Pray “ARISE” To Go To A Higher Level In God

LIVE webinar: What It Takes to Develop a $100,000 – $1,000,000 Income Blogging|May 18, 2024

Pray ARISE To Go To A Higher Level In God | By Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Do you want to go to a higher level in God? If so, here’s a prayer acronym to help you: ARISE!

I love using prayer acronyms because they help me remember powerful things to pray for that I might otherwise forget. And ARISE is one of those powerful ones. Here’s what the letters mean:

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    1. A is for anointing.

    The anointing of the Holy Spirit is simply the Holy Spirit manifesting Himself in your situation, with miraculous results. It’s when God turns your “ordinary” into His “extraordinary.” The anointing is when God puts His power to work in you, through you, and for you.

    So what do you need to do today? Ask the Holy Spirit to sit on you to help you do everything you need to do.

    Pray this with me:

    Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank You for Your Holy Spirit who lives in me. Father God, please fill me up with Your anointing today. Sit on me to do everything I need to do today.

    And Lord, help me to carry Your manifest presence always. Don’t let Your anointing be just for a day or for a minute; help me to be so filled with Your presence, power, and glory that Your anointing drips off of me every moment I’m alive, everywhere I go, for the rest of my days. Thank You, Papa. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    The Holy Spirit’s manifest presence in your life makes all the difference in the world.

    With His help, your life can go from natural to supernatural in one moment, and you never have to go back.

    2. R is for revelation.

    We learned recently in our study about the sevenfold Holy Spirit that revelation is greater than head-knowledge. Revelation is that deep, gut-level, heart-changing, life-transforming knowledge that revolutionizes everything about the way you think, the way you live, and the choices you make.

    I ask God for revelation nearly every day. Sometimes I forget to ask, but honestly I should be asking every single day, every moment! And so should you.

    Brothers and sisters, we need the Holy Spirit’s help! We need Him to change our hearts, teach us, and conform our thought patterns to His own.

    So pray this with me to go to a higher level in God:

    Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank You that the Holy Spirit is the Giver of true, life-changing knowledge and understanding. So Papa God, I ask right now that Your Holy Spirit would fill me up with Your revelation. Teach me Your ways. Help me to understand Your Word properly, with no distortions or twisting.

    Lord, Help me to apply Your Word correctly in my life. Sear Your Word deep into my heart like a brand, and let Your teaching and the understanding You give me become true revelation in my heart that changes my life. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    Related: The Sevenfold Holy Spirit: The Spirit of Knowledge Gives Life-Changing Revelation

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    3. I is for inspiration.

    Do you need the Holy Spirit to fill you with inspiration, motivation, and enthusiasm today? Do you have tasks you’ve been putting off that you need to finally face? Do you want the Holy Spirit’s divine flow in your life?

    My answer is YES, YES, A THOUSAND TIMES YES! to all of these. God’s inspiration makes all the difference in the world to me. When He inspires me, I can sit down to write and everything just flows. It’s like He’s actually dictating exactly what He wants me to say. Literally, I often hear Him tell me what to write word for word.

    It often happens the same way when I’m designing images for this blog. Not always, but often! When He inspires me, I see exactly what the finished image should look like before I ever get started. He literally puts the picture in my mind, and then I just have to go out and get the pictures and put the design elements together.

    The infographic for 5 Prayers To Increase God’s Glory On Your Prayer Life was designed that way. He woke me up at 1:00 AM one Saturday morning with this picture in my mind, and I made the infographic … then, totally under His dictation, wrote a monster 5,000-word teaching blog post to go with it. And that post has been one of my top pins/posts ever. 🙂

    Yikes! It’s almost like He knows what He’s doing or something! 😉

    That kind of inspiration doesn’t happen without His help. But the good news is, He is ready and eager to pour out His inspiration on us! God still loves to create. All He needs are willing vessels.

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    So pray this with me to go to a higher level in God today:

    Heavenly Father God, in Jesus’ name, I ask You to fill me with Your divine inspiration today. Create through me in every way. Do my work through me and for me. Motivate me and inspire me. Help me to do Your work, not just my own!

