Prayer for Justice: Pray This Prayer To Reverse Unjust Situations

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Prayer for Justice: Pray This Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations | by Jamie Rohrbaugh | Prayer for Justice and Peace |

Are you going through something unjust right now, and you need a Scriptural prayer for justice? If so, this blog post contains a WORD for you today, as well as the most miraculous prayer for justice, peace, and help that I know.

My friend, God is ready to send you help from Zion.

The prayer for justice that I share below is going to help you pray for Father’s intervention–asking Him to REVERSE unjust situations and bring JUSTICE and mercy on your behalf.

Need help building your faith for justice? Listen to the podcast using the player below, and grab the PDF show notes for your personal study here!

Related: Prayer for Punitive Damages In the Spirit

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    You can download this prayer for justice and help in a free, printable prayer guide below. But also, read the backstory:

    A little while ago, God had me intercede for two different families–one right after the other–who needed justice.

    Both families were going through unjust situations, in which they had been falsely accused and penalized even though they had done nothing wrong. Both families’ situations were completely unrelated, but they were both horrible.

    Nevertheless, God is the Divine Reverser of All Things Horrible. 🙂

    Righteousness and justice are the foundations of His throne (Psalm 89:14), so He ALWAYS wants to bring righteousness and justice into EVERY situation.

    Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

    Additionally, He always desires to vindicate His people who have walked righteously.

    Here’s how God used this prayer for justice to bring the help that these two families needed:

    When I started praying for the first family, the Holy Spirit inspired me to write the prayer below for them. This prayer is 100% based on the Word of God. It’s God’s promises put into prayer form, so I knew I could stand on it and believe in faith that God would answer.

    I prayed this prayer back to God out loud. And you know what? He surely did answer. Within hours.

    Literally within hours, the entire situation reversed.

    Related: How To Get Your Prayers Answered 100% Of The Time

    The next day, my friend told me that this thing had 100% turned around on their behalf. GOD intervened and enforced His justice on the earth. He vindicated His people. (Thank You, Father!)

    Then another situation arose with a second family who had an unjust situation. The second situation was completely different, but I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to pray for justice for them, out loud and using this prayer, again. So I did, again knowing that God would honor His Word and change things. (That’s just who He is!)

    And sure enough. Within about 24 hours, He answered and reversed the second unjust situation too.


    Pray the prayer that we have seen God use to heal thousands of people all over the world!

    Grab a pack of 20 copies of the full Sample Prayer of Forgiveness and Soul healing while supplies last!

    It was amazing. Father God brought righteousness and peace where there was turmoil before. Why did He do it? Because He always answers the voice of His Word. And His Word says that:

    1. We can command and decree things to happen;
    2. We can create our reality by saying, “Let there be …”–the same way God created the heavens and the earth by saying, “Let there be light.”
    3. We can enforce God’s perfect will through our prayers when we know what that perfect will is.Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

    Justice and mercy are God’s perfect will for you, every time.

    Check out a few Scriptures that will build your faith right now, as you pray for justice and mercy:

    “But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24).

    “You have a mighty arm; strong is Your hand, and high is Your right hand. Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth go before Your face” (Psalm 89:13-14).

    “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord” (Romans 12:19).

    “The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in mercy. He will not always strive with us, nor will He keep His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins, nor punished us according to our iniquities. For as the heavens are high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward those who fear Him …” (Psalm 103:8-11).

    “For judgment is without mercy to the one who has shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment” (James 2:13).

    God’s will is always to bring you justice and mercy–AT THE SAME TIME.

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    When I prayed the prayer below, in full faith for both God’s justice AND His mercy, God answered right away. Obviously, I was ecstatic! And if God honors His Word for me, He’ll honor it for you. So, I thought you might want to use this prayer too. 🙂

    Are you ready to pray with me for the justice you need, right now?

    If you will pray God’s Word about justice back to Him, you will see Him reverse unjust situations on your behalf.

    He is on time, every time–and He will bring you justice and mercy when you pray.

    I can’t make any promises about how quickly God will resolve your situation, but I can promise that He will always move in response to His Word. And His Word says He loves justice. 🙂

    I can tell you, however, that I have received countless testimonies from people who have prayed this prayer, and have then told me that God worked every bit as fast for them as He did for the original two families I prayed for, bringing justice and divine reversal into their situations immediately. Seriously, the testimonies have been crazy good.

    So, believe in faith with me that the Lord will also answer YOU quickly, and bring you the help from Zion that you need!

    Here’s how to pray this prayer for justice and see God reverse unjust situations on your behalf:

    • Download the printable PDF prayer below, or bookmark this page.
    • Keep the prayer with you as long as you need it, and pray it until your situation ends.
    • PRAY THIS PRAYER OUT LOUD to the Lord.
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    Everything you see was created by the spoken word.

    And with your words, you can still speak those things that are not as if they already were (Romans 4:17)!

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    That last point is crucial. It’s very important that the decrees of God’s Word contained in this prayer are spoken out loud, ok? 🙂

    Ok, here we go…

    And before I get to the prayer itself, I have a free gift for you:

    I made a printable version of this prayer, and I am making it available as a free resource for everyone in my FREE, email-only equipping community, Presence Seekers’ University. Complete the signup form below to sign up for Presence Seekers University PLUS get this FREE, printable prayer to reverse unjust situations. 🙂 And thanks!

    Here’s the crafted, Scriptural prayer for justice that the Lord gave me:

    Dear Heavenly Father,

    I come before You in Jesus’ name. Father, thank You for seeing everything that is going on in my life. Thank You for always taking care of me. I know You have a good plan for my life, and You have promised that all things will work together for my good because I love You and am called according to Your purpose.

    Father, You see what’s going on in my life. You see _____, and You see that this is unjust. And Father, righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne.

    So Father, because You are righteous and just, I know that You are ready to move on my behalf. I believe that You are ready to reverse this situation for me according to Your Word.

    So Father, I ask in Jesus’ name first that You, the God of all comfort, would comfort me during this season.

    I charge the angels of God to minister to me right now in Jesus’ name. I bind away every lie, plot, and trick of the enemy off of my life and I loose healing, wholeness, life, truth, and holy vindication into my life.

    I speak to the hidden things the Father desires to reveal, and I command them to be revealed right now in Jesus’ name. I decree the light of the Holy Spirit must shine into this situation right now.

    Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

    I decree divine reversal for the cause of righteousness, truth, and justice right now in Jesus’ name. I decree that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises against me in judgment I shall condemn. This is my heritage, for I am a servant of the Lord. My righteousness is of the Lord.

    I decree that nothing shall in any way harm me or my family.

    I decree in the name of Jesus that the enemy may come against me one way, but he’ll flee before me seven ways. I decree that this giant must fall right now in Jesus’ name and that this situation works out for my good.

    I call forth promotion for myself because of this fight. I decree that this situation will result in blessing AND INCREASE for me in Jesus’ Name.

    I speak to the finished works the Father prepared before the foundation of the world for me to walk in, and I command them to manifest right now in Jesus’ name. I decree in Jesus’ name that, like the grain of wheat that falls to the ground and dies, but then rises again and bears much fruit, I also will bear much fruit because of this season of death and the subsequent resurrection that will come.

    I plead the blood of Jesus over my relationships.

    I enforce, impart, and release unity, forgiveness, healing, transparency, the Father’s love, and MERCY into all my relationships right now in Jesus’ name.

    I pluck out every arrow the enemy has shot into me and my family right now in Jesus’ name, and I cast those arrows to the ground useless and of no effect. I plead the blood of Jesus over those wounds, and I release healing into them in Jesus’ name.

    I bless the situation I am going through with fully performing God’s purpose for it in Jesus’ name, and with bringing forth the great victory that Jesus purchased on the cross for me. Let it be manifest and completely done now. I bless myself with supernatural empowerment that will enable me to stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

    And now I speak to this situation and I say:

    • Forgiveness of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Will of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Vengeance of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Mercy of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • New beginnings from God, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Love of God, be revealed and come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Kingdom of God, come forth in this situation in Jesus’ name!
    • Restoration of God, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Peace of God which passes all understanding, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Comfort of the Holy Spirit, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Divine reversal according to the Father’s plan, come forth in Jesus’ name!
    • Honor from God, come forth in Jesus’ name!

    I am calling upon the Lord, and He will answer me. He is with me in this trouble. He will deliver me and honor me.

    I speak to this situation and I say: Let the valleys be brought up. Let the mountains be brought low. Let the crooked places be made straight. Let the rough places be made smooth. Let the glory of the Lord be revealed, and let all flesh see it together.

    Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering my prayer. I bless You for it, and I give You all the glory for everything You are going to do.

    In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    God always moves in response to His Word. He’s just awesome like that. And when we pray His Word back to Him, in faith believing that He will do what He said He would do, we will see change.

    Does this prayer for justice resonate in your spirit today? Did you pray it back to God? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear from you!

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    Related: Read these posts to build your faith and help you pray for the radical blessings God promises in His Word!


    1. Thanks so much for this prayer…I needed it just at this time…I am so blessed to have you in my life Jamie…:)

      1. Thank you so much for reading, Renee. I’m glad it blessed you. You are beautiful, inside and out, and I pray Papa will bless you today!

        1. Thank you Jamie I love reading your articles keep up the good work.

          1. Norris Nelson says:

            Jamie this prayer is powerful powerful prayer and it help me i went to court on Monday they have set the court date to May 1and l’m hoping u will continue to pray with me for the next forty six days just want to confess that i did have these drugs in the car with me at the time and this have been three years ago ,but with all that being said i have live a really bad street life for thirty something r maybe even more but since then i really really i have gave my life to Christ in big way and have become a Sunday School Teacher and have changed my life for Christ.I love this prayer and really would like to hear from with some encouragement before this court date on May 1 2017 Thank You so much and I’m looking forward to hear from u God Bless you

            1. Norris, I pray that Father would help you right now and bless you in every way. I am glad you have given your life to Jesus. Go after Him, brother! He is worth giving your life for. He is worth everything! And He will reward you as you diligently seek Him.

            2. Sarah Minton says:

              This prayer have done so much for me and I know it going to work out with my landlord Loretta who is charging to much and won’t drop the rent like she promise and charging to much and we on a fixed income I want some of my money back now it would help me pay my loans out she is one greedy lady and I need you to pray for me to that I get my money back and also for my brother Donald who need to be healed in his body his bladder, his prostrate and he can urinate on his own without a catheter or need any medication for his mind and he come home this month completely healed and restored to his normal self and do all the activities he was doing before thank you for praying for me and be blessed.

            3. I just want to say i have been going thru the roughest time and situation in my entire life and ive fallen to my knees crying out to god for strength and help and even told him idk how to pray the right things at this time in this situation and with being so stressed, hurt, emotional and lost and right afterwards the holy spirit showed me this prayer, at exactly the right moment and time in my life. I know it was from the holy spirit that i found it and that had u write it to help so many ppl out but i want to thank u also for being an instrument used by the lord to do his work and help others and for being an obedient child of god by doing what he has asked of u to do to help others in their time of need. Thank u so very much and god bless. I will now stand on faith after being revealed and speaking this prayer. *Sheila

            4. Thank you for showing me this prayer. I was in a situation that was pulling me apart and starting to affect my family. I was constantly praying, and nothing would happen. It was really making me start to doubt if there was a God at all. I said this, and after around only 20 hours, the situation was reversed, and now my life is nearly perfect. THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!?

            5. Renea Watkins says:

              Hello yes this 🙏🏾 was very helpful to me please keep sending them to us God bless

            6. thank you so much God bless you and your ministry in Jesus Name amen and amen

            7. I pray that God has set you free from the stress of court and it’s straight comes with it.I also ask for prayer for my son who is facing false chargers and has been indited please pray for the truth to be revealed and that the court favors my son and this dosent go any further in Jesus name I pray amen

          2. This prayer is so wonderful.the city took my house for rd widening project public domain. It almost left me homeless as city doesn’t care single divorced mom of 6 where there was no way god made a way.God’s good

            1. Thankyou so much with your prayer. I needed a prayer like this. God bless you for helping people like me with my situation…it have been going on and on for months. I am surviving with prayers. This prayer I felt something ….The Holy Spirit showed me your prayer . God bless.

            2. clara namfukwe says:

              Thank you so much for the prayer,i have been lifted up in spirit and believe God is in control

            3. Christina says:

              I just found this page as I am going through so much right now and it looks like my situation with immigration feels hopeless but I know that GOD truly harkens to HIS WORD! I have read and prayed the prayer and I will continue to do so! Thank you so much and GOD Bless You!!..

            4. I Prayed this powerful pray. And now I wait. My situation seems impossible to turn around but I know with God- ALL things are possible. I will report my results I am patiently waiting on with great faith.

            5. Ayoade hammed says:

              Thanks for this prayers point: this good o be praying in every time

          3. Bettie Lumumba says:

            Thank you for your powerful prayer and believing in this prayer, I feel empowered, inspired, uplifted and encouraged and have peace
            May our awesome God continue to empower you as you touch many lives through your prayers in Jesus name.

            1. I give God Glory, I’m so lifted by His Word, He is Alive!

          4. That was a blessing prayer that came right on time .? I have two love ones in prison and they say they are innocent. I believed God on their behalf and release the prison doors open for them to come home…Amen

            1. The prayer itself has rised my spirit to believe in God for the injustice that is going through my marriage and now that I faced divorce, this pray help me to stand firm without fear, it gave me hope and courage that with God all shall be well, I just need to pray for just.

            2. Merle Johnson says:

              Jamie thank you for this prayer. I pray that God continue to bless your ministry and use you for His honor and glory in Jesus’ mighty name.

          5. Dawna Kerr says:

            Thank you Jamie for this prayer. I felt cornered for the past couple of months but this prayer have lifted my spirits.

            1. May this mighty prayer spoken in Faith, cause my Father and Righteous Judge in heaven to honour His Word in and over my in the situations, circumstances and conditions I find myself in this time and season.

          6. Thanks Jamie for this powerful prayer.
            May God anointed you the teach his word.

          7. I believe as I have pray this pray God as already answer me,,and it will manifest,,and I will comeback with a testimony in Jesus name.

            1. I’m waiting for the good news ,I trust and believe that it is happening in the name of Jesus Christ 🙏🙏 Thank you Jamie

            2. My prayers are answered in Jesus’ name

        2. Thaaaank you, i am believing in the Power of this prayer, will be saying this daily, AMEN!

        3. 2 years later I want to let you I found this today just intime to help me with my stand for my marriage. God bless you and thank you for posting this and in excited to start saying this daily and see the changes..

          1. Thank you Jamie for the prayer, I believe it is answer

        4. Autumn Morris says:

          Wow Jamie this is exactly what I’ve been praying for!! I have been asking for a prayer to pray specifically for others and myself in time of troubles! I’m with different people daily who are seeking out to the Lord and this is perfect to pray over our entire nation! What a blessing you are! Thank you!!!

        5. Thank you, I’ve been praying this prayer. I need prayer for vindication and divine favor. I need favor to get full custody and get my medical decision making back with my children. I was slandered in and out of court and was accused of things I didn’t do. The investigation was dropped but I still wasn’t given my medical rights back. My ex husband continued to abuse through court. I’m asking God for divine reversal. My kids are being affected big time especially since they started going to him overnights. He has a domestic abuse background.

          1. I know what you mean, my spouse also seems to abuse the court and they believe him, But read psalm 18 and pray our father Hallowed be thy name

        6. Thank u Jamie for this prayer…
          I prayed it and I believe a miracle is coming…am really in pain as my fiance turned out to be someone else I didn’t know..his iname law’s r more …we dont talk any more and our wedding that was due to happen, is not happening… so stressed …please help me in prayer for things to turn around.

        7. Thanks for the prayer it really inspired me. And it helped me spiritual. Pls can I have guide for fasting and prayers.

          1. Let your light shine brighter and brighter for this prayer has opened many doors for me and my iily. You are an awesome instrument of God!!! I want to join your work! I have a vision I need to make happen! Need your prayers/dupont! Please respond.

        8. Jamie, prayer and faith will get me through my difficult family situation. When a house is divided it will not stand-please pray for a strong home foundation that is built upon the Lord first. . This prayer was well written and I felt the power when reading it. Thank you so much. Please pray for my family and also for Jason who is ill.

          1. May the Lord God of our Fathers bless you and INCREASE you and your family and Jason a THOUSAND TIMES so much more as you are and bless you as he hath promised you . In Jesus Name

          2. Jamie Mungu akubariki sana n.a. sana-Amen

        9. I prayed knowing I walk in Jesus righteousness. It blessed my soul.

        10. Anita Smit says:

          Thank you Jamie! Beautiful! It has been a great blessing to pray your prayer and I do expect that the Righteousness of God A prevail! I will advise of the change in the circumstances within my family and I truly believe that finding your prayer to pray was sent by the Lord Jesus Christ. Bless you Jamie!

        11. Annabelle says:

          Very powerful prayer
          I was accused for oral defamation last 2016..
          While the trial is on going I kept on praying this prayer…. truly indeed God hear my prayers.. everything was reversed..the accuser was then accused for thief

        12. Mel Albert says:

          Thank you so much Jamie, was so blessed to be be able to read this at such an appropriate time as well.

        13. My grown son needs a job/career/opportunity that will use his God given gifts, talents and skills. He has a college degree but needing a job sooner than later caused him to work for low wages to be able to pay his bills. He now does physical work and the job of 3 men, for low wages, because the company he works for won’t hire anyone to assist him. The store manager yelled at him this morning, falsely accusing him and my son was not allowed to defend himself. After listening to the manager rant and rave, even with customers around, he quit, (staying as calm as possible, though he was tempted to say something in anger, thank God, he held his tongue), stopped at HR and told the person in charge of HR why, then went home. My son has been asking for help, but ends up doing all the work himself. The store can well afford to hire more help. The lumber department is their most profitable department. This is a very unfair situation. The customers like him because they know he does his job and goes above and beyond. Many leave him $10 or $20 tips (the store allows for tips) but it’s not nearly enough to make up for his low wages. Meanwhile the store chains policy is that for outside workers (he’s outside loading heavy bags of cement, building supplies, and lumber all day) the starting pay is LESS than for inside workers, even though it’s physically exhausting and harder than being inside in the air conditioning. Where we live it’s very hot. Thank you for the prayer for unjust situations. I love your posts and I went straight there when my son told me what happened. I’d appreciate any prayers 🙏🏻 on behalf of my son. Thank you

        14. Sasa Matiba says:

          Thank you so much fir this prayer. My son is going through false allegations by a neighbour of a heinous crime and he is presenting himself tomorrow to the police station. I prayed these prayers tonight and will pray them again tomorrow when he is there. Please stand in the gap for him. His name is Ati. God bless you. Amen

        15. I am believing in Jesus Name and am thankful for your spiritual gifts from Him.

        16. Amen. I need this prayer right now. Thank you I will wait upon the Lord.

        17. Hello Jamie, been reading this prayer for quite some time. 2 of my son’s have court and I ask for prayer as well but me reading this is beautiful. It has helped. I gave this prayer to my children and one of them has said he felt something while he was reading. Thank you 💞

        18. Fernise cornet says:

          Thank you I don’t know what my come over my life but thank God in advance for your mercyi will concord every plot, lie’s over my life

        19. Nelly Shangari says:

          Thanks for allowing God to use you. This prayer resonates in my spirit.

        20. Isabel Pacheco says:

          I have been praying this prayer for my granddaughter who was being accused unjustly and had to make an appearance in court today! But God has answered my prayer, hallelujah the judge took a look at the case and thought it was ridiculous and dismissed the case without a hearing!!! Thank you father for your faithfulness. Thank you for posting this online.
          Forever grateful grandma

        21. I pray for God to answer your prayer.I’m also going through a similar situation to yours.

        22. Phillipine Tlou says:

          I prayed and believed, have faith that God will bring back my daughter whom was stolen by my sister,putting a curse between her and me.
          In Jesus’ name

        23. Thank you Jamie for this powerful prayer I know justice will come to me because am back word it’s sopose not to be like this,
          please help me also to interven with me

        24. KOMUHIMBO JESSICA says:

          Thank you for the guidance Amen

        25. Thanks so much for this prayer. I feel so taken advantage of and injustice has been the problem. I pray for justice in my situation and pray God has mercy and move against those who have cause me hurt and pain mentally and emotionally.

        26. Jonni Sue Wilhelm says:

          I am praying this prayer- my husband has to go for a biopsy to see if there is prostrate cancer. I am praying for a reversal of the psa numbers, a reversal of this whole plan of the enemy. Please pray with me for divine healing! Thank you.

      2. Jamie, Thank You so much for this prayer. I just got done praying for my daughter Sarah who is going through several heavy life crisis; along with suffering a brain tumor. Sarah is a parent to a high svhool girl, a jr. High son, and a toddler. I found this prayer within minutes after praying for her. I prayed this prayer over her situation, but also, for my life, my son Matthew’s life, and my son-in-law’s life. I also copied and pasted this prayer on a page in my mobile phone – for future reference. This prayer from you is my answered prayer from God. Now I receive God’s blessings and anticipate a great outcome as a result of reading aloud this prayer. God bless you and your ministry.

        1. Praise God. Thank you for letting me know, Maureen. And I apologize for my late response – I’ve been travelling and then sick and have gotten way behind on comments. 🙁 But I pray Papa would continue to reverse your situation and bring righteousness and justice! Thank you for reading!

