Notes from the Trenches: This Month’s Inspiring Stories & Blog Update

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Notes from the Trenches by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comDear wonderful readers, would you like to know how amazing God has been and what He has done over the last month? Good … because I’d like to share. 🙂 I wrote the first partner update on April 11, here. Today’s update will cover everything since then.

First, the cool stories:

1. This last Saturday, I had the privilege of preaching the Gospel at an outreach my church does for homeless and impoverished women. I’m so grateful to my pastor for allowing me the opportunity; it wrecked me. I talked to the ladies about the precious love of Abba Father–and how they are beloved, not rejected; daughters, and not orphans.

Before I preached, I cried for about three days over this song:

I encourage you to take a listen if you don’t already know that song. This hymn, “How Deep the Father’s Love for Us,” was the theme song of the Welsh Revival. And God wrecked me with it. All I could see was our suffering Savior on His cross, giving up everything He had for you and for me.

So I preached about the deep, deep love of Father God, and about how Jesus came to tell an orphaned planet that we have a Papa who loves us. The Holy Spirit moved and 12 people were saved that day. Thank You, Jesus. Thank you.

2. I spent many, many hours in prayer counseling and inner healing sessions with precious folks my church serves.

I can’t share a lot of specifics this month on the counseling because of the nature of the issues we were praying through.

But I want you to know that the Holy Spirit is the most amazing, precious Person I have ever met. He loves us so much, and when we come to Him, He heals, saves, comforts, forgives, restores, and delivers. I got to see Him do all of those things in counseling sessions this month.

And also, another precious soul gave their life to Jesus during counseling, so that’s a total of 13 saved during the last month. Thank You, Jesus.

3. During the month of April, we ended up with 42,320 pageviews on this blog.

That’s 42,320 times that people were touched, encouraged, and equipped with the love of God and the Word of God. That’s priceless. Thank You again, Jesus.

I also published 16 posts in April on this blog, plus 4 so far in May, counting this one. And, we had several extra encouraging words and equipping items through Presence Seekers University, which I send out separately by email. (I don’t publish them on the blog.)

4. I also worked a massive amount of hours on various other things I do to serve my local church.

This includes leading worship, leading prayer meetings, ministering behind the scenes, helping teach and organize and answer phones and all manner of other things. The local church body is my mission field, and I spent most mornings serving in that field.

Partnership program update:

Jesus has brought me 57 partners so far! Thank You, Jesus, and thank you, dear wonderful precious partners!!! Every person makes a difference.

I want you to know that because of your partnership, you made it possible for me to do all the things above that Papa asked me to do this last month. That means:

  • You had a part in seeing people get saved.
  • You had a part in seeing people get delivered.
  • You had a part in seeing people abandon sin and get right with God.
  • You had a part in seeing orphaned hearts healed and restored.
  • You had a part in seeing sons and daughters equipped for the work of the ministry.

So thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

And now my personal prayer request:

I am so incredibly grateful that I got to move to half-time work in my corporate job three weeks ago. It was a miracle, and I want you to know that it would not have been possible without you.

I am doing better than I have been in a long time. I’m working a little over 50 hours per week now, instead of over 70. I never planned to not work hard; hustle is just in my DNA. But this is the work that I’m anointed for, and it’s life to me.

But with the reduction in schedule, I’m already seeing huge improvements in my health. I’m able to spend more time with my husband, too. This is just the best thing that has happened to me in a long time.

But I’m still doing math 20 hours per week, and I’m not called to do math.

It’s very difficult for me to continue doing corporate work when I know hurting, broken, lost people are everywhere and Papa has equipped me to help them. I am ever so grateful for my job, and it’s a great job.

But I’m simply not called to hang out on the corporate ladder. I’m called to build up, encourage, and equip sons and daughters to do the work of the ministry.

I’m called to preach the Gospel. To see sons and daughters forsake sin and live for righteousness. To see marriages saved by the power of the Holy Spirit. To see chains fall off by the mighty and precious, matchless name of Jesus.

And so many precious people are all around us, lost, hurting, broken, wounded, and without hope. I need to minister to them. I must. It’s what I was born for. It’s why Papa sent me to the earth at this time.

It’s all about the Gospel. It’s all about the good news of Jesus Christ. But I need your help to do this.

So my personal prayer request is:

I am asking Abba Father–our Papa God–to QUICKLY make a way to bring me the rest of the way out of my corporate job.

I am claiming the promise of Deuteronomy 11:1 for 1,000 partners to help me financially in the amount of $8 per month, to help me serve full-time in the mission field. And I only need 943 more partners!

(Note: I’ll be able to leave my corporate job long before we get to 1,000 partners. It’s just that I’m believing God for the full 1,000 so I’ll be able to serve in missions and pour into people the way He has called me to. See the ministry plan here for more details.)

Is Papa calling you to this work? If so, please click here to read about my partner program, accountability plan, and what’s in it for you, and to enroll as a monthly partner on my Gumroad store.

Beloved readers, thank you.

  • Thank you for reading my blog.
  • Thank you for all your amazing emails, comments, and encouragement.
  • Thank you for all your social media shares–repins, Facebook likes and shares, retweets, and more.
  • Thank you for making it possible for me to dedicate so much time to seeing hurting and broken sons and daughters be restored by the Father’s love.

It’s a team effort. We need each other. I cannot be effective without you; and I pray Papa would continue to use me to encourage and bless you.

With much love, together in His harvest field,




  1. Thank You, Papa, for already paving the way to bring Jamie out of her corporate job and into the mission field, full-time! Thank You that you have partners lined up and Your heavenly bank account ready to finance her and her family according to Your perfect will! There is no striving when we trust in You, Lord. Thank You and Amen.

    “The LORD will open for you His abundant storehouse, the sky, to give your land rain in its season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow.” Deuteronomy 28:12

    Ahh, I’m so excited for you, Jamie!

    1. Kelsey, I’m so sorry – I saw this and smiled and agreed with that Scripture and then forgot to reply! I’ve been snowed under with a church project that’s got to be done ASAP and haven’t come up to breathe. I’m soooo sorry. Please forgive me.
      But yes, I receive that prayer! Papa is going to make a way. I don’t know exactly how, but even now some things are in the works for my husband to be blessed in his job (please, Papa!) and that could make a big difference for us also. I may not know how it will happen, but it will definitely happen. Daddy God’s just gooood like that. 🙂
      Have a wonderful day!!!

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