Prayer to Raise the Spiritually Dead
Does someone you love seem spiritually dead–or almost spiritually dead?
If so, today’s sample prayer will help you intercede for them with power. It will help you ask God to raise your loved one from the dead into the fullness of intimacy with Him, and also into their destiny!
I had a reader tell me recently about a situation she was facing with a recently-returned prodigal child. The child had returned to Jesus, but was dealing with an extreme battle with the enemy. Our sister wasn’t sure how to pray about this situation.
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The Lord led me to write the prayer below for her to use–a prayer to raise the spiritually dead. I wanted to share it with you today.
This prayer comes from verse after verse in God’s Word. If you are wondering where each Scripture is, just do an internet search on pretty much any phrase, and you will find Scripture to support it. (I did not annotate this prayer with the Scriptures I used since there would be so many of them.)
If you are praying for someone who is spiritually dead–or who is just barely alive and needs a lot of help–then pray this prayer:
(And actually, this prayer is wonderful for any person who’s hurting or who wants/needs to be closer to Jesus for any reason.)
“Father God, in Jesus’ name, I lift up ____ to You. Father God, I thank You that YOU are Light, and in You is no darkness at all. Father, I thank You that You love all Your children, and no man can snatch them out of Jesus’ hands, for He is the Good Shepherd.
Father God, in Jesus’ name, right now I ask that You would cloak _____ in the sweet fragrance and glory cloud of Your Holy Spirit.
Comfort them. Apply Your healing balm of Gilead to their heart. Cover them, and let Your wings settle down over them right now. Keep them as the apple of Your eye, and hide them under the shadow of Your wings from the wicked who oppress them and from their enemies who surround them.
Father God, if _____ is not saved, then I ask in Jesus’ name that You would convict them of sin; show them the righteousness and beauty of Jesus; and show them that there’s no hope in their sin. Show them their need for You, and that Jesus is the one and only Way, Truth, and Life. Help them give their life totally to Jesus Christ and make Him their Lord and Savior.
And Father God, if _____ is saved, then please fill them with Your Holy Spirit anew and afresh. Baptize them in Your Spirit and fire, Lord Jesus, and renew and restore their life.
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Holy Spirit, I pray that You would minister to ___ right now and defend them from the attacks of the enemy.
In the name of Jesus, I pluck out every arrow the enemy has shot into _____ in Jesus’ name. I break those arrows in the name of Jesus, and I throw them to the ground, useless and of no effect.
Father God, I plead the blood of Jesus over every wound in _____’s heart, body, soul, and spirit. Let healing come right now, so quickly and thoroughly that there will not even be a scar.
Holy Spirit, come from the four winds and breathe on _____, that s/he may live, in Jesus’ name.
Fill him/her with joy. Restore the joy of their salvation. Put the laughter back in their heart, the smile back on their face, and the dance back in their step. I speak to every dead dream in _____, and I say: “Live, in Jesus’ name!”
Father God, I pray that the precious Holy Spirit would hover and brood over _____ right now. Cover them with the blood of Jesus.
I plead the blood of Jesus over _____’s mind. I bind their mind to You. Your Word says that they have the mind of Christ, so let Your thoughts proceed out of their mind and Your Word proceed forth from their mouth right now.
Father God, I plead the blood of Jesus over _____’s emotions. Teach them. Help them to dwell in the secret place of Your presence, Lord. Keep them stable and fixed under Your shadow, for no one can withstand Your power and they are perfectly safe if they abide in You.
Father God, I plead the blood of Jesus over _____’s body. Let him/her present his/her body to You as a living sacrifice right now, holy, which is their reasonable service. I pray that they would not be conformed to this world, but that they would be transformed by the renewing of their mind, that they would prove Your good and acceptable and perfect will for his/her life.
Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name that _____ would sense Your love and affection right now.
Shower them with Your goodness and blessing. Let the Holy Spirit minister Your adoption to them right now. Make them perfect in Your perfect love, and cast out all fear from his/her heart, mind, and life in Jesus’ name.
Father, I ask that You would help _____ to be moldable and pliable in Your hands. Help them to be humble, Lord. Give him/her eyes to see You, ears to hear You, and a nose to smell Your fragrance.