          1. Hi Jamie
            Will this help me and my husband with paying off our past due debts, I been out of work for 2 years we are tried of struggling, he is a disable veteran he works, but with my income lost its been hard on our marriage, I prayer that we can be debt free soon

            1. Hi Diana. Thank you for reading. I am sorry you’re going through a hard time. I don’t know exactly how God will choose to move in your situation, but prayer always helps! Even when you need an action plan, like what to do with the dollars you have and how to earn more, start with prayer and God will show you the next step. 🙂

              Also, I’d highly recommend Dave Ramsey’s book “The Total Money Makeover” if you haven’t read it. Reading that book changed my life awhile back. It’s a very practical plan for radical financial change, one baby step at a time. It’s full of real-life testimonies that are very inspiring, too. I believe it might really encourage you.

              Thank you for reading my blog, and I pray that Papa would give you hope, inspiration, courage, and provision as you walk through this valley. May He shine His light into your dark places right now, lift your chin, and restore you and your family in every area. I pray God would also provide for all your needs according to His RICHES in glory in Christ Jesus,and that He would send you help from Zion TODAY!!! In Jesus’ name!

              I will continue to pray for you. Love to hear about it as God walks you through this. 🙂 And He will! He loves you very much, and He is a GOOD Daddy. Hugs!

          2. May God blessed you more and more day by day…..I was stressed off due to false accusation between me and my wife through fight and she wounded badly without me knowing what wounded her…she fasely accused me of using knife ,blade,or weapon to cut her which God ,I and my wife know that I didn’t do that , furthermore I can’t even do that by going far to the extend of taking weapon on her but the devil played it part and she wounded…and now everyone in my community is judging and accusing me falsely of what God knows I I didn’t do it……I have been out of the house over 3 weeks now ,paying and supporting her bills for her treatment,doing all what is necessary to calm the situation down and also clear my innocence but yet still peoples are judging me injustice and accusing me of what I don’t know about to the spoiling of my soul…I have been crying two weeks continues like a baby, stress and worries were killing me slowly… Until today when I came across this prayers whiles I was looking for solution… Brethren trust me before I was done taking this page, I felt relieve and a chilled breeze past by and I hear the voice saying this is the judgement of God paying by…. Your innocence will be reveal.
            Thank you very much for the prayers and may God help any one in situation as mine too over come it.

            Peter Boakye

        2. Diana Black says:

          Thank you for that prayer, i read it and spoke it out loud.
          Please join me on prayn this prayer for, and over my family. In jesus name
          I will write it down.

        3. Thank you Jamie. I’m praying this prayer because I want to WIN my wife back

      3. Thank yiu so much!!! Needed this prayer and I am glad God is everywhere and in everyhing. He knows my pain. I prayed this prayer and I will write it down. Thank you and God bless!!!

        1. isabel flores says:

          Thank you I needed this I have a lot of problems financial Debt’s but Iam blessed cause I have ,A Home ,Food on my table ,good health ,aWonderfull Family ,A Good Job and most of all My God.

          1. Thank you for this prayer I will continue reading this article

        2. I believe this prayer was spoken directly for me thank you so much for this powerful prayer may God continue to bless your ministry. I really needed this powerful prayer at this time in a very difficult situation that I am going through I know God is going to answer my prayers and give me great favor with authority and open doors that are close for me I am expecting great favor i can feel my blessings on it’s way coming to me. I give god all the priase and honor for you and ministry.

          1. SHARON Bratton lofton says:

            Thank you for this prayer
            My son was murdered on feb 24.2001. The case has not been solved I’m asking in jesus name for closure justice and peace in th death of my son travoski Johnson

            1. Hi Sharon. I’m so very sorry that happened. I can’t imagine. The first question that came to mind when I read that you’re praying for closure, justice, and peace (which sound like very reasonable prayers for sure!) … but the first question that came to mind is, have you forgiven the murderer? Even if you don’t know who it was? You will never find peace unless you have. If you have, great. But if not, please listen to my Finding Deep Soul Healing 101 class to learn the only way that peace can come. You have to pray through the situation in a very specific way if you haven’t done so yet.
              Hugs and prayers to you.

            2. SHARON Bratton lofton says:

              Thank you responding
              I read your prayer everyday

              The case is almost solve and yes I do have to forgive the the person that took my son life almost 20 years ago
              It was a cold case but I have been determined to get to the bottom of who murdered my son and put him in the trunk of the car

              I have suffered trying to find answers but the case is a few steps from justice
              Continue to pray for me and I pray for God to give me strength while I prepare myself mentally emotionally and physically to face the person that murdered my first born child at the age of 20
              Where can I find
              Finding deep soul healing 101 class??
              May God Bless you to continue to help peopl through your awesome prayers🙏🙏🙏

      4. anna constance says:

        This prayer speaks directly to my situation. I praise the LORD. GOD for discovering this blog.

      5. Tara Richardson says:

        Thankyou so much for this prayer:)

        1. Angela Lumsi says:

          Thank you so much for this prayer Jamie. I discover it today as the Holy spirit lead me to it. I’m going through so many challenges of injustice in life and family. I pray that God vindicates me to the Glory of his imagine as l will start praying this prayer. Pls join us in agreement. Thank you.

      6. Kendra White says:

        Thank you for the powerful prayer I just prayed. I am just looking for God throughout an unfair situation right now in my life, and the prayer was a great way for me to fight and persevere tonight. Thank you and God bless you!

      7. I just prayed this prayer for a situation in my life that has been ongoing for a long time .

      8. Thank you do much for this beautiful prayer. My daughter is looking for a home and thought she found one. Now the man who accepted her application is backing out because she won’t have the money he wasn’t a till Thursday. He won’t wsit 3 more days. Something seems wrong about this and my daughter is very disappointed and upset. Why do people do such things? His help our situation. God bless you for this prayer.

      9. Thank you so much for this beautiful prayer. My daughter is looking for a home and thought she found one. Now the man who accepted her application is backing out because she won’t have the money he wants till Thursday. He won’t wait 3 more days. Something seems wrong about this and my daughter is very disappointed and upset. Why do people do such things? I pray with a faithful heart that God will help our situation. God bless you for this prayer.

      10. Diana Handy says:

        I am going thru a very difficult time in my life where it seems it only get worse!!! I don’t want to lose my husband and I am being judged, tried , & convicted and its torn US APART !!! I have NO WILL or HOPE !!!! Please pray for me!

        1. Diana, I will definitely pray for you and your marriage. Keep praying and pray to the Lord every chance you get until this is mess is reversed!!!

      11. Good day
        I was going through a tough time at work & needed healing as I was hurt by what others were doing & saying behind my back. Thank you for your prayer. I said it out loud & the words spoke about my situation & how I was feeling. I did not know how to ask God for help but after your prayer I continued to pray & I feel lighter & filled with hope. Thank you! Ronelle

        1. Farrah Franklin says:

          Thank you God for showing me this prayer I am going through a horrible time in my life that involves my kids and their father it seems like it gets worst and worst I’m so tired of this pain please bless us and turn our situation around for the sake of my kids in Jesus name amen

          1. I escaped a relationship full of domestic violence. I had a child with this man and my child and I lived in one state, he lived in another. When I left I went to my home state. The state he is in took jurisdiction and gave him custody of my infant despite him having domestic violence charges. In order to see my infant son I had to agree to drop the criminal charges against him. There’s a final court hearing on June 16 please stand and pray with me that I’ll get my stun back. And that God will provide me the finances to go to this other state fight this battle.

            1. My Good Lord Jesus answer your prayers, and the court be God’s Court of the highest. AMEN

          2. Diamond kalu says:

            Thanks to God to for showing me this page for prayer 🙏.on 11-8-2022, all my property was sent outside by force. Saying am not paying my rent to the right person, the destroy most of my family and mine properties. I need Justice ⚖️ from God to intervene I have nobody, I need them to pay me back all the damages because am not Owen anybody I made my payment to his rightful brother, and the other one came against me. I have been paying 350,000k since I picked in to the apartment since 2019, but Emmanuel onye went to court and pass fake judgement on me at my back.
            Please I need prayers I need God to show up in this case because I have nobody to run to no money nothing.

            Pray for me sir and Am bless with the one i have pray. Please help me go God

      12. Donnetta Gingles says:

        I prayed this prayer. I know God hears me. Thank you g or this prsyer. God bless His people in Jesus Name. Amen

      13. Terri Carter says:


        1. Twin Xaba says:

          I am currently in a situation that only God can resolve it for me because He is able and there is nothing too hard for Him. Thank you for this prayer I will recite it until what the enemy stole from me 20 years ago is restored to me seven times seven folds as the Word of God promised. The company where my late husband worked unfairly treated me and their judgement against me led them to deprive me what was rightfully due to me as the surviving spouce even though at the time he passed away we were separated but not divorced, I still remained his lawful wife married in community of property. Now they alleged they played me what was due to me, which I never receive. I trust God to intervene in this situation and reveal what happened,in whose account all the money that was due to me was transferred into and why am I not given the monthly widow’s pension as is the case with other surviving spouse. Trusting and believing that my prayer will be answered soon.

      14. Vicki Martin says:

        God has brought exactly what I needed! My daughter and her husband, my son and his wife have distant themselves from me. It’s been 7yrs with my daughter and going on a year with my son. Yes I take responsibility for some but not all! Oh how I wish we could sit down and talk! Thank you so much I plan to pray this prayer everyday❤️

        1. Deborah Taylor says:

          Say it , believe it, receive it. Jamie, the Holy spirit revealed this prayer to me during a legs separation. I had been praying for my family before the separation. I just know that tonight reveals His precious love and presence in my life. I confirm His leading you with His Word. I’m hoping our prayer will now in Jesus name change lives. Be blessed to all. Deborah Taylor ?

        2. Thanking God and his Provision Thus Far I’ve been having problems on Job Supervisor is terrible Vindictive I’m going thru A Terrible time Bills Late and Behind Upcoming Court Date I’ve been accused but Not Convicted as of yet I’m Praying God Over turned it Make it Void And Null in Jesus Mighty Name I Pray I’m Very Greatful I Found This Prayer Thank You So Much Please Pray with Me For Victory in These Situation I’m Going Thur

      15. Mimi Williams says:

        Thank you so much for this prayer. I have full faith that GOD is working in my favor, in JESUS NAME I pray amen

      16. Mimi Williams says:

        Love the prayer and havre full faith that JESUS is handling my situation. Am5

      17. I am so glad I found this site, your prayer was touching, it was just what I needed for the problems I have been experiencing with the Home Office, God bless you for these inspiring words of comfort in this time. I am really worried today because I have to report at the police station today because I am an overstayer in the Uk, they keep refusing my visa application, please pray for me.

        1. I’m happy to pray for you, Lilieth. May Papa God help you and give you provision, grace, mercy, and wisdom, and may you obey His guidance and instruction in all things, in Jesus’ name.

          1. Rhonda Davis says:

            Hi there Jamie, I am so recharged and inspired by this prayer..It made me so emotional and I cried all through reciting it.
            This prayer was so desperately needed at this exact time and so overwhelming..
            I and my daughter have come up against some injustices in separate situations and I really need Almighty God’s intercession, vindication and Blessings so that we can advance to the next level of our careers.
            I have renewed faith now that The God of all Comfort will grant us His Divine Grace and Mercy and deal with our respective situations Bountifully…
            May God’s Grace and Mercy always be your portion my love…Thank You So Much!!!!

      18. I’m so thankful this prayer is saying point of my life that’s been going on with me for many years and now I believe that god will see me though all the things in my finances, my family struggling, my up down relationship and help me move in the right place so thank you I feel so much better I feel change is coming thank the lord for this message. God Bless.

        1. I’m very thankful for this prayer I know that change is coming I’ve been going though a lot with my financial, love and family issues so I believe this prayer is right for my situations at this point so I’m very blessed to have pray this for things to change for the good .god bless u jamie

      19. I am going through a horrible divorce. My soon to be ex has cheated lied and emotionally mentally and financially abused my children and I. I was sent this prayer literally minutes before my first court date yesterday. I am claiming every single word. I need this battle to be over and for my kids and I to be given what is right and fair so we may not live struggling any more I pray expediency and justice in Jesus name!

          1. Thank you and may God Bless you for this amazing prayer and praying for us all. Please continue to keep me and my situation in your prayer as I am desperately seeking Gods will over myself my children our home. Thank you

            1. I just stopped and prayed for you right now, Brandy. May our Abba Father provide all your needs richly, even more than you could ask or think, in Jesus’ name!

      20. Hi Jamie we are blessed to have and read your blog. The prayer words gives one confidence that the Lord hears us when we pray to him. Thank you. May you all continue to pray for my adverse situation until something happens. I believe that no matter how long it takes The Lord will respond positively. Be blessed always

        1. Thank you, Nally. I praise God for blessing you. Thank you for reading and for sharing!

      21. Virginia vjohnson says:

        Thank you I believe God is answering Zeven my grandson prayer and my prayer right now as we speak in Jesus name right now everything that is done in the darkness has come into the light Amen. God bless you with his Holly magnitude to pray for his people more in more Amen.

        1. Thank you for the powerful prayer I just prayed. I am just looking for God throughout an unfair situation right now in my life, and the prayer was a great way for me to fight and persevere tonight. Thank you and God bless you!

      22. Dear Jamie I am tearfully thinking God for that prayer. Its amazing to realize how much God loves you, and how you are dedicated yourself to him that he made you such an intruement of his love to me at a time like this that jealousy for my hard work, joy and kindness, saved christan and intercessoran and just being good at my job, got me in real trouble that got my business license revoked unjustly openly for self interest. And slander me with so much lies openely and setting me up and sabotage and corrupt others to testify lies against me,just to justifie themselves. They have all the power. I have nothing but left for dead. But i believe in God . Now i appealed and waiting a two long days of hearing. Advocates fees is weingh me down for its thousands. And they told me if im late to pay 5k a month, they will just throw my case away. I of law income. I am working 3 job to live. They had advised me not to appeal. And if i do, not take a lawyer. But i did because there was no initial investigation and i did not believe they should have just put my business out nor destroy me and my name like that. Jamie pls pray with me this prayer to reverse it with truth andjustice bcos the devil is a liar and he lied against me. I truly do not deserve this saferings. May God of truth and justice vindicate me in Jesus name.

        1. I’m terribly sorry you’re going through that, Grace. But Father God can help you. Keep lifting His Word up to Him!

          1. Am so much in debt online loans presently my name is been scandalized and tarnished. I’ve been through a lot of troubles setback, frustration and so on. Please help pray for me that God in His infinity mercy send helper to me to help me with money to settle the loans. Thanks

      23. Fania M. Tsakalakos says:

        Thank you so much Jamie for this prayer… I need to reverse the trajectory of this custody battle I am facing. I never envisioned my first year with my firstborn child to be so tumultuous as I had come to terms with raiding him as a single mom with so much love. I’m asking God to help me keep my son and not hand him over to his father who did not want him to come forth into this world and who swore hatred and vengeance, which he is now aptly taking. His blood money has him accomplishing so much evil to us. His girlfriend is participating and supporting him, trying to replace me. I hope this prayer will work as I know only divine intervention can help us now. Please pray for us.

        1. I pray Papa God would help you quickly, dear one. I’m sorry you’re going through that.

          1. Hi Jamie, thank you for this prayer. Please pray with me to bring back my wife and family, we seperated for 15months now and I have no contact with them, l love them so much, there is no-one else involved in. I pray everyday for my marriage and family to come back. Thank you very much, John

          2. Jamie,
            My husband was wrongly accused of a crime. There was no evidence to prove my husbands guilt or innocence in court so the lawyer said that he couldn’t win the case and to take a plea agreement. It has been three years and the Lord told me to pray for my husband to be exonerated. He led me to your prayer. Will you pray with me for his freedom? Tonia

      24. Lilieth Dennis says:

        Thank you servant of God for such strong words of the father, I am at low point in my life right now and I am so glad that I found this website. Please continue to place prayers like these because I really need them, I need help to pray to against the enemy, everytime I try putting my best foot forward there’s is always a something blocking my path but in the mighty name of jesus he will grant me the strength to pass over it he will move it out of my way. Please help me because every time the home office ask to regulary stay they still refuse my application, I need deliverance my jesus. I need this to be resolved its been too long. Please please.

        1. I encourage you to speak God’s Word over yourself, Lilieth. Speak His Word in faith and He will watch over His Word to perform it.

        2. eaen Sims says:

          Yes I need to see my kids but it’s a block ,and the mom of my kids I’m divorced from her she makes it hard on it it’s even joint custody on my daughter my son is 19 I need prayer on this and my ex she contacts my parents etc I get no family support no help

      25. Madeleine Felicite Fouda says:

        Thank you for this prayer. It will help me for my present situation. God bless you

      26. Thank you very much for this prayer, its very helpful for my situation. God bless you wonderful person for sharing it xx

      27. Thank you so much, I am really going through some challenging things right now, and this prayer had really put me at ease.

        Thank you,

      28. I am in a bad situation right now lost relationship lost job no money facing possible eviction and I was lost and I came upon this prayer it gave me hope and inspiration. Thank you so much I needed this uplifting prayer I spiritual feel a shift in my situation s to the good all praises

      29. Thank you ,
        I wanted to give you feedback in relation to this awesome prayer. I have recently been going through a tough time in my life, and needed some extra strength. The enemy has been tampering with my faith!
        I stumbled upon this prayer, and it has released the pain right away. I fill renewed and my spirit fills strengthend. My situations have been resolving, and my faith and spirit is growing.
        I am a true believer of prayer! I will continue to pass on the word of his greatness, and
        encourage and up-lift others.

        1. I have prayed so much lately…EVERY Second and feel like nothing has changed. I feel like even God has his favorites

          1. Nancy, YOU are His favorite. Say the prayer and let God have His way. You are discouraged. Stand on God’s promises. Don’t be shaken, don’t be moved. Stand. Having done all, STAND.
            I’m praying for you.
            Father God, fulfill Thy word, and heal Nancy in the areas she desperately needs, finances, relationships, every single place in her life, shine the light of The Holy Spirit.
            In Jesus name, amen.

            1. Thank you Jessica for your words of comfort. They made me believe again

            2. Jamie, hi I stumbled upon your prayer, what actually I don’t know someone’s the right word because I needed to hear this and I can say was much more confident that I believe that God let me to see your prayer. I say this because I needed it and they’re very moment as I needed today at this very moment. I need this prayer and I’m asking for you to pray for me and my family as well and anybody that reads my comment. Since August 5,2019 I have been without a home for me and my children. I had a section 8 voucher which is currently a pending termination because of an eviction. I I’m currently with no income I have financial instability but I know in my heart that is already written the things will be better and things will be okay is God is going to see and my family through. I am I believe that prayer works and that the Lord answers and he hears our cries. I recently put in an appeal 4 my section 8. I received the letter a couple days ago saying that I will receive a date soon. I’m asking for prayers put my home for my children, and financially stability. Right now I’m pursuing a career in a new state and I’m asking for prayer and prosperity and abundance of riches so that I can move my family into our new home.

            3. Sorry to have missed this earlier…Praying for your situation; hopefully it’s improving

            4. RAJ KUMAR says:

              Yes, I’m in desperate moment. It’s my wife who is against our marriage vow and trying to follow her metternal side directions, and she is blackmailing me that she and her people take revenge through police complaint and law and taking support from some non believers.

      30. Penelope Keys says:

        Thank you thank you and I appreciate you for this awesome prayer. I will meditate on this while I fast for the week and I claim the VICTORY in JESUS NAME. AND SO IT IS!!!! AMEN.

        Sending love and Light to you and VICTORY for you as well.

        1. NOSIKE Godwin says:

          The truth remains the truth. Am making this comment from Nigeria. This prayer points for justice is timely, and in my spirit,l feel the time has come. I have been defrauded,by family, friends and some establishments l worked for in my country. On my side,l have prayed,and will continue to pray. Please, do also pray for me , for justice. If there are information you need, let me know. Remain forever blessed!!!

      31. God is a merciful father. He is always with us in good & bad times. We must proclaim his word over every situation we face. Thank you for being an obedient son of our loving father.

      32. Jamie, thanks very much for this prayer. Please pray with me, my wife and children left me 17 months ago and they want absolutely nothing to do with me, I tried everything to win them back, I need your help in praying with me to reverse this situation. I thank you again

      33. This prayer so powerful the joy it took to write it down to place on my prayer wall is priceless. I know God is moving on my behalf and many more thank for this wonderful prayer.

      34. I thank you so much for allowing God to use you . Just saying that prayer brought clarity. Thank you Jesus

      35. Thank you so much for the prayer. God always gives us exactly what we need, when we need it. This was right on time. An awesome prayer. To God be the glory.

      36. Thank you for this prayer. I have been praying this for the last three weeks and I have seen God move in my life.

      37. STEPHANIE LOCKHART says:

        Hallelujah! Let simply eecpres: AS SOON as I began to say this prayer ALOUD, the issue was resolved!!! Hallelujah!! Thank you Lord of ALL. Let us continue to SPEAK LIFE (GOD’S WORD) over the unjust issues we face. This was awesome at 4:31am Sept 24, 2017! Wow! Father God you are SUPER DUPER!!

