and He will. He will show you how to get free.

        I taught a massive amount of information about forgiveness and inner healing in my two recorded webinar video teachings, Finding Deep Soul Healing 101 and Finding Deep Soul Healing 102. If you haven’t purchased those and listened to them, I definitely encourage you to do so.

    38. Lisa Hernandez says:

      Hi – I am so desperate. I was married 20 years and now divorced. It was rough but I am healing. I dated 2 men afterwards (1 for 2 years and 1 for 1 year) and those ended without much fuss or lingering effects. However, I dated a 3rd guy that “ghosted” on me and I cannot get over him. I dated after him and literally cried all the way home from every date because it wasn’t him. I stopped dating all together and became very involved in my church; even leading our DivorceCare group.

      I feel I have made such huge strides in my walk with Jesus yet I cannot stop the ache for this man. I had a pastor tell me it was a VERY strong soul tie (didn’t even know what these were until now!) and that this man deliberately spoke this over me. It makes no sense why he would because he clearly is not interested in me… I have said your prayer and similar prayers over and over and nothing. I feel no relief and if anything, it is worse now than it was 3 years ago when he disappeared.

      I feel so helpless and don’t understand why I cannot break it.

      1. Hey Lisa. I’m SO sorry that happened. Hugs, sister. I would really strongly encourage you to find a place that does sozo–either Bethel’s Transformation Center or a place in their network–and do a sozo session about this. Let someone dig into it with you in prayer and see how the Lord shows you to pray. Often, it’s just a matter of one little thing that you might be missing; but Holy Spirit knows exactly what that thing is and He will show you. It helps to have a “midwife” help you pray, though.

    39. Thank you for Sharing this prayer. I prayed it the first time and didn’t scroll down and read the part about being contacted afterwards about the person you are breaking the tie with. He called me the next day and told me he was worried about me and had dreams about me and was very unsettled and worried.
      I prayed this again after church today and felt it in my heart and being. I still feel it in my chest. I also scrolled down and read the full article and many comments of others. Thank you for uniting us in prayer and empowering so many in prayer. Thank you!
      I have others I want to pray for and share this with.

    40. Thank you for this wonderful post. Tears were running down as I read cos you mentioned some of the things I’m struggling with. God bless your ministry

    41. I prayed it on behalf of someone else, and he is unfortunately not a believer, but Im praying God severs the soul ties with the strange woman and saves my marriage….We are deeply attached.

    42. Thank you so much. I broke it off with a narcissist ic abuser and havent been able to shake thoughts of him since. I forgot about soul ties. Thank you for the reminder and for being led of God to post this prayer. Youre advice is well taken also. I will keep that door closed. Thank You! -L.

    43. I finally testified fully to a friend of many years and subsequently lost the relationship. I have since prayed for her to be blessed which helped. However simply praying for this helped the most.

      My brother is seeking spiritual help with breaking unholy soul ties so am grateful God allowed me to help him as sent him a good book on this.

    44. Thank you for this post! I prayed before though God will somehow make them realize the hurt they caused me….so they can learn to not do it again to others, repent, and just understand why I acted a certain way or why I had to leave.

      Can I pray this prayer multiple times?

    45. This was such an on time word. I had some soul ties that neefed to be broken. I prayed the prayer and I know the blood of Jesus works. God bless you


    47. I woke up early this morning to a ton of messages from a group chat of college friends, including my ex. Although I have block and deleted his number so I can’t see is messages I saw people repeatedly saying his name in the chat, which is weird cause they don’t do that for anyone else. Seeing his name alone bothered me so much and I just began to pray because we’ve been broken up for almost a year and at this point I’ve done all I can to move on and let go ( filling myself with God, becoming more active in church, building friendships, working out, focusing on law school, everything!) yet he still seemed to have a hold on me. At this point I was tired of it and I told God I needed to be free of him and I needed him to tell me what to do. After a few min of feeling like God had nothing to say to me. Something told me to look up soul ties(something I never really thought I had) on Pinterest and this was the first thing that came up. Today, in this moment, I am free ! And I am SO very thankful for you and what God is doing in you. God has done many things in my life but the overwhelming freedom, love, and gratefulness I feel is like nothing I’ve felt before. I pray God continues to grow your ministry!

