Radical Prayer #6: God Wants To Set You On High
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I know this may sound freaky, but God wants to set you on high.
It’s true. His Word says so. Psalm 91:14 tells us:
Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him; I will set him on high, because he has known My name.”
Now, when you first read that, you might be tempted to gloss over it. Like, it sounds good, but surely God can’t really mean it. Because after all, our too-religious ideologies tell us, Jesus is the only One who should be set on high.
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That sounds awesome. It sounds holy. Only problem is, it’s just not Biblical.
All too often, we totally underestimate what God really wants to do for us.
We have a hard time understanding this Father of ours sometimes.
He’s big, and awesome, and holy, and Wonderful. He’s more amazing than anyone else we’ve ever met, and He’s more fantastic than anything else in the universe.
Everything in the universe was created by His hand. He deserves to be worshipped, and adored, and worshipped, and adored some more.
But somehow … in His bigness …
- He stooped down to rescue US.
- He stooped down to love US.
- He stooped down to adopt US and make us His children.
And by “US,” I mean YOU. (And me, too. I’m totally in there too, but I want you to take this personally today.) 🙂
And when He stooped down and rescued us, adopted us, and made us His own, He brought us to a place in Him that we barely have begun to tap into.
We settle for not-enough, or just-barely-enough. We settle for earthly provision, hope for earthly promotion, and long for heavenly power.
But if we know Him, God said that it’s His will to set us on HIGH. His Word says so in more than one place.
Check out what Ephesians 2:4-7 says:
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”
Did you get that? God made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Done deal. Past tense.
Jesus is right now sitting in Heaven at the right hand of the Father, waiting for the Father to make His enemies a footstool for His feet (Acts 2:32-36). And when God raised us up into new life in Christ Jesus, God put us right there with Him.
Your body may be walking around on earth right now. However, your spirit–the real you–is occupying your body from a seat right next to Jesus in Heaven.
That’s what the Bible says. And when you think about it that way, isn’t it only natural that our Father would want to manifest our heavenly position here on earth? Oh yes, it is. It only makes sense.
This is why God wants to set you on high:
God’s goal is to make earth look just like Heaven. Remember what Jesus said when He taught the disciples to pray:
In this manner, therefore, pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.'”
So because you are seated with Jesus in heavenly places right now, God wants to make your earthly reality look just like your heavenly reality. If you know His name–if you are His child–then God wants to set you on high in every circumstance in your life.
That’s right. I said EVERY circumstance. In every situation. In every place. In every problem.
God wants to set you on high.
- Because you know His name. You know Him and are intimate with Him.
- Because He is in charge.
- Because He sovereignly chose to save you from sin and seat you with Jesus in heavenly places.
- Because “on earth as it is in Heaven” is the mission of God’s Kingdom on earth.
- And because He’s going to “show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus” to the universe in the ages to come.
Do you feel faith rising up within you as you read this?
I do. I feel something roaring to life in my spirit as I am even writing it. Thank You, Abba. Thank You, Father. Thank You.
So are you ready to pray with me?
Pray this prayer and ask God to set you on high in every situation in your life right now:
Dear Heavenly Father, I come before you in Jesus’ name. Thank You, Papa, for Your Word. Thank You for Your promises. Thank You for being my Daddy. Thank You for loving me and giving me new life in Christ Jesus.
Father, Your Word says that You will set me on high because I have known Your name. Abba, I have never prayed that before, and I’m overwhelmed that You would even want to do this for me.
But Abba, I do love You. I do know You. You are everything to me. You preserve me and keep me alive. In You I live, and move, and have my being, Lord. This world has nothing for me; I will follow You. You are Life to me.
So Abba Father, because it pleases You to do so, and because Your Word says so, Lord, I am asking You right now to set me on high. Lord, I don’t even know what that looks like. But You do. You know me better than I know myself. You know what Your plans for my life are, and only You can vindicate me and honor me and lift me up in every area according to Your will.