      38. Thank you! this prayer speaks from my heart. I relate

      39. I want sure how to post. I’m on my phone. How ever this prayer created miracles in my Mindy life right now. Anliu g many others. But this helped immensely. I sold my hoise in two days which was impossible. My fiancée and I got back together after five weeks apart. I was under so much distress. Now I feel much more lifted. I will pray this for my kids who feel injustice is done to them as well. Thank you. Praise God. Mich love to alll

      40. Kim Aldrich says:

        I love that prayer I’m a single mom divorced w 6 kids.please pray for me and my family for unjust situation to be made right . I have a bully junky neighbors who are unstable people. I found a bullet hole in my vynal fence. I know it was them here them bragging sent pics to chief of police. See no results as of yet I moved out in nowhere small town as the city took my house eminent domain. Road widening project. I moved to a small town where everyone knows everyone being a divorced single mom w heart issues as well has made life a struggle.I feel vulnerable I’ve been threatened by this guy next door hes tried to hit me yet this cop insist it’s a semi threat whatever that means. This cop whom I thought was to help us has only turned my family upside down my son w special needs. Please pray for justice now for our family.

      41. I am very happy I found this my family will be covered by the love of god.

      42. Tina Cole says:

        This word and message has come to me by no mistake!!! Thank you father God for always giving me a testimony and always making a way for me and my family. This message today is no different. I praise you, I love you and let your will be done today and forever. You are my miracle worker promise keeper light in my darkness….that is who you are!!! Thank you Jesus! My lord my God!!

      43. Thank you for this prayer. I’m having problems with the enemy(ies)at work who uses his power to mistreat the employees and causes stressful situations in the workplace.

      44. Daizja Leach says:

        Jamie, I thank you for this prayer. My brother and his fiance are going through a very very tough time at this moment. Our family is praying much on his behalf. Please keep him and our family in your prayers for Gods hand of grace, mercy and favor to be released over his life in Jesus name. Father is the only one who is able and who can turn this situation around .We need Father to move for my brother in a mighty mighty way. I will be praying this prayer in obedience as you have instructed. I believe that God impressed it upon you as you stated. I believe God and I thank Him for using you as His vessel in a mighty way and thank you for your obedience to our Father. You are a blessing to the kindgdom.

      45. I am truly grateful for his powerful prayer. It has blessed my life

      46. when i prayed the prayer i felt the anointing of Holy Spirit been manifested upon me!

      47. Micaela Adams says:

        I hope you continue to write more powerful prayers like this . It’s a blessing .

      48. Wow! I had court today! I prayed this morning to my surprise the court could not hear the case.. several issues they dismissed it! Miraculous!!! Thank you!


      50. kolima tonia says:

        Thank you for this prayer. I really need it for me and my family’s change and I pray I’ll have testimonies IJN Amen.

      51. I have prayed the prayer for an unjust situation at my workplace. I believe The Lord will reverse and restore justice over the situation. I stand in faith believing He will answer my prayer. Thank you for opening my eyes to this Justice prayer

      52. Arrie Jackson says:

        I just prayed the prayer for injustice. As I prayed that prayer I was afflicted in my body and had been since early yesterday morning. After praying my pain is completely gone and the heaviness, heartbreak, and fear from this horrible injustice has subsided. I believe I’ll be hearing soon this war is over. Thank you so much for your obedience to our father. Doing is well today has lifted from me needless tears and anxiety. Thank you so much. I will be seeing into your life and ministry.

      53. I just prayed this prayer with power and authority and believing God’s word and his promises thanks so much for this much needed prayer.

      54. Jamie THANK YOU! In this moment I asked God for answers, in a renewed frame of mind, and Holy Spirit got me to search for ” why does Gods want me to collect seeds” and you came up with prayer for what I need but didnt know what to ask or how to pray thank you Jamie Bless you increasingly abundantly in Jesus Name Amen

      55. Cat Sullivan says:

        I prayed this prayer and God answered in 2 weeks in a situation that was almost 2 years old! Bless the Lord oh my soul! Thank you Jamie for your obedience ❤

      56. Mike Garza says:

        I give u All my thanks for this beautiful n powerful prayer in which I feel God’s work n presence n luv at work for me , in da Mighty of JESUS Christ AMEN n AMEN

      57. Grace of God says:

        What a wonderful and powerful prayer! More anointing man of God

      58. Mike Garza says:

        In Jesus’s name n of course my Friend Jamie who has done a lot like I’ve never seen anyone pray n do for ne n think of me n my situation that u was in . But now God is in da middle of this situation for me n I thank God with all my heart n Soul n of course Jamie , she is a very special young lady; thank U so much , ur friend , Mike Garza

      59. Thanks so much for this prayer. I needed it so desperately. I believe my situation will be reversed in Jesus’s Name. I’ll come to share my testimony on this platform to the glory of God. Amen. God bless you.

      60. Onyekachi Ibeh says:

        This is the kind of prayer I need for the case of land. Family members kept my only brother on sick bed and went and sold his land, a land he inherited from his late father James Ogbonna Ibeh.
        I pray that God of justice and God of fatherless will answer and show up as father of the fatherless.
        Woman of God may always water you amen.

      61. I have prayed the prayer but can you in addition pray with me for the reversal of my unholy financial position which is not so good and has been going on for too long now.

      62. Yes, I read it out loud and just dis it again as I am going throughsome physical symptoms with my throat and and esophagus experiencing some symptoms that is new to be which I have to have and endoscopy done on the 28th of December. And my stress level has been out of control woth worries after Googling all my symptoms and seeing negative and bad pop up the worst case scenarios of what this could be. So I have prayed this prayee twice before and I can honestly say it did work those two times. So I pray God hears me now and reverses my situation. In Jesus’s name. AMEN.

      63. I do not know what to say to God about my situation but this prayer said it best. Thank you for this prayer.

      64. Thank you for this prayer.I pray that it exposes the lies of the enemy in my son’s life. May he be delivered from the hands of the false accusers. May his deliverance be in full and immediately be turned around in Jesus name.

      65. Renate D. says:

        Praise the Lord, Jamie for posting this prayer! I am standing with you for what you are praying for! The LORD’S purposes will stand and come to fruition! Blessing to you and yours!

      66. basil petrus says:

        I believe after this pray i will recieve a financial miracle to pay loan sharks and never to go back to them.With God all things are possible.Amen

      67. Rebecca Jackson says:

        Thank you for this awesome gift, that you
        Sharing with so many of God children. It is truly edifying the body of Christ. God takes us from Glory to Glory, by using his servants who are called according to his purpose. Thank You. Glory be to the Lords. Thank God.

      68. Rebecca Jackson says:

        Praise God,
        I will be honest I have never considered praying God’s word back to him. It’s true many of us ignorantly pray the wrong way, not really realizing that we are in error. I that God for correction, by using you to teach us better. Think the Lord Jesus Christ and God the Father. All that we need God truly provides for us, we just have to how to ask. Amen.

      69. Thank you so much Jamie for taking the time to show the love of God I prayed the prayer of justice and waiting on the Lord to act on my behalf Also going to pray the prayer for restoration of my family Bless you Denise

      70. Hezekiah Joshua Awaseb says:

        It was a timely prayer for me. Thank you for the vessel of GOD that you are.

      71. This is too powerful. God bless you, Ma.

      72. Linda Gore says:

        Thank you so much for this prayer. God bless.

      73. Gloria and says:

        I need this prayer.

      74. I feel so blessed with this prayer thank you so much

      75. Thank you for this prayer, I am going through a challenging situation of accusation.
        But I know God will answer this prayer I have said.

      76. I prayed this prayer over my situation and my nephew’s. I’m believing God to move on our behalf.

    2. Thank You Jamie,
      Just what I need. God knows my situation and I know He can sort it out. This prayer is just the weapon I need against the enemy. AMEN
      God Bless you in Abundance. AMEN

    3. Thank you, I didn’t know how to pray for the situations I faced till I saw this prayer

      1. Thank you for reading, Mahlatse! I pray our Heavenly Father would move quickly on your behalf!

      2. Thank you for the powerful work of God, Just making so we can understand what God can do. This prayer was meant for me today as I am also going through a lot right now.but I will pray this prayer. God Bless you my brother in Christ.

        Many Thanks Tisha

    4. Rafael-Olivier Somma says:

      I’ve prayed aloud today and I hope he will answer me. I have difficult situations in my life that I have trouble dealing with and I hope the Lord will show me the way.

      1. I believe He will answer you, Rafael-Olivier. He always honors His Word! If we do our part by seeking Him and obeying Him, we can rest assured He will do His part too. I pray He would help you seek Him more than ever before, and sense His love and affection for you, as well as His sweet Holy Spirit with you!

    5. I wonder if this would work against sickness and infirmity?

        1. Dee Brewington says:

          Thank you for this prayer sometimes I just don’t know how to pray but this prayer saids it all I will continue to wait on his promises I will pray it until this situation is reversed and revealed

      1. Dorah Mashiteng says:

        Thanks you Jamie I really needed this prayer

    6. PrayerIsWonderful says:

      Thanks for starting this site. Would it be possible for you to add a “print-friendly” feature so I can post the prayer on home mirror?

      1. Hi, thanks for reading. The print-friendly button (print PDF) is at the bottom of the post. Just click the green button and you’ll be good to go.

    7. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this prayer!!! I have been uplifted and will be praying this prayer often. What an absolutely perfect way to begin my day! All gratefulness has been restored. God Bless~

      1. Hi Kelly, yay! That made me smile. Praising God with you and thank you so much for reading and letting me know! 🙂

    8. Carole Lewis says:

      Dear Jamie What a warrior you are. This prayer I will share often. Your music heals me. I bless you in Jesus name . Your ministry is just what the family of God needs. You are truly a daughter of God ministering to his people. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God led me to your website and I’m so glad he did. I will be learning everyday from your site. Thank you again and keep up the good work. Sister Carole In Arizona

      1. Thank you, Carole, for your kind, sweet encouragement. I’m praising Jesus with you that He used me to bless you! May He continue to lift you up, and thank you so much for reading my blog!

    9. I Love You, in Jesus name Jamie I Love You. For having this blog and especially posting this prayer<3 Thank you for sharing the Gifts that God gave you (:

      1. (you ha no Idea how Much this particular God’s child needed THIS specific prayer. Bless you Jamie)

        1. Erin, both of your comments are cracking me up! Thanks for making me smile! I’m thrilled that you are enjoying both the post and the blog and feel free to come back often. 😉 (Still grinning…)

    10. Powerful!!! This is what is needed, this is decreeing the Word into the atmosphere…You truly blessed my soul. I love it!!! May the Lord, bless, keep, and prosper you, in all your ways, in Jesus’ name, Amen! You are a mighty weapon, truly a Battle Ax for the Lord! Have a blessed day

      1. Thank you so much, Veronica. I’m thrilled you were blessed by the prayer. 🙂 Thank you for your encouragement!

        1. Jamie would you please pray with me .for my granddaughter will accept us back in her and my greatgrand babies live I dont know why she thinks that I put witchcraft on her I dont do that I belive In Jesus Christ. Thank you .Anna

          1. I do pray for unity in your family, Anna, and for total reconciliation and help from Jesus. Father God, heal this family in Jesus’ name!

      2. Really God moves when we pray his word. He moved in my very desperate situation, I prayed this prayer and declared his word from the Bible and believed. Surely he is a God who comes through and I have tasted the goodness of God. Thanks Jamie one day I will give a full testimony

        1. Please pray for my family as we have a deperate situation we need God to come forward, on March 28, 2022 or before, I have prayed this over and over again it has got us this far, I pray that this will complete this journey praying God moves as we pray his word, please pray with us.

    11. Thank you so much for this prayer. It is very comforting.

    12. gabriella says:

      Thank you so much for this prayer everything with my legal
      Battles has been Wrong at the end and worst this prayer is prefect
      To reverse unjust situation thank you lord for guiding me to this
      Website i will pray until my legal issues are resolved in my favor in Jesus
      Name Amen..

    13. I came upon your prayer on the exact time when I needed it. I believe God showed it to me for healing and for faith. The words speak exactly to my circumstances. Blessings to you and yours.

    14. Colleen R Miccoli says:

      Thank you beautiful prayer need the power of Gods word In my life Right now !

      1. Carolyn roper says:

        Hi my name is Carolyn roper I need prayer for my son he is going to criminal court in September because he caught his wife cheating on him with his best friend and he hit the guy now they are trying to but him in jail are prison for it and his wife lies so much they are trying to destroy my son please pray for me and my son that God will not let this happen I need all the prayers I can get I think u all in Jesus Name Amen my son name is Ronald roper the second

    15. Thank you Jamie for everything you do and for being a blessing in my life! Blessings from the father to you.

      1. Thank you, Reyna! Thank you for your encouragement. I’m so glad Papa is using my blog to bless you! Thank you for reading. 🙂

    16. Ina Smith says:

      Thank you so much for this prayer, I am going through a lot of spiritual attack right now in almost every area of my life, and I believe this is a powerful pray for bringing down enamy attack, when I prayed it last nigt I could hardly get the prayer out, I was coughing and sneezing and my throat was really tickelish tonight was better but still a ticklish throat I will keep praying it untill I have overcome. I thank God for leading me to your page. God bless you <3 and thank you!

      1. Hi Ina! Thank you for reading. I’m so glad the prayer is blessing you. Papa God always answers His Word! Sounds like you have some spiritual warfare going on there. If so, remember you have all authority in the name of Jesus! And Jesus has already won! Whooohoo! I’m praising God with you, and thank you for reading my blog!

    17. I found and used this prayer for a situation at my previous job. The very next day, my prayers were answered. I no longer have to deal with the people involved and I am free to move onto better opportunities where people will be more ethical and truthful in their dealings with others.

      1. That’s amazing, Patricia! Thanks so much for letting me know! And thanks for reading. 🙂

        1. Angel dent says:

          O want to tgsnk years u for this prayer I M facing eviction with no place to go in a single Mon struggling financial and unable to pay all my rent this month so please pray that this does not happen because I have no where this go

    18. Thank you for this prayer. I have been wrongfully convicted of a crime that I did not commit. I have finished serving my time and I am on probation now. My attorneys have file an appeal motion to the federal supreme court. I will pray this prayer. Thank you For your ministry.

    19. Thank you so much sister Jamie! for being transparent and letting his power and word flow through you and sharing the blessing with us! God bless you and thank you for helping me fight this spiritual war. May God continue to give you even more of him!!!

      1. Thanks, Reyna! Transparency is powerful, I think, because we’re all going through the same things much of the time. And a whole lot of people can find freedom as soon as one person decides to open up. Thank you for reading, and I pray you’d see breakthrough in your situation soon!

    20. Juliet Akubuiro says:

      Thanking you for this prayer, I will be saying it every day.

    21. Father GOD!! Thank YOU for sending me unto winding paths to find this Blog!! I am empowered with her knowledge and wisdom! I know YOU knew I needed this to strengthen me to YOU!

      Please Father God bless this Blogger with all that YOU will for her life! Thank YOU Father God for Being The God Almighty that YOU are! Thank YOU for being my Holy Heavenly Father!!

      1. Hi Grace! Praise God! Thank you for the blessing and I am glad Papa brought you to my blog too, and I’m glad it blessed you! Thank you for reading. 🙂

    22. Thank you so much for this powerful prayer! I needed it and it spoke to everything I’ve been praying about and dealing with. I will continue to pray this and believe over my situation. I call my situation restored in Jesus Name right now! Amen! Thank you!!

      1. Amen! I agree with you, Jaime! Thanks for reading and sharing, and I hope you’ll come back often! 🙂

    23. i bless God for this prayer, at such a time like this i needed it..May God intervene in my situation now,i pray that may heavens move now to come to my rescue in jesus name,im so glad that i found you Jamie, God Bless

    24. I can’t seem to copy your prayer… I would love to have it… Thank you so much…

      1. I got it copied… Thank you so much…. God Bless You….

        1. Thanks so much for reading, LaWanda. There’s also a print-friendly button at the bottom of the post. It is hard to spot sometimes, but it’s the green button and will make you a PDF if you need one.
          Have a great day!

    25. i am so grateful to find this prayer- I know that God caused it to be here for our family at this moment! Thank you for authoring such a fitting prayer, and your ministry!

      1. Thank you, Michele. =I pray the prayer would bless you and that you would see wonderful results as God moves in your family in response to His Word. He is strong and mighty, and He will perfect all things that concern you!!! Thank you for reading!

    26. Hello! That was a wonderful prayer and I really appreciate you sharing it with m tonight. I believe God sent it to me tonight. Thank you for being a child of the most high God! God Bless You!

      1. Praise God! Thank you, Kimberly, for letting me know Papa touched you! He’s so goooooood! 🙂
        Have a wonderful day, and thank you so much for the encouragement!

    27. May our Lord God Bless you abundantly, precious Jamie. I found your prayer today and the timing is perfect for what is happening in my life right now. I want to thank you so much for being ‘bold in Christ’ and posting this prayer, among all the other wonderful things on your website. ♥

      1. Oh, thank you so much, Emilie. Your comment was very encouraging to me! I’m so glad Papa blessed you. I pray He would get you justice quickly! Have a wonderful day, and thank you for reading!

        1. I prayed this prayer this morning and my situation has changed already the lawyer I met is genuine and ready to fight and also with in my budget I was also able to pick up an extra shift so I will have enough to pay him off next week. Thank u jesus

    28. belinda king says:

      Thank you for these bold words. Evil forces have come against my husband and robbed him of the rewards he worked so arduously for. It is a powerful evil force, intertwined with the evil destroying our country. He did make a mistake, but an honest error while recovering from a heart attack and cancer. He was attacked and banned from working in his profession. I have not asked for restoration because of the mistake…we both felt guilty. Now I see by cloaking this terrible injustice in guilt, the evil one succeeds. Today I prayed this prayer for full restitution for my husband and that all success we will attribute to the glory of God and will take our tithes into the storehouse. Thank you for this bold prayer. I stand and wait.

      1. Hi Belinda. I will pray for you also. Yes, this prayer is for you too. May God bring mercy and restoration into your family’s situation quickly. I feel like I hear Him saying that He will pour out grace that covers your husband’s mistakes. Thank You, Daddy God!

    29. Thank you so much for this prayer!! I feel like I am losing my 18 year old son and I know God hears every prayer I’ve prayed. This one seemed different, it seemed like it was put there for me. Thank you for taking the time to put it out there for people like me. God Bless you! God is good and I know he heard me saying this prayer!

      1. Oh Bobbie, that’s wonderful. Thank you SO MUCH for letting me know. I’m so grateful to our wonderful Daddy God for touching you. He does hear our every cry! And before we call, He answers.
        Thank you so much for reading, and have a wonderful day!! 🙂

    30. Thank you so much for this prayer…praying for family restoration. May God bless you!

      1. Thank you for reading, Ellie. May our Daddy God restore your family and restore double blessings for the trouble you have been through, according to His marvelous promise:

        “Instead of your shame you shall have double honor,
        And instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion.
        Therefore in their land they shall possess double;
        Everlasting joy shall be theirs” (Isaiah 61:7).

    31. I believe in the power of prayer. I prayed this believing that God is going to restore my husband to Himself n heal our marriage. The Enemy has had his way with my husband. God is going to bring that to a hault with His grace n mercy. Thank you for sharing this prayer!!
      In Jesus name will my marriage be healed for Gods glory!!

    32. Thank you so much. I know that Jesus is working on my situation. Thank you for that prayer

    33. I love this Prayer, I’m at ease after saying this Prayer. Now I know that God will make everything better for me.
      Thank you..

      1. Oh yes, Mary. Our Daddy God always answers our prayers of faith! He loves you so very much, and He will never leave you nor forsake you!
        Have a wonderful day, and thank you for reading my blog!

    34. Reshonda parker says:

      I think everything happens for a reason. I went to bed last night with a heavy heart because for months … Well years I have been an unhappy person due to an unhappy marriage. My three children ages 4, 12 and 17 have been my reason for pushing forward because I love them more than myself. I am a soon to be 38 year old stay home mom who once had a job, friends and I modeled which was a passion and I am crafty and could always draw. I gave up my modeling career and other things because my husband ask that I stay with the kids and he run his businesses to provide for what we needed. It sounded good in the beginning , but it turns out that I gave away a big piece of me. My childhood was rough to say the least, I waa molested by my mothers husband and she never believed me so we have no relationship today nor does my father have anything to do with me until he wants to. Because of my childhood I make extra sure my kids always know my love and most of all I teach them God’s love. I thank God for my grandmother who has always been a force to be reckoned with and she told me just yesterday that I had to give my problems to God and leave them with him!! She stressed that and then I saw this post and I read aloud the prayer and I feel in my heart that something is going to move for me. My grandmother tells me all the time that God’s time isn’t our time so I know he will do it when he feels it’s right. Thank you for your blog and thank you for this prayer!!!! I admit I don’t always know how to pray, I just talk to God like he’s here beside me. He knows my heart and he knows my fears. I lost two babies and that has been the hardest thing to go through but I know he was there and still is! Thank you so very much! Love and light

      1. Hi, Reshonda. Your story so touched me. May God RESTORE to you everything the enemy has ever stolen from you. And God IS right beside you–and in you–and with you–so you are doing exactly the right thing by talking to Him like that! He wants to be your best friend, and He loves you very much. I will pray for you.
        Thank you for reading my blog. Love to hear from you anytime. 🙂

    35. Lule Melgarejo says:

      I have prayed this prayer for healing in my family and my country, USA, becouse we must honor our God, our Old Glory and our belief that we are one nation under GOD. Our founders left us a Constitution and Bill of rights based on God’s law, TheTen Commadments. We must never forget that there is a Divine Creator we must answere to. Our country is under siege. We need to place God back into our lives, into our country most of all into our world. In Jesus’s holy name. AMEN.