    48. Thank you for your article! I read your article to move on from one person, but when I prayed the prayer, a different person came to mind! Praise God!

    49. I prayed this prayer and I’m hoping it works. I don’t feel any differently though. My husband walked out on us almost 7 years ago and to this day I cannot move on. I just don’t know how to break free of my love for him.

    50. Thank you for this I felt the difference after praying this I met a younger man that used me for sex and I knew it was wrong but I realize I was in a very vulnerable situation in my life i was dealing with alot of trauma and at first I felt wanted I was disrespected degraded and humiliated and he left me to go live with another woman and they broke up because he claims she was crazy. He contacted me recently wanting to apologize but then on his fb page he puts a pic with another woman and then posts that seemed to be aimed towards me mocking me and it upset me. Because I’ve done nothing to him. I was so emotionally distressed and I told him that I did not ever want to hear from him again. He then blocks me as if I’m the one who is the bother I should be blocking him . Just to add insult to injury. He knows I never contacted him. But I have been having a hard time getting him off my mind no matter how much I try and i think he is too dealing with same thing. And i realized we have an unhealthy unholy soul tie. I just want to be free because it has caused me anguish and emotional distress . Thank you .

      1. Hi Laura. It’s nice to meet you. I’m sorry that happened, but I am glad you are seeking the Lord about this. Sin never has good consequences, and sexual sin in particular is one of the most damaging kinds of sin. It takes people down in so many ways, so fast. I pray Father would heal and restore your life, and minister to you with His perfect love and guidance in this situation.
        Another article I wrote here: will really help you with the aftermath of this situation too, I believe. I hope you’ll check it out.
        Have a wonderful day.

    51. I usually don’t comment, but on this one I must. I felt a big difference after I prayed this prayer. Without giving too much information, I was in a sexual, long distance relationship with a younger man. He was great at first, things he would say I could relate it to certain Bible versus. So yes, I thought this could lead to more. After our second meeting things changed. He stopped talking to me because of comments I would make, jokingly, that he didn’t like. I couldn’t stop thinking about him so I prayed this prayer and I feel great! I am so relieved the soulties have been broken. Thank you!

    52. Thank you. As I said the prayer, I felt it in my life that I removed that unholy soul tie from my soul. This sets me free. Really thank you allllll☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 I am free from all my pain . Jesus love you………..

    53. I am so grateful for this blog and prayer. I am believing God for my deliverance and healing. Hope you all have been freed from any soul ties.

    54. As soon as I broke that tie I just felt this energy all around me and chills. It’s like I could breath again and be able to truly appreciate the blessings God has given me. Thank you for this prayer!

    55. Robin Ahlquist says:

      Can you break a soul tie with your husband if you disobeyed God in marrying him, Ive suffered great depression since marrying him and Im not in love with him, I married for the wrong reasons, fear and insecurity.

      1. I suppose you can, Robin. I haven’t had anyone try it before but just pray about it and see how the Lord leads you according to His Word.

    56. Thank you for the prayers. I really appreciate your help. May God blessings be with you always.

    57. I have such vivid dreams of the person I have prayed to break soul tie with. Just wonder if this happened to anyone else and what I should do about it, if anything.

    58. Kieshia McKenzie says:

      I remember reading and praying this prayer to break my soul tie with my kids father. And that was over a year ago. And now I’ve done so again. And I just want to say that I felt it break and a difference then and I surety feel it now! Thank you so much for giving me this prayer to release and get my freedom back.

    59. Margaret A Mills says:

      Aha! This is the key! Thank you so much! I have been wrestling with my relationship with my youngest brother – I am older enough I’m almost his second mom – and I adored him as a baby/child, but (we are now 60-70) he has become very controlling and manipulative, a very unhealthy person. I’ve realized he has always, as adults, used my fondness for him to exploit and take advantage, and I’ve been resisting and breaking free from that, under the Lord’s guidance and direction. Much spiritual warfare there!! But I haven’t been able to get him out of my mind, to stop “debating” with him and being angry toward him when I only want to forgive and let it go. Thank you for this prayer. I expect freedom from now on.

