Prayer #4: If You Feel Forgotten, Ask God For Favor

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webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
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webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons

Prayer #4: Ask God For Favor

Could you use more favor in your life?

In case you hesitated when you answered that question, let me assure you: the correct answer is YES. 🙂 Carrying a mantle of favor is essential for all of us if we want God’s best for our lives.

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    What is favor?

    According to, “favor” is “something done or granted out of goodwill, rather than from justice or for remuneration; a kind act … friendly or well-disposed regard; goodwill … the state of being approved or held in regard … excessive kindness or unfair partiality; preferential treatment…” (emphasis mine).

    In the Bible, favor brings all of the above–but God’s favor is even better than men’s favor.

    The Hebrew word we translate “favor” is from the Hebrew “chesed,” which means covenant love, unmerited lovingkindness from God, and tangible mercy.

    When you have favor, people do things for you out of goodwill–not just as a reward for what you do. Favor brings you into approval rather than rejection or being forgotten. When God pours out His favor on you, it’s like He’s kissing you, His child–and His kiss remains on you for all to see.

    Favor is the visible, evident kiss of God on your life, and it brings marvelous results.

    Favor is something God drapes over you like a mantle, and it will change your life. When I started praying for favor, freaky things happened:

    • Opportunities started coming my way that had gone to other people in the past.
    • I started getting little bonuses at work that I rarely received before–bonuses that were completely separate from our normal pay structure.
    • People that I would ordinarily ask for advice started asking ME for advice.
    • This blog started growing more and more.
    • I began to have articles published in unexpected places.
    • New relationships began coming to me that I didn’t anticipate and didn’t try to make happen.

    Related: When God Brings You Back From Captivity (a big, joy-filled personal testimony)

    It was awesome. It was freaky. Favor changed my life, and continues to do so. Favor took me from a place of feeling forgotten to a place where I was seeing miracles and progress in my life nearly every day.

    And I’m not the only one. Look at what happened when God gave favor to one Jewish girl named Esther:

    Start-quoteThe king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favor in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen instead of Vashti” (Esther 2:17).

    Esther was an ordinary Jewish girl. She was stolen from her family and forced into the pagan king’s harem, forced to “try out” to be queen.

    Think about that. It couldn’t have been anybody’s idea of a good time–especially not for a Jewish girl, who prized her religious upbringing and her purity. Yet the Lord gave her favor, and in one day she went from being a harem tryout to becoming queen of the Persian Empire.

    And God will give you favor like that too. You definitely won’t be getting married to King Artaxerxes, but you can rule and reign in your own life. 🙂

    So what will favor look like in YOUR life?

    Favor is a game-changer:

    • Favor can elevate you from being invisible (and feeling forgotten) to being in command, overnight.
    • Favor brings you relationships with key people you would never otherwise know.
    • Favor brings you opportunities that are far over your head to get for yourself.
    • Favor brings you material blessings you don’t deserve. God simply heaps them on your head, because you have favor.
    • Favor will protect you when and if you mess up.

    Having favor on your life means you walk around with all the tangible, demonstrable blessings that go with being a son or daughter of the Most High God. Things just WORK out for you. You’re blessed and keep getting more blessed. There’s a holy flow in your life, all because you have the favor of God.

    And you can have favor with God and with people if you simply ask God for favor.

    Check out what it says in Psalm 5:11-12:

    Start-quoteBut let all those rejoice who put their trust in You;
    Let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them;
    Let those also who love Your name
    Be joyful in You.
    For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous;
    With favor You will surround him as with a shield.”

    If you have made Jesus Christ the Boss of your life, that means you’re righteous. You’re in right standing with God.

    And if you’re in right standing with God through Jesus, God will surround you with favor as with a shield. Why? Because Jesus had favor, and we’re supposed to become just like Him. That means we need favor, favor, and more favor too.

    Luke 2:52 tells us this:

    Start-quoteAnd Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.”

