God has sent us an amazing board of directors for From His Presence®. This group of people provides prayer support, advice, mentoring, ministry support, and practical help for both events and ongoing ministry growth. We thank God for them!
Here is a brief bio for each of our board members.
Jamie Rohrbaugh
Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and president of From His Presence®. Called to preaching, intercession, and prophetic ministry, her passion is to see sons and daughters transformed by the love of Abba Father. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and a Master’s in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary.
Bruce Rohrbaugh
Bruce Rohrbaugh is a Professional Geologist with 16 years’ experience in risk management, training, data analysis, and case management. He earned his Bachelor’s degree at West Virginia University and his Master’s degree at the University of Tennessee. Bruce’s heart is for healing ministry, intercession, and practical service. He carries strong gifts of words of knowledge and discernment of spirits. He’s also extremely happily married to Jamie. 🙂
Isabel Flecha
Pastor Isabel is a retired career HR Director with 30 years’ experience in intercession, healing rooms ministry, and prophetic ministry. Isabel’s heart is for healing inside and out. She carries strong anointings in intercession, teaching, administration, and mentoring. Isabel currently resides in the Chicago, Illinois area.
Mamie Blowe
Mamie is a retiree of the US Armed Forces and also a career elementary school teacher. Her heart is to reach the downtrodden and hopeless, from children in the inner city to people experiencing homelessness. Mamie is an anointed soprano singer who ministers in song at churches around the Southeast. She has strong prophetic, administration, and intercessory anointings. Mamie and her family reside in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
Reverend Joe Guthrie
Pastor Joe Guthrie is a retired minister with 44 years in the pastorate, having served as both senior pastor and associate pastor. He is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. His heart is for discipleship, prayer, and prophetic ministry. Joe and his wife, Diane, carry a strong intercessory and teaching anointing. They are currently involved in intercession and discipleship with a large church planting movement. Pastor Joe and his family reside near Birmingham, Alabama.
Reverend Dan Brown
Pastor Dan Brown is a career pastor with 36 years in full-time ministry. He was trained at Golden Gate Seminary and Youth With a Mission. He has completed mission trips to 14 countries since 1991. Also, Pastor Dan and his wife, Jan, served as humanitarian workers for two years in Israel with Bridges for Peace. He carries a strong teaching and intercessory anointing. Dan came on staff with FHP in January 2022 and he and his wife live in Chattanooga.