Dear friend,
Thank you so much for stopping by! I’m thrilled to have you here, and I hope you’ll decide that this tribe is YOUR tribe; and that you’ll hang out with us for a long, long time.
Coming from nearly 15 years in a Fortune 500 business environment, I don’t believe in wasting time–yours OR mine. 🙂 And also since I have a huge passion for God, I want to do my best to serve Him most effectively with every moment of my life. (I pray you do too!)
So, I thought it would be helpful to share specific details about our tribe here at From His Presence®, so you can decide easily if this ministry is something you’d like to participate in or not. (Again, I hope you will, but I’ll understand if not. No hard feelings!)
First, let me say that our goal is to build up, comfort, and encourage believers in Christ–people who want to know Him more.
This doesn’t exempt me from leading people to saving faith in Jesus, and I do that as well. However, my primary call is to disciple you as a believer and help raise you up into victory, POWER, and holiness; and to equip you to labor in God’s harvest field in whatever way you are called.
So to get into the nitty-gritty of what our tribe is all about …
I always want to help everyone, but the fact is that I can’t. The same way that your message and calling aren’t for everybody, neither are mine.
Some people love what I have to say, and other people hate it. That’s just life.
Awhile back, I came to realize very specifically who I actually can help–and who I can’t–through a frustrating ministry experience. Here’s the story:
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I was asked to minister at a certain place and time. So, I prepared and showed up to minister. I had a good word and things on which I really wanted to challenge the people. But … I couldn’t.
Why? Because some of the people had such a small view of God that they couldn’t receive more. They couldn’t believe for more. They verbalized practically zero interest in being the violent ones who take the Kingdom by force (Matthew 11:12) or in actually DOING things purposefully for God. They wanted faith, but didn’t care about turning faith into works–and faith without works is dead (James 2:26). You have to have both!
And you know what?
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Everything you see was created by the spoken word.
And with your words, you can still speak those things that are not as if they already were (Romans 4:17)!
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It’s their business if they want to stay there. But I can’t do that; I can’t identify with it; it annoys me; and people in that position can’t identify with me or receive from me, and I probably annoy them, too. 🙁
In thinking and praying about this, I decided that I only want to run with folks who actually want to run.
Here’s what this means for our online community:
Plain and simple, the prophetic words, teachings, prayers, and equipping that I offer CAN benefit lots and lots of people (by the power of Holy Spirit, of course). In fact, I believe this website and our ministry can benefit the vast majority of folks in the Body of Christ.
However, it’s the plain and honest truth that there is one group of people that we can’t help–and every person has to decide which group you’re in.
No matter what, this blog, all our resources, and our online community are freely available to everybody. Our ministry is available to all who will come. But the ministry must, by necessity, be geared and pointed toward the people we can actually HELP. Anything less than that is a waste of time.
These are the people that we CAN help (by the power of Holy Spirit, of course). We’ll call them group #1:
- People who desire victory, even if they haven’t totally gotten there yet–but they’re trying or willing to try;
- People who desire victory, but don’t know how to get there–but they’re willing to learn and do what it takes;
- People who are willing to be aggressive to take the Kingdom of Heaven by force–even if they’re not there yet, but they want to be!;
- People who are already aggressive to take the Kingdom by force;
- People who love the Presence of the Lord–and are willing to ACT upon His commands;
- People who want to take nations for Jesus (see the Great Commission);
- People who desire to give and be generous to others–even if the “others” has nothing to do with our ministry. (Because funding outreach projects and projects to care for hurting, broken, worn-out, depressed pastors in need is part of what we do. It’s Kingdom work and, if you can’t love that ministry, you can’t love our ministry.)
- People who are willing to invest in their own spiritual growth.
- People who are teachable.
But I cannot help people in Group #2, who:
- Expect to be spoon-fed and refuse to put forth even the smallest effort to help themselves;
- Think that it’s okay for them to sit around on their blessed assurance year after year and do NOTHING to grow in God;
- Have zero desire to ever become equipped and minister themselves.