    Related: Power Lift: Declaration for Wisdom, Strength, and Favor

    So are you ready to become more like Jesus and increase in life-changing favor? If so, pray this prayer with me:

    Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ Name, I want to thank You for who You are and for everything You’ve done in my life. You have been so gracious and merciful to me. I didn’t deserve any of it, but You have saved me, healed me, provided for me, comforted me, encouraged me, called me, and adopted me as Your child.

    So now, Father, in the Name of Jesus, I ask You for favor… EXTREME favor. Father, I ask You specifically for favor with        (insert names here)    . I ask You for favor in    (insert situations here)    and in every other circumstance I don’t even know about yet.

    Father, I am not asking for favor because I deserve it. I know I don’t deserve it in my own natural flesh, but “my natural flesh” is not who I am anymore. You have made me Your child through Jesus Christ. So Father, I’m asking for favor because I belong to You. 

    Daddy God, Your Word says that You will bless the righteous and surround them with favor as with a shield.

    You said that I am the righteousness of God in Christ. Therefore, Father, I am standing on Your promise that You will also surround me with favor. I thank You, Father, that I have received, and You have given me the favor I’ve asked for.

    And finally, Father, in the Name of Jesus, please teach me how to carry Your favor well. Help me always to walk worthy of the divine calling to which I have been called. Let my behavior be a credit to Your call on my life. And I ask that the favor You have given me would increase daily. Make me more like Jesus, who increased in wisdom, in strength, and in favor with God and man.

    Thank You, Father, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Are you asking God for favor? Does this message encourage your heart? If so, please leave a comment below. I want to hear what you think!


    Image courtesy of Sten Dueland on Flickr via Creative Commons license. Image has been cropped and graphics added.


    1. Wow – How awesome! I never thought about asking God for favor. May He favor you, Jamie, for your wonderful blog.

      1. Thank you! And I pray He would just dump supernatural, ridiculous amounts of favor on you too as you ask Him! 🙂 Thank you for reading!

      2. Faith Carter says:

        I wanted to thank God for this awesome blog and the person who wrote it. God is forcing himself in my life in a way where I had no one to turn to, but him and I thank him oh, so much for it, because now I enjoy the joy church and hearing the word brings me. I pray God continue to move in my life. May his light shine upon myself and family. I pray for his divine favor, so much so that I am overwhelmed with happiness, love and strength. Lord work in my life. I no longer want to be tired, but free in the name of Jesus. Amen

        Love you mommy and miss you

        1. Joseph Gandywest Agathe says:

          In Jesis name touch me by your favour This words is for me.Amen

        2. Elizabeth says:

          Thanks Jamie, I was feeling so down about being discrimination against me on my job, I’m senior citizen 65ys old.born in this country still have to work.. when I started here it was always English, now Spanish language,. Now my boss is disrespect me. I saw your prayer. On favor. May God bless you and your ministry. I ask God for Dunamis Favor, in Jesus name, bless you, Elizabeth A


          1. Yes Lord!!
            Praise God for abundant Favor!!
            Extraordinary Favor!!
            Favor increasing in my life
            And yours Jamie!!
            Thank you 🙏

        3. Linda Stanford says:

          Thank you God for the favor on my life. I ask you to put favor on my brother’s life and his circumstances and all the rest of my family. I thank you for Jamie and her word. Help me to be more like you and please let your light shine through me.

      3. benjamin eze says:

        i am fill with the words,my prayer is for Gods favour and blessings so that i will reach to the orphans and people who dont have,it has been my zeal since i was born,God knows my heart,because you are the only one that search our heart.grant me my needs to carry on your work Amen.

      4. Sandra Robinson says:

        This is what I’ve been praying for lately thanks keep sending powerful and encouraging prayers and words please I need it

      5. I absolutely need favour in my life all aspects ,Thank you Lord

        1. I read prayer what names I am to say .Insert what situation example please .

      6. This prayer warms my heart.
        It’s a comfort to me to have my Lord favor.
        Be bless everyone and be a blessing to one another.

      7. I read prayer what names I am to say .Insert what situation

    2. Yes this excites me but also causes a sinking feeling as I still feel I don’t deserve it. I feel guilty for asking for something that I know is available but I’m not worthy of. I know I’m forgiven and am a daughter of the King and so therefore in Christ I am worthy but I guess deep down I have to still let that penetrate!

