Prayer for Punitive Damages In the Spirit
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
My friend, have you had things stolen from you? Has the enemy been attacking you and your family? If so, you need to pray this prayer for punitive damages in the Spirit today with me.’
Here’s the backstory:
I’m mad at the devil. And while I love to be sweet and encourage you, today I’m being aggressive and I want to challenge you to war.

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Here’s why I’m in a warring mood right now:
1. As of the time of this writing, I’ve spent a lot of time in hospitals lately.
My husband had to be admitted once and seen in the Emergency Department another time. He had to have a very invasive medical procedure on an emergent basis as well.
My son had surgery and had to be admitted twice for multiple nights, with major health challenges after that. For me, my left eye is swollen up for no reason and I can barely see out of it. This stuff was all from the devil and I’m not going to tolerate it anymore.
2. I’m also ticked because of the stress I’ve been under.
If I didn’t beg God for His grace every single morning, filling up on the Word of God, I would have cracked under the stress of this ministry + other challenges of daily life a long time ago. The stress is intense, and it should never be happening. The things that cause the stress (health issues, persecution, and so on) should never be happening. They don’t line up with God’s Word.
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3. God’s Word says I’m due a harvest.
I’ve sown a whole, whole lot of financial seeds and have received some good harvests on my seed. But I’ve sown a lot in past years that I HAVEN’T received good harvests on–seeds sown into not-good ground, even though I thought it was good ground at the time. I am believing God to resurrect those seeds and bring me a harvest.
I also have sown a lot of:
- labor;
- taking care of people;
- ministering to the saints; etc …
… that I haven’t received a harvest on yet. But God’s Word says I should receive a harvest on those things–all of them. And I. Want. That. Harvest.
I want it now, too. I’m fed up, insistent, and ready to see God’s Word manifest in all these areas.
How about you? Do you feel like going to war over similar things?
Are you tired of seeing your family get attacked? Are you fed up with stress and hardship? Are you ready to see the REWARD of your laborrrrrrrrrrr??????
If so, then I want you to ask the Lord for a very prophetic and very specific thing right now:
“Lord, give me punitive damages in the Spirit.”
What are punitive damages in the Spirit?
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In legal terms, “punitive damages” is money awarded to a plaintiff when a person or company has done them egregious harm. Basically, the wrongdoer has to pay the plaintiff absurd amounts of money just because the harm done to them was so very wrong. This is different from “compensatory damages,” which repays the plaintiff for actual costs incurred.
For example, in 2002, a woman named Betty Bullock sued a tobacco manufacturer for damages she incurred from smoking cigarettes. The jury sided with her and awarded her $28 BILLION–that’s $28,000,000,000–in “punitive damages,” but only $850,000 in compensatory damages.
Why did the jury award this money? Because it was a way to punish the tobacco company for its wrongdoing.
Well, you know what? The Bible says you and I are entitled to punitive damages from the devil.
Proverbs 6:30-31 says:
“People do not despise a thief if he steals to satisfy himself when he is starving. Yet when he is found, he must restore sevenfold; he may have to give up all the substance of his house.”
The devil is a thief. We know this from John 10:10, in which JESUS said:
“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”
And when we catch the thief stealing from us, we have the right to ask God to make the devil repay what he stole–seven times over.
We also have the right to ask God to award us “punitive damages” for our loss … because the Bible says that ALL THINGS work together for our GOOD.
So today, I’m on the warpath. I’m mad at the devil and glad at God, and I’m fired up and mad enough to bring this whole “kit and caboodle” of SHTUFF to the Lord and DEMAND that He work it out for my good. I’m bringing the years’ worth of stuff that I mentioned above to the Lord–as well as a lot more that I didn’t mention in writing. And I want it ALL to work out for my good.
Not only that, but I want punitive damages awarded to me for all of it.
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Don’t you want punitive damages for what you’ve been through too?
If so, it’s time to respectfully demand those punitive damage awards from God.
“Demand,” you say? “But who are you to demand anything from God? You shouldn’t demand anything from God!”
Oh yes, you should demand things from God. Every day, in fact.
The Bible says in Luke 18 that it’s our insistent, demanding, nagging, irate-at-the-enemy-but-filled-with-faith-in-God–prayers that get results. Read it if you don’t believe me. That’s the kind of faith that Jesus will be looking for when He comes back to the earth at the Second Coming; and believe you me, that’s exactly the kind of faith He’s going to find in me.
And every other day too.
So how do you demand punitive damages from God?
Simply go to Him and present His Word about your situation back to Him. He’s been waiting for us to pray His Word back to Him, and His own Word forces His hand to move on our behalf. (Which He is eager to do–but He needs US to pray to give Him permission to move in our lives.)
So if you’re ready, pray this prayer for punitive damages in the Spirit with me:
“Dear Heavenly Father, I come before You in Jesus’ name.
Father, thank You that You hear me. You always hear me, for I am blood-bought by the blood of Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ. He redeemed me back to You with His death and resurrection, and I belong to You.
Father, I’m coming boldly before Your throne of grace right now because Your Word says I can. Your Word insists that I should. And I am lifting Your Word back to You right now, for Your Word cannot return to You void. It must accomplish the thing for which You sent it.
Father, Your Word says that, when the thief is caught, he must repay seven times what he stole.
So Father God, right now, I want to point out to You that Your enemy and mine–the devil–has stolen a lot from me. This enemy has stolen:
- Health from me and my family;
- Relationships;
- Finances;
- Fruit from my investments in _____;
- Financial opportunities and increase;
- Peace of mind; and so much more.
- (List specific things that have been stolen in your life here.)
Father, the thief has been caught. I present this thief to You tonight and point out that he is guilty by the evidence You see today in my life.
But Father, You have magnified Your Word above Your name.
And Father, Your Word says that the thief must repay. And I present to You that the thief is the devil; and therefore the devil must repay. I also present Your Word to You that says that ALL THINGS work together for my GOOD, for I love You and am called according to Your purpose.
So Father God, in Jesus’ name, I ask right now that YOU would force the enemy to repay everything good that has been stolen from me–and that it would be repaid seven times, so that I have seven times more blessing than I had when I started.
Father God, I don’t know how the payment process works in the Spirit.
I don’t know what exactly the process is by which the enemy must repay what he stole from me seven times over. But Father, since I don’t know, I am asking You to stand as Judge, Jury, and Enforcer and enforce the situation. Enforce my receipt of the award for my trouble.
And Father, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would award me punitive damages for my trouble.
I ask that You would award me so much compensation in the Spirit–and that You will restore and bless me so strongly–that the blessing I receive now for all my trouble will be exceedingly abundantly above all I could ever dare to ask, hope, or think.
That’s what Your Word says You can do, and that’s what Your Word says You have stored up for me: those things that eye has not seen and ear has not heard, that have not even entered into the heart of man.
So Father, I ask right now that Your reward to me would be BILLIONS OF TIMES greater than what I ever sowed.
I’m asking for even more than billions of times greater. I’m asking that every good seed I have in the ground would produce a harvest; that You would specifically spare me from the fruit of any bad seeds I have in the ground (and help me to root those out and make them right). I also ask that You would award me HUGE punitive damages in the Spirit, such that the enemy will be sorry he ever messed with me because Your victory is broadcast over all the earth on my behalf.
Abba Father God, I ask also that You would refuse to hear or consider any appeals the enemy makes on this verdict You are rendering on my behalf.
Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in Heaven. Forever. And since I am appealing to You on the grounds and authority of Your Word, there can be no appeal. There can be no reconsideration. For the facts are that:
- Your Word promises me a harvest on my good seeds, purchased by the blood of Jesus.
- Your Word promises me that Your mercy will cover any bad seeds, for You have forgiven my sins and I am the righteousness of God in Christ. No evil shall befall me.
- And Your Word says that what You have written, You have written.
Therefore, Father, do not hear the enemy’s appeal.
In Jesus’ name, and by His blood and stripes alone, I stand before You today in this great courtroom of the universe, surrounded by the great cloud of witnesses, and I call You to bear on Your Word right now. Your Word is not negotiable; it is forever settled in Heaven.
Therefore, O Lord, enforce and demand that I be repaid seven times for everything that was ever stolen from me, and require it at the enemy’s hand. Send angels and Your Holy Spirit to deliver Your reward, Your blessing, and Your restoration into my hand and my life.
Thank You, Abba Father. Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne, and I give YOU all the praise.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”
Hallelujah! Friend, did you pray this prayer with me today? If so, leave a comment below and give the Lord praise for His righteous and unfailing judgment on YOUR behalf!
Thank you so much for this prayer, .I knew nfb today bgg would be one of great blessings and after reading and praying the prayer for punitive damages I know that I shall be granted my petition for it and all that believe will rec7as well. I thank you for your obedience to Holy Spirit and God’s guiding you to be and do their releasing to us. Again thanks and I will share the testimonies of the manifestation
God’s Almighty blessings and rewards.
