7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten
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webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Welcome to my free blog series about 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten!
The Lord gave me these prayers when I was at a very low point in my life–a time in which I felt very forgotten, overlooked, and bypassed–by both people and God. And as soon as I began to pray these prayers, which are all based on Bible promises …
I mean, the very next day …
Things started to change for me. I began to see honor, favor, and opportunity where I saw none before. The differences were noticeable and transformational.

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So here are all 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten:
- Dear Christian Who Feels Forgotten, Here’s Step One
- 7 Life-Changing Prayers For People Who Feel Forgotten: Prayer #1
- Prayer #2: Ask God To Perform the Duties of a Father For You
- Prayer #3: Believe (And Remind God) That Promotion Comes From Him Alone
- Prayer #4: If You Feel Forgotten, Ask God For Favor
- Prayer #5: If You Feel Forgotten, Pray For Influence
- Prayer #6: Ask the Holy Spirit To Advocate For You
- Prayer #7: Ask God To Bring You The Reward Of Your Labor
- Encouraging Word & Free Printable Bookmark of All 7 Life-Changing Prayers
To make it easier for you to pray these prayers on an ongoing basis, I made you a bookmark showing all 7 prayers. Click the link below to download a free PDF of the bookmark. You can print it as many times as you like. (I recommend printing on cardstock.)
Here’s the PDF bookmark: 7 Life-Changing Prayers For People Who Feel Forgotten Bookmark by Jamie Rohrbaugh
And here’s one more encouraging word for you if you’ve been feeling forgotten:
When we feel forgotten, it’s usually because we aren’t receiving affirmation from others, and/or we don’t see progress. I totally understand why this can be discouraging, because I’ve been there.
But discouragement is not God’s will for us, and you are NEVER forgotten. You are Papa God’s beloved son or daughter, and you are engraved in the palm of His hand.
Related: God Has Not Forgotten You
I know you long to see progress toward your dream and destiny. I know your heart longs to be affirmed. Those are natural desires.
But beloved, God is ready to do all those things for you.
Somehow, prayer is the conduit He has chosen to bring you all of His blessings. The Bible tells us:
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).
It is when we boldly approach the throne of grace that we obtain mercy. It is there that we are empowered. It is there that we obtain grace to help in the time of every need.
And dear, precious one who has felt forgotten–the answers you are looking for are not found in people. The solution to everything you need is the grace of God.
God is ready and willing to move in response to your prayer. James 5:16b says so:
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”
Prayer works. God will hear your prayer, and He will answer.
You long for your destiny. Would you begin praying these prayers every day, with their accompanying Bible promises? If you will, you will see progress. They will be like dynamite in your logjam. God always moves in response to prayer, and He always honors His Word.
So stand on God’s promises about your deepest dreams. Go boldly before the throne of grace, for it is there that you will obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Which of these 7 prayers means the most to you? I’d love to hear! Please leave a comment below!
Loved this series! Thank you!!! I am wondering if Gods answer is in front of me and Im not seeing it. Praying for my eyes to see and my heart to know.
So glad it blessed you, Debby! I pray He would open your eyes so that you would see awesome things. And Jeremiah 33:3: for when you call upon Him, He will answer you, and show you great and mighty things that you do not know. 🙂 (That’s one of my favorite promises!)
Thank you so much for reading!
I don’t know how I stumbled on your prayers but as a child of God I know it was His way for me to know Him deeply and to take away the feeling I had. You are a blessing to many of us and thank you for sending these prayers. I am currently going through a tough time in terms of career and pursuing my dream and most of what was written in these prayers are exactly how I felt. I now have so much joy and peace knowing that God will answer my prayers and He has already begun. I lost my job three weeks ago but I started reading and praying these prayers about 4 days ago. Just yesterday I got a call to interview somewhere. And am thinking how great is our God and how powerful is our advocate the Holy Spirit!!! I can’t wait to share the rest of what will happen to people. Am ready to read and pray more each day, thank you once again!
I truly thank God for these encouraging words.because right now my husband can’t work anymore so we are fully trusting and depending on God. So I truly thank God for all things.Amen.
Hello Jamie, please pray for are family and my husband wayne to get this interview for this great job. It will benefit are family and help us get out of this financial situation, and my husband feel better with himself as a man he feels like a looser and a nobody we have 3 children and it’s completely makes him feel horrible when the kids can’t celebrate birthdays or holidays cause there is no money for it. My 17 year old daughter is getting a job to help out. I need help from the lord and for him to here are prayers. Jamie HELP
Thank you Jamie for your teachings they help me to trust and have faith in the Lord.Glory to Almighty God Amen.
Thank you Jamie for you encouraging teachings. I can’t wait to getting into it and knowing our Heavenly Father Loves us and gives us all the good things and knows and meets our every need. God bless.
