Next Steps For the New Believer in Jesus

1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons

If you just prayed that prayer with me and truly believed it in your heart, I would like to welcome you into the family of God. You have just become a cherished son (or daughter) of God Himself.

You’ll want to get to know God, so you can have the relationship that you and He have both dreamed of (even if you didn’t know you were dreaming of it!).

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    The best way to do this is by reading the Bible.

    The other two best ways to do this are by attending a good, Spirit-filled, local church, and by praying.

    I recommend you do all three.

    Your inner man will be fed by reading the Bible, because it’s God’s written Word just to you. You will also be fed by attending a local church and worshipping with other believers. And prayer will be your “power line.”

    If you prayed just now to accept Jesus as your Savior, please contact me and tell me about it. I’d love to hear your story, and if you have any questions about how to get to know God, I’d be happy to help in any way I can.

    {Hugs}! Welcome to the Father’s family!


    1. Annanson John says:

      What a relief going through the entire articles and praying the sinner’s prayer again even though I have been BORN-AGAIN ! Thank you very much for your dedication and commitments to the gospel and equipping us all, Yes I am happy,I did!

    2. Janario Mckinney says:

      Thank you for welcoming me into God’s family.I am so happy to be a born again child of God and your brother in Christ. May God bless abundantly.See you one day in Heaven.

    3. Enril 1111 says:

      After so many years of friending and counting on the works of men for everything in my life I am truly truly looking forward to relying more and more on the Lord.

    4. I have read the prayer, also asked for the Holy spirit.
      my life is scarred by being a disfellowshipped jehovas witness and my lifes been affected by not knowing how to find truth, Jesus and god .
      I cannot find a worthy Church as most seem somewhat pagan.
      I’m desperate to find d solice in god and righteousness.
      I pray for the light and pathway to God and the Holy spirit
      love Alan

      1. Michael (From His Presence staff) says:

        Hi Alan, thanks for writing in. I’m part of the staff here at the ministry. Finding a church can be difficult these days. Please don’t give up on that endeavor. When I came to Christ and completely surrendered, His Word became more tangible to me than ever before and a I sought Holy Spirit to be my teacher. There are plenty of writers that have passed on knowledge and wisdom to us as well. Tozer, Spurgeon, etc. I encourage you to read the writings of those that have held up well over the test of time.

        1 John 2:27 tells us that “His anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie; just as He has taught you, remain in Him.”

        So remain true in your daily study and seeking after God’s presence and wisdom in your life through the Holy Spirit. Read 1 John and Proverbs as a start if you’ve not already begun. Blessings to you on your journey!

    5. Thank you Jamie for helping me know the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit better and for the warm welcome into God’s family. It is a privilege to be a born again Christian and your sister in Christ.. May God bless you abundantly and shower you with more and more grace as he did for Moses, May his light be transparent over you, especially your face in Jesus’ name amen.

    6. Shaunequa says:

      I have recommitted my life to God through Christ Jesus. Thank you for these articles.

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