Such a great prayer Jamie, it was on Target, needed and appreciative for this NOW Moment in my Life. I’m sick of the enemy as well. It’s time for the repay for everything he stole from me. I am praying for you mightily and cant wait for the Victory decrees and dance we shall give to Go. I’m TAKING IT ALL BACK IN JESUS NAME AMEN. Stay Encouraged Great Warrior of God.
Thank you Jamie for this prayer. Thank God for your knowledge and for your faith! I pray that God blesses you and supplies all of your needs. Thank you for allowing God to use you to help so many! You are truly a blessing!
Thank you so much Lord hallelujah Christ comes here to fight for me Thank you Lord for I am Blessed so Blessed You are a awesome God My Savior Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ 🙏 I love you Lord ❤️ also Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit 🙏💖🙏❤️🩹💖
Hello Jamie! God bless you a million times over for sending me this prayer!! Nobody but God could orchestrate this!!! I totally understand punitive damages and this prayer is spot on!! I believe and I receive every word in which I prayed. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May Abba Father bless you abundantly!! With much Love, CC ❤️
Amen I am in agreement on your reply
Thankyou i am sick of the devil and want to be allowed to have life ,ive many things i could say but i am not always good at speaking so ill just say you have my word that ill stay with god and repay sevenfold for what i have done .god bless everyone in the universe and thankyou
Amen!! I stand in agreement!! 🙌🏽🙌🏽
I give praise and honor for deliverance from the spirit of lack, in Jesus name
Glory HALLELUJAH! I’m trusting & believing that this prayer works today right now as type in Jesus name amen!
praise the Lord, halleluya
Hallelujah!!! I feel strength coming!!!
Thank You Heavenly father for hearing my prayer my blessings are on there way thanks To Jesus Christ hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah
Thank you so much for this prayer o needed to reading this prayer !
Thank you Lord Jesus!!
For today I shall receive
It’s Pay Day!!
The enemy has been caught! He will Pay Back All he has stolen!!
Quickly and suddenly!!
Thank you Jamie
For All you do for The Kingdom of God
And Gods children!!
Wow what a prayer .All Glory To God .Thank You Lord For Loving Me And Taking Care Of Me✋❤️🖐️🙌🙏❤️❤️
Pray God to intervene with my situation my enemies are backbiting me now then spreading lies all over please pray me and my for family and ministry
Thanks SO MUCH Jamie… Been praying this way for SO long, but hard to articulate (and be heard) by family who love me, but maybe think I’m a lion for insisting the enemy owes me/us massively in not only “recompense”, as many others have prayed and prophecied (and yes, rightly so) but more! The “punitive damages”…!!!
I have been declaring this for many years… Based on David’s recovery, not only of “all that was lost” at Ziklag, for both himself and all who were with him… But also… In addition… Extra to…. The treasures and belongings of the enemies raisings against others… David is given ALL the extra as “David’s portion”, and it forms a great procession!
Then also, the leppers, who go from tent to tent gathering treasure… And so many other instances of God’s giving back, way over and above what was taken…
I have been insistent… But a prophet isn’t always received / believed at home… Perhaps Your precise, accurate, specific and deliberate words, like a sharp swrod will tip the balance, in my files faith…
And perhaps, (!?) as we pray this together, in complete faith and agreement that THIS IS God’s word for us in this season… we shall finally SEE this thing come to pass… not just “soon”!….
It is time!
No more delays!
In Jesus name! Amen!
Many many thanks!😎😁👍🥰
Halleujah, Jamie. Right on time! I been praying these words since the scam. Thank God for Jesus and Jamie. Righteousness will prevail. Keep the faith Jamie. Keep praying and doing God’s work. In due time you will reap the bounty the devil stole from you!!!
Just came across this prayer ❤️ I follow some of your prayers and I am waiting wholeheartedly for my prayers to be answered ❤️ I have commented before and I hope you notice them. Thank you 😊 these prayers mean a lot to people like myself who do so much good but endlessly being persecuted and robbed by the enemy. I would also appreciate if you can say some special prayers for me – my name is Karishma 😊 much love and blessings 🌻 thank you once again for sharing these with us
Just came across this prayer ❤️ I follow some of your prayers and I am waiting wholeheartedly for my prayers to be answered ❤️ I have commented before and I hope you notice them. Thank you 😊 these prayers mean a lot to people like myself who do so much good but endlessly being persecuted and robbed by the enemy. I would also appreciate if you can say some special prayers for me – my name is Karishma 😊 much love and blessings 🌻 thank you once again for sharing these with us.
I hope you see this ♥️
Such a beautiful warfare prayer. I did pray it with you and look forward to the awarding of my punitive damages in Jesus Name.
Thank you Jamie.Thank You Lord. I bless Your Holy Name
Hi Jamie I did pray this prayer with you because I have been through the Same things as you the devil is a liar and thief and I am claiming punitive damages in the spirit to take back all the devil has stolen from me and more in the name of Jesus Christ amen.
Amen. I read this and I feel and know God is turning it around for me.
Yes I did pray the prayer and am going to continue until I get my punitive damages pay to me for all the evil and wickedness that the devil has done to me and my family, my two children especially. Thank you so much this is very inspiring and I am seriously charged and ready for war. Victory is my already thank you and God bless you.
Thanks Prophet Jamie,
I have prayed this prayer with you and i feel the power of the Holy Ghost and i am in a difficult situation, i lost my job and in debts but i have pray this prayer i believe God has restore back my job and my finances the devil has stolen from me.
Thanks and God bless.
I thank you so much for your prayers.
My prayers request is in the areas of teenager disobedience, influence by many immoralities, problem everywhere in marriage and etc, please help me to pray.
My name is Paula.
Help me.
Hallelujah Amen!
Amen God be our judge in all this we give you all the Glory for only you are worth the Glory,Thank Lord for everything as we trust your process in working all things to our own good.
Thank you 🙏 I am claiming this promise from Father God !
It’s payback time Now from the enemy!!
I also am claiming this for my mamma who also believed this prior to her unexpected passing last year!!
She planted sowed financial seeds for many things She was such a prayer warrior!!
God blessed her with 91 years! How ever suddenly she got sick and passed Death was not kind to her she suffered snd was in pain. I took care of my mamma everyday even to the end! And still today I can’t shake off what she went through and what I went through!! What I saw my beautiful mamma !!! It pains me!! How life was taken from her!
So I declare and receive everything back that was stolen from me Lorenza and my mamma Norma and our children and grandchildren! and great grandchildren … Household Salvation
Agape love . Relationships. Health. Joy. Happiness. Businesses. Jobs. Finances, cars. godly husband for me
godly spouses to walk in the ways of Lord Jesus!
Most importantly monies finances returned to Pay my house off in full!!
It was to be paid off 20 years ago !!
And he the enemy used my daddy to sue me and put me through lidigation!! Today you devil Will Pay Back 7 folds and double fir everything!!! And even before the 20 years!!
It is Finished !!
Thank you Jesus
Love ❤️ Lorenza
Thank you! I’m right there with you on this one! It’s time to repay satan. No weapon formed against us will prosper.
Today is payback time for me Lorenza, my mother Norma
And my adult children
Karlena, Moreno and Adriana!!
Praise God!!
Thank you 🙏 Jesus
Thank you for the prayer, I am also sick of the enemy and I want everything that he has stolen from me. Thank you Heavenly Father in advance for answering my prayer
Just this past Mother’s Day, son sent me a card with $400 ck as a gift. The check never reached me. It was perhaps intercepted at the USPS station by a dishonest postal employee. Satan is at the root of this theft. God knows who stole my gift. We have a copy of the bogus signature that looks nothing like mine. Thank you Jamie for such an anointed powerful petition to the Father. Will be sending in donations as I am blessed.
Thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer today. I love you and I am here to serve You now, go before me and make a way where there is no way. I give you all the glory and honor. In Jesus’s powerful name I pray. Amen
Thank you dear Lord for my punitive damages. The suffering is great. It’s been a long, hell like rode. But God I know you are with me. Your word says you’ll never leave me or forsake me me. Dear Lord, you are the same today and everyday so I trust in you dear Lord, the love of my life. You are my light, you oh Lord are my salvation and my strength. I give you glory. In the midst of all the suffering Lord, I lost my mind but then you entered me holy spirit. I testify on your behalf Lord it is finished. I thank you for the punitive damages. Your reward is great. So great is your reward. You’re great God, so great God. Thank you my love, God. Thanks for carry your cross, my cross, the world cross. Thanks God. Thanks for for my many blessings. Thanks for the punitive damages prayer in Jesus name.
. Amen.
Thank you for this strong prayer as I was fighting devil and his demons to get back what they stole from us God bless you.