    36. Theresa Robinson says:

      Wow Jamie! As a woman of God who completely understands praying God’s word, I found this crafted prayer extremely powerfully. We have a family situation that this prayer will fit perfectly! We’re expecting miracles, in Jesus’ name.

      1. Amen! Yes, miracles! I can’t wait to hear about them, Theresa! 🙂 Hugs! Thank you so much for reading and sharing! 🙂 You are such a blessing! xoxo

    37. Cassandra says:

      Thank you,this prayer helps so much,i`m still growing in the word of my Lord,God Bless you for your ministry.

      1. Thank you so much, Cassandra. I’m so glad Daddy God blessed you! His Word is DELICIOUS. I love it so much. 🙂
        Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day!

    38. Eliza Smith says:

      I want to thank you so much for posting this. My husband has been wrongfully convicted of a crime and has a 10 year sentence. He as already been in prison a year and a half, have have several appeals in motion and are in the process of a writ. We know God put us in this situation for so many reason, it’s the worst and best thing that has ever happened to us. It’s the worst for obvious reasons, but the best because we would never be as close to God as we are right now and thank Him every day for that. The only was we are getting through this time putting our entire faith and trust in Gods hands. But it is still very hard, I miss my husband every single Dayana pray for a miracle that brings him home. Since I found this prayer a few days ago, we read it every morning on the phone together and it brings us so much peace. We know God hears our prayers and can’t wait for him to move!!!!
      Thank you again <3 God bless you

      1. Eliza, thank you so much for letting me know this. Wow. I am so, so sorry you guys are going through this. BUT GOD! Oh how righteous and just He is, and He will restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25). I will pray for you. I am so glad Daddy God is using this prayer to bless you, and I pray that He would vindicate your husband quickly. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.
        I will pray for you, dear sister. I’d love to hear how things go.
        May you be encouraged and strengthened today.

      2. In the name of Jesus I agree on touching that God reverse this sentence and bring him home immediately in Jesus Name, Amen

    39. Thank you very much for sharing this powerful prayer, I already feel the relief that this prayer will be manifesting. God bless!

      1. This is so amazing! Truly in less than 24 hours after the prayer the situation turned around, and awareness was brought around, without taking any extra actions whatsover! I am so grateful to Father! I am saving this prayer permanently in my Bookmarks . Thank you Jamie for sharing this!

    40. Very thought provoking post. I have two questions.

      First, can you please point me to two or three Scriptures that teach us about requesting “reversal” of circumstances. I am not familiar with this teaching and want to study God’s Word on the topic.

      My second question is about what you wrote, “…so He ALWAYS wants to bring righteousness and justice into EVERY situation. Plus, He always desires to vindicate His people who have walked righteously.”

      How does this tie into all the apostles being martyred? They did not receive vindication on this side of eternity. They died at the hands of their oppressors. What about current day missionaries that die at the hands of their oppressors?

      Thank you for helping me understand this teaching. Have a blessed day.

      1. Hi Tawnia, I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond. I’m very behind on comments. 🙁 Anyway, Scripture is full of God’s people praying for reversal of circumstances. Think about Esther, who fasted and prayed for reversal of the decree that would annihilate the Jewish people. Or Abraham, who prayed for the return of Sarah when she was taken to be the wife of another man. Or the prayers of God’s people for the Messiah for 4,000 years–a Messiah who would reverse their bondage to sin and set them free! God’s people have always prayed for deliverance from oppression and injustice, and we should.

        About your second question: The reason God always wants to bring righteousness and justice into every situation is because righteousness and justice are part of His character and nature. And, as Jesus taught the disciples to pray, He wants earth to look just like Heaven (“Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven”).

        Unfortunately, however, because we live in a sinful world, God’s perfect will doesn’t always get carried out. Sinful Pharisees who rejected Jesus murdered Stephen, the first martyr. And many others have lost their lives at the hands of sinful men since that time.

        However, the fact that sinful men can choose to oppress others doesn’t mean we shouldn’t cry out to God for deliverance. His highest will is always to vindicate His people, because Righteous and Just is Who He Is. Even if sinful men interfere with His best will for us.
        Does this help?

    41. Sunshineb says:

      WOW what a weapon of faith this prayer is! This prayer covers everything and it’s so powerful. I see why you ask us to pray this prayer out loud. Praying out loud helps me to connect and truly believe in the words I am speaking to our Father. Thank you! I stumbled upon this prayer because it was meant for me to use it and pass it on. ..

    42. Elaine Louise Farquharson says:

      Satan have been extremely busy destroying my life, you can say he has had a field day, laughing straight too hell.
      But it’s time I use the strong hold of the Bible too start fighting back, Until now I was bound not knowing what to do at times can’t even pray for myself. But I have been asking the Lord to vindicate me and am on my IPad researching something else came across this site an there you were speaking about prayers, and what type of pray to pray. Everyone can pray but it is how and the right thing too say.
      On August 15, 1987 I married my first husband and He did not that me right out of that came 3 kids, after so many trials and tribulations I gave up and move on after 21 years. Find someone special and got married he was such a gentleman he cared allot I got sick at the beginning of our dating, He never miss an appointment, he is just awesome, until ?May, 2015 he ask for a divorce, no reason did not see it coming, find out he is gay, but he won’t apply for the divorce that he wants… unemployed, I am on disability, he leaves with the medical insurance, only God can help me then, it’s a sad situation to be in and my girls are involve too, for this too hurt there little heart. Please pray for me as I pray for myself in this journey that am on.

      1. Swaroop George says:

        Dear Jamie. I thank you very much for the prophetic revelation of God’s word for my life .Iam filled with his presence,blessed and comforted.I am thankful to you for revealing God’s plan for my life.. Please pray for salvation for my family and me .Also. Please pray for my son Samuel who is yoked with a Muslim lady.

    43. This came before me during a horrid trial of the devil wreaking havoc in our lives. Mentally, physically, emotionally, financially, health, business, my son, my husband, and of course me. So ty. But I wish there was a way to print that prayer.


    44. I found the print off button but it’s not wanting to work for me.

    45. Thank you for the powerful prayer. I will pray and send it to everyone who needs it.
      God bless you and prosper you in all your ways! Love you

    46. Sonia Ringrose says:

      Thank you Jamie for these Prayers they bring tears to my eyes l can feel the words going through my heart they are powerful words, l will pray this prayer because l am having a lot of problem with my tenants, and my son is in a very bad way, he needs a lot of prayers like this to help him. l thank the Most High God for having someone like you who help a lot of people like me who needs someone so bless in his words and know how to share it with others. God bless you always, Love sister.

    47. I thank for this prayer. It is timely and necessary during this season of mine and my husband life. It not only spoke to my spirit but confirmed many things. I decree and declare it so in the name of Jesus! We are victorious. Tha k you so much for your obedience to the spirit in sharing this prayer. God bless you.

    48. Marjorie Fox says:

      Thank you so much for sharing this powerful prayer with me. I have spoken this prayer with the hope for intercession into my family to bring my children and grandchildren back to me in forgiveness and understanding. They have lost their way and are in the world without the love and support of their family due to misunderstandings and outside influence. Our family needs healing and this pain has gone on too long already!

    49. Thank you for this prayer; God’s word is powerful! I prayed this prayer twice on Wednesday, Thursday morning and Friday. My situation is, I had a divorce mediation on Thursday, it went all day and was very unfruitful, My husband has had a girlfriend for 3 years and is a professing Christian, he does not believe that he is in the wrong and is very deceived. We have 5 children and I do not want the divorce, however he won’t stop his relationship and is verbally, emotionally and spiritually abusive. Anyway I prayed the prayer the day after the horrible mediation as well, because we were heading to court he wants 50/50 custody. I got an email from my attorney saying that the divorce is on hold for 90 days and that my husband is seeking counseling, my husband also agreed to have the children every other wknd. I’m so thankful! The prayer is powerful because it is God’s word and God’s word is full of power. Thank you.

    50. This was originally posted in March of this year but I have just now found this prayer! Jamie, I thank you for being that conduit that the Holy Spirit can and does work through. I NEED this prayer in my life for this season that I am going through. I am going to print this off and start praying it OUT LOUD!!! Thank you my sister!!! God’s richest BLESSINGS upon your life.

    51. Hi Jamie, As I was hanging on to my faith and the word of God I felt like I needed something more regarding the unjust and unfair treatment I had received. A rhema word or prayer something and the Holy Spirit lead me to your prayer. I cried through the first time of prayer as I could hardly see the words. So I went outside and walked and prayed out loud to ensure our God hear me as if He did not hear me the first time. Jamie I felt like an elephant was sitting on my entire body as I could not breathe this was around 9am. Shortly, after lunchtime I felt a PUSH from my chest and it opened up as if I was clogged in some way. I knew at that moment the hand of God was upon me and my situation had been dealt with by the Almighty. The very next morning I received the confirmation that God had turned around, intervene, and made the crooked straight the unjust just. He is an on time God and His word never returns void. Thank you so much for this much needed prayer in my most darkest hours. My God continue to pour you out blessings that is abundant among all things you can hope and dream of. Thank you again for being my blessing.

    52. Pamela Robinson says:

      Our son Dustin has been badly treated by a new landlord, judge & a lawyer by not even being permitted to speak. Our son is slightly mentally handicapped & is on disability because he cannot drive a car or do any type of paperwork due to his disability. His air conditioning went out & was never fixed. Then his furnace went out. Then his hot water heater! After many times of asking them to fix these things & withholding rent until it was done, he was summoned to court for back rent of $1,600.00. He was not allowed to speak in the courtroom! These wealthy people took total advantage of our son who is simple minded and we have been very angry! What they did is against man’s laws and God’s! Please pray that our son will never be homeless and that these people see God’s wrath in this situation & feel either sympathy or guilt for what they’very done. I am elderly & have heart and kidney disease & our son cannot live with us. For now he’s living in a friends basement.

      1. I’m so sorry, Pamela. I prayed for his situation today. May Daddy God send help from Zion quickly.

    53. Hi there Jamie,
      I’d just like to say Thank You for this very much needed post & prayer today. Our Father knows my situation at the moment & I have had complete faith in Him thoughout, so seeing your post just confirms my faith even more.
      I know He has plans for me & my family, but sometimes things can get so overwhelming that the darkness tries to creep in & consume us. I thank Our Father for working through you to show me that He is always here for us, working in our lives, no matter what the situation…He is so Awesome!!
      Thank you so much & I hope you have a wonderful day. May Our Father continue to bless you. ?

    54. Jean Atkins says:

      I would like to thank you for this prayer. I just prayed it in I’m looking for the Lord to move on behalf…My son has a girl friend whom he is always sipping into his room when I’m sleep. I have heard them and have called the police on them…but they tell me their is nothing I can do since my son live with me…except evicted him from the premises . They did tell her that I could make a citizen arrest. And I will do that the next time she comes over. But I believe God and I know he will answer my prayer. This is too much. He got to answer my prayer regarding this.

    55. Elizabeth says:

      Hello Jaime
      I know it’s all in GODs timing… But LORD I need you to move on my behalf like now. My children need their mother and LORD you see the unjust in the home they are in. I pray that GOD will turn this situation around and reveal Mark/Sandra, and turn thier eyes to the CREATOR. Soften their hearts and release my children, the gifts my LORD blessed me with. My boys want to come home( Chacho,Major,Orion & Job) please keep them in your prayers that they are protected by the angels who guard them from the fiery darts(verbal abuse) & (emotional abuse) that my boys will continue speaking boldly with the WORD. Let me not feel weary through this difficult time. It’s been 2 long years and I’ve seen no justice and I’m growing tired, and losing strength and feeling dried and not able to get into the presence of the LORD. I feel like just … No progress . This is just not moving or going anywhere in my favor. I see it all in thier favor they have the luck and I’m losing. They don’t believe and I tell them I serve a mighty GOD who will prevail, and they laugh at me. I’m teaching my boys what GOD has taught me and they ridicule the boys when they return to them. I feel like GOD is not working this battle. I’m so tired, and I do t want to be tired. I want to fight but I’m so drained. Father I need you!

    56. This is a great prayer.
      I have prayed it for my wife to secure a promotion at her place of work which if she doesn’t get, she may loose the job.
      I am sure the Lord God shall intervene and give her the job opportunity.
      Please pray for her and my entire family.

      1. Zed, I’m so glad it blessed you. I pray the Lord would come speedily to your rescue and provide for all your needs better than you ever could have imagined. 🙂

    57. This site and this prayer has blessed me. I have been praying these things, sparingly, but not all together. To me, this was confirmation that I was on the right track. God is so awesome. You have done a wonderful thing here. You are a blessing. I stumbled upon this site and it has truly made/changed my day, and hopefully my life. God bless you.

      1. Thank you so much! I’m so glad our Papa blessed you. Thank you for reading and sharing. I pray He would come through quickly in your situation if He hasn’t already before I’m posting this!

    58. Carol ann says:

      This was what I needed and it’s an awesome prayer

    59. Praise the Lord! Thank you for this much needed prayer. Hallelujah! He is worthy to be praised I feel the anointing right now as I write to you. God bless you and your family. In Jesus name. Amen.

    60. Carrie Cheecham says:

      thank you. Thank you. This prayer is everything I need today as I fight off the enemy in prayer. No words can express how perfect this prayer is for me today. Thank you.

      1. Carrie, I’m so glad. I pray the Lord would rise up quickly and fight on your behalf, bringing quick mercy and judgment to you and your situation. 🙂
        Thank you for reading my blog!

        1. Shidana scott says:

          thank you so much for that prayer I needed. That strongly so awesome I’m lost for words I love it I have to make copies and share thanks

    61. Rickie Toole says:

      Jamie this was divine intervention. It’s 6 am and I have not slept due to a small incident out of many that have continued due to situation I am in. The straw that broke camels back. I finally started asking Jesus for peace every time satan put the anger back in my head. I decided to check my email. I almost didn’t read your post. Thank God i did. I prayed for the tiny issue that has been made huge. I feel in my heart it is being taken care of. Iwill let you know God’s resolution of this. There is a much larger problem that I will get back to you on later. Thank you for this. God has blessed me and you. Rickiee

      1. Wow, Rickie, that’s amazing. I’m so glad the Lord spoke to you and lifted you up. I pray He would intervene quickly and decisively in your situation TODAY. In Jesus’ name!

    62. Thank you wow that really helped me in a rough spot in life thanks again Jesus for just being you and working threw my girlfriend who shied this to me at a perfect moment you truly work in awesome ways mark

    63. Elva Espinoza says:

      I just prayed this aloud and will now wait patiently and proactively. I was offered a promotion and was told I would start as soon as the paper was submitted to HR only for HR to tell them they no longer have an allocation for that position and that the listing they interviewed me from had expired the workday before they offered it to me. so they nonchalantly rescinded the offer and told me to reapply and compete again. only to find out the closing filing date to apply had passed the day before they rescindedicated the offer. I know this prayer isn’t magic and just saying the words isn’t enough. but I beleive God can turn this around so that I may give Him all the Glory!

    64. The apartment we live in has suddenly developed a lot of seepages on the outer walls. My husband is in a bind with the committee members who collect maintenance monies from all the residents and do not even consider his appeal for inspection and due rectification work on the problems. He has been refused consideration over other residents for the last ten years.

    65. I found this prayer very powerful and I affirm my trust in God, in Jesus’ Name. AMEN.
      Thank you for all that you are doing to help others in their various troubles.
      God bless you.

    66. Precillia says:

      Hi! I-came across your blog Thank you it helps me be srtonger in my Faith. I’ve been blessed with three kids of my own. Two are studying for ministry. This prayer came across me we are trying to raise funds for my son to go to his mission trip to LA and it’s been kind of slow I have Faith with Family and friends to come forward help us get him ther. Pray for us Thank you and also I have been blessed with 3 more kiddos on 2010 my husband sister and her husband passed away in a car accident. So today i have 16 year old special needs 12 yr old boy and 8 year old girl Pray for us .Thank you God Bless you Precillia

      1. I’m happy to pray for you, Precillia. May our Daddy God strengthen and encourage you this very day as you walk this road. I’m sorry you’ve been through such a hard time, and I’m sorry for your loss.
        Thank you for reading my blog.

    67. Wonderful prayer, I look forward to a certain stronghold to be broken off my life and will continue to pray until I see it come to fruition and witness God ‘s relief from a very long time burden.

      Thank you

    68. Hi Jamie,
      Your prayer came to me just at the right time. I needed that to boost my faith and hope. I feel at peace now. And will be praying it till my life’s situation & those of my family & friends are reversed for the better. Jesus, I trust in You!

    69. this was just what I really needed , thanks so much for being lead by the Spirit of GOD… thanks for the encouragement , prayer will always WORK because without Faith it is impossible to please the Father, Abba sworn by his own self and sent his WORDS out in righteousness that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess of HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS… bless you Jaime mightly in the powerful name of JESUS CHRIST….

    70. Niki rigg says:

      Hi Jamie,
      Thank you so much for this amazing prayer! I’m looking very forward to writing giving my testimony! I believe God will and is moving on my behalf!


    71. Greetings Jamie,

      I can not tell you how on point this prayer is for what I am going through in my life right now. Stuck on a job that causes so much stress that I have heart palpitations with anxiety and panic attacks every day when I go to work. I feel like my job is sacking the life out of me. This is a new position for me but I have been with the company for 12 years. I am not the only one that feels this way…..but this prayer is everything I need to say and ask God for.

      Thank you for your obedience. God bless you.

    72. Hi Jamie,
      Thank you so much for sharing this prayer with us!
      It is exactly what I need right now. I have 4 situations in my life that are unjust and need God’s plan to reverse them and make them right! I have prayed this prayer and believe that God is moving to vindicate me, and to make everything right according to His good and perfect plan for my life. He will turn everything around for my good and for His glory! God bless you!

      Your friend in Christ,

    73. I found this prayer just after my daughter told me that her husband is leaving to be with someone else. She has just started a new job and has no financea yet also she had a daughter. She lives in France so I can’t be with her right now. I also praying it for myself as my husband left me last year. Please pray for her as well. Thank you and God bless

    74. Wow What A Powerful Prayer! I could Feel it in my Spirit When I spoke these Words! I Believe!! I Recieve!!

      ? ?

    75. Thank you for that powerful prayer which I have read out loud. I am going through a lot of anxiousness presently since December as I made an application for a licence to continue working. I am self employed for 10 years but now due to regulations the authority is proposing to refuse licence based on unjust requirements. Please pray that this situation will be resolved so I can continue providing for my family.
      God bless you too.

      1. I would be happy to add you to my prayers, Aisling. May our Papa fight for you today as you rest under the shadow of His wings. 🙂

    76. Quite appropriate. I needed a post like this.
      Thank you..

    77. Elizabeth Martinez says:

      PRAISE THE LORD! Hello Jaime. My name is Elizabeth and my son Mark Jr, Major Orion & Job need a lot of prayers. I’m going through a custody battle and my oldest son Mark Jr is now living with me, praise GOD. Since his time being with me I have not seen my other 3 boys. It is court ordered that I get my visits but it’s been a sad turnout of my ex husband keeping me from them. I’m unable to hire a lawyer because it is extremely costly. Now my ex husband throwing at me which is sexual prudgury and I’m horrified and hurt. My son Mark Jr is mildly autistic he said while he was living with his dad he was able to hear his dad and new wife speaking of how they can keep me away from all of my children. I was getting all my visits and it all stopped when Jr decided to come live with me. I know my GOD is fighting my battles and I will see justice, I also know that the enemy is coming at me but my GOD lives in me and I’m a strong victorious daughter of the most high KING. I’m asking for prayers for myself, and my boys, and prayers for my adult daughter Lorraine who is estranged from me because she fears her dad who pays her cell phone bill and keeps records of detailed call/texts logs. I thank you for letting me come across this site my LORD. I certainly needed an uplifting.

      Daughter of a king,

      1. Dorothy Bagsby says:

        Thank you for sharing the word of God. I am going through lots of trials, my sister is sick, family issues and condo association refuses to repair and complete the water damages done in my unit. I pray God intercession in this situation and healing for my sister, me and family in Jesus name.

    78. I just sent this to my siblings, there is a serious contention for my sister’s job and she has been given a quit notice, but we are asking God to reverse it before 4thn of March being the last day….which we want to be a new beginning. Our testimony must come and shall be shared here. What a powerful prayer.

    79. I cannot tell you how incredibly, unspeakably, indescribably wonderful it is to have found this today, right at this moment… I have needed this prayer for many, many years, and it as if an angel of the Lord must’ve placed it right at the beginning of my Pinterest page today : )

      Thank you so much for sharing this, I will be praying this often, and leaning on it much, knowing that He WILL perform his Word, that he has a reason for all things, and that with persistence and diligence all things will come to light. I thank Him, and thank you, for this in Jesus’ name. : ) Amen

    80. Just found this prayer and prayed it out loud over severalsituations in my life that have left wounds. I have forgiven all involved. But the situational outcomes need reversal. Please stand in agreement with me.
      Thank you, and blessings to you.