- Send me nasty, hateful emails to tell me how wrong they think I am about whatever the topic of the day is;
- Think I’m in league with demons because I operate a 501(c)3 charitable organization;
- Have no desire or heart to give to God, to their local church, to people in need, or to this ministry–right where they are now (not waiting until some unknown future date when they hope their proverbial ship will come in);
- Think everything in ministry should be free; or
- Aren’t teachable.
If you’re in the first group, I believe you’re my PEOPLE. I hope you love this community; that it’s a blessing to you; and that you hang around with us for a long, long time!
Let’s look at this using a visual depiction of the two groups. In the graphic below, Group #1–the people whom our ministry is specifically purposed to serve–is everybody who’s described in the yellow boxes.
Group #2–the people who are welcome to hang out with us, but whom we really won’t be able to help very much until they move into the realm of taking personal responsibility–is the first section on the far left. It’s a tiny section.
If you’re in Group #1, I believe that you and I together are family, and that we have like faith, like destiny, like spirit, and like anointing. We can do this thing! Let’s shoulder up and take the entire world for Jesus!
But, no offense, I can’t help people in the second group.
If you’re in the second group, I love you. I can minister to you. I can pray for you. I am and always will be glad when and if you read my blog.
However, I can’t tailor my teaching to the second group’s needs because I can’t impart hunger. I can’t impart a desire for maturity. I can’t wave my magic wand and make anyone teachable.
The entire purpose of the five-fold ministry (which I’m in, and many of you are too, so take note please) is to build up, encourage, and EQUIP THE SAINTS to do the work of the ministry. It is NOT:
- to spoon-feed people who won’t make any effort;
- to prop up people who won’t read their Bibles, won’t pray, won’t give, won’t fast, and won’t obey Jesus;
- to change hard hearts. Only Holy Spirit can do that; He is the Convicter and Changer of the hearts of men.
If you’re in Group #2–the ones who don’t care about God and don’t want to know Him or take responsibility–then I love you and I can pray for you.
But in order to move up into group #1–even at the very beginning level of wanting to know God, even if you don’t–you’ve got to pray and ask the Lord:
- to help you desire Him;
- to help you care about Him;
- to make you humble and help you receive His Word and obey it;
- and ask Him to help you take personal responsibility for your own growth.
I certainly don’t know everything myself.
I’ve been in this a long time, but I still depend on Holy Spirit for everything–and I always will. I exert great effort to study and commune with the Lord so I can grow in Him all the time. But for any of us to grow, we have to exert humility … and humility can’t be imparted. Humility is something we all have to beg God for, and then beg Him some more. It’s heart change, and just when we think we stand–that’s when we have to repent and beg Him to make us humble again.
But people who don’t want to grow in God …
… who have a small view of God …
… who get angry and offended at people who DON’T operate in that small view of God–they aren’t humble under God’s Word.
I don’t need anybody to humble themselves under me. But we ALL, myself included, have to humble ourselves under the Word of God.
I cry out to God daily to help me submit to Him in everything, and we all need to do that. We have to submit to the Word, which is alive and powerful and sharper than a two-edged sword.
And unfortunately, when it comes to ministry, people who don’t want to submit to the Word of God or take personal responsibility for their own character growth and spiritual equipping aren’t going to benefit from this ministry.
In my backstory above, I wasted hours trying to help people who didn’t want to be helped.
I was trying to teach people who didn’t want to be taught. I didn’t know that would be the case when I got there. I didn’t know these people for the most part. They weren’t all like that, either–but 80% of them were. And the world is too big, and the Kingdom is too big, and there are too many people who ARE hungry, that I CAN help by the power of Holy Spirit–that I’m not going to waste time like that again.
This is a message from my heart to yours. Everybody can keep reading the blog, of course. I’m happy for every person everywhere to read it, and I hope we’ll be a blessing to you.
But if I annoy you; if you don’t like my theology; if you don’t want to grow and take the Kingdom of God by force–then I’ll understand if you say this community isn’t for you. No hard feelings. I still love you, but we’ve each got to find our tribe of people to run with.
I’m hungry for God. I’m desperate to take every nation on the face of the earth to throw at the feet of Christ. And I want to be ready, because Jesus is coming.
He’s coming soon, and SOULS hang in the balance every single day.
Will you run with me?
Together with you in His harvest field,
Jamie Rohrbaugh
Founder and CEO