      1. Hi! Oh yes, His favor is beautiful! We were never worthy but Papa chose to kiss us with His mercy and lovingkindness in Christ anyway. And now His favor can be His mark on your life, so everyone will see and stand in awe of His goodness… And His goodness is what draws people to repentance! So it’s a beautiful cycle and we really have a sacred duty to demonstrate His love, joy, and FAVOR to the world. 🙂

        1. Leticia Ruiz says:

          Hello my name is Leticia and I am asking for favor to have a better relationship with God through Jesus Christ to have a better understanding in this new way of Christian Life which I struggle with every day , because I lack understanding and wisdom of the word of God, so I ask for favor that I can be as one with Christ that i can have a longing for Jesus Christ our savior and a fire and hunger for our Lord, that I can feel the Holy Spirit in me to awaken my senses to his divine word, in Jesus name I pray, Amen!k

      2. Karen Sterling says:

        Hi Jamie! Thank you for the wonderful word ‘A Season of Intense Asking ‘ that you posted on Spirit Fuel! It gave me confirmation and clarity. I’ve been hearing Holy Spirit talk to me about the unjust judge and Matt. 7:7 and also just this mirning , Exodus 13 regarding entering the promised land. He’s reminding me of Deut.8:18 and Matthew 6:33, which I’ve been hearing and seeing repeatedly. So thank you and God bless you!

    3. Denise Babineau says:

      this article excites me, I’m so glad I found it. I know I have favor, I’ve asked for it & thanked God for it, but not with the enthusiasm that you portrayed I your prayer & article. I prayed the prayer & will continue to do so.

      I just read an older article about commanding your soul to agree with the spirit instead of having a pity party… Such good teaching!

      I found a gold mine here. God bless

      1. Praise God! I’m so glad! Thank you for reading and commenting, Denise! I pray you’ll find many articles here that will encourage you. 🙂

    4. Clesha Johnson says:

      Jami, I can not enjoy your blog one more day with out posting on it. You have truely Been a blessing to me and my daughter and for all the readers of this blog, I want them to know you are even better in person. You are a true woman of God who is very obedient to His Word. I Thank God everyday for placing you in my path. And I pray that God show YOU EXTREME favor because you more than deserve it. I truely enjoy this blog and it really is a blessing to my life.
      Clesha Johnson

      1. Thank you so much, Clesha. You are precious and it’s an honor to have met you and to worship with you each week. I am thankful for you, and I pray our Papa would continue to bless your socks off!

    5. This is a testimony. I just happen to stumble your website about 2 weeks ago. I cut out the prayer of favor and paste it in my journal and started praying it every day, during my lunch time at work. On Friday, Jan 31st (2015). We went to a car dealer to trade in our car. So everything went well, we went home with a happy car, but not so much with the deal we received. Longer payments, higher rate, no discount at all, negative equity in our old car. Since, my husband and I were not much of a bargainer, we just take it as it is. This Monday, Feb 2nd, 2015, I received a voice mail, from the car dealer, stating we need to go back and re-sign papers because they were able to lower our payments and the length of the car loan. I was happy but at the same time skeptical, because I had an experience in the past that these dealers will ask for more money down to lower interest rate and price of car. So to finalized the sale, my husband and I went there yesterday. And to my surprise they cut the vehicle’s selling price by $4000 and 1 year less of my original payment terms. They also gave me 50% discount with the extra equipment that I purchased for our vehicle. Now, that is God working behind the scene and no one else! When I left the dealership Friday without getting any deals, I was brokenhearted but continue to pray the prayer of favor. And our Good God heard me! He granted me favor! Praise God! Thank you Jamie! Your website is a favor for me itself. I thank God for you! God bless you and everything that you touch and do!

      1. That is so amazing, Aimee! Thank you so much for sharing it! God is so awesome. And thank you for the blessing. I wholeheartedly receive it. 🙂

    6. This blessed my soul! Just this morning on my way to work I was talking with God and asked why do i feel so unwanted and have no worth. I asked why i feel as if im lower than others even people who i have had to forgive. And I came across this!!!!!! I thank God for speaking to me. and I thank you for allowing God to use you. Many blessings.

