A Season of Divine Realignments

LIVE webinar: What It Takes to Develop a $100,000 – $1,000,000 Income Blogging|May 18, 2024

Dear friends,

Are you finding yourself being moved from one place or situation to another, and you’re not sure what’s going on? If so, fear not: you are simply experiencing what God is doing en masse across the Body of Christ. It is a season of divine realignments!

I’m actually really, really late on this post. It has been a season of divine realignments for most of this year. But I have been so in the throes of these realignments myself that it never occurred to me to write to you about it!

Here’s what God is doing:

He’s moving people. En masse. Moving, moving, moving. Every person’s realignment looks different, of course. However, in various cases:

  • He’s moving people to new jobs.
  • He’s moving people into new and re-focused ministries.
  • He’s moving people from one city to another.
  • He’s moving people to new churches.
  • He’s bringing people into new relationship alignments.
  • He’s moving people from one house to another. People are literally selling their homes and moving into newer, more fitly-suited homes for their families.

There is a mass shift taking place.

This shift is widespread, and it’s major. It can also be unexpected.

For example, with job changes: sometimes these job changes are happening after much preparation–promotions and new positions for which people have worked very hard.

Sometimes, however, these job changes are happening very abruptly. Sometimes they come in the form of a pink slip or a layoff.

Either way, know this: If the Lord is through with you at one place, there’s no amount of wishing or praying that can keep you there. Accept the change as the will of the Lord and move on.

Please know that your destiny doesn’t depend on a location or situation.

Your destiny depends on your being right with God, seeking Him first, and obeying Him. And if something happens–like that unexpected layoff–that throws you for a loop, God is still in charge of your destiny.

Yep, that’s right. Even if that layoff was not God’s will for some reason, He allowed it. Why did He allow it? For one reason and one reason only: because He has something better in store for you.

Our God works all things together for your good if you love Him and are called according to His purpose.

And sometimes the realignments that come our way hurt a little. It’s okay. Trust Him and flow with it.

Also, you may see the end goal of your realignment–but you may not.

For example, the Lord has told me to start packing up my house–and purging things I don’t need–because my husband and I are going to move. So, I’ve been taking things to the thrift store and throwing things away.

I have no idea why, other than “because God said.”

I have no idea where we will live.

I don’t know when we will move.

I don’t know if we’ll be going to a different city or staying in this one.

All I know is that God said we’re selling our house, so I’m getting ready.

Realignments can sometimes feel uncertain, but they are an adventure worth taking.

No matter where we are going, I know Papa has wonderful things for us. I don’t know what those things look like, but I do know that I can trust my Father.

Beloved, you can trust our Father too.

If you’re being realigned right now–as is happening to a whole heap of people across the Body of Christ–do not be afraid.

I repeat:

Do not be afraid.

Father God loves you, and He has only the best in mind for you. Sometimes His “best” requires transition and change. Sometimes it comes as a surprise. But always, He knows the end from the beginning. Nothing is a surprise to Him, and He’s got you.

Father God is moving you into a new adventure right now.

Trust Him and flow with it, okay?




  1. LaShaunda says:

    Thanks Jamie, once again an on time word. Thank you for your obedience to Papa God…. BLESSINGS to you and your family…

  2. Thank you, Jamie for this Word. I agree that it has certainly been present all year. And moving very quickly. I never would have thought 9 months ago I would be where I am now. And yet I see it ever so clearly how He has aligned me with a business partner with the same vision and passion. Neither of us expected it. But we are both receiving it! No fear. Complete trust. Living by faith. And most recently I have come to know that it is time to move out of my current house. And I trust He has prepared the one He has already shown me. These are exciting days! And in my spirit I hear “The river is flowing…” Abundant blessings to you and your family, Jamie. Thank you for your continued obedience. You will eat the good of the land.

  3. Marilyn Thompson says:

    Amen! Thank you for your continued obedience!

  4. Theola Norris says:

    Wow! Thank you Jamie! My husband and I are in a season of transitioning. Yes, it could be overwhelming at time. I thank God for using you to minister to me doing this season. On time word. May God continue to bless you in every area of your life and ministry. I look forward to your emails. I know Papa God is sending a word through you to feed my soul???

  5. MJ Duthie says:

    Wow thank you so much for hearing from The Lord and sharing with us. You have described in detail my life over the past 2 1/2 months!! Praise The Lord abthe confirmation and encouragement. I knew my job change was fromThe Lord and an adventurous journey to take with Him! It seems to be getting clearer today. I am praying for the Divine Alignment.
    PS- I sent you a baby gift from the GAP. It’s 3 cute onesies!
    I love you, your smile, your enthusiasm, your style of writing, your colorful, changing font style and sizes.
    Love MJ

  6. Raffeeza Soodoo says:

    Jamie, you spoke over my life as you already knows my current situation. It has been two years until now that I am encountering the transition from papa. My job is involved, although I have moved into my new home recently. I have courage to withstand any battles that is ahead of me as long as papa is my shield. Thank you for this word as it points out the realignment which is taking place in my life. God bless you and your family. He will continue to strive you as a blessing in my life and others. Your anointing is rich from up above, be bless in Jesus name as I seal, sign and stamp the blood of Jesus over your life. Everything you touch and speak, may the power invested in me by the holy spirit through the blood of Jesus cover you under his wings of protection. Child of God you you are bless, walk into the light, shine bright and be who you are born to be…..a champion.

  7. LOVE this, Jamie.

    Very encouraging, and exciting! Thank you for sharing! 🙂

    Praying for you and your husband, and baby Rohrbaugh. The Lord will plant you somewhere amazing and He will provide!

    Much love <3

  8. Millie Williams says:

    I thank you for this one today. I feel it is a change coming to me and my family. I have been praying for long time now to move in a bless quite neighborhood. I thought it was coming this year 2017. But I feel it is next yr. 2018. So I have been cleaning and packing up things also. I am waiting on Papa God he knows everything. I am praying for you and the baby and speaking blessing over you and your family. Because you are my Angel that God sent to keep me encourage. Please keep me and my family in your prayers. I am ready for my transition that is coming.
    Be bless love Mrs. Millie

  9. Thato Tsautse says:

    Thanks so much Jamie for this revelation. I recently moved from my beloved City to another City. I was asked by God to live behind all the furniture and to give away some of it….I therefore fully understand walking in obedience

  10. Jaime, this word is absolutely on point! It’s exciting and scary all at the same time to see what our Papa is doing.

  11. Catherine says:

    Wow!!!! Yes Lord……Thanks Jamie this is surely an on time word for me. There has been a shake up at my job that happened without warning and my work schedule has changed drastically; I work on Sundays. oh my God, I have NEVER worked on Sundays in my life but God allowed this to happen for a reason. It not clear to me why, but as you said, I must trust Him, for He knows what HE is doing in my life. Again, thank you for allowing God to use you to share His Word.

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