    And Papa, I ask that You would order my steps all day long. Show me exactly what to do and when to do it. Help me to hear You clearly and obey You! And let me see supernatural results today. Thank You, Papa. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    (By the way, I need your help to keep reaching more people for Jesus every month. I’m asking people to partner with me financially for any monthly amount. If God is stirring your heart to help with this work, go here to read the details about my partnership program, what I do, what’s in it for you if you partner with me, and how I am accountable. I still need 950 partners, so don’t hold back, ok? 😉 And if you’re already one of my amazing partners, thank you!!!!! We are laboring together in His harvest field and reaching people with Jesus’ love all around the world. I praise God for you and pray for you daily.) 

    4. S is for sensitivity to the Holy Spirit.

    I don’t know about you, but I want Papa God to keep me on a short leash:

    • I want my ear to be tuned to His voice always–every moment of every day.
    • I want to feel what He feels, think how He thinks, and do what He does.
    • I want to speak His words and pray His prayers.
    • And if I sin and grieve Him, I want Him to show me that right away, so I can make things right.

    And we can have that! Father God wants nothing more than that kind of intimacy with us. So if we ask Him, He will help us tune into Him better and be extremely sensitive to Him. Father God is extremely protective of the Holy Spirit, and He wants us to be so as well.

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    So pray this:

    Father God, in Jesus’ name, I ask right now that You would tune me into Your Holy Spirit more than ever before. Help me to be very sensitive to Him. Help me to obey Him in all things. Help me to feel what He feels, know what He’s doing, see Him at work and hear His instructions.

    And Lord, please keep me on a short leash. Help me to obey You in all things, and never to grieve You. And if by sin I do grieve You, then please help me to make things right really quickly. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.

    5. E is for endurance.

    There is always a price to pay if you want to get to a higher level in God.

    That price can look like any number of things. I remember when I started this blog in October 2012. I knew that God was calling me to write, but I didn’t know where to find the time. I was determined to do so, though, because I knew that a big part of my destiny was tied to writing.

    So I reviewed my schedule and took a close look at how I really was spending my time …

    … only to find that I was spending an awful lot of time in front of the TV.

    I wasn’t watching anything bad. I was watching a lot of Andy Griffith, the Mary Tyler Moore Show, and I Love Lucy. But you know what? Even though the shows were enjoyable, funny, and even clean, watching TV was still taking up my time.

    So I made a big decision. I decided to stop watching TV and write instead. I bought time for my destiny by selling a “good thing” that was not the best thing for me.

    That’s not an example of endurance, but it is an example of paying a price.

    I paid a price–and am still paying that price–to go to the next level in what God was calling me to do. Even though I watch an occasional movie or travel documentary now, it’s very rare and usually only on a Sunday afternoon when my husband and I want some snuggle time.

    But you know what? Writing–encouraging you–is worth the price to me. I would pay it gladly, a million times over.

    If you’re going to go to a higher level in God and His plan for your life, there is a price to be paid.

    Here’s what paying a price has to do with endurance:

    If you want to go to a higher level in God, endurance is guaranteed to be part of the price that you will have to pay. Guaranteed. Every time.

    See, you’re going to have to wait on God when you wish He would move quickly. You’re going to have to stick with some tough situations–situations from which you would LOVE to walk away. You’re going to have to keep believing in some people that the enemy wants you to give up on.

    You’re going to have to endure.

    That’s why David prayed–out of the bitter anguish of his soul–

    Start-quoteCreate in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10, emphasis mine).

    He knew he needed to endure. He needed a steadfast heart–a heart that could not be shaken.

    I don’t know about you, but I’ve prayed this prayer many, many times. So many times I’ve felt like quitting. So many times I’ve wanted to walk away from someone, or from people, or from a task to which God assigned me. I can’t even tell you how many times in my past I called a wise friend or pastor and told him or her I was just ready to give up.

    But it’s darkest right before dawn. The fight is hardest when you’re closest to winning it. In order to win your battle, you have to endure. And eventually, God gets all the “quit” out of you. Thank God for that!

    Related: 21 Days of Breakthrough Prayer: No More Quit

    If needing to endure discourages you, let this truth encourage you again:

    It won’t be forever, beloved. Your battle won’t always be this hard. Jesus has already won it for you, and if things seem harder than ever right now, you’re closer than ever to seeing His victory manifest in your life.

    So will you pray with me for endurance as you go to a higher level in God?

    Pray something like this:

    “Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name. Father, thank You for sending Jesus to earth to die for me. Thank You that Jesus won every victory and every battle on my behalf.