So Lord God, in Jesus’ name, I choose to receive. Lord, I choose to receive Your elevation of me. I choose to receive Your kindness, Your goodness, and Your grace. Help me, Lord, because I know this earthen vessel isn’t used to just receiving from You. But Father, use me as a demonstration of Your goodness, kindness, and grace to all the earth. Pour out on me everything You desire to pour out on me, Father, and bless me. Use me to flaunt Your goodness and grace on the earth, all for the sake of Jesus.
And Papa, please keep my head straight as You do this. Please keep me humble. Don’t let me get into sin or pride. Give me clean hands and a pure heart. Help me continue to cling to You; to seek You in everything. O God, You are my God. Help me to seek You morning, noon, and night. Let me eat You, drink You in, and delight in You.
Abba Father, take Your place on the center of my heart. I ask in Jesus’ name that You would cleanse me, purify me, mold me, and make me everything You desire me to be. And through it all, Father, help me to receive. Set me on high. Deliver me in every place, in every way, and set me on high according to Your Word.
Thank You, Father. Thank You for loving me. Thank You for setting me on high. Thank You for hearing my prayer and answering me. Help me to notice every answer to my prayers, Lord, so I can give You the praise You’re so worthy of.
I love You, Abba. I bless You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”
Does this prayer affect you like it did me? (I cried even writing it.) Is the Holy Spirit touching you as you receive and pray His Word? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear what you think!
Related: Read these posts to build your faith and help you pray for the radical blessings God promises in His Word!
- Radical Prayers Get Radical Answers
- Prayer to Raise the Spiritually Dead
- Radical Prayer #1: God Wants To Honor You
- Radical Prayer #2: Jesus Became Poor That You Might Become Rich
- Radical Prayer #3: Wild Ideas and Witty Inventions
- Radical Prayer #4: The Anointing of the Sons of Issachar
- Radical Prayer #5: Ask God For An Angel With A Flaming Sword
- Radical Prayer #6: God Wants To Set You On High
- Radical Prayer #7: God Himself Will Disciple Your Children
- Radical Prayer #8: The Blessing of the Bride
- Radical Prayer #9: Divine Rivers in Desolate Heights
- Radical Prayer #10: Decreeing Light Into Your Darkness
- Radical Prayer #11: All Your Tears Turned Into Joy
- How To Get Your Prayers Answered 100% of the Time
- PLUS my most popular post ever: Pray This Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations
Image courtesy of USFWS Mountain Prairie on Flickr via Creative Commons license. Image has been cropped and graphics added.
Hallelujah God! I receive it in Jesus’ mighty and matchless name. Thank you for being an obedient vessel. Continue to be used mightily by Him!
Praise God! Thank you, Kishemia! Thanks for reading!
Hi Jamie,
Thank you so much for your prayers, I’m encouraged and my faith in God is more strengthen.
I could feel the Holy Spirit anointing while praying and I believe God hears and answered these prayers as I prayed.
Thank you and may God Blessed you 🙏
Hi, Jamie,
This is a wonderful confirmation of a vision I had a few days ago. I thought the vision applied to a family member — and no doubt it does — but in the way some visions apply to multiple situations, you have shown me that there is a message in it for me, too.
I was standing in the ruins of a prison — a warehouse, which is about what prisons are, but the image held multiple metaphors — and the crumbling wall beside me was overgrown with lush spring vines. As I looked way, way up, Jesus was at the top of the embankment behind the wall looking down with an encouraging smile. Flowers — like the ones I have been setting into planters — surrounded Him. I could imagine my athletic son finding his way up that crazy climb, hauling himself on those risky vines and toeholds. That is the desire of my heart for him, to arrive as a result of his very challenging circumstances at a meeting with Jesus. But I felt a little wistful; I had no idea how I could reach Jesus in that context, too. (I always want to come closer, you know!) Indeed, I would have to be “lifted up.” Your prayer says it all.
