Prophetic Word Friday: 7 Encouraging, Prophetic Words For You

7 encouraging, prophetic words for you today! May the Holy Spirit encourage and lift you up as you read. | By Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comThe Lord gave me several encouraging words today. They are not necessarily all for the same person. But if one of them is for you, I pray the Holy Spirit would minister that word directly into your spirit and use it to lift you up.

Without further ado, here are the 7 encouraging, prophetic words the Lord gave me for you today:

1. You are tempted to quit something. Quitting would contradict everything you believe about what you’ve been called to do. Quitting would contradict everything you understand from God’s Word. But you are second-guessing yourself, and you worry you may not have been right in the first place. To you I say: don’t quit. This is an attack from evil forces, seeking to derail you from reaching the next level. Hang in there. Look to God, and He will help you understand what to do next.

2. To one who is tired: Your tiredness is not from the Lord. The weariness in your bones is also an attack. Pray in the Spirit. It will strengthen you.

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    3. Look up! Your redemption draws near. I know it’s tempting to think God is not hearing you and will not come through for you. But you’re in the birth canal and you’re a-l-m-o-s-t OUT! You’re being squeezed tightest because God is bringing you into a new level of freedom that you’ve never known before. Submit to God and the birthing will be easier. You’re almost there!

    4. To one whose marriage is difficult: I hear the Lord saying “I am God who heals you” (Exodus 15:26). If you will press into Abba Father, He will redeem you, RESTORE you, and make all things new in your life. Choose you this day whom you will serve. If you and your house will serve the Lord, He will perfect all things that concern you.

    5. Bless the Lord at all times. Regardless of how you feel, praise Him and bless His name. Doing so will actually lift you out of the pit and set your feet upon a rock. Keeping your eyes on the Lord through praise and worship will eclipse everything else in your view.

    6. The Lord is near to you, to comfort you. He lifts Himself up, that He may be gracious to you. Receive. Receive. Receive from His hand today.

    7. Welcome the Holy Spirit into your home, life, office, and vehicle right now. Ask Him to have His way with you today. I hear the Lord saying you will be ASTOUNDED at the results if you do.

    Does one of these words speak to you today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear from you! And have a great day!

    Image courtesy of Tambako The Jaguar on Flickr via Creative Commons license. Image has been cropped and graphics added.


    1. Every one of those was for me! Thanks so much for the encouragement!

        1. Nomzamo Ndlovu says:

          Thank you, my heart is heavy and I read this and it speaks to me…these are tough times for me but I am going to let go and LET GOD

      1. Good Dau

        Points 1 and 2 speaks to me. Thank you God continue to bless you

      2. God is faithful and always on time I can be a witness of that again today 😊
        I received God’s promised word today in Jesus name

    2. Sarah Miller says:

      I have some health issues, some are auto immune and I can have such heavy fatigue that I can’t even function or drive myself to the store. Every day I give myself to the Lord and commit my day, my pain and my fatigue to my Strength. Thank you for this encouraging word.

      1. Wow. I’m sorry you’re going through that, Sarah, but I’m glad the Lord spoke to you and encouraged you. Praising God with you! Thank you for reading, and I command strength and wholeness into your body in Jesus’ name.

    3. I have been invoking the Holy Spirit these past weeks and He has shown that He wants to come into my life. And then there is redemption after so many trials…nice to hear it’s almost over.

      1. Stella, praise God. That’s awesome. Thank You, Papa, for encouraging my sister! 🙂
        Thank you for reading, Stella! Have a great day!

    4. Thanks!! SO needed today!

    5. Just last night I asked God for an explanation of the panic attacks I was being bombarded with. Here’s my answer! Thank you, Jamie, for the encouragement!

    6. The word regarding my marriage helped alot, because it’s been under attack and we’re working on the healing process. Also received confirmation to keep praising & worshipping the Lord through everything. Thank you! God bless:)

      1. Wow. Iliana, I’m praising God with you. May you be strengthened and uplifted today as you and your husband continue to seek God and heal. And may He bless you for your obedience, far beyond what you could ever ask or think.
        Thank you for reading and for sharing!

    7. I have started journaling fixing my eyes on Jesus and tune to flow and had been writing in faith but recently i have being having doubt that all of what i saw and heard from from the Lord could be coming from my own imagination i want to know the voice of GOD was even planning that may be i should quit but your word gave me faith to believe that the Lord is working things out and that i should not quit thanks Jamie. For that word straight from the heart of Jesus

      1. Annelise, that’s awesome that you’ve been journaling like that. That’s exactly the right method. Have you ever read Mark and Patti Virkler’s book called “Dialogue With God”? If you haven’t, you might enjoy it. It’s so encouraging because it tells you exactly how you can discern whether what you’re receiving from the Lord really is from the Lord. They talk about how to hear God and know Him more intimately, just communing with Him. It’s a beautiful book if you haven’t checked it out before.
        Thank you for reading and sharing. I’m so glad Papa encouraged you through these words today! 🙂


      1. Sunshine, I’m sorry for your storm. I pray God would use it to promote you. Thank you for reading and for letting me know God touched you. I pray He would continue to manifest Himself to you as your Glory, and the Lifter of your head!