Heavenly Father, tune _____ in to the voice of Your Spirit, and help them to recognize Your voice above all others. And every time they hear Your voice, Lord, I pray that they would obey it immediately and without hesitation, in Jesus’ name.
Father God, I ask that You would heal _____’s wounded heart.
Take away their old, wounded, broken heart of stone. Give them a brand-new heart of flesh, and let it be Your heart. Take away their old, rebellious spirit, and give them Your Spirit. Write Your commandments and Your covenants on their heart, and let _____ keep company with You in intimate relationship day and night.
Father God, I plead the blood of Jesus over ____’s decisions. Give them wisdom, Lord. Help him/her to hear Your voice behind them saying “This is the way; walk in it;” and help him/her never turn to the right or to the left. Teach them which way to go in all things. Instruct him/her and teach them in the way they should go, and guide them with Your eye upon them.
Related: Download my 3-part audio series “The Ministry of the Intercessor” to learn how to intercede with power, even if you’ve never been an intercessor before! Yes, YOU can gain victory in intercession when you pray God’s way … and EVERY Christian is called not just to prayer, but also to intercession (a special form of prayer). Grab this set today to learn more about the call of intercession; 7 ways to intercede; and the rewards you will receive if you intercede for someone else.
Father God, I pray that You would give ____ clean hands and a pure heart.
Help him/her to love what You love and hate what You hate. Let him/her love righteousness and hate wickedness. Teach them the truth of Your Word. Make him/her a man/woman of Your Word and of prayer. Help them to live holy before You, walking before You in white.
And Father God, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would raise up _____ to live out the fullness of the destiny for which You created them.
I speak to the finished works You prepared for _____ before the foundation of the world, and I command them to manifest right now in his/her life in Jesus’ name. I speak to the hidden things You desire to reveal, and I command them to be revealed in his/her life right now in Jesus’ name.
I speak to every door that You desire to close for _____, Lord; and I say: “Doors, close! In Jesus’ name!” And I speak to every door You desire to open for _____, and I say, “Doors, open! In Jesus’ name!”
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Are you going through a storm you don’t deserve?
If so, Jamie’s book Stable In the Storm: Consecrated Living for Tumultuous Times will help you embrace God’s purposes for allowing your storm, so you can be done with the season of trial and testing sooner!
Order the paperback or download this ebook today, and let the Lord speak to you about His purposes for YOUR storm!
Father God, I thank You for the testimony You are giving _____, and for how You’re working it all out for good. Thank You that You are going to get all the glory in _____’s life.
Help them to humble themselves under Your mighty hand, and in due time You will lift them up. Help them to cast all their cares upon You, for You care for them.
I pray that _____ would be anxious for nothing; but in everything, with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, he/she would make his/her requests known to God. And may Your peace, which passes all understanding, guard his/her heart and mind in Christ Jesus.
Thank You, Father God. Thank You, Lord Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. Thank You that I have received everything I have asked You for today, because I have asked according to Your Word. I give You all the glory, all the honor, and all the praise.
In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Did you pray this prayer for someone you love? If so, please leave a comment below! Feel free to encourage a brother or sister in the comments who’s also praying in faith for their loved one!
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Related: Read these posts to build your faith and help you pray for the radical blessings God promises in His Word!
- Radical Prayers Get Radical Answers
- Radical Prayer #1: God Wants To Honor You
- Radical Prayer #2: Jesus Became Poor That You Might Become Rich
- Radical Prayer #3: Wild Ideas and Witty Inventions
- Radical Prayer #4: The Anointing of the Sons of Issachar
- Radical Prayer #5: Ask God For An Angel With A Flaming Sword
- Radical Prayer #6: God Wants To Set You On High
- Radical Prayer #7: God Himself Will Disciple Your Children
- Radical Prayer #8: The Blessing of the Bride
- Radical Prayer #9: Divine Rivers in Desolate Heights
- Radical Prayer #10: Decreeing Light Into Your Darkness
- Radical Prayer #11: All Your Tears Turned Into Joy
- How To Get Your Prayers Answered 100% of the Time
- PLUS my most popular post ever: Pray This Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations
This is a great prayer Jaime, I’m going to print it out.