I absolutely love your prayers…I have been copying and pasting them into a document and printing them out to pray daily as I, too, have been under such an attack by the enemy…but, the devil is going to choke on the blood that ran down the tree that our Lord was crucified on and we have that same power within us that raised our Lord from the dead and (talking mainly about myself)…He has been teaching me how to walk in the Spirit and NOT my flesh anymore! I am delighting myself in His Word daily and learning to pray more! I went down to the altar at church this past Sunday and I rededicated this 56 year old beating heart to my Yeshua to serve Him for the remaining days of my life that He chooses to bless me with in serving Him! So, I rededicated my heart and life to Him and I IMMEDIATELY started to become attacked (the devil will try to get to you using anything…when he can’t get to you, then he may try to get to through a family member, a co-worker…he might even attack your marriage if you and your spouse are not walking with Him and praying together, but if you are in an equally yoked marriage with the Lord in the center (a three strand chord is NOT easily broken)! But, even so there is still power within the one that has Yeshua in His heart! That is where I am at…my two oldest sons (Jonathan & Joshua) have struggled with addiction as well as myself in the past, but I am starting to pray more over them, that the spirit of addiction is going to broken in my family by the blood of Jesus and the power of His name through praying…letting go and letting God fix them because I cannot do it! But I KNOW that my Lord can in his way and in his time! I am NOT giving up! The devil has tried to steal my voice, where I cannot sing or even speak at times…he has tried stealing my joy through depression…SO many areas of attack! But, I know that restoration is here and that God can do it and repay back better than it was before! I have seen God’s goodness in my life! So, I will trust in Hm to do the work! Hubby has been out of work since December…just did file for disability, but it can take a couple of years…I would love to sow into your ministry if I could and when I can, I definitely will…right now it is just our one income…Praying for all the ladies who have left comments as well as you, Jamie, and your ministry that God is going to provide that $16,000…wasn’t it just $22,000 the other day? (I thought I read that…not sure)…so, God is working on it…I will keep that in prayer for you specifically! Whoever does read this to the end (I am very long-winded) be blessed and be encouraged! Our God is a good, good Father and He loves all of us SO much!
Michelle Hudson
Burgaw, NC
Thank you.
Hallelujah Thank you Jamie for this powerful prayer, Thank you Daddy for every answered prayer that will be manifested because of this prayer🙏. We give you all the Glory, Honor and praise for our punitive damages paid in full 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽. We decree we will see the Goodness of the Lord in the Land of the Living in this Season!! Again Thank you Jamie for this Powerful Prayer 🙏
I thank Almighty GOD for the previleage to be able to ask the father for punitive return of my seeds that I planted in peoples lives.
Thank you Jamie for sharing this blessed pray for punitive damages with me and the body of Christ. I prayed it by faith believing God will grant me punitive damages rewards. I God to also bless you Jamie for your love towards us all, and your obedience to do his will. Amen.
Jamie, I receive this word right now!!!! This is what I needed to hear. I prayed this prayer, and I’m believing with every bit of faith I have, that I will receive a tremendous amount of punitive damages!!! I know that God can do it. I know that he promised us a life of abundance, and I’m ready to live that life. Jamie, thank you for this prayer. May God award you all the punitive damages that you ask for. Thank you for giving us the word of God, the way you do. God bless you, your family and your ministry.
PS: Thank you Jamie!❤
Thank you for the restoration prayer which I prayed out aloud
Praise Jesus Amen
Thank you Jesus, The Lord said,if two or three that are in agreement I’m in the mist. I come into agreement right now in the name of our Lord an Savior Issue Chirst.
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you I come in full agreement with his prayer and I receive it I believe it I prayed it and I release my faith and I thank God for everything for answered prayer
I am so grateful for this prayer please keep bringing them
Yes, Lord! Amen & Amen!! Thank you Jamie for this on time encouraging word! I stand with you & Jesus in agreement to the Father! Thank You Heavenly Father for Blessing us indeed & the recompense 1000 fold 7 years back plus interest & we boldly claim everything our parents, grandparents and ancestors could not claim! We Claim & Possess these seeds right now under our Covenant & Legal Christian Rights! Amen & Amen!
Thank you Minister/Evangelist Jamie for that beautiful and inspiring Word of God from His Holy Temple. I receive it that GOD, Jehovah Jireh will pay me and all children of GOD sevenfold in punitive damages for their and my trouble and that there will be no appeal!!! AMEN🙌!
Amen I am in agreement, in Jesus name!!
Amen and Amen.
Thank u Jamie so grateful to u for praying with me for punitive damages the devil stole my life thru jealous so call freinds family members had taken my minitry, teaching the word of God he’s stolen my relationship, with family and friends he’s burn down my house and all necessary resources I need to live on he’s stolen my joy, peace happiness, he’s stolen my husband and children husband he’s stolen everything I’ve been depressed and read to let go guys r up and I thank u for the word if God is truth for I believe in God and every word that proceed out the mouth of God I’ve seeded every month in good soil IAM decreeing and declaring demanding punitive damages for years stolen in Jesus Christ holy powerful name sealing this prayers in blood of Jesus for speedy and visible help now, thanking God in advance for I know God is working it out for our good and I’m grateful to stand in agreement with u Jamie ur blessit and highly favored by God, and I am receiving now by faith and the words of God, it is so let it be Amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Shalom’s, I love u my brother in Christ, Amen,
I received it all in the name of Jesus! Devil you must repay everything that you have stolen in the name of Jesus! I am expecting a full return on every seed that has been planted! Thank you Jesus!
I have been attacked- my family too! Tired of it! Me and my family will receive back all stolen! God will work everything out and we shall be restored Billion times what was stolen from us! Thank you Abba Father!
Amen! Thank you for this powerful prayer!
I receive it and believe it as already being done. Amen, amen and AMEN!
Hi, my sister in Christ! When I started this prayer I felt an overwhelming flood of emotion and my tears are still coming like a deluge. This is so intense! Seriously floodgates are open and I can’t contain myself.
Praise the Lord for He is faithful, I have received this prayers at the right time. After praying this wonderful and miracle prayers, I feel something great changing in me which I never experienced before. I know that henceforth I am receiving all punitive damages amount from the devil both physically and spiritually. I pray that God should reward for you all due you need to and miracles that you think not of. May God continue to bless you and your family and your ministry to,
Thank you Jamie.I needed to hear this.Amen and Amen
I marvel at the things the Lord has done through you.Thank you for this prayers.We give the Lord all the glory
There is so much Power in His Word! Amen! It does not come back void! Amen! He is Almighty, All Powerful, the Beginning, and the End! Amen!
Jamie, I thank you for this word right now!!!! This is what I needed to hear. I prayed this prayer, and I’m believing with every bit of faith I have, that I will receive a tremendous amount of punitive damages!!! and I know he’s a Waymaker I know he’s going to see me through everything and I’m gonna rejoice me and my daughter and I want to thank you also and may God bless you too for everything so the devil will not win I plead the blood over my finances my daughter my house whole I plead the blood over my finances my daughter my house my life family Friends in Jesus name Amen
Thank you Jamie! This spoke so loudly to me, as the devil has stolen so much from my life! I prayed this prayer and am praising God for repayment for everything the devil has stolen from me! This has been a very hard season I have been in for 3 years! God bless you!
I BELIEVE in the power of prayer!
I CLAIM the power of this prayer for punitive damages!
I RECEIVE punitive damages from the enemy for what he has stolen from me and my family in Jesus name AMEN
Thank you or this prayer Jamie! I prayed it with all my heart!
Thank you Jamie. Yes I prayed those prayers and I believe it is done. I am getting all back.
I know for a fact that my LORD has already dealt with all that the enemy has done and the recompense, the restoration that God Himself had promised me is on the way to me! I thank my ABBA for His great love for me that He prepared everything before I could ask and gave me His word concerning it.
I believe it is time to receive it, that is why you have written this message Jamie – it is a confirmation of the same! I say AMEN! to the prayer and wait expectantly to receive from my Lord’s goodness everything – even the sevenfold return of what was stolen from me and my family!
I just prayed the prayer right now. I receive in Jesus Name.
Yes! Hallelujah and Amen! I receive this prayer.
Awesome! Thank you. I have been so mad at the devil. I’m glad we have the same spirit.
Wao! Alleluia! my God is Good. This prayer is specifically meant for me and I am completely blessed by it.
God can not say no to this prayer. My blessings from it therefore are immeasurable. To God be the Glory in Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank You Abba Father for blessing me today through this prayer in Jesus Name, Amen.
Thank You woman of God. May God bless you Abundantly in Jesus Name, Amen.
I recieve this word as it’s so on point. I had a dream last nigh that confirms this dream. Hallelujah
My Dear Sister in Christ,
I awoke from a dream this morning where I had a yacht two actually and I had people coming into the yacht to stay and I was led off the yacht and taken into demonic paces given food and led away by a man! Oh no saan not today. I walked away and found my way into a street intersection trying to find my way back to the marina. I woke up knowing the enemy has been stealing my destiny in Christ and my ministry’s I’m to have on Earth. I saw your email of course right away always on time and I have to thank you for your faithfulness to your brethren. Even when we are not. I adore you and I know you are so victorious in the Lord. Keep warring and pressing in. I align with all your prayers for your family and ministry in Jesus’ name.
Many Blessings
Laura Berry
thank you very much. My family and I have been living a horrible injustice for five years, where they have robbed us of everything, especially our restlessness. Two days ago they gave us another blow, I could not pray but I found this prayer and I could flow in my spirit. Thank you very much
Thank you Jesus!