    9. Catherine says:

      Most of there were for me. Praises be to Yahweh for His ma y blessings. May Yahweh bless you for your obedience.

    10. Wow!!
      Just today, I sat in the worship service feeling defeated, angry, doubtful, and ready to give up. I’ve been in the music ministry at my church for many years now, but today I thought about going into my Pastor’s office and telling him I couldn’t do it any more, due to a rough last few months of testing. His message was even about overcoming the enemy’s attacks, but I was so caught up in my situation I lost my focus and my joy. Your shared prophetic words broke through that haze like the beam from a lighthouse. Right now, I choose to turn my eyes on Jesus, and I thank God for you! I thank God that He has gifted you in such a manner, and I thank you for letting His light shine through you!

      1. Wow, Kay, praise God. From one person in worship ministry to another… People in worship ministry are very much on the front lines. But you know what? Even though you may be in a fiercer battle than others on those front lines, God’s protection over you rises to still defeat that battle. New level, new level of protection. Just press into Him and He will keep you safe and secure. Remember that JESUS is both your warfare and your worship, and if you will lift up His name and release the testimony of Jesus in everything you do, Jesus will muzzle the enemy and drive him out. I’m praying for you right now – that God would lift your eyes up to Jesus, from whence comes your help. He will not let your foot slip. The Lord who keeps you will neither slumber nor sleep! Psalm 121.

    11. Hi

      I feel so silly about yesterday. The Lord gave me a word for the congregation and now I feel like it was a mistake. It was the very first time this happen to me. I’ve been on a three month prophetic teachings which ended last weekend. Is it normal to feel like you have done something wrong?


      1. Hi Sarah. I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond. If you’re still feeling bad, it’s one of two things: either condemnation–which is from the enemy, NEVER from God–or conviction. You can tell the difference because the spirit of condemnation pushes you down to the ground, accuses you, makes you feel awful, and tries to get you to quit.

        On the other hand, CONVICTION is from the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit convicts you, He shows you if you did something wrong, shows you why it was wrong, helps you repent, forgives you, shows you how to make it right, and fills you with hope and peace because you are covered in the blood of Jesus.

        So match your feelings to whichever circumstance you’re in. If you’re being condemned, that is not from God. Speak to the spirit of condemnation out loud and tell it to leave you in Jesus’ name. Speak out loud that there is no condemnation for you, because you are in Christ Jesus. (Romans 8:1). And it will leave. Then plead the blood of Jesus over yourself and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you where that was.

        Based on what you said above, I suspect it’s condemnation. But if it’s conviction, just remember that God will show you how to make it right if you did anything wrong. And remember: there’s only one Person who has a perfect ministry, and that is God. All the rest of us are still learning. So get back up and pursue God’s call on your life, dear sister! Every believer is called to prophesy! Go for it, and ask the Holy Spirit to flow through you in power!

        Thank you for reading and sharing. Love to hear if this conviction vs. condemnation thing means anything to you.

    12. Every single one of these points was something I really needed to hear today. Thanks for being a vessel for God’s prophetic word!

    13. Praise God, the word about not giving up and to trust I am where I should be is what resonated with me. I have been unsure about a career path I chose and am praying for clarity on pursuing that choice or returning to my lifelong career. I am torn and am prayerfully seeking God’s direction to either close doors or open them.

      1. Rita, I’m praying for you right now, that God would shine the light on every opportunity He wants you to take advantage of, and would darken the light and shut the door and remove the appeal of everything that is not from Him. Psalm 32:8: He will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go! Praise God! He’s such a good Daddy. 🙂
        Thank you for reading and sharing!

    14. All I can say, Jamie, is “You Rock” as usual. Just. what. I. needed. Thanks for allowing the Lord to speak through you.

      1. LOL, Lisa. Praise God. I’m so thankful that He uses us in His Body to encourage one another, and that we can share and share alike in this Christ-following life. Jesus is so good. May He surround you with His new mercies today and continue to lift your eyes toward Heaven.
        Thank you for sharing, and thank you for the encouraging words also! 🙂 ((Hugs!))

    15. Hi Jamie, I’m looking for Prayer # 1, 3-6, I have 2 and Prayer # 7 “Ask God to bring you the reward of your labor”, I can’t seem to locate the rest.