Wow. Just wow. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful, anointed, and powerful prayer I believe to be straight from the heart of Jesus. ❤️
I agree!!! Thank you Jamie for putting these up!!!! I am touched by them every time. Praying salvation for my amazing husband Jason and a deep returning to trust in Jesus like never before for my son Sam and daughter Rachel and that my youngest JAKE me strengthened in his walk and guard his heart and mind in media and with friends & run with Jesus!!! That He would help me come in the opposite spirit when heavy resistance and constantly surrender all control to Holy Spirit and let him do the work that needs to done in healing all soul wounds! Jesus bring life to all the fry places!!!
Wow I love your testimony. I am praying for my son who drinks way too much and is newly married and needs to show his new bride the man God wants him to be . I know he loves the Lord It is time for him to put behind childish things so he can be the husband, father and child of God he was put on this Earth to be.I also prayed for my sister whom has been a Christian as a child but since rejected Christ(was following an Eastern religious leader) but since moved little closer since older and is now practicing the Jewish religion. She says things like Jesus’ miracles of the fish and bread being the community of the Jewish people bringing the food. She needs to have some miracles in her life, because her limited mind cannot fathom Jesus great power and love. I also heard her once say, at least this is what I remember, was her stating she cannot ever be a Christian because she brought her children up to be Jews and reject the power and idea of Christ. That makes me sad for her. What a tough spot she put her self in. I am asking God all the time to intercede in their lives. My mom prayed for this and now that Mom has passed, it is my responsibility to lift this family up. I KNOW in my heart that God will not fail us. This site was brought forth to me because I am a recipient of many miracles so God knows I have the faith to believe for the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, the love and stewardship of Christ and the plan of the Father. I love being with fellow believers and I thank Jaime for this powerful testimony of prayer Thank you Wendy for sharing…God is mighty. I know of a few family members that were in the same boat as you with the occult and God was so GOOD and brought them out from the the darkness before they passed. God bless you and God bless Jaime.
Wow. Wonderful . My son is an ex alcoholic ( at 16) and horrendous drug abuse for two years. I’ve been non stop praying for him and he is coming through his very difficult journey, ( aged 18).
He use to believe, but lost his way. I am convinced that the lord will bring him back. He is a genius with his knowledge on all sorts of drugs and wants to create a brand new, less addictive pain killer, that would benefit the world. I totally trust that the lord will take him to places that my son will achieve this, and use all his experience to benefit mankind. In Jesus name I pray.
Thank you for your testimony. ❤️❤️❤️❤️💒💒💒💒💒💒🙏🙏🙏🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁🎁
Excellent prayer, I prayed for my 4 son’s. This is a much needed prayer in this day we are living in.
Awesome prayer, thank you! I prayed it for my wife and 2 stepdaughters who have moved away last year October. My heart is shattered but I know God restores all things, in Jesus Name!
I am truly blessed by this prayer, thank you again! May God continue to bless you. Kind regards Alister
Thank you so much for posting this prayer! It is very timely! I have been moving forward in the things the Lord has given me to do and have had much backlash this week. Often, it seems the enemy uses those closest to us to distract. I have a “prodigal child” but the Lord gave me a vision years ago that she would return and she would be shining his light. This week, we have been in the thick of a battle in the spirit. She is very close to the pivotal turn and I have felt weary but knew I needed to continue fighting for her in prayer. Thank you for placing this before me at just the moment it was needed. God bless you!
Oh my God! You are so Holy and rightwous and just and magnificent and wonderful and simply AMAZING! Thank you so much for hearing and answering your children’s prayers! Thank you so much for sending intercessors and your faithful servants like Jamie who yield themselves to you to be used powerfully for your mighty works! Thank you so much for her faith and for allowing her to stand in the gap on behalf of so many lives! Please continue to cover her in your blood and protect her with your wings! Continue to give her the mind of Christ and to showere her with your love and affection and inspiring her to inspire so many of your other children like how you’ve allowed her to inspire me and grow my fauth! Thank you Jesus! Thank you Almighty Abba! Thank you Holy Spirit! And thank you for raising my husband to spiritual life!!! Hallelujah!!! You alone are worthy to be praised! Glory and praise, power and strength! Worthy is the lamb of God! Hallelujah! In Jesus mighty magnificent name! Amennnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!