Thank you Jamie for this prayer.
IT’S MY HARVEST, AND I WANT IT NOW!!!!!!! Thank you sooooo much Jamie for showing the way to walk and work within The KINGDOM of GOD! Thank you LORD for placing Jamie in my life!!!! I love you both soooooo much!
Thank you Jesus I receive 🙌🙌 in the name of Jesus. This prayer is amazing!!!
A blessed day Jamie. Yes Jamie this word is for me. It came at the right time. Father God as I am praying your word back to you I am waiting for answered prayers in Jesus me amen
Thank you, this is what I really wanted
Hello my dear sister in Christ, Thanks so much for this prayer. Can I get your email address or phone number.
Thanks, I’ve been abused by enemy satin. Mental health issues and 4 surgeries this year. Trouble with ears 7 surgeries, sinus surgeries. Been cheated out of money, lost investments, now fixed income. More in the past. Grew up in alcoholism. I checked into a malpractice suit on a surgery on urinary system that has side effects and believing in faith God is healing.
Yes, I can put in for this lawsuit. I felt it was all my fault, I was lured by the carnal and not stayed in spirit.
I pray we all have blessed rewards.
I praise you and thank you Father for your righteous and unfailing judgement on my behalf agreeing with Jamie in prayer it is done in Jesus name Amen
Amen! Amen! It is so!
I have prayed this prayer for punitive damages. The Devil has stolen so much from me and my family and yeas I am angry and don’t understand it but as you said we can demand God to make the Devil repay punitive damages according to the word. I have prayed, cried out and pleaded to God for him to help our family and I’m claiming this in His Holy Name. We have all sown seeds that need to be harvested now Lord and we need it more than ever before. Claiming this blessing now so that we can all move forward. Thank you in advance Lord! Thank you Jamie for this prophetic message today it was so needed.
Amen Amen Thankyou Abba Father.
Amen! I receive this.
Praise God Almighty for He Is Our Savior.
In Jesus Name,
Would he really have any right to appeal, he has already been judged Jesus said? And could he actually even approach God with Jesus’ blood there? It’s not like in Job’s day, Jesus really paid the price and trounced him. I was always taught he had to repay but I know God restores and has to make him.
Wow….what a great word and prayer…Yes, I need punitive damages starting from many years ago….to the present….Thank you and Thank you God for your word and restoration of all the has been stolen from me….
Amen and Amen
Hi Jamie,
This I my word for the hour. Please be me pray about this. I am a giver to God’s work but see very little reward and I know this is the enemy fighting against me. But I plea the blood of Jesus to defend and fight for me and to grant me victory in Jesus Name, Amen.
Amen. I receive all the enemy has stolen from me seven times in Jesus mighty name. More Grace to you. I appreciate all you do.
Yes and Amen!
I have prayed this prayer. Thank so very much Jamie. It is right on target. When it came O could not even open it because of internet issues. That is another important thing that must be restored. I am so grateful I was able to access.
Thank you. Thank you and Thank you may times over.
Happy Thanksgiving! May the Lord grant you punitive damages in the Spirit.
Shalom shalom. Blessings!!!
Good morning
PUNITIVE DAMAGES IN THE SPIRIT? Has never heard that we can pray such prayers. the devil liar and thief kept these knowledge from me and many others. But God is a Good Father who always “keep the best for last”
This is an “in time” word /lesson for me as I am under attack this last two years in many areas of my life..This year was a very difficult year for me BUT God’s grace and mercy kept me.
Thanks be to God that will never allow the devil ,liar and thief to harm us and tempt us above what we can handle.
I thank God for obedient vessels like you who’s ear to hear is always near the mouth of God when He speaks and want to encourage His dear children when they need it the most.
I thank God Abba Father that He have called you , an anointed and on time vessel to speak to His people . God bless you for your obedience Pastor Prophet Jamie
I believe and receive this word.
Blessed day
This year has been a disastrous one for me. The Jezebel spirit in our connect group has divided and destroyed our life long fellowship. She demanded, control, and expected to lead everybody her manipulative ways. I have been made to look and feel isolated and rejected by everyone she managed to control. My prayer is that God will compensate and bring renewal to my aching soul. Thank you for your prayers Jamie.
May God answer your prayer swiftly, and restore everything to you, as I believe He will do for me also. This is a powerful prayer.
Thanks, May God bless you for the work you are doing for Him to deliver His people.
AMEN, thank You Lord for hearing my prayer and thank you for the answers and restoration. AMEN
Thank You God for the punitive damages You are awarding me in the courts of heaven. Thank You for using every situation for Your good. God I praise You and give You all the glory.
All I can say is ” Pay Day!”
Thank you Father for all your promises are yes and amen in Christ Jesus!
“There is a sweet anointing in the atmosphere…He is here to break the yoke and lift the heavy burden…”
Thank you Jamie for blessing us.
May the Lord give us the punitive damages for everything the enemy has stolen to make His Name known wherever we go.
The LORD ‘s name be praised. I have just prayed this prayer, in agreement with you dear sister Jamie. I believe my dormant seeds have come to life. The losses I and my family have suffered are under judgement.
The glory of the latter house ( our praise , worship , sowing and giving) will be greater than that of the former house.
I pray God’s abundant mercy and provision on your family , and the ministry.
I just prayed this prayer and am standing in faith to see everything restored back to me above and beyond what I can imagine. Thank You Father ahead of time. I give You All the praise, honor and glory for what You are going to do!! Thank you for posting this prayer. You and your family are in my prayers.
It is SO and will not be otherwise in the Great name Jesus!!!!
Thank you for this prayer. I read it out loud in a strong voice. This made feel so jubilant. Because, I know that Jesus will replace what I lost over the year with health, finances, and peace.
I will read this prayer everyday.
Thank you
Amen. Thank you for this prayer. I prayed and believe that I will receive punitive damages for the things that the enemy has stolen. I will receive seven times what was stolen, in the name of Jesus!
Thanks for the prayers of punitive damages. I declare and decree I receive billions in the name of Jesus.
AMEN!!! Hallelujah. Thank you Father God for Restoration and Recompense!!!
Yes, I have prayed for Father God to restore all that Satan has take from me and my family. I am waiting and walking in faith til that blessed time comes. Jaimie, Thank you for this mighty prescription to heal all wounds and damages in the flesh and in our spirits!
Thank you so much Ps Jamie for such a power packed prayer. I believe all that the enemy has stolen including relationship of significance is restored . Billion fold i receive.
Be blessed for your obedience and sharing
Hello sister Jamie
I am also going through this process, I know exactly what it is like to wake up out of nowhere and see illness that the enemy has put on the body and the family. I was also robbed and I am stressed out by the theft of the devil. This prayer gave me a relief in my soul. Thank you ! God bless you
Thank You Dad! Thank You Father! For You heard our prayer and are answering right now as I type. You are moving on our behalf for our good and let it all be for Your honor and glory. Let this answered prayer be a testimony for Your glory to encourage others and give them hope that You are a just Father and merciful God! I love you Dad in the MIGHTY name of Jesus I pray and give thanks Amen!
YES!!! Amen Amen Amen!!! Thank you FatherGod!!! Thank you!! I bless you! I praise You!!
Thank You Jamie for your teachings & Powerful Leadership! I thank God for You sweet beautiful sister❤ Father God, I stand in agreement with Jamie and we boldly & confidently come before your Throne in Jesus mighty name demanding our repayments in every area where the enemy stole from us! We boldly claim it, demand it, receive it & believe it is coming forth right now in Jesus name! Let every blessing, repayment, recompense, acceleration overflow right now in Jesus name! Amen & Amen
Thank u Jamie so grateful to u for praying with me for punitive damages the devil stole my life thru jealous so call freinds family And the devil also stole my joy and my peace Destroyed my whole entire life took so many things from me and I knew it wasn’t right and I didn’t feel right so many stressful nights in pain my daughter in pain because she sees me in pain Lord destroyed my whole entire life took so many things from me and I knew it wasn’t right and I didn’t feel right so many stressful nights in pain my daughter in pain because she sees me in pain So Lord I ask you to bless me And release all my blessings right now in Jesus name and I receive your word so Lord I ask you to bless me and for the devil He thought he had to and destroyed my life but God say pay me back seven ways and no weapon form against me shall prosper in Jesus name a man
Amen, I receive this prayer and I pray it not just over me but my family as well! God bless you Lord! Thank you for bringing prophets like Jamie to surface to come along side us and help us grow in Your presence and Your power! God bless you Jamie. You and your family! I’m all so praying the devil returns the sevenfold he owes to you and your family! Have a great day in the Lord!
Thank you for this decree. I am in agreement with you that we will receive back 7 fold for all the enemy stole from us. HALLELUYAH!! HE IS A GOOD FATHER.