    60. Thelma Wells says:

      Hey Jamie, I saw this post on Facebook a few days ago. I knew then I needed to read/pray this prayer! I have prayed and forgiven a number of people over the last few years (including a group of people) and have even told them. Despite my every effort to reconcile and assure these people that all is forgiven their hearts have remained hardened to me and others in my immediate family. My prayer earlier today was that our God plow the ground of their hearts and (without tragedy, trauma, illness, incident or accident) cause their heart to be softened toward Him and then toward me and my family. That was/is a heartfelt prayer and changes them but I needed to be free of the trauma and other results of having developed soul ties over the years. I prayed this prayer and I am free. In addition to the breaking of soul ties from the ungodly agreement of the group I broke the soul ties of a practicing witch who cursed me and a member of my family. I have known and desired to delete her phone number and I would think about it and put it on my to do list but promptly forget to do it. I also have an article of clothing which was a Christmas gift to her last year. I knew not to wear it because of the written curse she had sent me but I have not had the strength and follow thru to toss it in the trash. But God! Today, after breaking ungodly soul ties I am free. I am through trying to reconcile with the group over and over and will wait for Him to change some hearts and clean some clocks as He sees fit. Deleting all information concerning the witch and tossing the returned item! Praise God for His perfect timing!

    61. I prayed your prayer to break a soul tie and Yes! Praise God! I do feel different. I have been struggling with this for more than a month and a half after having broken off a manipulative, narcissistic, co-dependent relationship the 1st of the year. This prayer was powerful. I feel at peace. Thank you for the work you are doing!

    62. This prayer definitely resonated with my soul. So powerful. I felt the blood of Jesus just run all over me. Thank you posting. God bless!!

    63. Annanson John says:

      Praise God! I have been praying this prayer and STOP. I nearly said, oh this I have prayed before and I just decided to take it honestly and seriously again and FUSH something came out of my chest! I thank God for His deliverance!!

    64. TABITHA SEKOATI says:

      Hi Jamie,
      We are really thankful for being made aware of some of the dangerous situations we unknowingly put ourselves/found ourselves in, such as soul-ties. indeed God’s people perish for lack of knowledge.
      Let us fight the good fight of faith, and against the onslaught of the devil. We will surely win if we are willing and obedient to God’s instructions.

    65. Hi Jamie, I was introduced to this by my friend and I’m so grateful that God knew I needed this today. When i prayed just a few minutes ago, I felt a shift and it was like scales came out of my eyes in the spirit. Off the eyes of my heart. I feel like a weight has been lifted. I pray that I will remember that I’m free even when I lose the feeling of it. Thank you for your obedience and all that you’re doing for the Kingdom. God bless you!

    66. This is so powerful! I feel so free! Thank you for the warfare tip too! 🙌🏽

    67. Is it possible to break soul ties between others without their knowledge where there has been adultery, fornication and/or witchcraft?

    68. Please pray for me i will be clocking 28 in few months time but am still single it seems most time am always in the wrong relationship please i need divine prayer to break any spirit of marital delay in my life.

    69. This is the second time I read in a post like this one to be on the lookout for the person to sense the soul tie has been broken and might try to reconnect. This was a huge eye opener. Thank you for sharing that, because I can see how many would initially fall into confusion and take the bait. Very good information to know.

    70. Hi Jamie, this is a great prayer. Thank you. I feel some thing today, but I have been heavy and anxious in my spirit. I have an unhealthy cycle of communication in my household and I don’t know what to do.

    71. Hi Jamie, I prayed this prayer to break a soul tie with my co-worker yesterday. Today, she apologized to me for causing drama at work. Would this be her trying to re-establish a soul tie? I’m glad she and I were able to talk it out and apologize to each other (I didn’t make clear my boundaries and got upset when she crossed them). I’m not interested in our relationship going back to the way it was before the disagreement. I don’t really trust her and am happier to be free from being entangled in her energy. I feel like our soul tie drained me and was a negative tie.Thank you!