    81. Wow this is what I needed,I just found this prayer and have prayed out loud,and I know that my father is going to answer me.Thank you so much for the prayer

      1. Yes He will. He always honors His Word! 🙂
        Thank you for reading, and have a great day!

        1. Hi I just prayed this prayer aloud about an unfair living situation/inconsiderate neighbors, and as I was reading and speaking the prayer out loud I realized I could apply it to another situation in my life where relationships needed healing. So I’ll be expecting blessings and divine reversals in two areas of my life, and I am so excited to see Him work on my behalf. I believe He will do exceedingly more than I ask in both of these situations, and I am just so thankful to have found this prayer you wrote. I’m keeping it for as long as I can. It’s beautifully written and it’s the empowering tool that I’ll need in order be able to believe and patiently wait for our Father’s vindicating rescue. May God continue to lead and bless you, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

    82. Sheila Maith says:

      Hi Jamie just prayed your prayer. An injustice has took place recently involving my grand daughter of 4 and her dad. The courts gave what I prayed custody to my daughter but my grand daughter is still with the dad alone. My daughter flaunts the fact she is on FB to ruffle me. I am standing on His promise. I am believing for visitation unsupervised and avturn around in this situation. They are constantly brain wishing and manipulating her. My grand son of 17 is stressed and not want to go home. Hr hascfear of his mom, and I know thecLird will move. It just hurts knowing what’s going on and not able to do anything. Hmmm. Th

    83. Falsely Accused says:

      I am going through an incredibly difficult time where I have been falsely accused of a shocking crime which I am completely innocent of.

      I prayed your prayer…it’s amazing and anointed. I am fully holding on to His promises, as a child of the Most High, that He will ensure that no charges are brought against me; that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

      Thank you for this prayer. It’s of great affirmation to me; confirming what I trust and believe…God will vindicate me.

      1. Why doesn’t this comment get a reply? i need to know I’ve been heard! 🙁
        Times are tough.

        1. Hi brother. I’m sorry for the delay. I read all the comments, but I’m not able to respond to all of them sometimes–just due to time constraints as I’m working 3 jobs. I do try, and I do my best; but it’s just not always possible as there’s only one of me. I apologize for that. But when your comment came in, I did pray for you. I pray for all the commenters and readers. And Abba Father heard–and if you prayed this prayer, He heard you too. I pray He would send you the help from Zion that you need, and soon.

          1. falsely accused says:

            Thank you so much, Jamie.
            I sincerely appreciate that. A tough week ahead of me, but your prayer and encouragement has bolstered me ready whatever comes my way. I know God will vindicate me.

            You’re a true blessing. Keep up the great work!

    84. Elaina Renfrew says:

      I have been an active, loving our God, Christian and I have never had such an immediate wrapping of His word then when I said this prayer. Thank you for sharing this. This came at the right time. Praise the Lord!!!!

    85. j vincent says:

      I was unjustly removed from acting in a higher post at my job.
      I have studied for my promotion and someone did an unjust to me I prayed your prayer I am fully holding on to His promises, that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.

      Thank you for this prayer. It’s of great affirmation to me; confirming what I trust and believe…God will vindicate me

    86. CASSANDRA LEWIS says:

      just what i needed

    87. christy dixon says:

      Hello Jamie I just prayed this prayer out loud concerning and unjust evction which i go to court for on 04/25/2016 which is this Monday coming up. And i know God is already working in my behalf. Thanks for this prayer.

    88. Jamie, your blog has blessed in so many ways. You seem to deal with just the issues I face at the right times and God uses your words to bless, encourage or challenge me. Thank you for being obedient to God in your writing.
      There have been many previous articles I would like to reread but I have trouble finding them even if I know the month they were published. Is there a search function I’m missing?

      1. Hey Kathy. Thanks so much for your encouragement, and for reading. Great point about the search box. I just added one near the top of the left sidebar. I also added a tag cloud further down on the sidebar. I’m not sure if the tag cloud is helpful or not, but we’ll see. The search box should work at any rate. I need to get some table of contents pages by subject, too. I’ll work on that. 🙂 Thanks for the tip!

    89. RV in Need says:

      I thank God for this prayer, I have a situation going on in my home that is tearing us apart. I am praying that God show the man I love that I have not been unfaithful to him and that I am not lying to him. I do not want to lose him and I refuse to give up on him or us. I am using this prayer to bind satan, lift the darkness and close the mouths of people who told him I did him wrong. I was not sure how to pray what I felt I needed to pray until I saw this prayer. Thank you and God Bless you.

    90. I believe God to be a just and true one and i thank you for this very apt prayer.
      I have been denied my rightful place and entitlement in my organisation for 3 years now and I have been telling God that I know he is the only one that can fight for me as the situation is just pure wickedness.
      For 2 years now,I was made to take up 2 position in my office on a contract status while they all get the fat salaries.,allowances,bonuses,medical entitlement. ,housing etc and I don’t get any of this and I am over used at work and I ve been crying to God to restore me with compensation as I have vowed to always give 101% at work no matter the situation and I know 20 16 is my turn around year.i will make this prayer a daily one and I will share my testimonies on this page very very soon by his grace

      1. I pray Papa would help you through this difficult situation, Bunmi, as only He can. He is a good, good Father who loves you very much. 🙂

    91. Thank you for this Powerful prayer. God bless you and keep you, make His face shine upon you and give you peace. I believe God is answering my prayer.

      1. Amen. Thank you for that blessing, Ezelle. May you also be blessed and prosper, and may Papa work mightily and rapidly on your behalf, in Jesus’ name.

    92. I felt the presence of the spirit, the powerful message being heard aside read it! It’s easy to be negative especially when tuff times are way in you down, however I feel safe in the message. My son who is severally special needs and I his caregiver need a clear path of healing hearts, people who don’t understand the importance of his struggles, the impact the system has when it’s about him to begin with, unfortunately ppl loose sight of the goal, it becomes legal not one on one. Life has never been this uphill battle to this degree. I ask to lord to soften ppls hearts give them them tools, clarity to understand, rather to hinder devalue spirits in an unjust system.

      Kindly ~

      Sharon and Joey~ appreciate your powerful prayer.

      1. Hi Sharon, thank you for reading and sharing. May Papa give you grace, grace, and more grace, and reverse this situation for His glory and your highest good. Quickly. 🙂 In Jesus’ name.

    93. Kalisha West-Lindsey says:

      Hi Jamie. I want to thank you for hearing God listening to him and being obedient. I WAS dealing with a couple of situations and I Googled …What steps do I take when I need God to move on my behalf and your blog post came up and I am so grateful because I didn’t know what to pray for these issues because I was so caught up in them. But God through you has shown me what he will do on my behalf. Thank you so much.

      1. Hi Kalisha, thanks so much for reading! I’m glad Papa encouraged you. I pray He would move speedily on your behalf as you continue to pray!

    94. In the name of Jesus I claim every word of this prayer. Satan has attacked me and my children my family, my marriage, my home -emotionally, spiritually, physically financially. I have been hurt so badly I feel spiritually and emotionally crippled I needed this prayer right now , today at this very moment. He has used my husband my ex husband and people to tear me down. I have prayed and prayed for so many things but right now I need vindication in my spirit thank you for every single word! This is mine today in Jesus name amen!

      1. I pray Papa would help you right now and come swiftly to your aid, Brandy! Thank you for reading and sharing! I’m so sorry you’re going through such a rough time, but I want you to know that Papa thinks you’re the most special baby in the world. He ADORES you and He’s going to take care of you. 🙂 <3 May He come through for you quickly and show Himself to you as your Glory and the Lifter of your head! In Jesus' name!

    95. PrayerWarrior says:

      Thank you for emphasizing the power of prayer. Your posts are biblically sound. Be encouraged. You are doing great work.

    96. PrayerWarrior says:

      I just prayed the prayer to reverse unjust situations. I feel the power of God moving. I feel the manifestation of this prayer in Jesus name. Halleluia. By the precious all powerful blood of Jesus. I decree victory. Praise God.

    97. Thank you for sharing this prayer, I’m going through a bad time in my life right now. I’d appreciate it if you’re able to pray for me as well. Thank you again.

    98. Thank you so much . Very powerful prayer in deed

    99. This pray brings some much peace to my heart and soul everytime i said. Please continue to pray for my family there are false allegation being placed on me . I have never purposely put my kids in harms way. I know the Lord is withbme every step if the way, but my flesh gets so restly with this situation. I have been a child of God since i was eight years old when i accepted him in my life as my Lord and Savior .Im so hurt how do you bring your spouse closer to God to lose your children due to flase allegation. Well because the devil is a liar .My God is an awesome God a faithful God and he will take back all that was taken from me and vindicate me in this situation. Please continue to pray for me and my family . Thank You

    100. Amen! Amen!Amen! Thank you for this prayer. I have been in this valley for too long. Thank you for reminding me I have power, victory, and strength in Jesus. I will no longer be emotionally abused. Satan has no power over my life right now. I’m claiming victory in my home my marriage my wayward, hard hearted, mean, angry husband. My home my family my kids will not be touched or harmed. I have prayed this prayer, written it my my prayer journal, and imprinted it on my heart, mind and soul. I received it by email today a divine gift I needed so badly. As I was feeling hopeless and so hurt. I’m claiming this right now today. I Lin Jesus name! Amen. Love,and blessings to you. ??❤️

      1. Mimi Williams says:

        God is faithful and just, we shall continue to pray for you. The enemy is a liar and remember Jesus overcame the world. Lord GOD please let this sister know that you are working behind the scene for her and we thank You for all blessings that YOU have poured on Your children throughout the world. Help us to focus on only YOU not our trials and tribulations for we know that you will carry us through. In Your Precious Name we pray. Amen

    101. Thank you for this prayer, I am in deep turmoil my husband is on the street due to owing people money I need peace and victory I needed this prayer. I will stand on Gods word for a miracle and for God to help my husband return to him and be more like Jesus and practise Good ways that he once had and gambling had destroyed. I pray for Gods divine intervention for my family especially my 6 year old son who faces this with me

    102. John legard says:

      Thanks man I really needed this

      1. Thank you for reading, brother. May Papa God bless and vindicate you in all things according to His mercy and lovingkindness.

    103. Karen Hardin says:

      I just shared this powerful prayer and blog with several friends who are going through unjust situations. God IS a God of justice. At His very core it is who He is. This is a great reminder!

    104. Sithembile Edward Zwane says:

      Thank you, I feel this in my Spirit. May God use you more and more to free His people from the hold of the devil. May you receive more revelation every time and help God’s people to grow in Him. Praise God!!!


    106. Thank you so much!! This is an Amazing and Powerful prayer. It is exactly what I was looking for this morning. I pray that God hears my voice and sees my heart. I will pray this prayer with expectancy because God is faithful to fulfill his Word.

    107. Thank you so much.
      This prayer reflects what we are going through right now.
      I hope and I pray that He will listen and help us as always.

    108. I just wanted to say thank you for this prayer. When I pray it. I feel it. August 17th I have court. My daughters dad sexual abused her. I’ve been praying this prayer for 2wks now.

    109. God please shine your light on me. The whole year has been so brutal on me. Please help me recover like you always do. Please pass me in my cfa exam. I have been falsely accused. I don’t have a job and moved back to my home country. You can help me dear lord. Please use this opportunity to make my life better. Reverse all the misfortunes. Please lord. Let your will prevail

    110. God bless you sis Jamie. I will cast all my cares upon Him. Thank you for the prayer.

      1. Adeola Odutola says:

        I have prayed as led by you Jamie in full obedience to the Word, God i ask you for healing and restoration of all that was done to me in the womb and the unfettered robbing of my peace by that which is wounding me in ways unseen as a result of the words, acts and pronouncements of the one for whom I was nearly dead in womb for but for You, o God my Father. Thankyou for your Presence in my life and that You will reverse all and not some of the unjust situations in my life. Thank you for the mighty deliverance from what happened to me as I got into the bath two days to Christmas as a result of which had it been as the enemy had done i should not even be alive today. I give you all the praise and all the glory through my Lord Jesus Christ, Amen

    111. Awesome prayer. I just prayed it for my friend. God bless.

    112. amy gibson says:

      Thank you so very much!! I needed this prayer !!

    113. Phoebe Dawson says:

      I just chanced on this wonderful prayer on my sick bed and I’m blessed by it. God richly bless you. Will keep u updated. God bless u.

    114. Bishop GODSPOWER Dozie says:

      I am fully Blessed by this Powerful Prayer..GOD has Turned my Afflictions to Celebrations

    115. Thank you so much.
      im just been accused wrongly by my spouse ,i have suffered and im praying for Gods intervation right now,some one gave a false evidence against me and my husband is using it to file a divorce.i just come a cross this wondeful prayer and almost prayed it in tears in my office ,thank you ,its the perfect prayer for my situation

      1. Jane, I prayed for you. May our loving Abba Father send you help from Zion, in Jesus’ name.

    116. patricia ann Tsirikos says:

      I am so happy to come across this prayer. I am in a situation with a grandchild that is serious and in need of Gods intervention. Thank You Jesus.

      1. I pray that our Abba Father in Heaven would intervene quickly on your grandbaby’s behalf, Patricia!

    117. Thank you Jamie for this wonderful prayer. I read it loud and felt peace and am sure God is going to listen to me. I have been falsely accused by my in-laws and so sad that my husband who i trusted so much has taken their side. This has brought a rift between me and my husband and our marriage almost ended after one year (We made one year in marriage on 8th August this year). We have been best of friends and working as a team but now it seems everything we have built together has gone to drains. I have been feeling bad for the last three months but today, this prayer has brought peace and hope in my life again. And am sure God will manifest himself when the right time comes. Thank you once again for this prayer.

      1. Dear Jamie, Thanks for this wonderful prayers which has brought peace and happiness in my life. Am happy to tell you that peace has been brought back into my marriage. We can now talk well with my husband and i feel so peaceful. Am not sure if my husband found out the truth that i was being accused unjustly or he wants to forget the previous things and move forward. Am so happy at home as we no longer have to quarrel as before as it was the case. However, am praying so hard that my husband and his sisters can come out and acknowledge their mistake of accusing me and my mum unjustly. Though i already forgave them, i would want them to come out and say it that they were wrong. I also want to pray for me that my marriage can become stronger than before with alot of trust and love between i and my husband.

        Thank you so much for this prayer, it is indeed a miracle.

        Kind Regards,

        1. Lillian, I am SO thrilled to hear about this dramatic answer to prayer! Praising God with you! Thank you so much for letting me know!!!

    118. I just prayed this prayer.
      It speaks to my situation and i now wait on the Lord. I believe He shall come through for me.

      1. I’m glad you prayed, Mwiche. I pray Abba Father would send help from Zion to you quickly.

    119. Barbara Ramsey says:

      I found this Prayer because I needed God. I’m praying for marital reconciliation after a divorce of a 16 yr relationship. I’ve prayed it three times today, and it has made me calm down and feel confident in claiming it in Jesus’ Mighty Name each time I’ve prayed it. I’m speaking it into existence. This prayer is on my phone so that I can have it anywhere. I love my husband kevin and pray God places a hedge of protection around me from his mother who orchestrated our separation and subsequent divorce by coveting her son. I pray for her as well. This prayer saved my life today. Thank you and God bless.

    120. George Fiawoo says:

      I have just finished reading through the prayer and I find it very comforting and encouraging.
      I am definitely going to use it my prayer session to help me in the difficult situation that I am in at the moment.
      I shall send my comments also as regards the results of my prayers.
      Yours Sincerely.
      Thank you very much.

      1. I am so happy l found this prayer. To God be the glory and honor that he does what he says he will do, only if you ask him. I had a custody battle going on. I was so desperate to hear Gods voice then l found this prayer. I didn’t get a chance to pray it everyday- but when l did l meditated on it. It was maybe one week prior to the trial. I must say l came out victorious, so l just wanted to thank you for posting this prayer and give other people hope that they just need to trust God and he will see you through. I hope my testimony helps someone else.
        God Bless

    121. Kellandra says:

      Jamie! This prayer is right on time. I’m going through the fire at work and I am extremely stressed. I received news yesterday from my assistant supervisor that higher ups would be going through my work while I am gone on vacation because it appears that I am not decreasing my work load at a significant pace. I literally broke down in tears because I have worked really hard despite the troubling relationship I have with my immediate supervisor and ongoing increased work demands. I just prayed this prayer and immediately felt a cool calming presence surrounding me. I believe that I can go on my vacation in peace. Thank you so much!

      1. Kellandra, I am SO glad the Lord comforted you with this prayer. It’s the amazing power of His Word! and of the Holy Spirit. Please keep praying it and I believe with you that the Lord will protect you and take care of you in this. Many blessings to you today, and enjoy your vacation!!!

    122. Oh how I needed to pray this prayer and only by the hand of the Holy Spirit did I come upon this page. I will pray this prayer over and over until I may truly forgive and have peace in the midst of an unjust situation in my life. My Lord and my God hear my plea and thank you for introducing Jamie into my life.

      1. Hi Mariane, it’s so nice to meet you and I’m so glad you stopped by. I pray this prayer would help you. If you would like to use the sample prayer for forgiving someone that I use, I wrote about that here: (the backstory)

        and the sample prayer is here:

        I pray these would help you and that Papa God would give you grace, grace, and more grace as you walk through your situation, in Jesus’ name.

    123. Nancy Mmelesi says:

      Hi Jamie.
      Thank you so much for this prayer to reverse unjust situations. I printed and then prayed it this Monday 10 October 2016 about a situation in my work place that was really stressful. I prayed it early Tuesday morning during my morning devotion and God answered that morning. Less than an hour after I got to work I got my testimony.
      God surely answers prayers.
      Thank you for letting God make you a blessing to His people.

      1. Nancy, that’s so amazing. Thank you so much for sharing what God did! Thank You, LORD!!! 🙂
        Thank you for reading my blog!

    124. Hi Ms. Jamie.Thank you for this prayer. I found this yesterday and I started to pray last night. I’ve struggling for my married life since December 2014. My husband has been cheating since that time but I cannot give him up because we had a daughter. I’m hoping this prayer would help me to get back with my husband no matter what. I’m asking your help to please pray for me Ms. Jamie. Thank you so much and God Bless.

    125. To God be all the Glory and Honour. I prayed this prayer yesterday for the first time for an unjust situation. Before the end of the day, my prayer was answered. This is how Great our God is. Am continuing to believe God for more miracles in my life. Thank you Lord. You are a just God!

    126. Thank you for this prayer. I needed this so badly today.

    127. Believer Grandma says:

      I just today came across your website when I was looking for scriptures on reversing injustices in the courtroom & taking back my family wrongly taken from me because we reported abuse. God answers prayer & He is faithful but tired this time around grieving the horrific death of my daughter & other horrific trials brought upon us; then I saw your Prayer of reversal & I prayed for my grandbabies & me & circumstances & I am believing for miracle turnarounds, reversals, plus total restoration for us & recompense given to us & God to expose the hidden things & perjured reports. Thank you!

    128. Northern CA Mom says:

      I moved in 2012 to escape after years of domestic violence to protect my children.
      So when my traumatized and terrified children were given to their abusive father by a corrupt judge a few weeks ago, the depth of the gut wrenching grief, pain and despair….especially after we’d prayed daily for protection and justice for more than a year…..was beyond crippling.
      What purpose does it serve taking them away from their loving mother, older brother, friends and home, all their safety and security ……to live hundreds of miles away, denied any outside contact and forced to live with an angry, pathological lying and narcissistic abuser who’s denied he’s ever harmed them??
      My children disclosed the abuse to more than fifteen mandated reporters, telling their therapists and school counselors their biggest fear was “being taken” by him (he’d done just that years earlier prompting our move) and cried right before and after their forced reunification sessions that failed and prayed for him to be out of their lives….so waking up each morning knowing they’re with him….causes such pain, and guilt for not being able to protect them …that I cry through my prayers.

      We were let down by every system, agency and person who should have prevented any contact and who should have intervened immediately – but hasn’t. I haven’t been able to find an attorney who will help, or the money to pay for one, and it’s more heartbreaking being turned down by every organization that’s supposed to help abused children.
      If I don’t find an attorney to file an appeal in the next ten days – my only chance to reverse this insane mess – by law, I won’t be able to save them.

      I’ve been absolutely financially ruined by my ex’s vicious attorney and I’m trying to raise money on Crowdrise to help keep our house so my children can return to then home they were taken.

      I’m going to use this prayer every day and given the sheer volume of darkness, lies, cruelty and injustice….that God will bring them home where they belong. Prayers for us deeply appreciated.
      Thank you.

      1. I will pray for you, sister. I’m so, so sorry this has happened to you and your family. It sounds like only Father God can help. But I believe that He will.

    129. Henriette van Greunen says:

      Good afternoon Jamie

      Thank you very much for this wonderful prayer. My life is hell the last 14 months. The devil change my wonderful husband in a monster. I am so thankful for this prayer because most days I am so broken and I cry so much that I cant Pray, all I can pray then, is “HELP ME JESUS, HELP ME.
      Now I can pray your prayer. Thank’s, you are a real ANGEL send by GOD. I needed this message (prayer) so much. GODS LOVE, Henriette

    130. Pray for me to have my sister in law out of my house and for her to go back to her husband and home. She is controlling my husband, manipulating him and giving bad influence. I need this situation to end. Please pray for me

      1. I pray for you and your whole family to have wisdom from above, Naledi–the kind of wisdom that James 3:17 describes so that the situation can be resolved peaceably and with love and grace. May Papa help and send His angels to watch over you and your family in Jesus’ name.