    Lord, You see that I’m in quite a battle right now. Father, You know that I feel like quitting. But Lord, it’s not about what I feel. I want my life to reflect Your highest and most perfect will.

    So Father, in Jesus’ name, I ask You to create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a steadfast spirit within me. Help me to be patient and endure. Help me to appropriate the abundant life and ALL the victory that Jesus died for me to have. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

    Beloved, do you desire to go to a higher level in God? Pray ARISE.

    Pray for anointing, revelation, inspiration, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and endurance.

    And as you pray, Papa will answer. You will see the difference in your life as you tune into Him more and learn to follow His divine flow.

    Do these 5 prayer directives resonate with you? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear what the Lord is saying to you!


    1. Thank you for this, I really needed to pray, but was in the “endurance part of paying the price”, it’s hard at that time to pray, this has lifted me into the presence of God. Thank you for being obedient to the Spirit.

      1. Amen, Sharm. Praising God with you. May He show Himself to you as your Glory, and the Lifter of your head today… and restore the joy of your salvation while He makes your heart strong and steadfast. In Jesus’ name!

        1. Peggy Nolan says:

          Thank you for your obedience. The Lord told me he was wanting to take me higher in him then he led me to your prayer. God bless you and your work for him. He is also telling me to start a blog so I am beginning to research. I don’t know much about it.

        2. I’m so glad to the Saints openly loving on our FATHER. I pray for all the members if the Body of CHRIST to have a clean heart and steadfast spirit. Love Reree

          1. Awesome ! I was asking yesterday what to do next and wasn’t sure . Just went on a walk with him seeking his presence instead of the other things calling my attention . This am I saw this and was filled with Joy and couldn’t wait to read and pray it . Blessings to you in Abundancre 😊

    2. Angie McGregor says:

      Great simple tool to us every morning when I arise! Great way to start the day in prayer. Thanks for the being disciplined to write! Great reward.

        1. Maryjane McGeachy says:

          That’s my biggest obstacle… I do not ask…I just assume that He doesn’t want me to have something I have been dreaming about, but haven’t asked Him for…in short, I don’t feel worthy to receive what I dream of.

          1. Ahh, but the dream in your heart, as long as it lines up with His Word, was placed there by Him. He is the Dream-Giver. And He allows us to hunger so that we will come to Him for bread, and He will feed us with His hand when we do.



      1. 🙂 Thank you for reading, Phillipe. May our Papa pour out His Spirit upon you and yours today!

    4. I love you. I love how you help me love God better. God bless you, Jamie.

      1. Dumebi, thank you. That’s the best compliment anyone could ever give me, and the most meaningful. The entire meaning of life is to help us know Him more and love Him more. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for drawing my sister to Yourself.

        1. Amen! I hope to bless others like you have blessed me. Will send a mail as God leads!

    5. Thank you for this post, Jamie. Amazing!

    6. A long time ago in a sermon far, far away I remember a pastor saying be careful when praying for patience. Was he ever right! lol As a very young woman I prayed fervently for something that I’m seeing come to fruition now some 30+ years later. I got the thing prayed for and learned patience along the way!
      Thank you Jamie, as always your messages are timely and spot on. God bless you.

      1. You made me laugh, June. Yes, it’s crazy how long we have to wait sometimes; when we get the promise, it’s so powerful and dear to our hearts that we feel like it’s going to happen right away! But I am so glad you persevered and held on and are now seeing your prayers come to fruition. May Papa bless you with much more fruit in this season than you ever dreamed! <3

        1. This has bless my day

    7. Rebecca L Jones says:

      I like the r for revelation, what Pop Hagin used to call a Rhema word, that’s important because you don’t always know why things are going wrong.

      1. True! But that deep understanding illumines things that the enemy wants to keep hidden. Thank You, Holy Spirit! <3

    8. Thank you Jamie for your discipline to the Lord. We reap the benefits from it. I feel like giving up a lot of days, but I know the Lord loves me and has a plan for me. I always get encouragement from your post. It draws me closer to my God. And I agree about the TV. I watch good shows, but if I really want to be closer to God, I need not to watch as much as I do. Thanks again for being you. And thanks to Bruce for letting you be who you are supposed to be.

      1. He sure does have a plan for you, precious sister. Your smile and heart alone light up every room you walk into. Thank you for your sweet words and kind encouragement. I think you’re wonderful. 🙂 May Papa give you comfort, grace, encouragement, and strength in all that you do today, and may you sense His heart of enduring love resting on you today. In Jesus’ name.