      1. Hi Kelly, it is possible that it could have been her attempt to re-establish the soul tie and get into your soul again. But it sounds like you handled it well. Be nice and godly but don’t allow people to form a soul tie that shouldn’t get a piece of your heart! Great job!

    72. Thanks. I had an experience of this during a mass today, then read your description of it later. It helped me clarify what I already did with gods help! Blessings to you.

    73. Blanca Mota says:

      Wow, I could definitely feel the difference during and after saying this prayer. Thanks for the tip that the enemy will try to keep in bondage and they (all whom I am no longer tied to) might try to reach out. I can see some relationships that were definitely not healthy.

    74. Hi Jamie,
      I was just asking the Lord today why i can’t get over what my 2 sisters have done against me. I forgave them but it keeps coming up. Then i was reading your email about soul ties and i felt this was the answer for me. They wait for me to make any little mistake and they are ready to pounce on me. So i said the prayer. Thanked the,Lord for setting me free. Thank you for all you do.

    75. I just prayed this awesome prayer, I have been having this terrible soul tie from September 2020, I used to date a Christian Narsaccist, I only noticed after the break up that he was one, he used to abuse me emotionally & verbally , I remember on the the day of my birthday last year a text came from saying “Woman are evil & are demons” For a person who’s a Christian writing all that I was shocked, all the red flags were there but I kept ignoring them. God also made us woman in His likeness, he continued to hurt me his words the bible clearly says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, He never noticed that his tongue needed healing. I got tired because words have power, I was his victim, God moved him in my life for good, I blocked him everywhere, I couldn’t stop thinking about him, and I m glad God is setting me free today.

    76. Amen Amen. Thank you for this important prayer Jamie. Be Blessed

    77. Savana Jo Hurd says:

      I just prayed this prayer in Jesus’s name and I believe He is working on my behalf, breaking every ungodly soul tie!!

    78. Ene from Nigeria says:

      Thanks Sister Jamie. Now I understand what I’ve been going through. I left a very bad marriage last June due to domestic violence. I was sad everyday in that marriage. He would slap, push, kick and through things at me. My daughter also suffered same from him. She was just a year old when he would throw her hard on the orthopedic mattress for touching the curtains. She also got hot slaps on her head and face. She’s 3 years old now. He controlled what we ate and when I could cook. He didn’t want visitors, not even my family. Shortly before I left, he swore a couple of times, begging me not to make him land me in the mortuary and him in jail. Let me shock you, courtship was even worse. He beat me up one time, I couldn’t even recognise myself in the mirror. Why I married him, I don’t know. You see that thing called fornication is so bad. It ties you to the wrong person. He had always felt he had me in his palms but when I left this time, I left never to return.. When I was leaving with him, I had many thoughts of wanting God to just take me to heaven but I feared for my daughter whom I’d leave behind.
      Even though I know I’m free, I still said this prayer to completely free me and break the soul tie that weakens my heart and makes me gullible.
      Jesus has set me free, and I’m free indeed

    79. Hi Jamie, everything you mentioned in this article I have been struggling with. Your article showed up just in time because I was going before the lord and asking him what was I wrestling with. Thank you for letting God use you in a mighty way! I love you with the love of Christ my sister and may the lord bless you and keep you in all of your ways! As you water may you be watered in the name of Jesus Christ our lord and Savior.

    80. Thank you Jamie,

      I feel so light and free that I am typing while on my knees 😂.. I have been having dreams about two old friends who walked out of our friendship years ago and I have been seeing them in my dreams wondering why, until I read this prayer and realized that they want access. May they flee to the other side in Jesus name. I feel so free and will keep praying. Also I will give you feedback as to who contacted me after this prayers. Thank You sister Jamie for the overflow.

    81. Megan Degori says:

      This is a direct connection from our Father God . Thank you Jamie for being Gods vessel to
      show his love for us . True freedom in the Blood of Jesus .
      Phil. 4:13

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