The Deliverance Files: Removing Shame, Restoring Honor (Part 2)
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This is part 2 of the very first Deliverance File, about removing shame and restoring honor. If you haven’t already done so, you can read the first post in this series here.
So you’ve made a list of all the people who have shamed you. Is it a long list? I know mine sure was. Years ago, when I went through deliverance myself, I had dozens and dozens of people on my list–people who had shamed me, bullied me, ridiculed me, and ostracized me.
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But you know what? As I worked through each one, I received healing from the Holy Spirit in each area of my heart. I was a different person afterward.
You will be different, too, beloved–if you are willing to do your part and let the Holy Spirit heal you.
In part 1 of this series, we talked about how God wants to remove shame from your life and restore you to honor. The process has several parts:
- Make a list of all the people who have shamed you.
- Receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit to heal your heart for each of those situations. (I’m going to talk more about how in the next post in this series.)
- Forgive the person who hurt and shamed you. (We’ll talk more about that later as well.)
- Confess and repent for any bitterness and unforgiveness in your own heart toward each person. Ask God to forgive you for YOUR sin in holding onto bitterness and unforgiveness.
- Pray for the person who hurt you, and ask God to forgive them and draw them to Himself.
Now that you’ve made your list, let’s talk about how to receive the ministry of the Holy Spirit into your heart in each situation.
Receiving the ministry of the Holy Spirit is simple. It’s all about casting your cares on Him and receiving His truth in place of the enemy’s lies.
Pray the prayer that we have seen God use to heal thousands of people all over the world!
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What does that mean? Well, the Bible tells us over and over that when we present our burdens, worries, pain, stress, anxiety, hurt, and all other problems to the Lord, He will take care of them and relieve us of the burden. We don’t have to carry them at all–not even for one moment. We can find complete peace and rest if we will but give our worries to the Lord.
First Peter 5:7 tells us:
“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.”
and Matthew 11:28-30 says:
“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
And finally, Philippians 4:6-7 tells us:
“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
Notice how 1 Peter 5:7 also says we have to humble ourselves before the Lord. A HUGE part of humbling yourself before the Lord is accepting that His Word is truth and your thoughts are not. That’s why 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 tells us that we have to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ…”
When you cast your hurts, cares, wounds, burdens, and anxieties on Jesus, He will take them away from you. And when you receive His truth in place of those hurts and lies, He will heal you. God sends His Word to heal your disease (Psalm 107:20).
So when you sit down to pray through each person on your list who has shamed you, here’s what you do:
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1. Tell the Lord all about it.
Yes, He already knows. But the process of telling Him about it is for YOU, not Him. Pour out your heart to Him about whatever happened. Cast your burden upon the Lord, and He will sustain you (Psalm 55:22).
As you pray, ask Him to take away the hurt; ask Him to minister to you and comfort you. Then sit right there, focusing on JESUS, NOT ON YOUR HURT, and let the Holy Spirit speak to you and comfort you.
2. Forgive the person who hurt you.
Jesus said that if you do not forgive other people from your heart when they hurt you, your Father in Heaven will not forgive your sins. OUCH! That’s big. So you must forgive from your heart, even if it’s hard. (If you’re having trouble forgiving from your heart, ask God to change your heart and help you forgive like Jesus forgives.)
Pray this prayer to forgive those who hurt you:
Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I choose to forgive _____ for _____. I choose to leave it, let it go, and give up all resentment. I lay this burden right now at Your feet, Heavenly Father, and by Your grace and mercy, I choose to not pick it back up anymore.
Father, in Jesus’ name, I confess that I have harbored bitterness, unforgiveness, and resentment toward this person. Lord, I confess my bitterness, unforgiveness, and resentment as sin. I have not loved them like I should have, and I confess my lack of love as sin also. Father God, in Jesus’ name, please forgive me for MY sin. Cover me with the blood of Jesus. Wash me clean. Fill me with the Holy Spirit, and make me like You in all things.
And now, Father, I pray for _____. Forgive them for _____. Cover them with the blood of Jesus. Wash them. Cleanse them. Make them pure and holy. Fill them with the Holy Spirit, and draw them closer to Yourself. Bless them, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.
If you just prayed that prayer from your heart, you will feel burden rolling off your right away. You will have a new breath of air in your lungs–and that’s the Holy Spirit filling you up.
Thank You, Jesus!
Now on to step 3…
3. Let God restore you to double honor.
Refer back to the Scriptures in post 1 about how God gives you honor. Meditate on each of them awhile. Chew on them until you GET it in your spirit that God gives you honor, NEVER shame.
Then speak out this declaration/prayer:
Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I thank You for giving me honor. Shame is never from you, and I refuse to accept it anymore.