Amen!!!Dear Sister in Christ…
Jamie I pray the prayer with I need the Lord when separated my husband from Costa Rica. I when I returned the lies against my husband from sister-in-law was a lies. Upon those lies resigned 35 years of banking, close out my 401k, in debts (but Lord clear) and move Costa Rica to with my husband. Then separated my husband move back USA when I went to my bedroom the liar of husband clean out my bedroom. In trusting brother with title of my car from my creditor (not all debits where clear yet) and so cheap to fix truck that he took from our father he claim my 2008 Toyota 4 door Corolla has own and 10 month later he in accident the lady who hit him her issuance company place my car total and brother kept the $5,000 for himself.
No car. No job. Living my elderly mother 24/7 care.
Powerful and Fulfilling
WOW! Since a few months ago, I started to receive emails from Spirit Fuel and that’s where I heard of you Jamie. So then I started to get your emails, because I felt a powerful draw towards your ministry. There are some things, like this email for 1 that I knew nothing about that we could ask God for. I asked God to open doors to the right Ministries and people. This one is even deeper into the things of God that is exactly the perfect timing needed, Gods timing!
I too am past tired of what the enemy has stolen, and my marriage is hanging on by a thread, which as of right now we are separated, our house is in foreclosure, family is broken, ect….BUT GOD! I BELIEVE that GOD IS going to restore and bring miracles for ALL of these things. God has good plans and NOW there is going to be justice for it all!
Blessings to you Jamie and your family! Thank you for your obedience to our Father for your obedience and how you have grown good seeds because of your obedience and love for our good good Father!
Yes I prayed it, and thank you for the prayer. In the name Of Abba Father God I believe all will be restored to me all that was Satan. All my peace, energy, strength, health and money seven fold. Thank you Father
Yes and Amen!!! Thank you Jesus
Glory hallelujah! Hallelujah!! WOW that’s awesome!
Wow. I have been in hospitals and medical centers… My son and i have both been not ok. It has drained me emotionally and financially as well. I am single mom and he already has asthma and to deal with all other things is just a lot. Our company is retrenching as well… I really needed this. Have not moved from same position for 12 years also.
I prayed that pray. I’m tired of the enemy stealing from me! It’s time to TAKE BACK!!!!
Hallelujah! I touch as agreeing with this prayer for complete restoration and punitive damages for my health, relationships, opportunities, the body of Christ, marriage, education, and for my family.
Yes! I prayed it. Thank the Lord and you!
Yes Jamie I prayed that prayer with you and I praise God in advance for all that is restored to all who prayed along with us in Jesus name Amen.
Thank you Jamie for your ministry and prayers! I prayed this powerful prayer with you and am praising God for what He will do for our good and His glory. You have been a blessing to me and so many others. Blessings to you, my friend!
Thank you for this prayer. My husband is having an affair and is not willing to turn away from it or give our marriage another chance. The devil is trying to steal my marriage but he will not be successful because it belongs to Jesus, our victor!
Hallelujah!!! I praise you God. For it is done in my life. Everything is returned back to me, seven times more. It is done in Jesus Name. Amen and amen!!!
Thank you jamie!! That was such a beautiful prayer. Andvyes i pratwd it all the way. Outloud. I pray that my situation changes for the better. The enemy has stolen way too much from me over the years. Father forgive me for i am a sinner and have lived a sinful life tjay i do not feel worthy of his inconditionnel love and forgiveness But i am here crying out to you on my hands and knees. Thank you father abba
Oh my precious God…I am speechless because I have been talking to God about this for a while…wow….thank you and I’m praying for you too…love you in Christ 💜
So timely and powerful! I’m believing in Jesus’ name and by His blood that I will receive punitive damages in the Spirit!
Amen, thank you mighty God for this prophecy and warfare prayer, the enemy shall not come near me and my family again in Jesus name
The reward of my punitive is being paid to me billion times, wealth and riches is in my house, every desires of my heart is coming through without no delays in Jesus name.. Thank you Lord and thank you Jamie for speaking to me directly, came at the right time 🙏
Hello Jamie
My husband and I started praying the similar prayer recently. We received the prophecy along the same lines last night Australian time. We receive the punitive restoration of the Lord
Thank you Jamie for this punitive prayer and for restoration
Jamie!! WOW!! Thank you for sharing…Prayers for you and your and I agree for you restoration also…Praying now!
Thank you Jesus! I stand in agreement. Repayment above and beyond all I could ask or think.
Hello, Jamie! I have recently connected to your ministry. It has been a blessing to me so far. I wish to sow into your ministry. At this time I cannot. My prayer and anticipation is that I will some day soon be able to sow financial seeds into this ministry that has blessed me. In the meantime, I do pray for you, your family this wonderful ministry.
Finally prayed this prayer after having been angered by injustice. Now, I feel a sense of peace and my mind feels lighter. Thank you!
Dear Jamie,
I want thank God for you .The word is very timely and i know what you where going through, because i can identified with you. I have experience the same in my personal and business finance’s and my relationships.I stand in agreement with you and your family as well. I thank God for you and Continue to obey the Lord.. God Bless..
Praise God,
A powerful prayer!
Claiming all that is due.
Amos 5:24
Blessings in abundance for you and yours Jamie.
I prayed it, I believe it, I will now live and see it. Thank you ABBA father and I also thank you for Jamie 😊
Jamie, please pray ,what the enemy has stole our peace an joy with a bad neighbor that has no respect for others or nature, this mountain has to move. Thank-you.
Jamie, I prayed your prayer and with the exception of a few words here and there that I added or changed around I am in total agreement with you and our prayers to Holy God for His manifest blessing in our lives, the fruit, the abundance and 7-fold repayment of ALL that enemies of Holy God and of us have stolen or were scheming to steal from us in Jesus’ Holy Name! I also pray our prayers according to Jesus’ Word, “Ask anything in My Name and I will do it”; “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and it shall be opened unto you”; “I give you all power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy so that by no means shall any harm come unto you” (this one I know where it is located Luke 10:19); “If two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven” (I looked this one up Matt 18:19); “I will bless those who bless you”;
“‘Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,’ says the Lord of Hosts, “if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it”; “May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand-fold more than you are and bless you, just as He has promised you!” (looked it up too Deuteronomy 1:11); “Now Elijah said to Ahab, ‘Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower'” (looked it up 1 Kings 18:41); “at this present time your abundance being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality”; “They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You give them to drink of the river of Your delights. (Psalm 36:8); “I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, and My people will be satisfied with My goodness,” declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 31:14); In Jesus’ Holy Name Amen and amen. I love you sister in Christ, God BLESS you and all of us who stand in this prayer for punitive damages be awarded to us in Jesus’ Holy Name!
Jamie, THANK YOU for publishing this! I prayed your prayer and am in total agreement with you and prayers to Holy God for punitive damages being awarded to us, for God’s manifest blessing in our lives, for Holy fruit, for God’s abundance to us and for 7-fold repayment of ALL that the enemies of Holy God and of us have stolen or were scheming to steal from us in Jesus’ Holy Name! I also pray our prayers according to Jesus’ Word, “Ask anything in My Name and I will do it”; “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you will find, knock and it shall be opened unto you”; “I give you all power and authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy so that by no means shall any harm come unto you”; “If two of you shall agree on earth concerning anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in Heaven”; “I will bless those who bless you”; “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it”; “May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand-fold more than you are and bless you, just as He has promised you”; “Now Elijah said to Ahab, Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower”; “at this present time your abundance being a supply for their need, so that their abundance also may become a supply for your need, that there may be equality”; “They drink their fill of the abundance of Your house; and You give them to drink of the river of Your delights”; and, “I will fill the soul of the priests with abundance, and My people will be satisfied with My goodness, declares the Lord” in Jesus’ Holy Name Amen and amen! I love you sister in Christ, God BLESS you and all of us who stand firmly in this prayer for punitive damages be awarded to us in Jesus’ Holy Name!
I agreed and prayed. Amen and Amen.
Thank You Jamie for your beautiful ministry, I heard about claiming justice prayers at the beginnig of this year, but You made it so wonderfully easy to repeat, as many times I cannot find words in my prayers. I received the blessing and I’m waiting for the Lord for the recovery of all my losses..It has been hard, I experienced many attacks of evil spirits destroying my health and relationships since I remember, things got even worse since I gave my life to Jesus and got babtized, but I never lacked food or shelter, that’s what I’m grareful for..anyway I came to the point that I’m really angry at devil who tries to stop my every step and makes my way difficult and full of stress, I have to fight everyday and I’m really tired, shouldn’t I be happy after all these years of sowing even on a stony ground? I had the prophetic word that I surely would at last..but it seems like s neverending story waiting for this promise.. Your blog makes a huge difference for me, it is what I needed and was thirsty for! God bless You greatly! Greetings from Poland
Thank you Jesus
Thank you for your redemption
Revival and restoration
Amen and Amen…i am going this right.Was wondering what is going on and what is happening in my life,my family and my finances(salary).As for my finances it just come and go,nothing left,to save like before.All wasted and pour out in the drain.I don’t know what to say.I felt i was betrayed..As i read this message i stand on this faith of believing that God is going to intervene to my situations right now.I believe in my God,i love Him,i love my family,my son ,my husband and my daughter.I love them LORD.I love my work and i need You Lord to be our Jury,our Judge,our Advocate..Thank you Jamie,Love you dear sister.What are great testimony.Amen.