    131. I was brutally assaulted and mugged a few months ago in a country where Jesus is not known. The pain and suffering I have endured during this time has been immeasurable. Not only was I physically injured, but my passport with stamps and visas from four years of almost continuous travel, external hard drive with photos from the past year, laptop, phone and wallet were all violently stolen from me. I’m mostly unconcerned about the material items I lost and my physical injuries have all but healed the best they will, but traveling and photography are huge passions of mine and I’m absolutely devastated that my passport and pictures are gone. They represent so much more than the physical things that they are, including my identity as an independent, adventurous traveler and my memories from so many different places with so many different people.

      It has been an extra challenge because this occurred in a country where justice does not seem to exist. Even the authority figures, like the police and gendarmerie, appear to be corrupt, lazy or some combination of these two descriptions. In either case, they have been extremely negligent with their investigation of my assault. The day after I was attacked, witnesses came forward and named two suspects, only one of whom the police showed me to try to identify. In the end, they were set free due to “lack of evidence.” Several weeks later, a third suspect who had been linked to my case was arrested for another crime he committed. At the instruction of the police, I waited what ended up being more than two months to see this third suspect they had in custody. It was only after I visited the court and spoke to a prosecutor that the police finally invited me to the station to see this man. After waiting three and half hours, the police told me that the suspect had been transferred to another facility far away.

      The past few months have brought upon me various waves of intense, roller-coaster-like emotions. Every time I seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel, I’m thrown back even deeper than I was before. I’ve prayed so hard for justice, comfort, peace and even death due to the pain and suffering I was feeling. I craved any sort of relief I could find. It has been a challenging road for me, and I must admit that it has been difficult to praise God through this wicked storm. I have felt grief, bewilderment, betrayal, and depression since the incident occurred. I have tried to rely on God through it all, but I know my faults and I know I have not always been as faithful to Him as I should have been. Despite my efforts, even comparing my situation to that of Job and what is spoken about in the Psalms granted me little comfort. I feel utterly shattered and am at a complete loss.

      I found your prayer in this last week that I will be here in this country, Jamie. As I was reading it, I felt as if it was speaking directly to me. It could not have come at a more convenient time in my life. Praise God for that.

      If it is not too much to ask, please pray that this week, my final week in Senegal, God’s light shines into this darkness I have been engulfed in and I am able to find peace before I continue my trip and make my way back to my family for the holidays. I do not want to leave here with a bitter, hardened heart. I want to believe that all that occurs is absolutely in God’s plan and will bring glory to Him, though I may not understand how at the time or ever. Please pray for a miracle that my passport and photos are returned to me; or if not that, pray that God provides me with the necessary comfort and strength to move forward rather than linger on my losses and such negativity. Please pray that He will help me stand up and then walk with me through this journey because I know that I cannot do it alone.

      Thank you very much, Jamie.

      In Christ,

      1. I prayed for you, Allison. I’m sorry you are going through that, but I pray God would give you courage to forgive each of the people involved completely. Only then will you become free from the situation, and only then will you be able to heal. I know it’s hard, but Holy Spirit can help you do it. I will continue to lift you up to Father. May you be encouraged and comforted today, in Jesus’ name.

        1. Thank you for the prayers. I truly appreciate them. You make an absolutely valid point when you suggest forgiveness for those involved in my assault. Others have recommended the same and challenging as it may be, I’m working hard do just this. It’s difficult to forgive people who are not asking for forgiveness though, isn’t it? I must say it’s a work in progress.

          I received word this morning that a fourth suspect was questioned this weekend, and I suppose there was enough evidence because there will be a trial as early as tomorrow. When I first heard the news, I felt like God had answered my prayer the way I wanted, as opposed to answering it in a less direct, more obscure way, telling me “not yet,” or saying “no, I have something better in mind.” I’ve spent the day reflecting on this news and for some reason, I now have such mixed feelings about this. At the end of the day, all I wanted were my passport and external hard drive back so I could move on with my life– forgive, learn, and heal– or if not those things, peace in my heart and mind so I could move forward.

          I also have some questions about one of the lines of the prayer and would like clarification please: Vengeance of God. Is it acceptable for us to ask for God’s vengeance as we are seeking justice? Or it is right to leave vengeance and condemnation to God and not summon or call upon these things ourselves? Christians are called to love, which contradicts the idea of asking for someone’s condemnation, even a person who has clearly wronged us. Is actively seeking the vengeance of God refuting Jesus’ sacrifice?

          1. Great question. God’s vengeance is not like our vengeance. His vengeance is to vindicate the righteous and deal with evil as He will. It is Biblical to pray for holy vengeance, but only for God’s own kind of holy vengeance–and we must leave it in His hands. He will not allow the righteous to be put to shame. So, we pray for Him to vindicate us and WE walk in total forgiveness and leave the rest to God.

            If you are struggling to forgive, read these two posts –and the second one has the sample forgiveness prayer that I always use. Removing Shame, Restoring Honor Part 1 and Part 2.

            1. Thank you for the explanation and the additional prayers. They have been helpful in my healing process. I have another question: What are the key differences between holy vengeance and justice? Thanks again!

    132. Christine Sanchez says:

      Praise God , I loved this prayer . Incredibly powerful. Just saying it aloud once and my soul is thawing out…along with my heart…Had to be tough for so long

    133. Irene Caird says:

      Hi Jamie,

      I would first of like to thank God for you and what you are doing. May he continue to bless you and your works abundantly.

      I was made redundant in February 2016, and have struggled to find a job that suits our childcare needs. The roles I have found do not cover the costs of childcare, travel and debtors.
      I am praying for a job that will cover our needs as a household.

      I am praying for a role that will not compromise the safety and well being of my 23 month old daughter and one that will enable me to meet my debtors monthly payments.
      I would also like to thank God for blessing my husband with the job that is keeping us through this situation.
      I thank you for standing with me in prayer.

    134. I’m praying for the reverse in my life to change for the better and I can move forward and be happy ,at peace ,and joy ,and that no weapon can form against me will prosper in my family realatinship ,our my finances thank you for this prayer and may god bless you.

    135. Leon Dietrich says:

      Logged myself out by accident

    136. Mrs. Millie Williams says:

      Hello Ms. Jamie
      I ask God to give me a prayer to pray to him with the right words to say. Because me and my husband need of a big financial breakthrough. And I came across your prayer. Just reading it made me feel so much better.
      I thank you so much for put it. I know this was from God. May you and your family be bless. I thank you again. Please keep me and my family in your prayer.
      I thank you again Mrs. Millie

      1. Mrs. Millie Williams says:

        Hello Jamie, I want to thank you for this prayer I have been reading it everyday. Please keep me and my family in prayer. I thank you again Mrs. Millie Williams

        1. Lord, bless my sister and get her justice from her adversary. Provide all her needs and bring her into the full and complete manifestation of Your promises, in Jesus’ name!
          Thank you for reading, Mrs. Millie.

          1. Leon Dietrich says:

            HI Jamie
            I received you prayer from my sister
            I am in dire straits and in need of some Devine, intervention, for job prospects and applications I have submitted. I read the prayer faithfully and apply myself and keep getting a decline?, I suppose the Lord has some other plan for me…..Please could I kindly ask you to say a short prayer of intervention on my behalf. I know I walk the right road and try and do what is right, I need some “heavenly food” at the moment.
            Many Thanks
            Leon Dietrich

            1. I was searching for prayer against an unjust situation with my previous employer who would not release my paycheck. This prayer comforted me. I believe God will reverse this situation on my behalf. Thank you.

    137. Thank you so much, I found this site…this prayer really touches me and I believe this would be of great help to the family whom I wanted to pray for the court battle that they are going through…thank you Jamie…

      1. Amen. Thank you for reading, Alma! (By the way, did you know your name means “soul” in Spanish? I just thought of that, and I pray God would bless your soul today and send you encouragement from every side!)

    138. Yes indeed God speak in many ways and He will show you the hidden things. This morning I woke up early feeling so down, feeling like crying and I felt like giving up. The situation that I am in right now, is been three years tomenting me and my husband. We are struggling to take kids to school, we struggle to eat, we struggle to pay our bond house and other things. This stagnant position has been living with us for past 3years. Its like something with is a glue on our life. We do have a business, but its also not taking us anywhere. My husband is not working for the three years due to the court that he is attending for that past three years. There was the allegation at work that he used to work, and they dismissed him. Eneb if we are lookinhpg for the job, we can’t find it due to the things happening in our country, I’m sure you can see in your TV screen( Johannesburg). People , friends, families, they run away when seeing us, because they know that we are going to ask for help from them, by buying food, asking them to pay bond for us, giving us money to pay school fees for our kids. I know that God loves me so much, but this thing I’ve mention above, make me not enjoy a smooth way with Jesus, they are the hinders in my life. Please pray for me.

      1. Halima musa says:

        Father I know my prayers for Tordue,my sister Lamen and chioma will be answer I believe and have faith ijn

    139. Alexander Beniquez says:

      I believe with all my heart this prayer will come to pass thank you Jesus Christ of Nazareth

    140. ayansola ayandibu says:

      I am blessed with this prayer and I believe my problem has been sorted.

    141. Dear Jamie,

      Thank you for the wonderful prayer.I prayed several times today. I am so desperate. Can you pls pray for me.

      My marriage is torn to pieces. I have a 4 year old and my husband is a teacher.he runs a tuition center. I am a stay at home mom. I used to work as a manager at an MNC but resigned to settle with my husband. I also take classes from 9 am to 3 pm at his institute to help him. I dont get paid .

      He has an affair. 3 weeks back i had wheezing difficulty for 3 days continuous and the inhaler did not work in me. I was still doing all the work and takinh classes.So, i requested my husband who came late night , to take me to a doctor the next day.he said he is busy.

      The next day morning he told his mother that he was fed up with my in laws asked me to leave the house so that their son can get hurt so much.

      She refused us food that day saying and my daughter was so hungry that i had to fight to get her food. I asked my dad to come and get us home for a few days.
      But when my dad came, my mother in law shouted at me and told me she il never let me enter the house again.and she shut the door in our face.

      I came home crying. My husband has not called me since then. My inlaws told him things i have nt even thought off.

      I have requested my husband to get a rented house for us but he is refusing. I dont know what to do. I am desperate . Pls pray for me. Pls help.

      I even got a strong urge of ending everything if i didn’t have a daughter.pls help. Only God can help me. Pls pray for me….pls.

      1. I’m sorry you’re going through that, Renju. Father God and His Son Jesus love you very much. I did pray for you.

    142. Please pray for me. I love my husband and he listens to his mother and his girlfriend. Both of them are trying to throw me out of the house. Mother in law has almost succeeded in throwing me out.

      My daughter has not gone to school for 3 weeks. As the school is far from here, 110 kms. Pls . Pray for me.

      My husband thinks , i left the house at my will but the truth is the in laws threw me out and shut the door.

      My in laws also asked my dad to give them more dowry and ornaments.

      Could you please pray for me…..

      1. Hi Renju. I did pray for you. Remember that Jesus loves you very much and earnestly desires you to give your life to Him. He can help you. Just call on His name, friend. I will keep praying for you.

    143. Also, i prayed the infant prague of novena yesterday to resolve the issue and thats when i found your prayer by the 8th hour of my crash novena.

      I believe God is working on my issues and solving it for my good.i love my husband and my daughter too needs her father.

      I am praying your prayer aloud today also .

      I know God will do thins in his time but if my issue does nt get resolved soon, my sister’s wedding is going to get affected this weekend.

      So i am trying to return to him soon. I believe in God. I am not a christian but I trust him…

      Please remember me in your prayers too. I will be putting in my testimonies soon.I believe my issue is getting resolved.

      1. Hi, Renju. Jesus loves you very much. We cannot have any access to God except through Jesus. Our only hope of life eternal or of access to God in this present age is to give our lives to Jesus. Would you like to do that? If you will give your heart to Jesus, He will forgive your sins (sin = everything you have ever done that was not perfect like God is), wash you clean, make you new, fill you with His Spirit, and give you eternal life.

        If you would like to learn more about Jesus, so you can know God and have access to Him–and live in His manifest presence always–please read here.
        I will pray for you.

    144. This prayer worked for me earlier in the year with my request for my licence which was unfairly being denied. But, thankfully was reversed.
      I have now prayed this prayer again and I believe it will work again for my relationship problem. I need reconciliation and unity again so please pray that this unjust situation will be reversed

      1. God’s Word always works, no matter what the situation is, Aisling! Please keep on praying it back to Him!

    145. Rachel Naomi says:

      I believe your prayer popped up at a crucial time. I am in the office preparing a grievance to be submitted asap – before the Christmas holiday commences. Serving in a capacity I feel God has ordained has caused profound pain to both my mother and I who have stood for five years to see God work out injustices in the Cdn military. I am also having to respond to a file that came from our nation’s capital, measuring almost a foot high. Seeking God for direction is the only way I can respond, as several home invasions have resulted in many of my original documents being stolen. God is forever faithful and just.

    146. Thank you for this prayer. Right now I am going through an unjust situation in which I provided cash upfront for kitchen cabinets to be installed. The person name is Kernal Baptiste, he told me that he used the money when he was arrested for maintenance. To date my kitchen cabinets have not been done and all calls to his phone are unanswered. I was searching for prayer for unjust situations and came upon this, after I read it I did not feel all the anger I had before. I believe that Kernal will pay for what he has done. God’s judgement and punishment for him will be swift.

      1. I pray that Father would help you, Natasha. However, be aware that Father cannot help you as long as you want the person to be punished and judged. Only when you fully forgive the other person, and ask God to have mercy on that person, can God help and bring justice… because until then, you are caught in the sin of unforgiveness yourself.
        I pray Father God would help you to forgive today if there is any area you have not already forgiven.

        Related: model prayer for forgiveness here.

    147. Hello, my name is Selena, I am going to a ruff time in my life. The pray that you posted was so powerful, that for once in a long time, I can say I truly believe. I have been asking the Lord to send me a sign, message, a vision on what to do next. I have been praying for more faith and more wisdom and understanding. I recently started going back to church, but before I started going back to church, I was living in sin and was in an ungodly relationship with a man that I thought was honest and I thought that he loved me. I got impregnated and told this man that I was pregnant and he told me to get an abortion. In the mist of the lifestyle that I was living, I knew that I could never get an abortion. I knew this unborn child was a gift from God in the mist of my sin. The relationship between the man I was involved with just kept getting worse and worse. I knew something had to change, I knew that God was showing me something but I couldn’t figure out what it was yet. Then on one morning 3 months ago the devil attack my health and I found myself in the hospital for 7 long days. I had high blood pressure that the doctors couldn’t even figure out why and what was causing it, the doctors wanted to put me in ICU to give me better care for myself and my unborn child. I was so afraid and scared and called out to God. I was so stressed out and worried about what was going on in my home while I was gone away in the hospital. I didn’t know what the man I was involved with was doing, he never came and visited me while I was in the hospital. I was just sad and depressed and didn’t know how to get out of the situation. I called on God and with his help and my mother and others that prayed for me, I was released from the hospital and went home. My house was turmoil and I knew that I had to stop this sin and clean my house from ungodly things. God once again gave me strength to work on getting my house in order. As the devil seen me calling on God and getting closer to God, I was then attacked again with something from my past that I am currently dealing with that I am being falsely accused of. I did do somethings wrong in my past in regards to what I am being accused for but I am also being lied on and falsely accused for some things that i know I did not do. I finally cried out to God and went to church and ask God for strength to endure. I went home after church and I prayed and ask God to guide me and give me strength to live right by him. Later on that night, the man that i was in a relationship with came home and I told him that he had to go, I told him that I was so worried about me puttinf him out of my home and were would he go and I didn’t want to be cruel like he had been cruel to me. I told him that he had to go because he had made the choice’s to stay away for night and days without calling me and would return to my home just as if nothing had happened. I told him I know that he must have a place to lay his head when he sleep and that I was no longer worried about his were abouts, I told him I didn’t want to live an ungodly life like this any longer and you want me to still get an abortion and I have to think about my 12 year old son and my unborn child. I had hurt inside but God has been giving me strength. I attended church the next Sunday and I gave myself back to the Lord and I continue to read my Bible and go to worship the Lord. Just recently a few days ago I was contacted once again about my past and was told that I am being investigated about something from my past and I have been asking God for guidance, I have been so confused and then happy and then sad. I have been trying to learn how to strengthen my faith. I have asked God for forgiveness for the things I have done wrong in my past and for all of my sins. I have just been so overwhelmed and I still been holding on and not giving up on seeking God, i know that Jesus died on the cross for me and that he loves me. I just had been asking God for a sign or something, I wasn’t sure on how to pray or were to get started at. I just had been living in a spirit of fear and anxiety, depression, yet I know this is not of God and I wanted to change these things ASAP. That’s when I went online and Google until I couldn’t Google more and came across your website and my God! I can truly say that the Lord did hear me crying out asking for a sign or something from him. I came across this prayer that you posted for others in the world to see and to pray and believe. I truly want to say thank God and I thank you for being obedient to the Lord for sharing this pray for others. This is why I just shared my story with you and for others to read. I too hope to help someone trust and believe that God does hear our prayers. Thanks again and please keepe and my family in your prayer’s.

      1. Hi Selena. It’s nice to meet you. Thank you so much for reading my blog. I’m thrilled that you have given your life to Jesus and have decided to live for Him. I know that Papa God is very proud of you for choosing Him. He loves you very much, and He is going to help you in everything–and especially He will help you every single time you have to make a decision that chooses Jesus and kicks sin out of your life.

        Precious Selena, you are very beautiful in Father’s sight. He sees you and your unborn child, and He loves you very much. His heart beats for you, and He is wildly, outrageously in love with you and your baby. You are BOTH His babies.

        If you are looking for a way to make your faith grow, I would encourage you to get your Bible and read through the book of John in the New Testament. (The Gospel of John, which is the 4th book.) Read it over and over again. You will get acquainted with Jesus in its pages, and you will hear His message of hope and healing and strength for you.

        And as you look at Jesus, your faith will grow. You will be encouraged. And you will feel loved.

        Much love in Christ, and big hugs to you today.
        Your sister,

        1. Thank you sis Jamie, it really meant a whole lot to me receiving a message back from you. I appreciate you taking the time out to respond to all of our messages. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. Thank you again.

    148. Bridget Sullivan says:

      I’ve been praying this prayer and tonight I believe that God will change the situation that I’m going through thank you for this and may God bless you.

    149. CRYSTAL ELROD says:

      Thank you so much for this prayer. I truly needed this right now. I felt every word of it, with tears falling down my face as I spoke each word. I have had relentless chaos and hard times for a large part of my life, but the past year has been the worst. And yesterday, I almost lost my faith. This prayer is what I needed to help lift my spirits and reassure me that everything will be ok, with God’s help, in Jesus’ name. Please pray for me, as well. I truly appreciate your help and your words. Thank you. And God bless.

    150. Mina Crocker says:

      TY for this prayer! I need it! My 84 yr. Old Dad was living w/me, until my ex-niece-in-law got her greedy hands on him. HE has Dementia. She”s made new POA, changed life insurance policy & made it $100,000. I need my Dad back home, restoration. Also, I have a bipolar supervisor.

    151. I just want to say thank you and I will continue to say this prayer everyday until he comes home. My significant other was sentenced to 69 years for a murder he did not commit and the officers and judge set him up just to retain him they knew he didn’t do it. The suspects were caught with the weapon but let go the same night. He’s been just sitting because every time he put paperwork in they kept denying it so I finally said enough is enough knowing it can cause many people’s jobs we are fighting but scared because threats and his life is on the line. He’s been locked up for going on 5 Years I have a son who needs him I’m close to sending him away because I cnt control hrs missing that male figure in his life. I’m in school for nursing and can’t focus with him acting out everywhere I just need him returned to home safe and sound. But today he called me at 6:19 am and told me a guy came and seen him and told him did he know what he was asking for help said yes when he answered that the guy told him he needs to be very careful because the higher courts obtained the information and they are demanding answer from the state and beings though he did this they can do what they want to him while he’s there. I have ever been fighting with this man since 2012 I can not just give up but I can’t loose hI’m either it’s his life on the line because they thought he would not fight back but he did now he’s scared to even sleep because we don’t know what can go on. I can’t focus in school because I’m worried that he might not make it out. He’s promising he will fight but I need him to be returned in one piece healthy like he is. The lines are recorded but they are trying to protect them selves I just need him safe. Reading this will help me alot thank you again this is exactly what I needed.

      1. ALL PRAISE GO TO OUR LORD, WHO IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.Thanks so much for this prayer…I needed it just at this time…I am so blessed to have you in my life Jamie. I AM CURRENTLY GOING THROUGH AN UNJUST SITUATION IN MY LIFE WHICH IS ABOUT TO GET UGLY DUE TO ALL ALLEGATIONS MADE AGAINST ME BY MY HUSBAND. BUT I KNOW MY REEDEEMER LIVES HE WILL GIVE ME VICTORY TO THIS UNJUST SITUATION… THANK YOU FOR THIS PRAYER WHICH IS SOMETHING I JUST NEEDED TO OVERCOME AND CONQUER THE DEVIL. God promised to fight for me and give me peace. I know he will walk before me and make all the crooked places straight as well all the rough places smooth…:) I know I will get victory. May God continue to bless you abundantly….