Wow, Laurna, that’s a beautiful vision. When I read it, Song of Solomon 2:10-13 came to mind:
“My beloved spoke and said to me, “Arise, my darling, my beautiful one, come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.”
He is indeed wooing you! What a beautiful and precious Savior we have in Jesus!
Thank you for reading, Laurna, and thank you SO much for sharing! I continue to pray for you and your family. Hugs!
Thank you for your prayers God’s wants to set me on high. I’m very shy and abit insecure but God wants to do a work in my life but I’m holding back praise and worship is my thing love to go before the Lord and love on him but I can get pass to worship on my own. Please pray for boldness for me thank you and be a blessing to others
Hi Jamie
Thank you for this beautiful prayer – halfway through I could barely read any further, as I started to cry. Thank for being obedient and sharing this with us.
That is so awesome! Thank you for letting me know! I cried too, both when I wrote it and yesterday when I read it again! Will probably keep crying. 🙂 Papa’s so GOOOOD!!!
Thanks for reading my blog, Yolande!
This prayer is very powerful and awesome, thank you Lord for setting me on high I received your word Lord and I know you are working things out for me in every situation. Thanks Jamie for this radical prayer and I pray God will continue to blessed you and your family and ministry.love in Christ Jesus Amen.
This is my first time on your site. I felt so loved by Abba tears welled up in my eyes. Thank you for for the beautiful heartfelt prayer. Truly blessed me.
I will continue to encourage myself in the Lord
Oh Millie, thank you so much for telling me that. To God be the glory! Thank You, Papa, for encouraging my sister!!!
Thank you for reading, and I hope to see you back often! 🙂
I thank God for giving you this wonderful gift, to teach the Word the way you do and to teach prayer. Bless you.
Thank you, Susan. Praise God. Thank you for reading, and for your sweet encouraging words! Have a great day! 🙂
Hi Jame. I just found your site and I’m enjoying it so much. Thank you for your faithfulness. This has given me hope to keep moving forward.
I thank God for having led me to you Jamie, you are indeed an Awesome inspirator.
Your wisdom in understanding the bible has driven me so close to God, I’m amazed at myself with my faith and confidence in approaching God for the Bigger things set in my heart.
I didn’t know that I can use specific wordings for powerful prayers like your’s, when I was much younger I use to study the bible and had thoughts of using God’s word back to him, then I got scared thinking it is very wrong and grew up with that thought believing I could be severley punished for cheeking with God. Now I’ve learned from you, I can indeed use his promises and make claims to it too. I’ve been getting such awesome revelations after using one of your radical prayers with my added wordings, I couldn’t stop praising God and thanking him enough… Hallelujah! God BLESS you INDEED Jamie, your messages are profound, WELL DONE on your fabulous job in Christ!
Clarissa, praise God. Thank you so much for reading and for sharing. I’m overjoyed that the Holy Spirit is using my blog to encourage you. He LOVES for you to pray His Word back to Him! He commands us to do so in His Word. And the Holy Spirit is the best Teacher. As you continue to seek Him, He will give you more and more and will draw you into intimacy and power in Christ. Thank You, Jesus!
Your writing is so beautiful. My life is committed to our Lord. The past couple weeks I have had a couple heartbreaking situations within my family and have felt broken. Sure, I know what to do, but it was not happening. Last night the Lord directed to a word document I had saved a couple years ago. I didn’t recognize it by it’s title, but when I opened it there was a description of “How You Know If You Have The Spirit”, and “When you don’t have it ….”. I knew I had work to do. After much prayer today & scripture, I turned to the internet & found your site. God is most certainly at work in me right now. How humbling ! Thank you for this writing and especially the prayer. The Lord is my life …. I love Him so…..
Linda, thank you so much for reading. I am so sorry you are going through this time of brokenness, but I praise God for using my blog to encourage you. I pray that Papa would wrap His arms around you right now and fill you up with His peace, comfort, love, and the fullness of His beautiful Holy Spirit. He loves you so much. I pray He would renew your strength, hope, and vigor today, and give you rest and refreshing in His presence.