This prayer is on point. Thank you God that you are judging in my favour. God bless you Jamie for helping me stay strong and straight on my spiritual path.
Stay blessed
Thank you Lord Hod my saviour and King! Thank you Jamie for the opportunity to go to battle with you against the devil! I am so excited to see what God can and will do for you and all of us who agree together on this prayer! Thank you all for your faithfulness to God and to eachother. Its inspiring. I’m praying for you all!
May God bless you richly too as we pray one for the other!!!
Prayed and believing to receive! Amen and amen! Thank you for praying!
I commented about a year ago on this blog. God has begun to repay me Thank You Father.
But early this morning I had a dream, and I don’t ever remember my dreams but this one I did. I couldn’t wait to sit with the Lord about it.
I had received several huge delivery boxes. That I had not ordered. The dream was so moving I believe it was a message.
As I began my time with the Lord I knew I had to re read this blog post. I can’t explain but this time I prayed with more confidence more enthusiasm that I will be repaid 7 fold for all that’s been stolen from me.
Thank You Jamie so much for allowing the Lord to use you to speak to us.
God bless you,
Thank you for sharing, what a powerful prayer! Yes that little viper has stolen from me again!
I will wait patiently after saying this prayer!
Thank you!
Good morning 🌄 Jamie 😘, I am alway blessed by your teachings.Ihave been seeking God for a while now about some money 💰 that have been stolen from me, I am giving God thanks for this opportunity for some one to pray with me about the matter.thank you for following the instructions of the Holy spirit, I will continue to pray this prayer everyday until God answer me, and let the theif know that God is still answering prayers.
I agree wholeheartedly and am waiting on God’s deliverance and restoration from this oppressive organization. That all health, finances and relationships be healed and made whole seven times greater than before. Thank you Heavenly Father for working through and in Jaimie and in your Children!
I agree with this word and declare it in Jesus Name. Everything mentioned has been stolen from me. My family was stolen, my children were stolen, my grandchildren were stolen. My marriage and security were stolen. My health has been ruined and there is no known way to heal me. Only God can heal me and I ask for healing now in Jesus Name. My current marriage of only three years is in shambles. My husband that I married was a professing Christian that I went to church with for several years with before marrying him. He is black and he now professes every thing that is good as evil and evil as good that is happening in our country. I demand payment for my future and hope to be returned to me now in Jesus Name!
Wow…I’m praying this prayer for you and for me too. Thank you for this amazing prayer and opportunity to prayerfully demand ABBA Father to handle these hardships and give us due blessings…💜🙏
Thank you for your teaching us and modeling for us the Holy Spirit-empowered life! You are such an inspired prophet and teacher to so many that it is no wonder that you are in the enemy’s line of fire! It is a privilege to pray the above prayer for you!
The devil has stolen my husband from his family. He is lying, selfish, and hateful. The devil is also trying to take over my daughter who is being deceived by her father. My belief in love, my trust in people, and my self worth have been lost. My financial stability and home have been stolen by the devil. I pray for restoration seven fold for me, my daughter, and my family. The devil is also trying to steal health from me and family. Pray for God to bring husband to his senses. Pray for breakthrough and miracles. Pray for better health for family. Financial harvest. God defeat the enemy. Protect and guide daughter. Jesus remove my burdens and intervene in impossible situations. Punitive damages and victory in court. Bless us all. Turn broken things into amazing things. In Jesus name amen
Thank You for this prayer. And thank you Father God Almighty for giving us punitive damages. AMEN.
Dear Jamie,
You are a God sent . This prayer is powerful and I come into full agreement and I claim full punitive damages in the Spirit according to the words written in your prayer.
I thank God for leading me to your website as all you have said so far in your writings are in line with my trails and situations. Jesus Christ is awesome!!! I have only just found your website 2 days ago and I have learnt so many things and have gotten understanding and expanation on things I did not know before.
I have lost my family business of more than 30 years, my family and marriage is destroyed and I am currently in a divorce and tomorrow is the first day in the courts because of COVID 19 and so it will be done via ZOOM I pray that the enemy and his minions will not have any influence in theses proceedings and that GOD will release his angels of protection to make his will be done. I have prayer your prayer of in justice and I believe that God directed these messages to help me. I pray God’s blessing over your ministry and that as promised by our savior that all things work together for his good. This punitive damages prayer is right on point and I know in my heart that God and his Son Jesus Christ is listening and will answer our prayers…….God Bless you.
Good morning, Sister Jamie! My “born day” is tomorrow and the best gift I could get is this prayer regarding punitive damages in the Spirit. I have been speaking this sometimes aloud and in my heart for a decade. I come in FULL AGREEMENT with this prayer, Sister! Yes, I have been fighting mad for a long time of how the devil has stolen EVERYTHING. But, he can’t steal JESUS!!!!! When we are totally dependent on our Lord, that is when He moves. I am believing this with all my heart. JESUS IS EVERYTHING TO ME. Therefore, I know that He shall restore what was stolen from HIM as I AM HIS STEWARD OF WHAT HE HAS BLESSED ME WITH and the government cannot keep stealing from HIM. In the Precious and Powerful Name of Yeshua HaMashiach, Hallelujah and Amen!
Amen! Everything here resonates with me, right down to my “born day” being tomorrow (7 December). Glory to the Most High God. So it is, and it is done in the mighty Name of Yeshua. Praise Him! (Thank you Jamie).
HI and Bless you Jaime,
I praise the LORD, Our Father and I prayed the “Prayer for Punitive Damages” in intercessory prayer with you. God bless you and your family ABOVE YOUR COMPREHENSION In the powerful name of the Highest Name , Jesus Christ. Thank you and All Praise be to the Father.
Thank you Jamie, I have been waiting for this day, a prayer that will let the enemy know not to steal from us again. I can’t t wait to see all that is owed to us. PRAISE YOU FATHER. THANK YOU.
Thank you Jaime! May God bless you over and over! I prayed this prayer. My children and other things stolen from me. I believe and stand on that God willbe true to His promise. Amen
Hallelujah and Amen! It is DONE. Thank you Yaweh.
Thank you Jesus hallelujah 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 thank you Jesus in your might name amen!!!!
Thank-you ,Jamie!
Amen! This is exactly what I need for my court cases. I will definitely pray this prayers before my court hearing. May God bless you and your ministry.
I am praying everyday for justice and I know that God will answer my prayers. I know that God will return the P80,000 that was stolen from my bank account, as this money is meant to be used for our house loan. This amount can also help a lot of people in need. I pray to God that he will bless me and my family to surpass this trial. Amen.
Amen & hallelujah for this prayer it surly is my prayer too. for all the trouble over the years myself and my child has suffered after my divorce. I decree that God has heard my prayer. To you sister Jamie you are a blessing I pray Gods blessings over your life and I will always put you in my prayer. Thank you so much
Glory be to God! Thank you Abba Father. It’s been over 4 years of the enemy stealing from my family, finances etc. constant spiritual warfare! Thank you Jamie for giving me the prayer to pray. I feel like a total weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am praising the Lord and expecting to see my payback come soon! Hallelujah! 🙏🙌🏻
Glory to our God alone! Forever!
Thank you Jamie! I prayed this prayer just now with everything within me and I await expectantly and excited to see the harvest from God, because it’s more than I could ever hope or imagine!!!! X
Thank you, Pastor Jamie/Sister in Christ/Domestic Missionary!!! Yes, I prayed this prayer in agreement with you. I have thought punitive damages over myself would eventually happen through the Courts of Heaven brought down to earth when my true, unbiased day in court arrives. And if not, I fully believe that God’s will is best in all situations and I will accept whatever that is for my life. I believe the rapture is imminent. What do I have to lose? Nothing but gain eternity with Jesus in His Presence. My next stop is heaven! Thank you for your prophetic words that are so encouraging!
Praise the Lord for His unfailing judgement on my behalf! Hallelujah!!
Hallelujah! May God be praised!
Jamie, the way you explain things is so amazing. You are so gifted and I love reading your blog. No one has ever explained this to me quite like this – “He’s been waiting for us to pray His Word back to Him, and His own Word forces His hand to move on our behalf. (Which He is eager to do–but He needs US to pray to give Him permission to move in our lives.)” It’s so simple and seems so obvious when you put it that way! Thank you 💗
Thank you Jamie.
Such a powerful prayer i prayed this prayer in Faith and i bekieve that it is done,in Jesus Mighty and Matchless Name.
This powerful prayer is based on foundational scripture, no question. Thank God for your explanation of God’s important word in an area that rarely gets addressed. I prayed the prayer with the faith that all of God’s word is “yes and amen.” You covered all the bases, Jamie, and I deeply appreciate you and the understanding you have in applying the love of God in so many areas. May the Good Lord bless you richly !!
