If You Feel Dead Inside Today

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This entry is part 18 of 23 in the series 31 Days of Supernatural Encounters

31 Days of Supernatural Encounters | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | free devotional series on FromHisPresence.comFor Day 22 of our 31 days of supernatural encounters (series index here), I have an encouraging word for all who feel dead inside.

Read: John 14:19

A little while longer and the world will see Me no more, but you will see Me. Because I live, you will live also” (John 14:19).


Sometimes you might feel dead inside. I get it; I’ve been there with you, so many times. But, the good news is that there is hope for you if you feel that way.

It doesn’t even have to be a feeling of total death. Sometimes just one area of your heart may feel dead. Or one dream … one hope … one ability to love or trust.

Either way, if something precious inside you has died or been killed, there is hope for you. You can come alive again–because Jesus can bring you back to life.

When Jesus said “because I live, you will live also” in the passage above, He was promising to bring us to life in every way.

Remember that Jesus was murdered.

He was mocked. He was betrayed, imprisoned, stripped, flagellated into shreds.

Likewise, many of you have also been murdered.

Whether it was by other people, by life circumstances, or by anything else doesn’t matter. Either way, you also have been murdered, mocked, betrayed, imprisoned, stripped, and beaten.

And so now you have died, or that precious part of you has died.

Jesus knows how you feel. He actually experienced it a million times worse. He gets it, and He feels your pain, and He hates what they did to you.

21 Kisses: The Sure Mercies of David for Your Life | Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com
21 Kisses is my 4-part prophetic teaching of hope and restoration for the victimized, rejected, and neglected. Click the image to check it out on my Gumroad store!

But the good news is that Jesus is alive.

And that fact means that, since you are in Christ, you have the legal right to be raised up into new life too.

Not only that; you have His PROMISE that He will raise you up into new life. He will resurrect you. Because He lives, you will live also.

Do you want this?

Do you want to live again?

Do you want to shake off the graveclothes and emerge from the tomb, exuding vitality again?

If so, all you have to do is tell Jesus so, and let Him minister resurrection and healing to you.

Healing and resurrection go together, you know.

To illustrate this, think of what would happen if someone with a terrible illness–e.g. a cancer patient–passed away, but then was raised from the dead by some believing saint–but they didn’t wake up healed. If they woke up and still had cancer, they’d just be resurrected to more miserable circumstances.

But that’s not what Jesus does.

When Jesus raises you from the dead, He heals you too.

Remember that Lazarus died of a sickness. But when Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb, Lazarus got up healed. He didn’t have to keep suffering from the same sickness. We know this because the Jews came to see him, to see the miracle!

And Jesus’ wounds were to the death. Yet, when He got up, He was healed.

He still had marks or scars of some kind. We know that He had marks/holes in His hands and side at least, since He invited Thomas to touch those places.

But, nevertheless, He was healed. He was in His resurrection body. We don’t have any record of Him walking around limping or being carried.

Instead, He walked miles to Emmaus, walked right through walls to see the disciples, and ate solid food. He was hale and whole.

And just like Jesus, you can be resurrected–and healed.

Jesus wants to raise you up right now. He wants to heal you while He does it, too. Resurrection is His specialty, and you are 100% legally entitled to be raised from the dead because Jesus lives, and  you are in Christ.

Are you ready? 

Pray this:

“Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name. Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, thank You for living inside me. I know that You are inside me right now, dwelling in me, and You are my lifeblood and my life-strength.

Lord Jesus, You said that, because You live, I will live also. So I’m claiming Your promise. I’m cashing in on Your Word to me right now.

Lord Jesus, Father, and Holy Spirit, please raise me back to life right now. Because Jesus lives, I shall live also. So take every part of me that’s sick, wounded, hurting, or dead, and raise me back to life. Heal me on the inside and outside.

I apply the blood of Jesus to my soul, spirit, and body right now. I apply the blood of Jesus to my heart, to my memories, to my emotions, to my will, my energy level, my inspiration, my motivation, my courage, and to my level of hope and faith.

Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit, and precious Abba Father, heal me. Raise me from the dead. I receive Your resurrection life into every part of myself right now.

Thank You, Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


Listen to Kaci Stuart and Eddie James sing “Breathe On Me,” and make this song your prayer today as you receive the healing and resurrection of Jesus into yourself.

(This video includes only music–no pictures; the video is just black the whole time.)

Have you been feeling dead inside? Does this word encourage your heart today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you!

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  1. Rebecca L Jones says:

    Love it! I first experienced that at 24, and really haven’t been the same since. Jesus is alive and well and so I am I because He lives. Thanks, Jaime. Rest in Him.

  2. Pauline Borgan says:

    I receive Your Resurrection, as was given to Lazarus, in all areas of my life and body.

  3. Thank you so much! Just wat i needed.. Been feelin dead inside out.. Couldnt express those emotions.. I jus hpnd to check my email to b blessed by this message.. Jesus spoke wat i needed thru you Jamie.. Thank u for being a blessing!

  4. Thanks Jamie with a powerful prayer I really needed it

  5. george modise says:

    thankyou lord.i was dead in my prayer life I thankyou to rise me from dead.jamie im really sorry to get my email late my phone is collapse.so thanx for everything my mentor.have a nice day.

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