      1. Yay! Praising God with you! You are precious and beloved of the Lord… not lower than low in His sight! A priceless jewel!
        Thank you for reading and commenting!

    7. Thank you so much for this prayer! It has touched my heart!
      Praise Jesus! Amen!

    8. I just want to thank you for your blog and the prayers and lessons that they contain. I am a Christian who prays all day off and on. However, I always wonder if I am doing it right. Your prayers help to guide me to say the things I want to say to God and I appreciate that. I wish you much favor in all that you do because what you provide is much needed and helps us to nourish our souls.

      1. Patricia, thank you so much for reading. More importantly, THANK YOU for praying! It is through prayer that God moves on the earth. And you know what? You don’t have to worry about doing it right. Romans 8:26-27 tells us that none of us know how to pray rightly, but the Holy Spirit helps us and intercedes for us. I’m so thankful for that! And Papa knows your heart. He just wants to have an intimate, heart-to-heart conversation with you! He simply enjoys the pleasure of His company. So be free, precious sister, to pour out your heart to our Papa who ADORES you. He just loves the sound of your voice and the beating of your heart held in His.

    9. Thank you for a very uplifting and enlightening prayer!
      May God bless you and favour locate you always.
      I am trusting in God for favour with a good job good bosses and a good pay and i know my God has already located me and blessed me

      1. Thank you so much, Carole. May Daddy God shower His favor upon you as you seek Him, and may He bless you exceedingly abundantly in every way!

    10. Hi Jamie,
      Four days ago a Prophet clasped my hands palm-to-palm and spoke receive the favor of God and I wear the mantle of God’s favor. I found your blog as a result of searching more into what “the mantle of God’s favor” means. Also looking to seek it out in the Word. Never heard of you before, but really sense your precious heart in your writing. Blessing God for you asking Him to continue lifting His countenance on you.

    11. Christine says:

      We have a foster daughter that we have had since two months old. She is now 7 months and has been such a blessing to our family of 8. I have never fostered before. She has had several complications but she is perfect to us. We are currently going through the courts and fighting for her. Her bio parents are trying to get her back now. She came to us severely malnutritioned and needs more attention to all her health needs than her teen special needs parents can give. I stumbled upon your page searching for encouragement in God’s word And favor from the Lord in this matter. If you know any scripture I can read to help I’d be greatful and prayers too. I am going to copy your prayer for favor and do like the lady who went car dealership… say it every day and believe for favor. Thank you for this prayer.

    12. Marguerite says:

      Thank you for your prayer it brought tears to my eyes just reading I pray for favor today I feel like I’m alone but I know God loves me more than I love myself thank you

    13. I started tearing up praying this. It feels very real.

    14. Oh thank you for such a wonderful prayer. I need God’s favour our lives in all areas.

    15. Hello again! I have a new testimony! Indeed, God’s favor is not only a one time deal. It is an all year round 24/7 deal for me. Here’s what happened. About 3 weeks ago, I received a letter concerning a scholarship I applied for my daughter beginning of school year. This financial institution previously (and many times) denied us stating the funds were all given away and there were not enough for us. But guess what? The mail stated that they sent the check to my daughters’ school because they had an extra fund! Who in the world gets a scholarship in the middle of the school year? Of course, us, God’s favored ones! He knows exactly my need. Despite the fact that we already had a good financial assistance from the school (that was another awesome favor from God by the way), it is still challenging for us to meet the monthly tuition. But now with this check, our payment was cut down by another 40%. How super cool is that! So, to all your believers out there, do not despair. God’s favor will surface ultimately in the natural if you just keep believing that HE IS OUR SOURCE! For me, this is all HIM! No one else. I give Father God, all the glory, credit and praise. And I continually thank God Jamie , for you too, because of your site, I can testify of Gods’ goodness, unfailing love and generosity. Your sister in Christ. AM

    16. I’m praying this now. God is changing my belief system and settings me free! Thank you for sharing!

    17. Cecilia Hernandez says:

      This helped me out tremendously. I will start praying for God’s favor.