    9. Hi!I do want 2 bless others has you have blessed me.Sorry,can’t donate right now.Don’t have a job.I pray you’ll be able 2 keep writing&inspiring people like me.Thanks!

      1. Lisa, I pray our Papa God would send you just the right job, in a good place, with good people, good pay, good benefits, that you will enjoy! And that He would prosper you and lift you up in all things as you draw closer to Him. Thank you for reading and for your kind encouragement! Have a wonderful day!

        1. Hi!Thanks,nice prayer!He’ll. Sure.You 2.Your friend,LE

    10. In 2012 when we had to move (very reluctantly) to another city the Lord told me: “(A)Rise, let us go away from here.” John 14:31b. It got me going. Physically. Today when I read ARISE, I realised that it had a deeper spiritual meaning as well. Thank you Jesus and Jamie for the prayer encouragement!

    11. Norma uriad says:

      This was awesome !, I came across it as I was sitting out on my patio drinking coffee thinking and looking for something to inspire me today ! This certainly did ! Thank you so much ..I will certainly thunk of Partnering with you .God bless you

    12. Yé Drake says:

      God is amazing. He is all Good. He also is the Alpha and the Omega. He hears us and Loves when we come talk to him. Through the Good and The Bad. He loves Us so much He gave His only begotten Son. His Only. All praises to the MOST HIGH. He did that for US. Thank you Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. I ask you Lord in the name of Jesus that you continue to send your Love, peace, and happiness-just send out your Goods Lord through out this World. May we not be of this World , May we walk in Your ways Jesus, May You guide us to You Oh Heavenly Father Please Touch every one of these Souls Lord, May you be their Ultimate provider , their healer, their Everything. In the name of Our sweet Jesus, Amen. Thank you Lord , Thank you Jesus.
      Stay prayed up. He’s Listening and He is ready to Show Us. This is a spiritual battle. Let’s Go Soldiers.

    13. Thank you Jamie for this prayers i have always yearned to go deeper in my relationship with God,to know Him more intimately and to hear him,i believe this will help me a lot i thank God for your life.

    14. Stak Sven says:

      Thank you so much! This is so inspirational. I’ve been wanting to grow more deeper to God and your prayers are really helpful. Sending love from the Philippines ❤️

    15. Ronnie Frazee says:

      I was told I was leveling up but I am still confused about what this means!

      1. It means God is taking you to a higher way of thinking, new doors opening, new understanding and knowledge of Him! New closeness to Jesus! So press into Jesus with all you’ve got! 🙂

    16. Amen and Amen. Thank you so much for this word.

    17. Thank you so very much GOD for putting Jamie in my path so I could learn the ARISE prayer! You have pulled me up and out of the darkness into the LIGHT and taught me so very much along the way!! I thank you Jamie for following the spirit and doing as GOD asked you to do, helping so many of his children like myself!! He has truly blessed me once again by sending me to your website!! I am truly blessed beyond words right now!! Thank you Jamie and thank you GOD!!❤

    18. Thank you for God’s word. I needed to read this message! Blessings, Jamie!

    19. Thank you Jaime for these Beautiful prayers I really needec this and your so right we need to endure it, that is key endurance and right now more than ever God I need you and your strength and endurance. Thank you Jaime for your obedience you always come at the right time when we need help thank you Father.

      God bless you Jaime

    20. Sonja R Campbell says:

      These were cleansing. Thank you

    21. Thank you for this powerful teaching. I believe it will build me up.

    22. Henrietta says:

      Thank you Jamie for writing to encourage us!

    23. Oluwafemi Isaac Aina says:

      I am blessed. Thanks Woman of God. More grace be multiplied unto you in Jesus name. Amen.

    24. I love how God has you write something & continues to use it to speak to us individually exactly when each of us needs it. Thank you for all you do obediently because it matters.

    25. Kayondo James says:

      Thank you very much Sister for the prayers the sharing at large God bless you abundantly always in Jesus mighty name AMEN.

    26. Taniqua Burns says:

      Thank you for this prayer

      In the mighty name of Jesus, I feel saved

    27. I have just got my no.1 goal/resolution for the new year, 2023. Its: ARISE and go higher in God. Hallelujah, praise God. Thank you Sis Jamie and GBU.

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