Thank you for this prayer. Prayed it for my children and my husband. Am going to print it out and pray it again. I have many other loved ones and friends who are not saved and/or who need this prayer. Thank you again@
I have been praying for my prodigal and have seen the Lord moving to restore the relationship of the prodigal with him and on my behalf also. It is beautiful to see the Lord’s transforming power. Though some days seem trying, I know he is moving and loving.That is what our God does he carries out his word to perform it.
What a beautiful prayer, I am praying for my husband and God’s perfect timing
Thank you, thank you, thank you. Jamie, this prayer came at just the right time. I have been praying for a loved one to return to the ministry to which God has called him and this prayer has all my requests . I can now make all my wishes known each time I pray.
To God be the glory! Amen.
I have prayed for my son, Chuck.
Thank you
Thank you for a prayer that is much needed today. I prayed this prayer over my son and family members. God Bless you. Raul
Perfect timing for my family member who I was praying for last night. Glory…it is so! Amen!
Jamie may God continue to bless you mightily!
I prayed this for my Son David.
I just prayed for him too, Linda. May he receive his inheritance of being a man after God’s own heart.
Yes amazing prayer ! Someone close to me has returned and faces such ridicule, doubt and discouragement from others in her family. They are waiting for each stumble just to mock her. Praise God!..she is already a warrior. I pray for her and with her daily. When she ever needs me she tx ? and i know she is in need of prayer. Thank you for this “sonic boom” prayer. We are watchful and a prayer ahead ! Thank you. Praying for all of you that are “standing the gap” for someone you love.
I’m so sorry she is going through that, Nancy. I hope this prayer helps you lift her up to Father! Come BOLDLY before His throne of grace, that you may obtain MERCY and find grace to help in time of need! Hebrews 4:16!
Thank you Jamie! I was led here through Pinterest and so need this prayer for a few of my family members who truly need the Lord! Sometimes we don’t always know what or how to pray … even the disciples asked Jesus ‘how then shall we pray’. I’m blessed that God has given you this prayer and the wisdom to share it … I will be following you … thank you again, so very much! Blessings!
Hi Deborah! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to reply. I’m just now getting to comments after a marathon last week and being a bit sick over the weekend! But it’s wonderful to meet you, and I’m SO glad you found our Presence-seeking community. Welcome! I’m glad this prayer also blessed you. I pray you would be fired up to intercede and stand in the gap for your loved one. You can be the weapon in Father’s hands that He uses to bring this loved one back to Himself! Your prayers make all the difference!
Blessings to you today!
Thank you Jamie for this prayer. It is very complete. Im believing for hubby, son and daughter inlaw for their salvation. God bless
Amen. I agree with you in that prayer, lovely Karen. Father God, let it be so! for we know this is Your will. Bring these precious souls into Your Kingdom for the sake of Jesus, that Jesus may receive His inheritance and the reward of His suffering in them. Thank You, Father God. In Jesus’ name.
Thank you for this prayer. Praying it for my husband and children.
Thank you, daughter of Abba Our Father for the prayers. I have a prodigal son who is close to spritually dead and also his brother and their father my exhusband . It is a trying time for me at thus moment for these are the persons close to my heart and all I want is for them to live for Our Lord Jesus. Thank you and God bless you.❤?
I prayed this prayer for my husband who is in a back slidden condition and has filed for divorce after 28 years and has moved on with someone else while we are still legally married. I want my husband and my family put back together again in Jesus Name!
Can you write down the verses this prayer came from. I recognized some of them. I love praying back God’s word.
Hi Sandi! Thanks for asking. There are too many Scriptures in each of the prayers for me to do that due to time constraints, but you can easily find most of them them by Googling the phrases that interest you. 🙂 Hope the prayer blessed you! Thanks for reading!