Amen! Amen! Amen! Praise the Lord!!
Matthew 18:19
“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven.”
Thank You Jamie
God Bless You!!
That is a good prayer and message! Jesus said in this world Christians would have tribulations, trials, attacks and sufferings; but He has overcome the world and the devil. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. In the Christian life we have faith and hope to keep believing and through Christ to overcome trials.
Ooh my! I am left speechless by the power in this prayer! Exactly what I desired to say to my father but I didn’t know how. Thank you father for caring about every lil detail of my life.
Thank you Jesus, Amen.
A great time to say this prayer. I believed in Jesus Name that i will receive it back..I’ve won this case. Amen
Hallelujah Glory be to God
Seems like I’ve been suffering a lifetime but God is Gracious and Good,He will repay
Thank you for this Word and prayer Jamie you are truly Heaven sent
Amen and Amen, thank you Lord for leading me to this powerful prayer,
God bless you Woman of God🙏🙏
Thank You Jesus we pray matthews 18:19 over our lives me and my daughter’s bless us Lord we take it back in Jesus name amen
Hello I just prayed this for my Mother Jerryann Hales. She has had a lot of health concerns and is requesting compensation for an injury on the job and to stop working. I am asking and declaring that this will be approved for her, an early retirement so she will still get a monthly check but be able to relax at home… Thank you for your beautiful prayers. Glory to God
Jamie thank you for this prayer today, it’s exactly what I needed to pray. My spirit has been down today, as I found out that I have been deceived from the enemy, financially. Not just financially but emotionally as I have put in a lot of effort to do the right thing so that I can bless others, but finding out that it was all a lie. Is very disappointing. Thank you for this prayer, I believe and claim it punitive damages in the name of JESUS. Amen
Hallelujah. This word is for me. I have just lost money through a scam. I believe and claim my punitive damages
Praise the LORD, thank you so much for prayer of Punitive Damages of Spirit. My heart was broken with the enemy’s lies. Today, God restored my brokenness and He will give it back what the enemy had stole from me. God bless you abundantly.
Hallelujah to the lamb of God! I had a comment and it just went to another screen, but see the enemy can not stop the one true living God, he can’t stop his glory! I give him Glorryyyyy!! Double honor! I felt the heavens open(as I was saying🙌🏽) and God pouring out a blessing I have room enough too receive for me my children family and loved ones, God is rebuking there devour for our sake and this prayer, our prayer did not fall to the ground! And I give him glory and honor I exhaust thee all day long! I scream GLOOORRYYYY GOD GLOOORRRYY! I praise him for blessing you with the tongue of the learned to speak a word in the season to those (me,us) that are weary! I receive this prayer and I stand in agreement! I felt tears rolling down my face as we closed because I know the only living God the one and only God the graceful merciful God, is manifesting even know! Thank you for this prayer to God be the glory! I can’t wait till come on here with my praise report! May God bless you, and you will be hearing from me soon! God bless you all!
WOW! I prayed this entire and awesome prayer out loud with gusto!
I am believing that every word will bring forth our Father’s fruit in great
abundance ~ every need met above and beond anything I could ever have asked.
thought or imagined, for all of my family, for you Jamie, and for me!
Blessings on the way that will astonish us all, Anita Louise ~~ (“Graceful Warrior”)
I prayed this type of prayer many years ago when I had a laptop stolen. The insurance paid for a new one and then the police found the stolen one and returned it!
Yes, Jamie the thief must pay seven time more a truck load. I stand in agreement with this prayer and I can’t wait to go to my bank and see the BIG FIGURES in my bank account. Praise God. Thank Father, I believe I receive it right now in Jesus Name. Amen.
Thank you for this prayer . God grant me back all that I have lost 100 fold and take back from the enemy ALL HE HAS STOLEN because the thief got cought stealing. Thank you heavenly father Glory praise honor authority power belong to you in Jesus name. AMEN AMEN AMEN
Father God in heaven, I bless and thank you for awarding punitive damages to us, for things that we know have been stolen and things we didn’t know about because they were stolen secretly before we were aware of them. Please give Kamie and extra portion for her loving service to the Body and the sacrifices she has made in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Thank you this prayer Jamie. I am claiming it in Jesus Holy name and having faith the God is going to make the Devil repay what he has stolen from me and my family. He has taken so much from us in the past several years and it’s time for God to show up and make him pay. His word says it and I’m claiming it and thanking in advance for deliverance. Thank you for your ministry and all that you do.
In Christ Love
Thank you JAMIE i have prayed your prayer and what a great prayer. this has come to me at just the right time thanks be to God. I am going to pray this prayer everyday and ask God to help me with all of satans ways. I was with you before many months ago and had forgot about you sorry. I promise to make a donation to you and I will when my finances are in order. I think that God has got me in touch with you again for a reason. many thanks Des.
Hi Jamie, I am so happy that I stumbled across this prayer because I was done unjustly by my physician’s office, and I want what is rightly mine and I want them to pay 100 folds for what they did to me and how I’m still suffering with a chipped bone in my leg and a bad limp in my walk. I cannot get the surgery I need to fix my legs until I lose the weight, they want me to lose and that’s hard to do because of the pain I endure daily. But God, is making it happen even though I’m unable to walk very far, I am taking this weight off because I asked My Father to help me take it off so that I can have the surgery. I only have 40 pounds left to go. Praise the Lord. But I wand the doctor’s and PA’s to pay.
I’m sorry that happened, Ann. BUT … You need to forgive the doctors and PAs, Ann, or Father God will not forgive your sins.
Thank you Ps Jamie, we stand in agreement for healing for your husband, as we pray that your husband check into God’s hospital for full recovery. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. No plague will come near your dwelling place. thank you Lord God for blessing preserving and providing for Jamie and her husband in your divine favor and calling and blessings on them.
Blessed Assurance Beloved
Hi Jamie, Thank you soooo much for all the food for my spirit…. Yes I strongly agree with you, may the devil satan have punitive damages in Jesus name. May he repay everything that has been stolen in my life, my family, my husband and all that has been stolen years ago… Thank you ABBA and JESUS the son be glorified. May he repay billion tomes, seven folds …. every thing that he has stolen………… I beleive according to my Daddy;s word… AMANNN AN AMANN……
Thank you i Believe and I. Touch And Agree with everyone. That God is going to Manifest his Words and Promises. God is not a Man that he will lie to his Children. It is already Done in Jesus Name AMEN And AMEN Again!!!!!!!!!
Give it back, what you have taken from me. all of it. The hammer in
the courts of heaven has given me in my favor. Yes! Bring it all. i receive it in the name of Jesus.
We ALL believe and come into agreement with the word of God. God is so good!!
Thank you for this pray Jamie!
We Love You Jamie!!
Father, you have never fail me before and even now as I prayed this prayer in your presence. I believe, I receive it now a one hundred fold
return in Jesus name, amen.
I glory to you God this money i feel faithbrising in the throne room, I testifybtonthe glory and power of my father, to Him be Glory honor wisdom and power hallelujah
Hallelujah Great and Awesome God in Haeaven!!!! Thank You, Thank You Thank You in Jesus’s Name Amen Hallelujah
I prayed this im going through a lot right now but God will see me through
Thank you for this prayer. I truly await Gods blessings and breakthrough and I will surely come back to testify for God is good.
I stand in agreement with everyone who has prayed this prayer. Father may you hear and answer our prayers. May the enemy repay 7 times what was stolen and compensate us handsomely for our pain and suffering. Father give us all testimonies and bless us so that we may be a blessing to the kingdom. It is done in the name of Yeshua Jesus. Amen
I have prayed th I s prayer! We have spent over 17 years fighting foreclosure for a loan that was canceled but was mistakeningly filed. The Lord has helped us fight without an attorney for most of these years. It has taken our finances, health, and peace. I didn’t know that we could pray the Word back to demand punitive damages from the enemy. Thank you Abba Father and thank you for your faithfulness.
Hallelujah! To God be the glory! God bless you for this much needed prayer and guidance today.
Thank you jamie for this Prayer! I am beyond fed up with the Devil and his Associates!!! I want myself, and all the Saints to declare war to reclaim what the Devil has stolen from all of us! Thanks be to the Lord for allowing you to share this with the Body. I will definitely be praying this starting now!
Mrs. Jamie thank you so much this prayer came just in time I needed that encouragement to come with boldness to the throne of grace now I am going to wait for everything to be given back to me seven fold in the billions I claim and declare every word you are a mighty warrior and it gives me to have the courage to come with boldness to the throne of grace I love you in Jesus name amen ❤️
Thank you for this prayer and your faithfulness. I also prayed for you as I prayed for myself.
OH sister Jamie, I thank God and praise Him for this timely word. I have been so mad at the devil, attack and attack over my family and loved ones. My friend and I were admitted into hospital yesterday at the same time and it’s time for PAY BACK! We will NOT settle and watch him play us around. I give our Lord praise for His righteous and unfailing judgment on OUR BEHALF! I DECLARE, DECREE AND RECEIVE THIS WORD.