    18. This is beautiful Right on time!!!!

      1. So glad it blessed you, Austria. I pray our Father would fill you up with favor today, and honor you as you pursue His heart. May He keep you as the apple of His eye and hide you under the shadow of His wings today!
        Thank you for reading my blog!

    19. Jamie I thank God for you! You have been such a blessing in my life and I can’t thank you and Father God enough. I haven’t worked outside the home in two years due to health reasons and my husband was “retired” from his job two Christmas’ ago (turned out to be a blessing in disguise, of course – thank you God.) I’ve been thinking about your mission to quit your day job and commit 100% to the field but worried about our finances. Well…we all know where worry comes from. This must all sound garbled and you’re probably thinking “where is she going with this?” but I can’t write as fast as my mind is racing.
      Jamie, I’m in. I want to help you get there. The world needs more of what you have and who you are. Can you please post the link again cuz I’m unorganized like that.
      Thank you precious lady.

      1. June, thank you so much. You so encouraged me today. I’m so glad Papa worked out your husband’s situation to be a blessing!
        Thank you so much for your partnership. It really means a ton to me. Here’s the link:
        Thanks again and have a wonderful day!❤️

    20. I’m in a funk…. I lost faith for a while and needed favor and came across “if you feel forgotten” site. I need to regroup and I fell good when reading it. Please pray for me.

      1. I prayed for you as soon as you sent in your comment, Rob. I hope you are doing better today. May our Papa overwhelm and overshadow you with His goodness, grace, and mercy today. May you sense His love and affection, and may the Holy Spirit of grace and supplication rise up in you to help you petition our Papa God for what you need and desire. In Jesus’ name.

    21. I pray for GOD’S favour in my family n finances I know GOD has not forgotten me but I feel forgotten, JESUS said HE will never leave me or forsake me. I pray for GOD’S FAVOUR MAY HE REMEMBER ME N MY FAMILY.

      1. Papa God has definitely not forgotten you, Muthoni. I pray you would sense His love and affection today, in Jesus’ name.

    22. Prince charles says:

      Thank you jamie ,I just stumble on this blog and behold this is exactly what I have been looking for ,the favour of God in my life,.let God strengthen you and give you wisdom to write more of this.

    23. Thank you Jamie or this Awesome reading, I never thought I was worthy of God”s favor until I read your blog. Please keep inspiring the unworthy.

      1. Robin, you about made me cry when I received your comment notification. In Jesus Christ, you are worthy of the best Papa has to offer. Not because you deserved it without Him–none of us did–but we do deserve it with Him, because we are dead to ourselves and alive in Christ. When Papa looks at us, He sees His beloved Son, Jesus, and the blood of Jesus speaks a better word than the condemnation of the world. There is no condemnation for you in Christ Jesus. And the blood of Jesus makes you worthy! You are clean and pure before Father if you are in Christ!

    24. This was the last website I told myself I would visit tonight. I’ve been struggling, like Robin and so many more above me, with seeing myself as worthy of God’s favor or anyone else’s. I cried the whole way through that prayer because I never truly understood that I could ask for our Father’s favor. Thank you so much; I already feel my joy returning. God has given you an incredible voice of encouragement and love.

    25. Thank you God for everything..

    26. Thankyou!It is really comforting and encouraging!

    27. Ann malcolm says:

      As I read this prayer I received and beloved God favour me amen

    28. thank you for this… I always felt so selfish asking for continuous favor.. but, now I realize that it’s okay to ask all the time.
      GOD loves me, and no amount is too much…

      thank you so much.

    29. Mike & Amita says:

      Thank You .bless you ,, this prayer becomes our morning family prayer ,we expecting diving healing favor for our son
      May the annointing of God increase upon you ..

    30. SERGE PELAGIE says:

      yes papa GOD is alive and i ask him my favor and i am million sure that i receive in Jesus name today that am reading the prayer i kno that whta i am passing throught is just for today please pray for me also may GOD giv me more favor in Jesus name AMEN

    31. Janet Johnson says:

      Thank you Jamie for your blog…. Favor be unto you in all you are doing for the Kingdom of God. I wonder, because it is really just that easy. It seems hard to believe we don’t have to work for it, so do we deserve it? It is what we tell ourselves that hold us back.
      My goal is to take this favor prayer and adopt this simple method and sow it in my heart and receive in my spirit this love of simplicity!