I prayed this prayer for my husband. He’s lost right now and ensnared in an ungodly situation. We are being tormented and undone by things that should have no power over us. Yet my husband does not seek God to guide him nor change the unjust situation we are going through. I know that God does not condone what is going on. So I stand in my faith and seek God’s counsel and understanding. I pray that my marriage will be restored and stronger. I believe it will be as I have asked it in prayer and I believe it is possible because of God. Jesus will save my husband and his soul because I pray for him and I asked God to intervene in my behalf and open my husband’s heart and mind. God won’t forsake me. He will not desert my husband. He will deliver my husband from sin, confusion, deceit , and uncertainty. Please pray for a reversal of my situation and for my husband to find his way through prayer no matter how small. Prayer can change us all. Please ask God to guide me and my husband so we may honor the covenant of marriage the right way. That we come closer to God and humble ourselves. May God save my husband from ensnarement and going astray.
God has already done it, I trust that and believe that God has a plan. Bless all you and what ever you may be facing. I pray that God will comfort you and provide what you seek and need.
Amen!!! Beautiful I’m going to use this prayer to pray for my husband as well. Praying for his will to be done in both our situations. Amen
Powerful Prayers! What a blessing as I read this I feel God’s Presence!
I stand with you in Christ as I too am in a similar situation. One thing I know for sure is there is no where in the bible where darkness overcomes light. God will work all things including the bad for your good. Amen
This is a great prayer and please don’t stop praying it and the other prayers on this site God does answer prayers praise his holy name amen.
Just coming on this site, reading and praying through, turns my heart to the living God.
Please pray that my husband and our son renew and strengthen their faith in God. I pray in doing so, their love for each other as father and son grows deeper and strengthens as well. Glory be to God! For he has a beautiful plan for my husband and our son! Amen!
This is the kind of prayer i needed for my son who is only 8 year, and for my fiance who has a drinking problem. He tried to quit alcohol on his own but it never worked and i’m trusting God to work in his life and transform him, mold him and make him become the man that God has intended for him to be as i just prayed the above prayers.
So glad it helped, Sandisiwe! Thank you for reading.
Pray Ezekiel 36:26-27 over them: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.”
Just really struggling right now with faith. This year has been so aweful. I pray but not getting them answered please pray God will show me what to do
I prayed for you, Brenda! Thank you for reading. 🙂
I prayed this prayer over my ex-wife, Alicia. I am praying that God would put out marriage back together. She walked away from me and God last year.
I noticed that every time I pray the same prayer for the same person many days over, that the prayer changes and gets shorter. I don’t know if this happens to someone else too. I think the prayer I’m doing for this person is having a very positive effect on his life. I’m a believer. Holy Spirit, take the lead now! GBU.
Praying for my former boyfriend who rejected me when I decided to obey Jesus about certain things. He says he is a Christian, but tells me I am nuts to think God talks to me. To him, you don’t bug God for the “small” things. I want God to be his Lord, Savior, King whether or not I am in his life. Also, praying this for my son, who I see the Lord is already dealing with about his drug use and homelessness, and mental illness.
Thank you for the prophetic prayer. I actually prayed for myself because I am angry and disappointed. The pain has lead me to become weary and discouraged and it started killing me spiritually. I said these prayers and I hope that the Lord will hear them, answer them and prove His faithfulness in my case.
Thank you Jesus for Jamie and this prayer.
I am going through problems and I couldn’t pray for my husband and didn’t even look at this post.
The Holy Spirit wrecked me and at first I believed that my husband was having an affair but meanwhile shared a very sensitive medical problem that he had. I was so distraught the night. The Holy Spirit woke me up and I started to have such a heart and compassion for his situation and Father God never leaves us and He led me to this specific post at 3 am and I read and prayed for my husband and realising for the first time the level of pain and sensitivity that my husband was dealing with. God is good and faithful
Thank God bless love you.
You don’t know how much you have encouraged me, lifted my heart, and reminded me of my calling. There are times I have grown weary, discouraged or just plain worn out but when I read your posts an especially your prayers I am lifted back up ready for battle again. Even warriors need time to rest and heal from the battle just as Christ went off to Himself to pray an refresh and recharge. I am always amazed at how Papa works. This prayer and others in the past have been dead on what HE has had me praying for sometime now. Almost word for word. Isn’t He amazing!
Thank you so much for what you do. Sometimes warriors need that person behind them encouraging them, picking them back up and refreshing them to push on for the victory of the breakthrough.