Many blessings to you, precious sister. May Papa bless you and restore you as He binds up your wounds today.
Much love in Christ,
Jamie, thank you so much for your comforting words. I’m working very hard at my relationship with our Father. It was actually my summer bible plan. It’s so difficult, even knowing what I know & how I have been saved, that worldly words & people become stumbling blocks on my journey. Thank you for reaffirming the Father’s promises for me.
I know He will draw you, Linda. He’s such a loving Papa and He’s so merciful. We can’t even seek Him unless He helps us. But He does. And He will bless you as you seek. It’s like we’re His little two-year-olds and He’s our Daddy, playing hide-and-seek. He may hide, but He lets you find Him real easy. 🙂 His delight is to be found, because His delight is in YOU.
Thank you so much for sharing this prayer.before I finish I start to cry.Thank you for your inspiration and you are such a blessing to me on your words and prayers.
God bless
Yeah Jaime, everything I have been reading witnesses with my spirit. My head doesn’t understand it, but my spirit says YES. More and more to me it seems that as God blesses and sets us on high, the weightier our responsibility becomes–which means walking even more closely with Him. Only His grace enables us to do it.
Leah, that’s awesome. Amen to all of that. I am glad to hear that the deep in you is calling to the deep in our Abba Father. May He continue to woo you as you answer Him and seek Him radically!
Since I came across this site,my faith has been lifted and have began to read the Bible keenly. Thank you for being such a blessing and eye opener
That is one of the best things anyone could ever say, Ndemi! Thank You, Jesus!
And thank you, Ndemi, for letting me know how Papa is blessing you! All glory be to Him!
It’s a relief and blessing
Praise the Lord!
Thank for the “On High’ prayer, I really felt Gods presence as I prayed it. He is so good to us.
This prayer touch my heart and soul so deeply. Thank you for sharing and being a blessing to the Body of Christ.
Dear Jamie,
So thankful to you for putting this prayer up online. It thoroughly blessed me and I belive God is setting me on high. Thank you. I prayed and felt the power of God. I am convinced my life will not remain the same again. Thank you for putting your content on Youversion. That was where I first came in contact with you. The prayers there also were so apt. Thank you and God bless you even more in Jesus name, Amen
Hallelujah!!! This is such an eye opener! And also at such a time as this that I really need it! God bless you Jamie!
Hi Jamie
Thank you for these prayers , I am always so richly blessed and elevated every time I set aside and pray . I do not feel fulfilled in the morning before reading one of your blogs and praying the prayers you send . May God always be with you and protect your family
God bless you
Wow! The past two days have been a movement of God’s presence in my life. From convictions to promptings…perseverance to presence, He’s been moving me to dramatically showing me I don’t have to live and still feel stuck but I can know Him and see Him move in such a way that the devil has no room to and for almost 30 years I’ve been waiting for the day when I knew that He saw me, not just believed but KNEW that He saw my pain and that His wanting to lift me out of it and set me on high was not just some ficticious belief but was the real deal from a very REAL GOD. Know knowing, KNOWING the grace and mercy of my Lord and Savior and KNOWING what He’s done for me is lifting me up out of this hole that I and so many have set ourselves in. I feel so free this morning but I know it’s not a feeling. It’s a knowing in my head AND in my heart there’s nothing greater than His love for us. Thank you for the truth sent to us by our Maker and thank you Jesus for your peace even in the midsts of life’s storms today. Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord Jesus
Yes that is a bold prayer and never have I have prayed that but did today. I don’t know what it totally means except elevation. I receive it from the Father.
Hallelujah 🙌🏾 praise God 🙏🏾.. I felt that prayer deep down in my soul.. Thank 🙏🏾💕 you God.. And God bless you Jamie in so many ways 😄🌟🎉.. .*💗TAKE CARE💗*.