      2. Dee Jones says:

        Oh my. I have a nephew in jail because of something someone else did. My other nephew is fighting for his reputation because of a lie told by his wife. His daughters told the police officers that he did not do why their mother said he did…..but they “had” to take him anyway. He is now fighting for his reputation because she was angry and jealous of the time he was spending trying to build his business. I will pray with you. We can think of each other as we pray. This prayer is wonderful and as I prayed it this morning I felt calm……I am now waiting for my answer and to be able to give testimony and praise to God. Again, I am praying for and with you. Sending you love and light.

    152. lashandia binion says:

      Thank you for the prayer I really needed it very strange things have been happening in mylife for the last several years concerning relationships I feel as if I am under attack.

    153. I am currently in a very scary situation and need God to fight for me and to heal me of the fear that goes with it..I am praying this prayer every chance i get and asking anyone who will to agree with me in prayer thank you so much

      1. Father God will fight for you, Joan, and you can be at peace! He is with you and will never leave you nor forsake you!

    154. I just prayed this prayer in a loud whisper it definitely applies to me and my family I will be repeating This prayer once more before I go to sleep may the lord bless everyone

    155. Thank you, Jamie for this prayer. We really really needed this and God sent me here to read this prayer and feel blessed. Right now me and my family are going through trouble times the bank foreclosed on us and sold our beautiful home. At this time we are working with an attorney to see if we can get our house back. I hope and pray we will and win back our home. Please keep us in your prayers. Again, thank you for this prayer and thank God I found your site. Thank the lord!!

    156. I live in south India.Thank you very much for this prayer! I am the elder sister of one sister and brother.We undergo series of troubles for past several years-black magic,debts,financial problems,court cases,threat to life,land grabbing,misfortunes etc.

    157. Mary McGhee says:

      I needed some comfort because I’m going through some very unjust on my job. And it is wrong what my supervisor are doing to a co- worker and I. He know it and getting a big laugh out of it. He trying to get me remove from area that I work, not only me but a co- worker to. Just because we don’t go along with the wrong things he does. We have talk to other people in higher places and nothing is done about it so he think he getting away with what he doing and he is getting worse. I been looking for something just like this and the Lord let me find it today, Thank You Jesus!!!! We are at our end with this man! I want to thank you so much for this message, God Bless! I name and claim this in the name of Jesus!!!

    158. Dear Jamie,

      Thank you for sharing and guiding me in prayer. I am in great financial need to keep my house and car and find a job soon. I have been praying for more then a year now without ceasing and am sure that God will answer my prayer through yours to find a job soon and overcome my financial need and court summonses for my outstanding debt.

      To God All The Glory In The Name of Jesus Christ His Only Begotten Son.


      God Bless

    159. Debra Runyan says:

      Thank you and I thank God for your prayer. My daughter is going through a divorce and it has been over a year now and every thing seems unjust in this case. We have to travel to another state for court and to transfer a toddler that is involved in a custody battle. Her husband and his family are not saved and have no intention of raising her up to believe in Jesus Christ. The judge is only on the side of those who live in his state and is only concerned that the husband gets his parental rights. Even though he does not want to raise her up, his mother does. So please pray with us in this situation. I am a prayer warrior but I need all the heavenly reinforcements that I can get. Thanks. Trial date is March 7 this year.

      1. Leon Dietrich says:

        Hi Debra
        My thoughts and prayers are with you.
        You will get your Child – Jamie said GOD is going to do impossible things in Feb (may spill over into March), but your Daughter will get her Child, she must have FAITH and SPEAK the FAITH…..just believe and praise

    160. Maureen Kabasiita says:

      This is exactly what I needed.I hv prayed this prayer out loud and an believing God for justice.iam waiting any moment for victory.Maureen from Uganda.EA.

    161. I am saying this prayer for my son. Please help me pray for him in his terrible job. The supervisors are terrible and love to harass . He needs this job to provide for his family. Please pray for him as we will all support one another in prayer to God!

    162. richard agholor says:

      I stumbled across this prayer today when i was looking for a prayer for God intervention in my life. i believed that what i am going through was abnormal, but deep within me, i believe i have A GOD THAT IS GREATER than all the problems.
      my heart was full of sins and trouble. I submitted to the will of God today in this prayer and believing God to perfect my life. I have lost all i have worked for and on exile because of debt. i can barely feed a day and i have not seen my two daughters for over a year. my wife left me because of my debt situation and i am all alone. But GOD who do mighty things have led me to this prayer. thank you so much for spending time to post this here. may your seeds be blessings to their generation Amen!

      1. Father God will help you, brother, if you will seek Him with all of your heart and give yourself to loving Jesus completely.

    163. I just said this prayer out loud twice for my daughter. She is waiting for a decision to be made from a nurse st the building she is working in to clear her to come back to work even thou her doctor cleared her and her employer cleared her. If she isn’t allowed back she will be devastated and I will be very worried about her. We don’t understand why this nurse is giving her a hard time. She is going to be having a phone call with my daughters doctor today and I hope and pray she will decide to clear her to go back to work thank you so much and please pray for Desi

      1. Jamie. Please pray for my daughter Desi. She will be heartbroken if she isn’t cleared to go back to work. She has been through slit in the pass 2 years and she deserves to be able to go back to work. Please pray!!!

    164. Thank you for your prayer, I know it has uplifted many spirits and many people. I actually came across this while looking for intercessory prayer for justice as I’m currently going through a bitter divorce. My wife, whom I loved very much, left me after I came across some questionable and illegal activity she was allowing a male “friend” to do at our home. When I finally had enough, I went to the police and courts and my wife left our home in a fit of destruction and anger. Because of her embarassment over the affair and her friend has a criminal record my wife then went on a campaign of lies, threats, back stabbing, and slander. Eventually, I had enough and filed for divorce and my wife and I have not seen or spoken to each other several months. I loved this woman very deeply and took my marriage convenant to her seriously, even when it was obvious she was doing things could been seen as immoral and adulterous. I cried like a baby and prayed/fasted for several weeks, but the abuse, threats, and neglect from her leading up to and during the time she walked out were too much and I had no choice but to file for divorce. Clergy tells me she is possesed, mental health professionals say she has a mental disorder, and family/friends thinks she is nothing more than a loose harlot who is angry because she was outted. To me there is no “winning” in this divorcr because I lost the one I loved. I doubt even God can fix and reconcile this mess; she has told too many lies, done too much abuse, and caused too much pain. It appears she has pledged her life to darkness. All I can do now is seek justice in the courts and hope that she is dealt with before it is too late.

        1. Thank you, one thing I have been asking for is God, either directly or through the Holy Spirit, guide and protect me. God has put some amazing people on my corner and given me access to numerous resources to fight back via the court system. But I feel like he hasn’t spoken to me directly on what he wants me to do. I want justice, all of my ex-wife’s evil and dysfunction exposed, and her punished by the court system. But that is what I want and I do not want something that is out of God’s will (letting hurt cloud my judgement and understanding). I want his will to be done and I need his contiuned blessing for discernment.

    165. diana mbugua says:

      thannk you for your worderfull prayer.have prayed and believe that God will restore my currently situation especially because of my work place.and we have been told that our contract has finished but some people will remain and continue working.i don want to b among them i want to continue with my work in jesus name.and that will happen on next month plizzzzz pray for me.

      1. Diana, I pray that Father would bless you with His very best right now–and that He would provide for all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. I will continue to pray for you.

      2. diana mbugua says:

        am here to give a testimony.1st i say thanx to God because 2months ago i prayed this prayer.because of the issue of where i work,we were told some people are going to b removed ibutn the project.but non of us was removed. and we are still at work.may the almighty Dad b magnifyed.right now am heart broken bcoz of my relationship with my fiance and still i bliv God will still intervien .i’ll keep praying this prayer bcoz something good will happen pray 4mi

    166. My house in a civil war right now. All three of my adult children have taken sides against one another. However, but Jesus, I know there is hope. I am praying that alcoholism and abuse and hatred will be destroyed. Christ has the keys and has done the work. I am being faithful in prayer and I am not taking sides. I am on the Lord’s side. I have repented for my sins of how they were brought up. I need the saints to stand and form a wall so the enemy would not gain any more ground. There are outside human forces such as significant others urging this battle on and I need them silenced in Jesus name. I know Christ will take this situation and do something wonderful. Amen. Thank you for your website and faithfulness…..

      1. Oh sister, I am so very sorry you are going through that. But I feel led to encourage you to focus on the THROUGH, and on the brightness that will be on the other side! For Father has said that all things, including this thing, will work out for your good, for you love God and are called according to His purpose.
        I prayed for you and your family just now. Much love to you. Thank you for reading!

    167. LaChaunce says:

      I am going through a very difficult time on my job. It has been 4.5 years now with no sign of relief on the horizon. I have a ungodly supervisor protected by his ungodly supervisor. Together, they have lied about me and are working hard to fire me. The work environment is heavily controlled full of intimidation. So many lives before have adversely impacted by these two men who act as if they are invincible. I know this battle I’m in is first spiritual and then physical and I have endure through JESUS CHRIST my LORD. I thank you for the prayer and the Divine Peace it has brought me. I pray my change / deliverance is own the way. Please pray for me. I am a child of the KING.

    168. Thank you so much I swear I needed to hear those words. I don’t have a printer so I had to write it’s word down. My husband is locked up right now and we have a new baby and I know that we both have commented sins in life but we ask God every day to forgive us the government is not allow us to talk so I have not talk to my husband in 10 mths it is so hard there have been times when I felt like giving up but God has been to good to me for me to allow myself to stop speaking and praying my husband hear with me. I’m going to use this prayer everythi me i think of giving up or feeling down thank you so much and please keep writing to help people like me who are trying to find there way back home to Jesus

    169. it seems everywhere i go i get so many people rising up against me, lies are told, the enemy does whatever to mess me up, this happened so much to drive me out of an amazing job opportunity, it got so intense that it drove me back home from England to Africa, ive been praying and fasting trusting God to bring justice and re-compensation to my case..i am soo trouble and disappointed

    170. I read this prayer out loud due to the injustice of the family court system. Everything I have worked hard for before our marriage is taken away. The court is plagued with arrogant terrorist who feeds off fit parents. I divorced my ex due to her infidelity and illegal business activities. Our kids have seen Jesus in their lives and pray without me there. The injustice of forcing me into tremendous debt and potential bankruptcy needs to be reversed. The role of fatherhood has been demoralized by society. I pray that God releases his wrath on these judges and attorneys.

      1. please go to ga bar and show that your attorney has influenced initmidated your attorneys and that is why. the attorneys keep system goign and the only way is to expose it send this to and to your GA governor and ask for laws to change . the use of family protective orders are being abused apply to dateline tell them about my SPO and how court abused it they let a former employer vaccines 2 go steal my 20k check and then allowed her to get a family protective SPO when she was not family . The court allows criminals to abuse the system / go to dateline news reach out show them your story ask for help from your news. go to the bar association and lawyers conspired to influence your lawyer to withdraw or not have court hearing on time. it is illegal influencing court procedures

    171. Thank you for sharing this powerful prayer. It just says it all. Praise the Lord.

    172. Wow, amazing. Exactly what I needed and I felt the presence of the Lord before I started praying. Have a blessed day and thank you!

    173. I have suffered a lot coz of witchcraft, spiritual husband etc. i have lost more than 15 jobs at the age of 35. I have been jobless for almost a year. Friday 28 2017 i will be going for an Interview for the first time ever i lost my job. I feel blessed that i came across this prayer bullets. trust God through this prayer to change my sitiuation for the better. Its been hard as everyday for us to eat as a family we have to borrow money. At my sons school they calling endlessly asking for fees of which i cant afford. im the sole breadwinner in my family supporting 4 family members. this sitiuation as weighed so much on me. This time around im trusting God for a supernatural breakthrough through this prayer.Please pray for me as well Jamie especially for the friday interview i need Gods favour and miracles in that interview. God bless

    174. Tnks dear, may Papa God increase u in knowledge and Wisdom.. Ur help to people of God is a reality…indeed am blessed by ur blog.. Remain resolute, God bless u and ur ministry..Amen..

    175. Read out these prayers in faith less than an hour ago. Our Lord is Faithful to have literally answered. It’s just the beginning and I believe God will pour down his supernatural power on the other areas of my life according to his time and Will.

    176. Jaime,

      Thank you for that lovely prayer. I prayed it over my situation and believe it will accomplish that which God promises me as his child in Christ Jesus.

      Thank you and God bless your wonderful online ministry.

      In Jesus name.


    177. Jaime,

      Thank you for that lovely prayer. I prayed it over my situation and believe it will accomplish that which God promises me as his child in Christ Jesus.

      Thank you and God bless your wonderful online ministry.

      In Jesus’ name.


    178. Thank you for this wonderful prayer. I pray that God will grant me a good job as I have nothing left and am struggling to make ends meet. I also ask Him to forgive me for my past mistakes and failures. In the name of Jesus. Amen

    179. Tupelo Khanyile says:

      God has blessed me with a good job. Th people that are reporting to me are very unhappy cos of my position. They are trying everything in their powers to discredit me. They are stirring troubles for me behind my back and smile with me when they see me. This has been going on for a very long time and I know my God will mot leave me, I know my God will never forsaken me. Prayers make me strong, but sometimes it is hard for me to pray as the situation is overwhelming me. I sometimes find myself feeling weak and crying not that cos I don’t trust God, but cos the flesh can’t take it anymore. Please help me and pray for and with me for God’s strength and His guidance during this trying time of my life.

    180. Thank you for this prayer, I have a court hearing in July for minor things so I pray that God will intercede on my behalf and make everything work out great on my behalf in the court room when this day comes, I’ve never entered a court room before in my life so I that that God will bring me through this just find, thank you so much

    181. Hi..Thank you for this husband and i are going thru financial difficulties , we have a business and had borrowed money, which we have already paid for but now we are paying interest money, its going on for 3 years, we are borrowing to pay, but unable to even pay the borrowed money. we have sleepless night, no joy and peace, we are losing ourself slowly. But i do have Faith and i trust in God for only he pulls us thru everyday. Im praying very very hard and i know my prayer will be answered. Thank You

    182. Dison Afayo says:

      Thank you so much for this prayer It has come to me when am desperate and worried I hope it will help to reverse my terrible situation of having a retake in a paper in my final year that will cost my graduation next year January. I hope this situation will reverse in Jesus mighty Name Amen

    183. Sinikiwe Mashengele (Nikki) says:

      Thank you for the prayer. I believe God will turn my situation to His glory. God bless you always for sharing this.

      I have copied it to pray it until I see a change in my situations.

    184. psalms 54: 7
      God will deliver troubles . I have miracles happen to me and i can testify Gods power believe with faith and be greatful God is preparing all of us for a higher calling to know the treasures are knowing his power in us pslams 95: 13 Let al creation rejoice for he comes to judge the earth he will judge the world in righteousness and the people in his faithfulnes AMEN all will be lifted and unjust will be just by faith ” No weapon formed against me shall prosper isiah 54: 17 Amen protect my Chandler and Hannah bring forth again peace and happines to our family remove the bullies and expose their wicked ways and show honor and protections Father almighty show us your purpose daily AMEN

    185. DCrothers says:

      I have two situations (people) working together to destroy my life. Both involve court and they are helping each other with the others’ case. I went to court today and have felt good since; however I cannot stop dwelling on court. I came here today looking to pray as I’ve been asking God to take it from me. As I began saying the prayer out loud, I began to cry hard. I couldn’t stop. I could hardly read the words. My nose ran. I could not stop. I was very deeply moved in this prayer. I can’t really explain it, but I was moved! Thank you so much for giving this to me.

    186. Thank you so much for this prayer which my family needs right now. May God oil your ministry and bless you indeed. Please pray for us for a reversal of an unjust plot that I am trusting God will be destroyed within 24 hours in the mighty name of Jesus.

    187. Christiana Rosado says:

      Thank you so much for posting this prayer , I really needed this right now with everything going on in my life, and at this very moment, the holy spirit had me in tears as I was reading outload. I know that was a good thing. Thank you again i’m so glad i came across your page on google God Bless you !

    188. Dee Jones says:

      Hi..I left a comment when I first found this site June 24th. I don’t think it was ever posted. It would not take my email address which is [email protected]……it waited to use a email address I used a few years back when I published a couple of blog post on WordPress. I really hope this post get published because I have been praying this prayer …. I am believing in a miracle. So much is going on right now…..but mostly I want a place of my own to live. Please pray with me .

      Thank you so much for posting this prayer.
      Dee M. Jones

    189. Thank God for leading me to this prayer.
      I am going through a difficult time right now – the man that God has bought into my life has been snatched from me by his ex gf who used witchcraft to get him back.
      I didn’t believe in such things before but it make sense now.
      I am praying that God releases the bind she has placed on him and reverse the situation in order for him to return to me – In Jesus name
      I believe God is guiding me on this and I am confident that victory will be mine in Jesus name…

    190. How wonderful and kind of you to share this with other believers, I am praying and trusting God to change the situation in my country kenya, we will have the general elections next month, my testimony to will surely follow in due time, God bless.

    191. My son’s girlfriend has been accused of taking money from her work place, which she didn’t do and she is going through a difficult time.
      This prayer is just what she needs, I am hoping that she would say, but she is so depressed right now, it seems as if she is giving up all hope.
      I am going to say it on her behalf and I am asking you to pray for her also.
      Thank you

    192. Hi Jamie. I have been praying the above prayer on various situations affecting my loved ones and I. Yesterday i found out that God had answered me on a particular case, my sister was being harassed in school (to summarise a long story) and the situation was reversed by the Grace of God. God bless you

    193. Thanks for this prayer. In the last 7 years, I have dealt with minor yet long standing injury situations, all from the incompetence and arrogance of doctors. I recovered complete from the first two, but it took awhile and MONTHS of research on my part to get the proper answers after praying to God for wisdom to direct me to someone that could really help. And He honored that.

      One was a hamstring thing that lasted for close to 3 years, off and on. An alternative therapist (rolf massage) brought me out of it in 2 treatments after throwing thousands of dollars at it with conventional medicine. All is well.

      The other was a misdiagnosis of a fungal infection that was treated like a dermatological problem. I sensed this was wrong and asked for my records and it revealed the truth. Another benevolent doctor brought me out of this, but it took several months as the steroids prescribed by earlier doctors (both oral and topical) compounded the problem and recovery time.

      Right now I am recovering from a bone bruise from an injury while I was on a job as an independent contractor so I am not eligible for compensation. I don’t care about that, I just want to be able to walk properly and not be awoken in the mornings in pain. I went to an orthopedic doctor in good faith and it took 3 times before an MRI was ordered. Cortisone shots were given to me and they did not last as the bone bruise was not revealed on an X-ray and it took the MRI to reveal it. The initial diagnosis was “bursitis” and that may have been there, but the doctor did not investigate when I came back within a month still in pain like I was when I first visited him.
      I walked on this bone bruise for an additional 2 months because of this error.
      He will not admit it. I have had to take 2 months off of work, luckily my job is being held for me. The pain and inconvenience has been very challenging.

      I got wisdom from God in the first two instances and full recovery and that is my prayer for now concerning this unjust situation.

      If I was as incompetent concerning all 3 for instances, I would deserve to be fired from my job. It is unbelievable what doctors get away with and then their arrogance in trying to cover up their errors.

      I have prayed to forgive them, too, just so you know.
      However, the inconvenience and loss of money and time for me concerning my life in general and my career life is inexcusable and God needs to intervene in the latest situation. He did in the first two and I just pray that NO ONE is harmed like this by any of these doctors anymore.

      1. I changed doctors after I wrote the above to a good one who is concerned for my welfare and recovery is happening, but it has been slow.

        I know God can restore this lost time, but I need prayers for tangible positive signs in recovering physical function and freedom from all pain involved. I was so misguided by the former doctor that I am dealing with muscular issues in regaining knee flexion that was brought on by no guidance to avoid it and I sought help from him on two different appointments just for some suggestions before I was approved to take physical therapy after the bone bruise healed up.

        They measure my progress of my leg each time, and it is opening up, but I am still on a walker, do not have approval to go to a cane as the next step and have not been able to go into the basement of my house for over two months because of the lack of guidance from the other doctor making the recovery longer than it should be, just from negligence in not addressing this problem when I sought help in good faith starting in April this year.

        I am really trying to forget the unjustness of other doctor concerning his attitude and lack of wanting to help, but I am free of that “relationship” as an act of my will I have forgiven him as I am required to do as a Christian …..but just want this to move quicker. I have spontaneously healed from a couple of things in the past after suffering (injuries) for a period of time and I look for this to happen each morning when I wake up and hold on to those for instances when I have recovered totally and never been bothered with the issues ever again in my life. God has done this for me before and I know He can do it again. It would so help my state of mind to have a great stride made concerning this as soon as possible as dealing with this day after day is something I would not wish on anyone, including the doctor that was negligent.

    194. Thank you for sharing your prayer. Yes Gods word does not come back void. I will keep trusting God to heal my family from alcohol & drug addictions.

    195. Michael Perkins says:

      Thank you, I needed that for my marriage- I claim the victory!!! The devil is a lie IN JESUS NAME!!