I cried when I read this prayer because I knew Father was letting me know He the battle may be still raging and I may be weary but He still needs me to do what He has called me to do and that my prayers are being heard that’s why He had you repeat them back to me, to say “See, I have heard you – every word…” He truly does know ME! what I need and When I need it
Much love and blessing to you and your ministry
You’re truly Blessed and you’re a Blessing to us all. Very powerful prayer, thank you. I prayer that Almighty God continue to richly Bless you and keep you.
A powerful are really a blessed woman of God. I’m truly encouraged by your prayer.God bless you and bless your ministry and the work of your hand.
I prayed for my household.
Jaime, thank you so much for this prayer. I am a women of God of very strong faith. Recently my oldest daughter called to tell me about her sister (ex-husbands daughter) who practices black magic. My daughter proceeded to tell me that the Bible wasn’t true, and that her sister reads it so that she can use it for magic. I told my daughter that she needed to be very careful. She became very angry, cursed me, then hung up. I was on vacation at the time. The day I got back my youngest daughter told me she was moving out and the whole time she cried. She said she didn’t want to talk about it, and too is surrounded by someone who is very dark. I think my youngest is truly going through something. The Holy Spirit just revealed to me (as I’m writing this) that my oldest daughter got to the younger one. The oldest has never got along with the youngest, they are 11 years apart. I thank God for these prayers, and I know that God’s words are always “yes and Amen”!
I prayed this over my husband who has strayed from home and all the people who love him.
Thank you for all your messages, I really appreciate them. I’ve been praying for my husband and daughter for some years. Salvation for both and for my husband to come out of the far country, (and the far country to be purged from him) returned home and that God restores our marriage to us.
I prayed for my husband
He is not talking to me and doesn’t want to forgive his way or I leave
He has so much hate towards me
I am trying everything I can I surrender him to God.
I can’t do nothing but pray and I said this prayer for him
Gods will be done all Glory Honor and Praise To The Lord Most High
Wow. Just wow. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful, anointed, and powerful prayer I believe to be straight from the heart of Jesus. ❤️
I just prayed for my son and his friends who are addicted to smoking Marijuana,and would not listen to any advice,he has stopped going to school and church.this prayer is timely for me,I have praying for them and with this prayer i know it will soon be over in Jesus Name Amen. Thank you alot Jamie for availing yourself to God to be used
Jamie, I prayed this prayer over my children the day I received it. As I was praying, a lady and her son came to my mind and I knew the Lord wanted me to forward this prayer to her. So I did, not knowing how she would receive it or respond to it. I got an email back from her later that day that she had been praying for her son that morning but her prayers felt flat. Then she received your newsletter and she knew it was from the Lord. She could feel the power and presence of the Holy Spirit as she prayed. Within a couple of hours, things began to happen and she has been blessed ever since. I saw her at church yesterday and she is beside herself. Thank you, Jamie, for the way you sacrificially give yourself to the Lord and allow Him to use you. You have blessed me in more ways that I can convey in this comment section.
That’s amazing! Praise the LORD! Thank you so much for sharing this with me!
A polite enquiry can I pray this prayer in silent or must I pray it loud? Please a sister here. Thanks
For the past 7 months I have been in a deep battle with my boyfriend who I believe had been placed in deep bondage by his mother who wants to control his life and manipulate all his thoughts. He used to be God fearing and we would go to church together etc and I don’t believe his mother liked this. She then suggested that he marry another women from a different faith to which he agreed and he left me saying that I was not of God and that I worshipped the devil abusing me verbally. I have been in constant prayer and fasting for him even now that he is married he does not seem happy and will say things like “I love 2 people” I honestly believe he is in deep bondage but I pray that God will bring him out of it and vindicate me even if it is too late for me and him to be together. Please help me pray. This prayer and others comments has really blessed me and opened my eyes
Yes I did over all my children and their spouses/relationships.
WOW! What an amazing prayer! I am believing for salvation for my family members who do not believe yet! I believe that God has started working in their lives!
God bless you Jamie!
Sister Jamie,
I’m praying for my partner, Pallavi to return back to the Lord and me. She is distracted by the worldly ways, Though she is saved and prays..but her new orientation to enjoy life is against His word. I want you to join me in this as prayer partner to bring her and restore this relationship with God and me.
