What Is Supernatural Favor? and Why YOU Can Have It In Your Life

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What Is Supernatural Favor and Why YOU Can Have It In Your Life | Vlog by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comIt’s supernatural favor week!

Last Friday, I asked all my email subscribers for your top three questions about supernatural favor. And you answered! A whole bunch of you responded, so thank you, thank you, thank you!

You all asked amazing questions, and I compiled your questions into a long list. But instead of writing out the answers, I thought I’d make a series of vlogs (video blog posts) for you this week because I can answer more questions, more clearly, and in a more entertaining way by video. 🙂 🙂

So … (drum roll, please!) …

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    Today I’m releasing the first vlog about supernatural favor!

    It answers four questions:

    1. What is supernatural favor?
    2. Where does supernatural favor come from?
    3. Why would God want to give YOU supernatural favor, even if or when you don’t feel like you deserve it?
    4. How do you know that supernatural favor is real, not just some kind of name-it, claim-it theology?

    Are you ready? Go for it! Just click the YouTube video below to watch. And after you watch it, please let me know:

    Does this help you see the Biblical basis for how we can have Christ-centered, Christ-dependent, supernatural favor? Does it bring other questions up in your mind? Please leave your thoughts and questions below if so!

    Related: If you’d like more info on this series, check out all 4 of the free vlogs I released to accompany the Supernatural Favor audio MP3s:

    This website is made possible by readers like you who partner with me each month financially, or as they can, to help me in my work of being a domestic missionary. Is Papa God calling you to help me? Find out why I need help, how you can help, and the benefits of being a financial partner here.


    1. Jamie I just want to say thank you for everything you are doing with this blog. You have done more to teach me how much Daddy God loves me than all the teaching I’ve sat under throughout my life. This video moved me to tears as I was in sin the other night and have struggled for awhile. It’s so hard to hold my head up after such things, having deeply disappointed myself. But your video reminded me his favor is for a lifetime and I’m not responsible for earning, let alone securing, that favor at all. For the first time I saw supernatural favor as a deep fatherly love thing and not as “judged worthy” thing.
      Thank you so very much for showing me the emotional loving side of God that I’ve never seen or acknowledged before.
      Bless you and his holy name. Thank you for being obedient to his will. It encourages me.

      1. Andrew, the honor is mine. I am so thankful to our Daddy for encouraging you. He loves you so very much, and I pray He would continue to minister to you.
        Thank you for reading.

    2. Jenny Boyle says:

      I see Mike Murdock post here. Tell me you don’t support his false teaching.

      1. Jenny, I am not sure what you’re referring to? I have never heard of anyone by that name.

        1. Jenny Boyle says:

          Don’t see his picture here now. Sorry guess he was a pop up. Love your postings. Have blessed Thanksgiving.

    3. Blessings Jamie,
      You did an awesome job explaining about supernatural favor. I love your teaching as they do reflect the true heart of our Father, which can only come out of intimacy with him. God Bless you and thank you for allowing our Father to use you and flow through you.

      1. Thank you so much, Janice. Yes, I agree; intimacy with Him must be our first priority. Unless the things we do flow out of that, we are only crossing good works (like prayer, worship, etc) off our Good Christian Checklist. And there’s no joy, no fruit, no fulfillment in that. I thank God for revealing Himself to us as Father, so we can just be little babies with a big Daddy!
        Have a great day! Thanks so much for watching and sharing!

        1. God bless you and this ministry in Jesus’ most holy name. Amen!

    4. You explained supernatural favor wonderfully Jamie. Thank you for everything you do. I know our God is so proud of you!!!

      1. Aww, thanks for your encouragement, Wendi. I’m so glad the vlog blessed you. God’s Word is YUMMY, isn’t it?!!! 🙂
        Have a fantastic day!