      1. Amen. I love that, Janet. Simplicity! Yes! The Gospel is so simple. God’s promises are so simple. His love is so simple. Thank You, Jesus. I need that simplicity, for the world is too overwhelming for me to handle the complex.

    32. Wanimi Princewill says:

      I am in a situation I have no idea on whom to trust. I felt forgotten. Of course I know prayer is the key. But the prayers that come to mind are not relevant prayer according to my spirit. In my confused state, my spirit directed me to search for a prayer for God’s favor. Yes. It said to me ‘God’s favor’ is all you need. Here I am! I repeated your prayer for favour from God and man. I have inner peace that it is settled in Jesus name, Amen. I believe I have God’s blessings and extreme favour so man must favor me too in my situation and forevermore. to his glory.
      May you and yours find extreme favor before God and man for your great work here.

      1. Amen and I receive that favor also! I pray Papa would show His favor to you also, this very day.

    33. stumbled upon this site when searching for how to obtain God’s favour and I have been praying this and believing I will be favoured by God… thank you for this prayer

      1. Thank you for reading, Stella. May God’s favor rest upon you, and may He show you a sign for good. Psalm 86.

    34. Albert Mensah says:

      I need a favour from Papa God and I believe if God grant me His favour, I will be bless in my working place where I have been forgotten.

    35. jennifer mensah says:

      Am relieved for reading this article.I know God would grant me favour as I prayed the prayers.

    36. thank you….i need my life to make sense,i want my son to be able to speak i hope to get a permanent job that i earn above 60,000 ksh and also for my boyfriend to commit. please if you can remember me in your prayers thank you.

    37. Juan Carlos L. says:

      Thanks for the insight, I’m in need of a returning grace from our Lord; I lost it because of my sins. Please pray for my family and I.

      Thanks and God bless

      1. Juan Carlos, if you have sinned, Father God dearly longs for you to return to Him right now. No waiting required. He is waiting for you, longing for you, standing on the porch looking for you, running to you, with His arms outstretched. All He wants is His boy, Juan, back. 1 John 1:9 tells you how you can get back into His embrace: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
        Please don’t wait, brother. All you have to do is confess your sins to God, and He will forgive you. Ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit and cover you with the blood of Jesus, washing you and making you clean. And He will.

    38. Ossie Copeland says:

      I enjoy reading the post

    39. Lovely blog. Gid bless you for this insight.

    40. Nana Appiah-Nti says:

      dear Jamie you have really made my day with this lovely prayers for favor. i was really down before reading this prayer but my spirit has been lifted up after praying along God richly bless you

    41. I’ve been a Christian for many years, but this morning i woke up frustrated thinking of how many rejection, disgrace i have suffered with people. I then concluded that am been neglected. But the Holy Spirit prompted me to search for Prayer of favour on the internet. I then stumbled on your blog. While reading it ,I flipped through the comments and heard what God did for the woman that gave testimony about their car and scholarship of her child. Am too sure that my own case is settled before the Lord.
      Jamie you are a blessing to our generation and i pray that God will envelope you with favour. He will also give you more grace to carry on the good work till his appearance on the last day. Thanks so much. I love you.

    42. adaawen kennedy afful says:

      thank you. God bless you

    43. I woke up this morning and asked the lady I pray with to pray with me. She asked that I be more specific and I just said I want out of a situation that is just weighing me down and killing me inside on a daily. She suggested that we pray for strength for me to handle the situation and I made it clear I don’t want to manage or deal with the situation. I want OUT! I want BETTER. I went down on my knees and prayed. I asked God to please talk to me. Got into bed and then Googled. This was the first article I came across. Tears streamed down my face as I shared the link to this article with my praying partner. I said: that’s it! I would like us to pray for FAVOUR and that was enough for me to look forward to the next moment. Thank you for this article and may God bless you with more favour in every area of your life. I also pray for my associates who really need favour in their lives. I know with God it is POSSIBLE!