Thank you for the prayer. I have prayed it for my husband who is confused and wants to leave me. I know God has blessed our marriage and wants to save it. I stand firm on my decision to try and save the marriage. I pray that he will receive the grace to believe in God again and work for our marriage once more.
I will pray for you, Mar!
I ask for prayer for PR he needs salvation. He needs his heart healed. To be saved from sexual sin
Thanks Jamie for this prayer. This prayer is very effective .
oh my God I am so grateful God revealed this prayer to me in such a Time of Need For Me I am praying for my family I have been in such a mingle or a mess with my three daughters but God is great for God is been blessing me he reunited me with my husband home I’ve been estranged was for 13 years my oldest daughter who is going through some mental problems recently try to kill her youngest two children now God has blessed me with raising three of her five children my two younger daughters are not speaking to me and I don’t understand why will they were not but as of Christmas of 2019 we are now communicating but I am asking God to touch all of our hearts in mind and bind us together as a family we have no trust yet but I know God is faithful to us I thank you for sharing your testimony you are awesome you are great woman of God bless you. I thank you Lord Jesus for answering my prayers I thank you Lord Jesus for answering everyone prayers on this line thank you Father God for being faithful for honoring us you said your work and not go back void father God lately forgive me but I’ve been feeling like you forgot about me I thank you God for showing me that you haven’t forgotten me that you have put me in your book and I am chosen by you thank you for giving me patience thank you for giving me understanding I understand more now than ever before thank you for opening my eyes thank you for opening my heart and giving me the special gift of love that now I know is a gift and a lot of people need this love I love love love your people in Jesus name I pray
Jamie, thank you for this prayer. There are a number of people that I will pray this over. The first is Rev. Matt at my former church who preached that Jesus Christ was not God, taught that all people go to heaven, that all religions lead to God, the Bible is written by men only, rather than through men by the Holy Spirit, and other heretical ideas.
I pray for God to open his ears and eyes to His Truth. I pray for Rev. Matt’s salvation, that he may repent and turn to Christ. It will take a miracle as he has been in the pulpit over 30 years, preaching and teaching the false doctrines of progressive theology.
I pray for his soul, yet I can find no scriptural support for false teachers repenting and turning back to Christ. This is a sad situation for the sheep still in that church and for the false shepherd leading them astray.
Hi Jamie, I am hoping to pray this prayer over my husband. Thank you🙏
For my mother Shirley who has suffered multiple strokes, blood clots, and cancer diagnosis in the last month and half. Give her healing in Jesus name!
I prayed that prayer for myself and I feel renewed already.
Thank you for this ministry
I peayed it for my unsaved rebellious teenage daughter and for my wife who might be saved but Im not sure… thank you so much God bless
Thank you Sister for this prayer.. I have prayed this prayer for my husband who left me 6+ yrs ago for another woman..and has been in drugs n alcohol since..but in reality he left my Lord long before he left me..and is into Iluminati.. I have prayed for him in the beginning but grew weary wen there was no answer..but I have asked God to give me a renewed zeal n passion to pray for him..his name is Doug..and I want to see him saved healed n delivered.. Thank you Sister..with tears rolling down my cheeks I cryed out with this prayer and will continue to use this prayer for Doug and my Children.. God Bless You..
I am blessed with this message.
This is a wonderful prayer. I felt the Holy Spirit stirring in my chest as a prayed it. God bless you abundantly x
Jamie is there anyway you can ask advertisers not to put such immoral or disgusting ads on your site??
Teresa, I have all immoral and disgusting ads blocked. If you see something bad that gets through, then please report it by clicking the “report ad” button under the ad itself. Sometimes bad advertisers label their ads as being for one type of product in order to get through the system, when it’s actually something else. The only thing to do is report this to the ad network by clicking the button. Thanks.
I have never come across any immoral ads on your site. The fault is usually through someones own device (?!).
Your prayers have truly blessed me. I first came to your site when I stumbled across the prayer to reverse unjust situations… it worked very quickly for myself and my classmate (I prayed for us both)… I have begun to use other prayers.. I pray the prayer for the spiritually dead for a man in my life that I have great admiration for. We are very good friends, but he has a lot of pain, trauma and brokenness that he has to heal. I know these things have to be addressed beforehand.. I am hoping for great results..