Jamie, I need help with God, I don’t know why are family is having such a difficult time. We moved here to Florida from California. With 3 kids we thought everything would be find we bought a house which needs a little work, I met a great friend who invited me to bible studies which I love, my husband lost his job he was promised here now they want to take are home everything is a disaster no family here. Husband got a other job. Trying to find other to make more money. I ask why is all this bad stuff happening we always help people who need help. We trust in God. And every day awake up there is always something bad going to happen. Please explain to me how can I get God to listen and help us get out of this disaster… please help me……
I am Going through a similar experience. It’s too much to get into but I lost my husband, then the Lord moved us back to the East Coast, then one year after the position I was move for was eliminated …3 years of searching and I can only find some part time work which isn’t enough financially… I made other moves too long to name here that I’ve been so sad about lately. Please pray for my daughter and I-as we are alone with no support and she thinks at 11 that God doesn’t answer our prayers.
Cory Anne, I see this email was a long time ago. But I am moved now to pray for you and your daughter. I pray in Jesus name for his protection around you both. I pray the Lord Jesus will bring you to green pastures, and that you and your little girl WILL find peace there. Jesus is Lord, He is able to care for you abundantly. We stand in His presence calling into being His promise.
Jazmine, Praying in Jesus name that your husband find good work. Praying the Lord be a guide to your family. Trust in Him for He will surely see you through these hard times. May the power of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior rain down blessings on the Henderson family.
Truly blessed by these series of prayers, I have copied them in my note pad and will pray them every day. I need a miracle for my destiny to manifest. God bless you for yielding so much. It’s so exemplary.
Bukky from Nigeria
Hello Jamie. It’s been a few days of subscribing and I can really feel God’s presence in my life already. Your encouragement and prayers are God sent . I feel so rejuvenated in the Lord. May God keep using you to minister and bless us. In Kenya we say “Ubarikiwe “…..Be blessed.
Jamie I meant to add thank you for your beautiful ministry.
Jamie, I’m so glad you prayed all 7 of these prayers. Because of your answered prayers, you have encouraged us to all follow our dreams in His kingdom, predestined for us before the ages !
There is so much I am dealing with. I know I am not alone. My biggest hurdle besides my health and emotions, is all the hard work I have invested in and I still feel I am on the bottom. I am still trying to get what I should have had by now. I have been a servant. I have shown others how much I care for them. I have served others and made them great. I have built up other ministry leades, supported them, poured my time and talents into them. I look now and where are they? The ones known internationally and are famous don’t know me, I am just one of the many who were silently supporting them, and buying their stuff, going to their conferences. I also invested myself in the business world, in the medical field, in building up my marriage. I have no children to show for it. I am still having to get to know my family since they treated me differently because I didn’t get married till my mid-forties. I never had children. Their parents were into different lifestyles than I. I moved around with my husband for his career and survival. Now I am in a big house and tried to do hospitality only for those who once were with me before to resent me for it. And I have to hear about their children and their problems. And when I fell last year and was not into them visiting I got retaliation. So maybe I need God to honor me and to honor my husband because we feel thrown away and forgotten. It is hard being a me. I know I am blessed but I feel unfulfilled and in my ? I quit counting number of churches. I can’t explain it. Am I trying too hard? Have I missed the great commission” Because I know I was to be in the front lines in the Harvest Field that is white. One of my first prophesies given to me when I was a babe in Christ. I only had one vision and when I shared it with one of those international ministers I got mocked and told I was still trying to figure it out. I was told not to use my title because I don’t yet have my own church or building or ministry. I am trying for the third time to save for my incorporation and do the destiny God has called me to. Got it in my 20s and now I am in my 60’s. So I need God to speak to me in a bigger and louder way than ever before. I need honor because I have mostly dishonored all of my life. I really need to hear Him and see Him again in a vision or hear a audiable voice or see favor from others, or something. I will visiting my family again and after 45 years of praying for their salvation I trust God to see the light of flickering hope. May my eyes be blessed to see. May I see the rewards of my labor while I am still living. I want to know without a shadow of a doubt God is pleased with me and if not He will give me a chance to do this which He called me. Not let my enemies triumph over me: supernatural ones and physical ones,etc. To God I give the glory for keeping me thus far. I am still not given up. I hope I can make Papa God happy and see His smile. I want to touch and agree with His plans for my life and do the part He called me to be and find the team He wants me to connect with. Keep me God strengthen me as I become 68 in two months. Let my body be strong and truimph over disease while I comfort others. May my prayers be answered for me and others I pray according to Psalm 20 in Jesus name Amen.
Thank you so much for your encouring and God Promises that God keep His words. I like prayer No.1, Ask God to answer your prayer and Prayer No.2, Ask God to perform the duties of a Father for you. I firmly believed that God will answer my prayer of the desire of my heart and He will certainly perform the duties of a Father for me in granting the desire of my heart this year.
What a blessing your website is! I am try to access the Presence Seekers University package that you sent me but it is password protected. Where do I obtain this password?
Hi Glenda. The password is “worship” – no quotes, no capital letters. Thank you for subscribing!
Hi Jamie
Thank you so much to teach me and your guidings it helps me to trust and have faith in the Lord.
God bless
Hi, is it possible to have all the 7 life changing prayers for people who feel forgotten in a booklet so i can use regularly. Thanks in advance
I receive ya msg Jamie thank u