    5. Jamie
      I praise the Lord for your blog and this video. Although I know about Gods favor, thanking Him for it almost every day, you have put it in a wonderful perspective. And I received it again tonight as I tearfully watched and listened to you explain from the word.
      Sometimes I don’t feel very favored but I try not to lean on my own understanding. Trusting God has a perfect plan and timing.
      Your vlog has encouraged me greatly and I look forward to seeing and learning from the ones to come.
      Gods riches blessings

      1. I praise God with you, Becca. I know there are times when we all feel low, but I’m so glad our Daddy is working on our behalf even in those times! You’re exactly right. He has us in His hands!
        Thank you so much for watching the vlog, and I pray our Daddy would continue to encourage you, strengthen you, help you, and build your life today and every day as only He can. He loves you so very much, and His heart beats for you. May you feel His warm embrace today. 🙂

    6. Rebecca Jones says:

      I enjoyed your vlog, it was like coming to Bible class. I like the term, “kiss of God” on your life.I love Isaiah 53 and I know what a high price He paid. I think he certainly has put favor on you. I know He’s looking for the pure bride.

      1. Thanks so much for watching, Rebecca! I’m so glad the Holy Spirit blessed you. I love His Word, don’t you? 🙂 <3 He's amazing!
        Have a WONDERFUL day, and may Daddy God continue to encourage you and shower His blessings on you today!!!

    7. I LOVE your description of supernatural favor. Recently in church I had the thought that Jesus was walking around kissing the foreheads of people there including mine. This picture was so beautiful that it brought me to tears, but then hearing your insight (that it may have represented his favor on us) made it even more meaningful and powerful! I’m a new subscriber but I love everything I’ve read so far. May God bless you for your dedication to teaching others His truths!

      1. Hi Becca! Nice to meet you. Wow, that vision is so cool! Jesus is so beautiful. May you feel Father’s tickles and smooches all day as He dotes on you, His baby girl! Thanks so much for reading and sharing, and thank you for your encouragement! I receive it! 🙂
        Have a wonderful day!

    8. Jamie,

      When I woke up this morning and spent some time talking / listening to Daddy God, He said: “Listen to Jamie’s teaching on supernatural favor. Start at her first post.” I had received it via email, and tabled it to watch “later.” When the series first started and I clicked on the post, I told myself I didn’t have 19 minutes to spare to watch the first vlog. I now realize that thought was agreement with the enemy’s suggestion (which is all he can do…suggest) to block, hinder, prevent, delay and render passive my and my husband’s receiving of God’s supernatural favor in our lives. We’re concentrating heavily on favor right now – Luke 2:52 is a foundational Scripture for us – so my acceptance of the “logic” that I would watch the vlog later so I could work sooner in the day was agreement with stealing, killing and destroying. It’s Divinely purposed that your current series is about supernatural favor, and my husband and have already been studying it from the perspective of relationship with Daddy (which is the only perspective. So, I’m grateful to you for obeying God with respect to this vlog series, and I’m grateful to the Holy Spirit for guiding me to this specific Kingdom resource, which IS facilitating my husband’s and my receiving of the supernatural favor with God and man, blessings of Abraham and supernatural, accelerated lifestyle of EVERY good thing Jesus purchased for us with His precious, perfect Blood. Love you, Jamie. XXOO

      1. Hey Dee,
        Let me tell you that your comment came at exactly the right time. THANK YOU for sharing. I was so encouraged and have had a really tough week, and it felt like a big ol’ hug! And I know 19 minutes is a long time, so THANK YOU for investing that 19 minutes into the teaching of the Word. 🙂
        I praise God with you and pray that He would continue to open the windows of Heaven upon you and pour you out such a blessing that it just overflows everywhere on you and around you. 🙂
        Have a wonderful day. Thank you so much for reading and for sharing these encouraging words. It really meant the world to me.
        Love in Christ,

    9. Maria Dimba says:

      To receive supernatural favour one must stay in God, help me Lord to always stay in you Amen. Thanks Jamie for your teachings may God bless you abundantly.

    10. Ernesco O. says:

      Thank you for sharing what the Holy Spirit has giving you regarding supernatural favor. Sometimes life gets hard and we wonder God are you there? Are you listening to me call? This reassures me that he loves me and desire the best for me and to trust him with all my heart. Again thank you.

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