Thank God that i came across this particular blog today. There are belove ones i long for them to have intimate relationship with God
I prayed this over 4 people in my heart. Luna, William, Justin, and Seoul. I look forward to one day make a testimonial praise report about them one day soon.
Praying this over lost and backslidden immediate family members.
I prayed this for my friend whose life is taking a bad turn shes in an abusive relationship with a man whose an alcoholic they are always arguing and making up she has lost all her self respect and is looking to men to make her feel whole rather than putting her eyes on God I believe this prayer will turn her life around and give her the peace and love she so desperately craves thankyou Jamie for sharing this God given prayer God bless you
I have prayed this prayer for my daughter who was bor again and water baptized at the age of 7. I also prayed this for her 17-year-old grandson who is in juvenile jail awaiting a court date in about 2 weeks. Thank you for being obedient and creating these Godly prayers.
Thank you god for leasing Jamie to do this amazing work. Lord I love you and I’m glad to be you’re daughter.
I prayed this prayer for myself as I am in one of the hardest times of my life.
One of those situations that you thought wouldn’t ever happen to you has happened.
Mostly my heart aches for my little princess 😪 who I have placed in this situation to go through with me. She deserves the world she is so smart and sweet and deserves to be living a dreadful life as a little princess but mommy made some decisions that I regret.
I’m praying that god turns our situation around and understands that I’ve learned so much from this situation and I am wiser and ready to fulfil my destiny I’m done playing and ready to walk in my purpose.
Lord please don’t pass me by I need a blessing.
Thank you in Jesus name Amen 🙏🏾
Dreamful* life
Please excuse some of my typos in this comment
Thank you for been there for feeding me with spiritual food and praying for me. I need to know if I can print this prayers for myself. I have been struggling with spiritual life after I got Covid-19’s. You are doing good job.
Today I prayed for my loved one. EP❤ All that I pray for shall manifest and he shall return to fulfill God’s prophecy and promise for our union.
I trust in God because his word Never returns to him void. It is well.
Thank you Jamie for this leading us in this powerful prayer to the Almighty God in heaven.
Thank you for this prayer. I prayed it for myself and for my absent, now ex-spouse. I am praying for restoration of my family.
Dear Sister!
This is God’s will for us this very day. In my journeying throughout the day, the internet, the globe really, I had the distinct impression that our God is CALLING His children to COME HOME! Luke 15: for His Prodigal Children and really all that He has already chosen as His very own beforehand!
Be encouraged! I am right now praying for full RESTORATION for your family and so much more because of the BETTER COVENANT based on BETTER PROMISES! That this time He will RESTORE ALL much BETTTER than EVER before!!!
“But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, inasmuch as He is also Mediator of a better covenant, which was established on better promises.”
Hebrews 8:6
Everything just gets BETTER AND BETTER exponentially in His Glorious KINGDOM!!!
Before coming in here, I have just finished praying and prophesying for the BREATH OF GOD to come from the FOUR WINDS and breathe upon these SLAIN, and then I remembered to have a look at your newest message to see if you had this word of EZEKIEL 37 in here and YOU DO!!!
Earlier my hope and faith started to lift (NASA) with your other recent message and like a spaceship slowly at first, and NOW it has taken off upwards faster than the USS ENTERPRISE!!! WARP-FACTOR 10!!!KA-BOOM!!!
Thank you Jamie for this Prayer. Please Lord Jesus help Lazarus. I give you all the Glory Lord. All the Glory. Amen and Amen
i prayed this prayer for myself and grandson i have been struggling for so long in my walk thankyou
i will continue to pray this for myself and family
I prayed this prayer for a number of loved ones in my family. Love in Christ, Marge:)
Bawled my way through this prayer for my little sister. Thank you. I know He has heard and is answering. He is rising to show compassion and mercy.
Beautiful prayer, believing for Alexander my husband to receive everything petitioned for here, All Glory to the One True God! God Bless you abundantly Jamie for your kingdom contributions, and building up the Body of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit, in Jesus mighty name, Amen!!