    196. I can’t thank you enough!! Anyone who is feeling as though there is no hope for a situation they are going through needs to read this prayer daily and believe. God will make a way!! I was online in search of a prayer to help me through an extremely stressful situation at work. I am a teacher and have literally spent my entire summer agonizing over the working conditions at my school. Instead of enjoying my time away from work I was having tremondous anxiety at the thought of returning to the same stressful circumstances and how I had no idea how I would endure everything once again for another whole school year. After two weeks of faithfully saying this prayer aloud each and every day God answered my prayers. I was offered another teaching position at a completely different school where the class load is much better and the conditions are far less stressful. I didn’t even apply to this school – a mutual friend of myself and the principal at this school put us in contact with one another and on a Monday evening and by Thursday I had an interview. By Friday I was receiving emails from their central office administration about completing my background check. I will be able to resign from my current school this week and can begin at my new school sometime towards the end of September. I wish I had found this prayer back in June so I would have never spent my summer so worried and literally at the point of a break down. I am a witness – prayer works and God moves. He is the solution I should have been searching for a long time ago to deal with my work related issues.

    197. Thank you so much for the prayer. It fits very well with what I am goin through and will definitely use it in prayer. May the good Lord richly bless you

    198. Long story short my husband is a contractor in Iraq, he filed for divorce, he’s living with someone else in Arkansas he supposed to be paying me spousal support but instead he gives me what he feels like. I can’t pay the mortgage, I’m barely getting the bills paid, and food on the table for our three kids. what I really want is financially to be okay, for my husband to come back home, this divorce to not happen, to have my marriage back, and for my family to be whole again.

    199. Valerie Pendergrass says:

      I just found your website. What a Godsend! It was just what I needed at this time. I’ve never found so much powerful encouragement and instruction. I just prayed this prayer in reference to a situation that has arisen in my family since my mother’s death. As I read it aloud I found myself doing so with force and authority. That’s not me, Jaime. I think of myself as very weak and ineffectual. Here’s my concern, though. The 24 hour part. As I said, I’m weak and ineffectual. My faith is weak and ineffectual. I believe that God can do a thing. i don’t know if he’ll do it for me. I don’t know if it will be some unspecified time down the road. ‘Someday.’ for this reason, I would ask that you would pray it for me and for others like me as well. Maybe you do. In either case, thank. there are those who for whatever reasons can’t stand in faith as we wish we could. I don’t have anyone to talk to about this situation. I have no one to encourage me. Thank you, thank you, thank you for giving your time and efforts to God to be used in this way!

    200. Crystal S says:

      Thank you so much for this prayer Jamie!! It comes at a time that I have some situations up before the Lord that I need turned around. He is faithful. I thank God for leading me to this site. I will come back and post my testimony. I am thanking God for hearing and answering my prayers.

    201. Pretty good blog. I had been struggling with some things and this blog has helped me out a lot. Thank you and God bless you.

    202. Christine Sanchez says:

      Jamie, congratulations on your pregnancy. very excited for you…I need your prayer over my family right now…I still have not come out ok of my divorce…Lost a lot and ruined my finances ..basically he stole from me…and abandoned our two daughters which I and my family have had to support…Now my brother is terminal with three types of cancer and my my mother is also dealing wch multiple health issues and heart failure also..She is taking care of my brother so I could loose her too. i have lupus and many chronic illnesses and I am too overwhelmed these days to get much. it wrong to want some of your life back? I know this is where God has me now…I know I should be thankful its not worse. But I want my thinks that were taken from me…,,my home, my family, my financial security…Is this wrong….this ias been going on ten years now….please help and advise. I am thankful for Father God to be in my life…I could not have made it this far without him. I feel like I get closer to him and more things happen that i can’t deal with…your prayers and webste has been a lifesaver…i am learning to pray the wright way and more often. God Bless

    203. Bets Mathew says:

      I am going through a really difficult time in my life… unjust and simply soul crushing! I happened to come across this page. I prayed this prayer. But will you pray for me too, if you read this message?

        1. Thank you Jamie! It’s getting harder, and the situation is getting tougher, but I will wait upon the Lord!

    204. Lola Anderson says:

      My son is going Thur a really tough time. Can you pray for him. Just found your website and already a partner. Please pray for us

    205. Jim Mansu jr says:

      Thank you for that powerful prayer. My wife and i have been hammered
      by the enemy physically, financially and emotionally since the day we
      were married 28 years ago. I’m proud to say that thru it all, we have always stood firm in our love and belief in our LORD and each other. we have been waiting patiently for a miracle for us and all those out there going thru troubled times and i’m standing in faith it will be this day in JESUS HOLY NAME,

    206. Thato Mokgoko says:

      Hi Jamie

      I searched until I came across this prayer. It speaks to my situation right noway. I’m a single mother of 2 girls and I lost my job 3months ago, our landlord is evicting us for non payment. He also mentioned that as a Christian I have dishonored Jesus by not paying rent. I will pray this prayer and in my heart i know that God will change the situation. Thank you for the blogg it’s encouraging?

      1. Thato please do not give up praying to our Father in Heaven. He will let your situation pass. For he knows the plan He has for you. The plan to prosper you, to give you happiness and hope. You and the children are in our prayers. God will elevate you do not be afraid. He will never leave nor forsake you.

    207. I was unjustly dismissed from work, even after facing a panel. I did my job well and I followed my companies procedures but they still faulted me. All I am praying to God is to make them see my innocence and reverse that dismissal letter, and ask me to come and resign. I know and I believe that God will grant my heart desires. I also ask the Lord to bless me with a better job than what I had before.

    208. Please pray for me. I am homeless living in my vehicle. Lost a job I love after a mean spirited boss who has been harassing me & sexually harassing me documented ridiculous things until I was basically forced to resign. I had to give up my beloved pets to rescue organizations. I am in desperate need of a safe place to live & a new job. Thank you for your prayers & God bless you in Jesus name!

      1. I will pray for you and that all works out better than you can imagine. The Lord will keep you safe. God bless

      2. I hope you are in a better situation now. I was heartbroken about your pets. Am praying for you too

    209. Liquenda Dei-Ansong says:

      Thanks so much for that powerful prayer. Infact I am really touched because, l have seen this prayer at the right time and strongly believe that it will work for me.

      Please also help me in prayers.

      1. Krishna Veni Burrows says:

        i am really glad for this prayer i got from this website as my family is facing lot of problems my mother-in-law and brother-in-law have done black magic over my husband that he may not earn for his family always sick with his heart problem they have blocked all his income and earnings and put a court case on him and all i need is everything should go smoothly in jesus name. Amen

    210. Nicholas Gayle says:

      Thank you for such a powerful prayer. I’m currently going through hell and NEED immediate divine breakthroughs. You prayer speak to my every situation and was quite timely. Thank you!

    211. D.A.Colere says:

      This is such a powerful prayer. I say it daily with prayers of intercession by St Joseph, St Anthony, St Jude, Michael the Archangel, and Mary. Within first few days an unjust situation began reversing. I continue to pray for and ask prayers that spiritually I will grow and that this unjust financial situation will return to my favor many times over the actual. I am thankful for what I have, but am still displaced and need to be settled for entire well being. In Jesus’s name I will!

      1. I’m so glad to hear that God is answering, D.A. It’s all in the name of Jesus. The past saints and angels are not interceding for you, but Jesus Christ ever lives to make intercession for you. His name is all you need!
        Thank you so much for reading.

    212. Daphenie Benders says:

      My God….this is the most powerful prayer ever. I have chills and goose bumps all over my body, I felt the Holy presence of God right in my bedroom (it’s 2:24 am) and He is still here. I know that the greatest miracle is about to happen in my life and divine intervention is on it’s way.

      God is real!!!

      1. I felt the same way when I said it out loud!! Tears came pouring out. God always heats up, but this was different!!!! Hope your miracle happens!!

    213. This must be directly from God. I see that this was written a few years ago, and yet it touches my situation right in the bulls eye. I just prayed this prayer over my family situation and I’m believing the Lord for peace and justice and His blessing over me and my family. Thank you Jamie! You bless me over and over again!

    214. Thank you for wonderful prayer ? I believe God has change my situation with my child.
      I believe the truth will be out very soon and I believe God will show him the way and I pray for him to have Wisdom .

    215. I know God have answered my prayer is matter of time to find out ! Will keep you inform.


    216. I happened to find you via Pinterest today. What a powerful prayer, just in time, and it brought tears to my eyes. What a loving God we have. Thank you!

    217. Thank you so much for this prayer.

    218. Jamie you are such a blessing to me and my family. Whenever a unjust situation arises in my family the spirit takes me back to this prayer. I love my sister Christ.

    219. I am a mother of twins and triplets in Sa i am asking God to provide for us to get our triplets finance for studies and jobs i lost my job and eveything i worked so hard for due to stumbling upon my employer child looking at porn and they let me go i need Gods favour for my children it was not my fault i wish i never saw it but it happend please pray for us.

    220. I am looking to restore my relationship with my soul mate who I heart with things I put on social media. I love her more than anything in my Life, and I know we are meant to be together forever. This is the perfect prayer I’m looking for to help my situation. Amen

    221. I was online searching for prayer. I came across this website and am very glad that I did. I’m asking you Jamie to pray and intercede for me just like you did for the two families you spoke about. I’m really going through a rough time now and need all the prayer I can get. I would like to share the situations I am going through now. The first being I have a good friend that’s been diagnosed with terminal tongue cancer and the doctors have given him up to die. The second is it’s hard for me to keep a job because of my lack of patience. I am praying hard that god will help me to change in that way. I am out of work and hope that god will be merciful and touch some employer’s heart. The third is for peace between my ex boyfriend and myself. He drinks a lot and when he does he becomes verbally abusive towards me. The problem is that he puts his god children and god sister before me. This causes me to become very jealous and upset and say things that I regret later. Things came to a head on yesterday and he told me to come and get my belongings from his house and he was going to move on with his life. I ask you Jamie and all the other wonderful prayer partners here to pray and intercede to god on my behalf. My life is so lonely and miserable now that I don’t care about anything anymore. God bless you Jamie for this prayer.

    222. I just want to thank god for Jamie. On yesterday I recited this prayer and within hours my prayer for the situation with my ex boyfriend was answered. We are going to try to get along better now. This prayer is very powerful and it does work.

    223. Michael mcfarland says:

      Hello my name is Michael McFarland I used to work for Sperry rail service I lost my job and I need to try to get it back so I’m praying that you will pray that God will give me my job back and that I will maybe be able to help

      1. Hi Michael
        I am so sorry you lost your job. I know the feeling. I will be praying that god will see fit to give you your job back. I wish you all the best.

    224. I believe this prayer is a word in due season as it speaks to my present situation. I already sense a turn around…God has begun the art of fighting my battles for me. God bless you.

    225. Thanks for this prayer.

      I am facing an unjust situation at work where we are going through organisational transformation. i attended interviews about two weeks ago. i did well but i was not considered for further testing (psychometric tests). I wasn’t even given feedback in regards to my performance and then I only heard through other candidates that they had been invited for psychometric tests. I have not been invited for such tests.

      The thing is my former boss was exited through this schemes of hatred and i believe they have plans to eliminate the whole lineage from the organisation. They believe that I was aligned to him.

      Help me such that justice shall prevail and take its course. I give all my troubles to GOD and He shall make all things good.

      Please join me in praying for my restoration or what God deems better. He shall never leave nor forsake me.

    226. Yvette Ruffin says:

      Amen, be blessed.

    227. A job in my place of employment opened up. The Assistant of the person leaving got the job. I asked my employer for his old job. She said they just interviewed for both positions at the same time and made an offer to someone on the outside, but didnt know if she accepted.
      The original posting was still online, so I applied.
      She interviewed me a few days later, fully knowing that the other person accepted the job.
      It is unfair that Both positions were not offered.
      It is unfair that I was interviewed and fully qualified, but the other person already had the job.
      Lord, please make this situation right.
      I feel so hopeless and depressed.

    228. Dear Jamie
      Thank you so much for this payer. I have started praying at 3am for God to help my husband find another job . My husband was framed at work and fired unjustly. Currently we are struggling to raise tuition fees for our children . Please pray for him so that he can find another job soonest for him to be able to take care of his family again .

    229. Jamie you are awesome, God truly use you to impact people lives in the most powerful way on earth; the Jesus is smiling every day you get up and obey his will for his children; may the blessings of our God over take you and family. Jesus is Lord of lords and King of kings Halelujah! Amen! Thanks keep up the good work for Jesus!?

    230. Rosemarydurbin says:

      Thank you so much. I felt the holy ghost wash over me and tears poured from my eyes as I read this prayer. It is much needed in my life. Within a year and a half I’ve lost my kids, my love, my friends, now my animals go one by one and in one week I’m being evicted just two weeks before court where I may lose my kids permanently not for abuse or neglect but for physical sickness. I now feel a calm I’m my soul. For will restore all that’s been taken. Praise the Lord, Amen

    231. Thank you for this. It came at a time when I felt impatient and anxious about vindication. I have seen how God has moved in my life to address attacks from the enemy. I have no reason to doubt Him. This prayer has renewed my spirit.

    232. Jamie,
      Saying this prayer made me cry while saying it out loud in church. I felt the Holy Spirit releasing all my emotions. I pray that the prosecutor will plea my felony does and to a misdemeanor and realize that the accident was an accident and not intentional. Please pray that the prosecutors minds will be softened and not charge me with a felony in this car accident. Also pray for the victims family that God speaks to them and softens their hearts as well, and that they all agree this is a misdemeanor and not a felony charge. I’m so sorry for all the pain for the family and my family and friends. Please settle this case soon with no felony and no jail or prison. I pray no one has to go through a situation like this

    233. Thank you for this prayer. It have really made me believe that things will work out. I have a pending court case for over six (6) years and nothing is happening.

      Please pray with me that this matter will be heard and the outcome will be in my favour.

      God bless you!

    234. I came across this prayer last night and I’ll say it twice a day. My family has been going through a painful, unjust situation for 3 months now. I don’t know if I’m allowed to go into details, but in short, our newborn baby and I need my husband to be allowed to live at home with us again. He has been removed from our home and falsely accused of something unspeakable, and no legal action has been helpful in reversing this. Our lives are ruined.

    235. I read mostly everything. I hope it helps. The breakthrough I seek is very,,,large. Something I’ve never seen before. I’m being vague but it’s to much to type in one years time. During a time of fasting I tripped over this forum. I was not searching for it. I was looking up something very different and I was thinking of the break through I seek. The google response from the search did not show what I typed. It showed what I was thinking. I list of biblical sites showed up and this was among the ones that seemed very highlighted. That happened often. However, I am still seeking a huge breakthrough. Perhaps this post is needed. Hope this breakthrough happens….imminently.

    236. Thank you for your prayer. I am in a serious situation where I could be separated from my three boys who are in the UK with myself. The situation is the government would like to have me removed and it is all because paperwork was not submitted on time by a third party. I am praying to the Lord for all blessings in this case that there will be a reversal by the government about myself and my boys’ paperwork will also be more than successful and that we remain together as one family. Praying in the name of our Lord! For thine is the Kingdom Power and the Glory Amen.

    237. Celeste Akinyi Otieno says:

      Thank you: I needed this prayer at this time in my life.
      God bless you abundantly.

    238. Thank you Holy Spirit got leading me to this prayer of reversal ??❤️Thank You for leading me to Jamie ??❤️You are always on time Lord????❤️

    239. Joneisa Strickland says:

      My boyfriend has been wrongly convicted. He is awaiting trial now. I ask that through god’s mercy so shall the truth set my dear friend free. He has been through so much. Who can will open their ears to hear a grown man cry. May our trust in the creator keep my my family binded blessed and protected. Forever and ever amen

    240. Okechukwu Nmema says:

      I praise and thank God Almighty for the excellent work you are doing. In my frantic and almost frustrated search on how to get my prayers answered , the Lord brought me to your site From His Presence.
      Thank you for that wonderful prayer. I have already printed it because only God can and will solve my problems.
      Please kindly intercede for me and my family that God will deliver us from this shame we are in.

    241. Amen,I so thank you so much,I really needed to read that here that and I would believe that.that prayer was awesome and it made me feel alot better as I read along.powerful words.i believe ,I have faith and I also no that God may not be on time to us on alot of situations but he’s always on time for all Jesus name,I am a child of God.GOD BLESS YOU AND THANK YOU

    242. My husband is very pained because he is being treated unjustly at his workplace. He has fasted and prayed about it and it only gets worse. I have the faith that he would be rewarded but he is so discouraged right now. Please intercede for him in his workplace. Thank you. Anen

    243. Thank you for this prayer,

      With stong belief I have been doing this prayer for a few days now and hoping that the Lord is working on answering me miraculously soon.
      Please pray for my situation between me and my husband is reverse as it is extremely messy to the point my children are suffering the consequences as well..I know God hold the power over us all.

      Blessings to you and my family.

    244. My name is Diana joy I was in a relationship for more than 3 years but now when he told this at home his parents refused and now he stopped talking to me now it is been 9 months that we both spoke to each other again I tried to get in touch with him but he shouted at me so badly for no fault of mine I really don’t know what to do only God can intervene in my relationship I still love him so much I want him to come back and marry me with the acceptance from both our families please pray for me my situation is really bad please help me

      1. Hi Diana. Have you considered that a man that would treat you that way may not be God’s best for you?

        1. diana joy says:

          Yes I have thought about this but normally he is a bit angry person now he scared of his mother my parents are planning to speak to him and his family regarding this i have started with the prayers and I am hoping for a good result please keep me in your prayers its very important for me for God’s presence and let God intervene in this problem

    245. Wisdom Gbaa says:

      Am so grateful to find this prayer it is about my whole life situation am going through
      God help me

    246. Nkechinyere says:

      Thank you for this prayer,

      With stong belief i said this prayer 2 days and my husband said it ones and I can feel the hand work of the Lord working miraculously over my husband case.
      Please pray for my husband that he may come back home for Easter.
      Blessings to you and my family.

    247. Gail Nedd says:

      Beautiful prayer. Thank you. Will keep you posted on my outcome.

    248. Gwellem Jeannette says:

      Am so grateful to find this prayer it is about my whole life situation am going through
      God help me

    249. Gwellem Jeannette says:

      Thank you so much for this payer. i have already prayed the prayers about 10 mins ago.

      The prayer has said everything that i am passing through today the 28th March 2018. thanks thanks.

    250. Thank you so much for this prayer! It speaks exactly to my situation of so much loss in recent years; my husband passed away after years of illness, leaving me with our two young adopted daughters. I subsequently lost relationship with my entire extended family due to an incredibly unjust situation, which I am still fighting in court. But I have taken my case to the courts of Heaven and expect the favor and turnaround of the situation because of praying this prayer. Thank you Jamie!

    251. Please pray for my husband to forgive my family for peace love to be once again he would forgive them that together we will pray and praise the Lord as a family ??My husband refuses to forgive my family and yet we are all Christians even my husband

    252. Thank you for the prayer, it will help me a lot because the lord is with me and evil spirits are trying to destroy my marriage, my family and my life all the time, the lord will help me in these hard times, a big legal problem is coming against me and very evil people want to destroy me no matter how they can do it, I will keep praying and fasting and let the lord walk with me through this tough times in my life, Pray and fast is the key for the lord to guide me. Thank you again for this wonderful prayer and God bless you.

    253. SarahGrace says:

      Thank you Sister! Powerful, Truthful and Inspiring. I have recently heard the trio of an anointing for Wholeness, Fullness and Freshness. Thank you for this prayer. My life took a sudden turn when half of my family was killed in 2008. Then in a recent season(2016) the Lord blessed me with a 2nd marriage to a Godly man, but it has been shocking to see the tremendous attack we have suffered in just 18 months of our marriage. Funny how, in my first marriage nothing happened, but we weren’t believers. I became a believer in June 2008 and my husband, daughter were killed 3 and 6 months later, my house burnt and my brother in law and mother in law also died in the same 6 months. So, Yes I am ready for the reversal. I am ready to reverse death and embrace life and live it more abundantly than every before.
      Thank you for modeling this prayer for us to follow in unity with the call God has placed on our life as believers.

    254. I needed this today, I’m having a hard time. My 2 babies were taken away by cps due to me living with a man who was indicted on sexual assault to a minor (I had no idea…) and I am expecting his baby, I moved out all they had on me was me living with him, I’ve been out for over a month (I was out a week after finding out) and yet I’m still fighting, my ex husband has temporary custody and he wants to be a family again, and I’d love that but can’t do that til the walls in our way are taken down, I have court next week and pray that goes well and then an meeting the 18th and hopefully by the grace of our father it won’t have to go further, please pray that all this works out (also my attorney and cps are so slow I should of already had classes and stuff scheduled and I call them every day with 0 answer, I’m dedicated to doing eve ry thing I can but can only do so much so pray they get on the bal)

    255. Angel dent says:

      Praying for this eviction not to take place tomorrow. Im a single young mom i struggle sometimes. Please pray for us or im be homeless with my child. I prayed this prayer multiple times today so pls help

    256. Angel dent says:

      My name is angel dent im praying to avoid eviction tomorrow kicked out my place im a young mom i struggle i said this prayer multiple times pls help

    257. Matshediso says:

      My name is Matshediso Motsei ,earlier this year i had a bad experience that led to my relationship getting broken by during march this year,i can’t really explain what happened my boyfriend just changed and just decided to end things between us,it was hard for me and extremely painful…i had prayed even after we met for God to strengthen our relationship as i didnt want to get in and out of relationships anymore;i wanted a commitment so does he, but things just went wrong,i keep on praying to God asking him to reconcile our broken relationship,i don’t see myself with another person oth