    44. you have saved a life. thank you

    45. Mary Holt says:

      Thank you Jamie! You put into beautiful words the cry of my heart! I say ditto to the comment that your website is a goldmine! God has been drawing me to you and I thank Him for directing me here! Blessings!

    46. Hi again, Jamie,
      I so desperately need this right now and am so grateful for you and this post. Kinda confused about something though (what else is new…?) If the world is to automatically hate us as Christians, how does that work with favor? In my new little part time job, as with the positions I held for the past 16 years, no matter how kind, helpful, diligent, Christ-like, Mary Poppins-like I try to be at work, I simply cannot seem to be shown any favor despite my begging of God. Hmmmm…. maybe that makes it a witchcraft prayer (?)on my part because begging is a bit manipulative…oh no…….
      Anyway, my point is that since I did that in my ignorance and idiocy before, might I still be able to be shown favor if I am not trying to twist/bite the Lord’s arm into submission?
      I really hate this piddly job but feel like He wants me there and placed me in a very dark place, briefly, for a reason. I have no doubt that I am the only Christian there. Clearly, no one likes me, particularly the women, as is always the case, and I have no plans to make great friends there, but I ask for favor so I am not hated and that my work will be seen as being acceptable. I am striving to work as unto Him, not them, but every single thing i do is complained about. While I look for a better deal job. Is there any hope that He will finally show me some favor? I begged at my last job and was finally shown some nine months after I quit and moved away. This is tiresome and hard on my worn-out, always rejected heart. I included all these people on my extremely long list the other day.
      Thanks, Jamie 🙂

    47. This is a right on time word and prayer for me today. I need favor with finances for a chaplain program I have signed up for, favor with my land lord and favor with my power company. I have prayed this and believing today I will receive all the favor I need and More! Glory to God

    48. Divinefavor Osinloye says:


    49. AMEN! Very timely especially since I have just received a call for an interview after being jobless for over a year!! I indeed pray for FAVOR in Jesus’ Name!

    50. Lucretia Wingate says:

      Thank you Jesus for each and every blessings 👼🙏❤.. I thank 🙏💕 you so much and I appreciate 💕 every good thing you are doing in my life, and also thank 🙏💕 you because you have not forgotten me.. And thank Jamie for all these encouraging prayers 🙌👏🙏🙇‍♀.. God bless 🙏 you so many ways 😄🌟🎉.. .*💗TAKE CARE💗*.

    51. Oluwakemi says:

      Yeah! I AM HIGHLY FAVORED. I bless God for His beautiful Word and Promise for my life. I have prayed this prayer and i will continue to pray it. I know it will manifest in my life and in my family. Thank you Jamie, you’re wonderful. I pray God’s favor will never run dry in your life and ministry.

    52. Deborah David says:

      I needed this today. It really really really encouraged and blessed me. I had a lot of questions in my heart especially concerning a lot of unanswered prayers – I truly believe that this is a God moment.

    53. Hallelujah! I receive these words in Jesus name 🙏 Favor from God!!

    54. Rebecca Ditsele says:

      Thank you Jamie , This word came at the correct time , I feel I was lifted up from the deep myrrie clay and my feet are planted in the King’s highway .Once more , thank you.

      I am really blessed .

      May He richly bless you in Jesus name .

    55. Kent York says:

      Good morning and thank you for your teachings regarding favor. My wife, daughter, and I prayed your prayer for favor together this morning. We are believing in God’s answer to our prayer. During our prayer, I received a positive answer (via email) to a business proposal that I had sent to a client on July 5. Believing for and receiving favor for our family! In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen
      A portion of God’s provision to us coming your way in 48 hours Jamie. Thank you for your kingdom heart.

      1. Praise God for that testimony, Brother Kent! I believe with you for that FAVOR of God to manifest in your life IMMEDIATELY!