Thank you Jamie for this awesome prayer. I’m so overwhelmed right now and my desire is for God to lift me on high.
This is an in time word. God knows exactly when to speak words of comfort to His people.
God bless you and your family! May He give you the strength and grace to continue to encourage His children!
Dear Jamie God bless u, this prayer really brought me to almost tears and felt that I was really being raise high but I don’t think I deserve to be raise that high .Thank u in jesus name
Although this word appears to have been released 5 years ago, it resonates with me today and I’m going to sow a seed on it Blessings
Hey Patricia, thank you so much! What a blessing you are; thank you for reading and sowing both!
I’m sure my ABBA Father is in the process of setting me on high. I wait in full expectation and excitement!! My prayer is that ABBA continues to keep you on high and take you even higher!!!!!
Mindset changes are taking place
Thank you Jamie, My prayer os to ask God to continue blessing you. I appreciate your prayers so much. So my prayers are for you to continue to help the sick, sad, lost and feelings of hurt. You are a blessing to so many so I just want to say Thqnk you.
Hello Pst .Jamie God is speaking directly to me .I believe its my season Thank u
This is for me. The confirmation and prayer to my prayers. Thank you so much. The Spirit is truly one.
Thank you! Such encouragement from a new perspective. Love this.
I have been so blessed.
Thank you for this timely prayer. It touched me so much I just cried. Our God is so great and knows the right time to give an answer. God Bless You.
Hallelujah I receive these words in Jesus’ name. Yes, Abba Father set me on high. All praise and glory 🙌 to You.
Hi Beloved
I couldnt have prayed this at a better time. It blessed me so much.
Glory be to God in high!
Thank you, sister, for this word. I receive it in Jesus name! Glory hallelujah! You have been a blessing to me through all of your emails, prayers, encouraging words! You have a tremendous reward in heaven for your obedience to our Lord Jesus Christ!😇😇
What a blessing to receive, I receive it with open arms to the Heavenly Father, all Thanks & Praise to Him always, I receive it, thanks Jamie
HALLELUJAH 🙌🏾.. Praise GOD. Thank you ABBA FATHER for loving ❤️ so much to do this for me. Thank you JAMIE, GOD BLESS 😇✋👉 you .*💗TAKE CARE💗*.
I am relieved!
Praise God!
Hallelujah Amen!
Glory be to God!
God bless you Prophetess Jamie: 1Cor15:58/Heb6:10 Thank you.
My Goodness, what a great Word Sister Jamie!!! Deuteronomy 28:1 also says He sets us on High: “For we fully obey the Lord our God and carefully follow all his commands
given us today, the Lord your God sets us on high above all the nations on earth!” HALLELUJAH THANK YOU JESUS! GLORY TO GOD!! AMEN ✝️
Amen amd Amen…Thank you so much Abba.Love you so much Dear Lord!
Very same here!! Half way through and tears like open tap on my cheeks. May God bless this Jamie abundantly!
Dearest Jamie🌸
I’m at the beginning of a receiving season & This prophetic word resonates with me through & through.
I can’t help but recall Joseph who was promoted, elevated: raised on High, after enduring a harsh/bitter season of betrayal, imprisonment & countless sufferings. Among many things… Through his many challenges/difficulties, Joseph learned: humility, patience, forgiveness, gratitude (there’s no mention of him Ever complaining about his extreme tests of faith), trust in God’s promises, character & God himself.
Abba Father loves to water us until we’re overflowing on High… I welcome this beloved season of abundant blessings.
Thank You… Holy Father, Sweet Jesus & gentle Holy Spirit for helping me to reach This exhilarating season of my life.
I wholly receive Your word, Abba Father & I wholly receive everything in connection to being raised on High as to how it pertains to Me.
Thank you Lord Jesus for Jaime and her awesome, magnificent prayer that helps me pray so boldly for you and burn in me igniting that fire of your Holy Spirit within me! Hallelujah and Amen and God bless you Jaime!