      Bless you.

      1. Hey Clarissa, I guess that is confusing! So sorry. I need to make a table of contents for the radical prayers series. Actually the “7 Life-Changing Prayers” is a totally different series. (I like numbers because they make it easier to keep track.) 🙂 Here’s the entire radical prayer series:
        Radical Prayer #1: God Wants To Honor You

        Radical Prayer #2: Jesus Became Poor That You Might Become Rich

        Radical Prayer #3: Wild Ideas and Witty Inventions

        Radical Prayer #4: The Anointing of the Sons of Issachar (How To Know God’s Timing)

        Radical Prayer #5: Ask God For An Angel With a Flaming Sword

        Radical Prayer #6: God Wants To Set You On High

    16. June 4…..All are speaking to my heart!!!! Thanks for being a carrier of His Presence!

    17. May God bless you for posting this. Just about every word was meant for me to read at this very moment. Thank you so much.

    18. Phil Adell says:

      Just saw these posted in a marriage “standers” group, and even though it has been several months, every one of these spoke to me today. Thank you! The devil is attacking me and my marriage with a ridiculously heavy pronged attack, and it keeps wearing me down. But God! God is and has been so good to me, to welcome me back into his “fold”, to forgive me for my shortcomings and sins, and to re-start the process of molding me to his image. I have entrusted my wife to Him for healing, as there is nothing I can do in my power to change her heart. Please be praying for me!

      1. But GOD is right!!! Thank you for sharing, Phil. Our Daddy God loves you so much, and He can and will restore your life better than it ever was before as you seek Him! I have been praying for you. I pray the Holy Spirit would comfort and minister to you today.
        Thank you for reading!

    19. WoW so encouraging I really needed to hear this. I don’t want to post my problems God knows but I’m learning to trust him more then every .

      1. I’m so glad our Daddy touched you, Ivanette. May He continue to lift you up today! Thank you for reading and sharing. 🙂

    20. Tamara Wilkerson says:

      The first 4 of these prophetic words are exactly where I am today. It was like you were listing to my prayers since 2:30am this morning.
      Thank You.

    21. LaShaunda says:

      My God it funny how you pointed out everything I felt and said…I BELIEVE I WILL RUN ON…Thank you Jamie blesses to you, your family and your ministry…

    22. These ALL spoke to me,thank you Jamie??❤️It’s people like you, that help so many people see a light at the end of the dark tunnel??Thank you ❤️May God continue to bless you ,grateful for you and your ministry ??❤️

    23. Fatigue and wanting to quit, the fatigue has been so draining that I have found it hard to pick up my feet and move at a decent pace… literally. This sounds weird but I am glad to hear it confirmed as an attack, it’s slowly getting better. Procastination is the battle at the moment. Somehow I am keeping up but truly thought to myself this is no fun I want not to do it… the same time being so thankful for employment and opportunity.
      I also keep reminding myself constantly that it’s never as difficult as I imagine, and this has been 100% true.
      Also “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” Bless you

    24. Geoffrey francis says:

      Very powerful and solid Bible based words that light up our life and encourages us to cling to The Lion of Judah and allow his Spirit to sweep over our Soul
      Thank You for that lively message GOD BLESS U AND YOUR MINISTRY

    25. Dear Jamie,
      These last few days have gone from horrible to even worse. I am so thankful for this word. At least five from these prayers are right on target. I just found a hope. Thank you so very much for your ministry. Thank you God for this word. And goodness I truly hope I am through that birth canal soon.

    26. I quit my job about 2 months ago. I had read in the Bible to not quit and when I got the job 2 1/2 years ago I promised myself I would not quit. I normally for some reason quit my jobs 2 years into them. I forgot my promise and I quit this time due to how overwhelming it was and how everyone seemed against me and blocking me from moving up. It was too much for me. I cried out to God but all I felt was a deep desire to give up. I am now unemployed. I am hoping to find my niche where I can break this cycle in my life. Your words were very encouraging. Thank you. The battle is difficult but I cannot give up on God. I feel tired and weary from the spiritual battle I am in and sometimes think where is God but when it gets too much I have no choice but to turn to him because their is no other option. Your words encouraged me to remain in him.

    27. Helen Hilton says:

      Wow! This was posted 4 years ago, but almost every one was as though it was directed at me TODAY (8/4/2019)! I’m not married, so the marital relationship word was not relevant to me, but all the others spoke volumes–especially the 1st one about not quitting what I believe the Lord has led me into! Thank you for sharing! I needed these words.

    28. Glory To God! Thank You Very Much! Amen! Praise The Lord!

    29. Thank you for the encouragement

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