    56. Praise the Lord
      Hi Jamie just want to say thank you for the blog, and thank you for your time and energy that you are giving freely. Your prayer for favor was awesome, I pray that God will bless the work of your hand, I pray that God will open your spiritual eyes to see His glory and to open your spiritual ear to hear His voice and I pray that God will bless you exceedingly and abundantly beyond measure. I pray that God will protect you from every area of your life

    57. Cecilia Ramirez says:

      Thank you Jamie! Thank You Father for your favor over my life, your extreme favor, Lord! I receive & agree with Jamie Lord! Amen

    58. Thanks so much. My family needs favor too much.

    59. Thank you for teaching us this, Jamie. I never thought about asking God for favor. I just thought He gave us whatever He wanted us to have. I’m learning so much from you!!!

    60. I thank you for this. I prayed it and I think I will pray it again.

      The truth is, it’s a good prayer, and over the years I have looked up and prayed every favor prayer that is available on the World Wide Web. In other words I have prayed a plethora of favor prayers and also had many prayed directly over me by anointed ministers on the Internet, but to no avail.

      The results of all those prayers has been zero, so for years I have wanted so bad to experience that favor that you describe. I even went so far as to teach myself to speak and pray in Hebrew, because I was told God and the Angels favor that language, it being the “language of heaven,” but it also produced zero results in my life.

      So for years I have been crying out to the LORD, just literally desperate beyond words for a blessing or a word of blessing spoken over me that will actually work or be answered.

      I have tried every prayer style that exists! And there are dozens of “prayer styles” out there, believe me. I have done this for years, (even went to prayer academy to learn warfare style praying) yet my prayers have gone unanswered. Every morning when I awake and after reading my Bible I literally just kneel and cry out to the LORD over and over with all the humility I can “Help me Jesus!! Please help me Jesus! LORD I plead with you to help me this day and to show me favor and to be in my day today!” That’s how I start my mornings. I spent MONTHS praying the “powerful, anointed warfare prayers” that I’ve found on the Internet and in books and in prayer academy till I was literally WEARY and weak of doing that to no avail. I felt like I was wasting my breath. Talking into the air. So I just gave up the ghost on that (God forgive me,) but I just became reduced to crying out to Him for help in my desperation. So now I have spent months doing that, and now I have found your favor prayer about which I write this.

      I have even told the LORD directly that in His Word He emphasizes over and over FAITH, and that surely the fact that I have HUNG IN THERE over the decades of life’s trials and unanswered prayers must SURELY demonstrate to Him that I have faith!! And surely that faith must not go unseen! And it is worthy of being honored! Right? No?

      Anyway, all that said, your favor prayer somehow seems “different.” It seems to have some substance, power and anointing to it. Your vivid descriptions at the beginning of the article on what favor is like in action are WONDERFUL!!!! They paint a vivid picture of what one’s life should be like and what they should expect when favor comes.

      So I am going to continue to pray it, along with other prayers on your site. I think I feel a tinge of hope rising up in me when I pray it, and I get teary. Perhaps after all these decades, this is the key that will unlock the door.

      Thank you again,

      Doug W

    61. Thank you Jesus for the favors you’re granting me and supplying all my needs according to your holy will in Jesus name.. Your goodness and favors are following me.. Thank you my father almighty God.. You never fails.. 🙏❤️

    62. Jamie,
      I thank you for this prayer. Faver from God is what I need at this time. I am His child, so my Father, Daddy God, is who I am asking. This prayer has come when I am stuck in a place of uncertainty. Therefore, I know Father will be my deliverer. Amen

    63. Kim A.Hill says:

      Kim A.Hill says: What a on time prayer.I’ve been going through so much opposition this year.I will certainly pray this prayer of favor because in this season of my life I need God’s favor on top of favor for what I have been going through, a lot of family situations.But it has made me stronger.I shall stand and see the salvation of the Lord.Still standing!I don’t remember how I stumbled on this platform but I‘am every so grateful for it.I pray that God continue to bless you Jamie in your personal life & your ministry.Peace&blessings!

    64. Yes, And I thank God in Advance for Favor in my life and circumstances.

    65. Thank You Lord for Your Favor n my Life,on this new journey Iam about to take ,thank You my Heavenly Father for Your Extreme Favor In Jesus Christ name Amen.

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