So now, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth and by the authority of His Word, I say to the spirit of shame: LEAVE ME right now in Jesus’ name! The Lord my God has said that instead of my former shame, I shall have double honor.
So Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, please fill me with Your double honor right now. Clothe me with honor and let me feel it. You, Lord, are my Glory and the Lifter of my head. You are the Restorer of my place of authority, and I accept Your Word that You have given me double honor instead of shame right now. Because Jesus paid the price to roll away the shame off of my life, I shall NEVER be put to shame anymore.
Thank You, Father, for restoring me to honor. Thank You that I am Your child, and You have put Your ring back on my finger and Your robe on my back. You have clothed me with Your cloak of honor, and I give You all the praise. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
If you will follow this process, your Daddy God–your loving, kind, generous Heavenly Father–will remove the shame and hurt from your life and restore you to honor.
Guaranteed. I’ve seen it work, over and over and over again. It worked for me, and I’ve seen it work for so many others. Why? Because the Word of God is true, every time. JESUS paid the price for you to be completely healed and free from shame.
So get alone with God. Walk yourself through these steps. Do it for each person or situation on your list.
And if you will, you will find yourself transformed.
Is this for you today? If so, please leave a comment below and let me know. I’d love to hear from you!
Thank you for this it really spoke to me. I have been struggling with shame for as long as I can remember. There was only one person on my list myself I’ve hated myself for so long because of the things I have done. But in order for me to forgive and love other’s I have to do the same for myself.
Yes, you do. Ask Daddy God to help you receive His love for yourself. It’s very important. Jesus said that we should love others as ourselves… not possible if we cannot love ourselves with God’s holy perspective and His divine, grace-filled love first. 🙂
Thank you for reading, dear sister! I pray our Daddy God would give you grace and strength today. You are precious, a chosen, beloved daughter, and the apple of His eye. I pray He would help you to sense His love and affection today. <3
Thank you Jamie for all the prayers and teachings youve posted, they are trully divine inspiration. I’ve been praying them with all my heart to come back into right relationship with God thru Jesus..the truth of the matter is I disobeyed his word and walked in sin and the very real result has been the ‘torturers’: for 5 decades at night I am afflicted physically by evil one time I saw the Father his presence dwelt with me and Jesus came to me and revealed how he purchased me with his blood and reconciled me to the Father.
i have abode in the domain of death, God has been no where to be found, no matter how much i prayed.. then i began reading your teachings..Wow! Ive been blind and you opened my eyes..i had been harboring resentment and shame. I needed to forgive those who hurt me, you showed me this..thankyou for allowing God to speak and work through you..I believe I will find him again in the secret place of El elyon.
THANKYOU JAMIE..please offer a prayer for me.
Thank you for this, I have been betrayed and hurt by people using my ideas and work in my career then tossing me aside. Also I have been betrayed and hurt by my family who have cast aside my mother. I thank you for this powerful prayer xxx
Even when it hurts so much I will praise you Lord!
Thank you for sharing God’s wisdom for deliverance from shame. I have prayed to be delivered from shame before but never to have honor replace the shame. That’s why it kept creeping back in. AS I prayed I saw shackles and heavy cast iron tools of bondage being left at the foot of the throne. Thank YOU Jesus for setting me free and for giving me the robe and ring of honor and “son”ship.
This is for me, pray for me.
Blessed by this great information
This is for me today Jamie and I am so very grateful to you for writing it.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for this! This is something I personally need and, IMO, MANY people need. So many people in the church are in various bondages (besides the typical ones we hear of from the pulpit ie: addiction) and don’t know what to do or are blinded/deceived and don’t even realize they are. I think these types of messages (as well as deliverance ministry in general) are desperately needed in the church today. I’m so encouraged see this and hear your story of freedom & restoration…may God bless you abundantly Sister!
I have had so much shaming done unto me my entire life from the majority of my family and in school. But God!! After going through this prayer with a long list of people that have shamed and betrayed me, I saw the stone roll away. Hallelujah! I am healed from all the bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness that I have carried way to long. My Daddy God has restored me and blessed my honor to be a DOUBLE BLESSING! It is Done! Praise God! The stone rolled away!
Thank you Jamie for your teachings and faithfulness.
Thank you for sharing this prayer!
I receive Father God to heal me and my adult children from shame.
I believe we receive healing Now in Jesus name.
Father Gods Word is True and Powerful He always protects His children!
We receive double honor!!
Praise be to God I prayed this I needed this for all the hurt I have faced and all the bitterness resentment I have felt God will restore me and remove any shame or hurt or unforgiveness from my heart Jamie you are blessed and highly favoured