Thank YOU Abba Father for redeeming, restoring and resurrection of ALL those things and years the locust has eaten. To God be the glory for all of our answered prayers. Amen and Amen 🙏🏽
Thank you for this prayer. We are blessed to have the Lord speak through you and into the hearts of many. You are a true blessing. Thank you father God for your presence & your love, working through Jamie’s ministry to help many that need guidance, direction on their journey with you. I ask you father God to open many doors to Jamie and her family, in a blanket & shield of protection, health, clarity, guidance, understanding, peace, love. Surround them with your mercy & grace that gives it that final touch in comfort and the warmth of the heart you carry for us. Let your Peace shine through her to be a light to All she encounters. May she keep her mind focused on you so Satan will not have a stronghold on her ministry and let her expose the tempting words of Satan and show her faith to the world that she is a true warrior, your servant that has helped to bring the true light in Jesus name to your throne of grace & mercy putting on the whole armor in a spiritual victory! We thank you in Jesus name.
Thank you Jamie. We are blessed for your ministry.
Amen and amen! Hallelujah 👑King Yeshua! Hearing the song “Days of Elijah” by Paul Wilbur as I prayed through this prophetic fire!! Thank You Jesus and Thank you sister for your work in the kingdom. Believing in faith and standing with you for both our families! Amen 🙏🏼🙌🏻 to God be the glory!
A lot has been stolen from me indeed. I will wait until justice is done. It’s the said time to favor me and all the brethren that has been devoured by the thief, simply because we chose Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Remain forever blessed.
Hallelujah glory to God,thank you Jesus for victory the devil is in trouble ,our prayer is answered in Jesus mighty name,Amen
Just what I needed to hear TODAY!!! I feel the devil has stolen from me for at least 60 years–it is time for me to receive the blessings of GOD ALMIGHTY! Thank you, Jamie, for this Comforting word.
Amen. Thank you Lord! Praise God!
God – I beg and plead with You to restore those things that the enemy has stolen, my daughter’s health and our relationship, my relationship with my son, my friendships that I have lost, investments with people who have turned, You Abba know my heart, and the pain, tears. In Jesus’ name, and with this prayer, please hear and answer
YES LORD, I touching and agreeing with this PRAYER with faith that GOD Hears US and granted Us, what gotta stolen, from Us, I sowed seeds for year on good ground, Yes LORD I Thank you For The harvest of heaven And manifest on Earth, that I will, See tanglable, touching and feeling it.. Father I Thank for granted it to All… in Jesus YESUHA the CHRIST NAME AMEN ⭐🌎🔥👑👣💗🙏
I declare this over my life right now, in Jesus Name, Amen
Yes Lord, I touch and agree on receiving a reward for punitive damages in my life. The devil will repay 7x over for what he has stolen from me In Jesus Name!! I claim it and I receive it…I decree and declare my blessings and repayment.
Thank you for this teaching and this prayer about punitive damages. I have never heard it put quite this way before. Thank you for your obedience. I look forward to seeing what the Lord will do,
Thank you for all you do I prayed this prayer I am really needing a breakthrough really soon. Please keep me in your prayers for my finances this prayer was what I needed today.
Amen powerful prayer
Thank you, God bless you
Thank him for this prayer. I have struggled for so many years with the wrestle in the Spirit, and during that time I have wrestled to put my trust fully in God. I know that I must release the detriment and bitterness that has been strangling out my faith and get back to complete surrender. I am on a journey back to the throne of grace. I have prayed this prayer and I believe that God will restore all that the enemy has stolen from me, my husband, my children, and larger family.
A lot has been stolen from me indeed. I will wait until justice is done. It’s the said time to favor me and all the brethren that has been devoured by the thief, simply because we chose Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Remain forever blessed.
Enough is enough. Satan and all his team must pay me back for every losses occured in my life. They must pay the punitive damages and without appeals before the throne of my lawyer jury and judge Jesus Christ.
This prayer resonate my life and enough is enough. I prayed this prayer and i believe that God has answered it. I’m here waiting for punitive damages. Satan did more harm in my life and now it time to pay it without appeals.
In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!
I receive this word, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Hello Jamie
Such a powerful prayer. I so appreciate your faithfulness; I pray right now manifest goodness and tons of blessings in your life. I receive this prayer and have already praid the prayer. I look for the manifestation of this prayer today.
May God continue to watch over you and your family, ministry and all that your hands have touched.
Forever in His Presence
Minister DeLores
Thank you for sharing this prayer for punitive damages in the spirit. I pray that the Lord hear me. I have lost so much and want it all returned to me. May the Lord do the impossible and grant my request.
I receive all that which is due to me. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen.
Thank you Jamie. May the Lord continue to empower you as you serve Him and His people.
Thank you! This word as well as prayer was much needed and right on time! God bless you Jamie and your family including the ministry. Amen 🙏🏽 💕🙌🏽💃🏽☀️‼️
For 22 years the devil has been attacking. It stops now and I’m watching and waiting for my punitive damages. In JESUS name!
HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH is our song 🎶 of victory IJMN. AMEN 🙏 & AMEN 🙏.
Hallelujah Thank You Jesus
Yes I prayed that prayer with you out loud and I was extremely loud praying it!
Hallelujah and amen. I receive this for my son, Joey, and I, in the name of Jesus.
I’m in agreement. Enough is enough, Lord release your floodgates of provisions to your family, your remnants, you hold the keys and you own it all, and you sit on the throne, we demand justice each & every day, hear our cries to heaven & send retribution & we bind & shackle & muzzle all the works of the enemy today, tomorrow & in the future, covered in the blood of Jesus across time, space, dimension, realm, city, state, above, beneath, north, south, east, west, you said it is DONE! FINISHED & by faith I believe, receive, and stand on your word! Amen. I decree it for King Jesus & sealed by the.blood of Jesus, the Christ, the Anointed One!
Hallelujah!!! I praise you God. For it is done in my life. Everything is returned back to me, seven times more. I believe , receive and claim it by faith. It is done in Jesus Name. Amen and amen!!!
Thank you for this prayer, God’s word never returns void and He isn’t a liar! Thank you Father God and Holy Spirit.
AMEN THANKU 13.2.24 I stand in agreement and pray the restorative Prayer for Punitive Damages for me and my Family according to God’s holy will and plan for Blessings in our generational family.
After I prayed this prayer, it felt as if my soul had jumped out of my body and I was so filled with the Holy Spirit! I decree and declare that I will be paid 7X for all the damages that was stolen and done to me! I am thanking GOD in Advance… I will send a seed when the verdict is called on my behalf and My Money Will Be Award to new In Jesus Name! Amen!!
Praise the Lord! Thanks, Jamie. The Lord told me very recently that He’s going to restore to me (includes my children, too) everything that has been devoured and I believed it then and I believe it now even more some after reading this prayer along with you others. I decree and declare that it is so in the mighty, matchless name of Jesus. Amen and Hallelujah!
Thank you for this prayer Jamie. I come in agreement with this prayer in regarding to all what the enemy has stolen from me and my family. I believed God for restoration for punitive damaged for me and my family 7 times more as He as promised in His word. I give praises to the almighty God. Amen and Amen
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Is our song of victory in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen.
Lord Almighty, I give You all the praise for righteous and unfailing judgment on YOUR behalf!
I receive all the blessings and rewards from Your Universal Heavenly Courtroom!
Amen & Amen.
Thanks a zillion
My prayers goes out for you and your family for healing, joy and peace. My daughter was in the hospital for the month of June 9th until July 19th. As a single mother of two I was at my physical and spiritual capacity but God! Barely able to think move or physically rest, lacking food, resources and no support system! God turned it around the moment I said,” your words says when I am weak you are strong. For your strength is made perfect in my weakness. I can’t go on Lord I physically can’t and spiritually exhausted to the point of fatigue. I had no tears. But deeply grieved by my circumstances and grateful for his faithfulness.
Agreed, prayed and accepted in Jesus Mighty, Precocious and Powerful Name amen 🤲
I receive and decree this prayer in Jesus name. The devil is a thief, but God will restore all. Hallelujah
Yes I prayed it with you, and Father I thank you for punitive damages and compensatory damages today. In Jesus Name!!!
I was scammed for half of my life savings and became suicidal and tried to take my life 3 times and became prone to falling for scams. I am trusting in God to restore all that was deceitfully taken from me. I just found your prayer and have been praying it non stop.
I’m so scared for my life and suicidal after being scammed for half of my life savings. Please pray for me
Good morning Jamie, I Thank you for this prayer, it came right on time. I believe our father can do and will do more than I can think or imagine. I also stand with you and everyone on this Prayer, believing God will Restore what our enemy has stolen. Thank you Jesus for your Love and care that is shown towards Us. Amen.
The Blood of Jesus speaks a better word. May the light of Christ pierce into your situation causing all who meddle to stumble. (Referring to spiritual enemies to clarify) and may signs, wonders, and miracles follow you in Jesus Name. For the Lord has purposed it and who can turn back His hand? He who spoke a thing into existence will not delay. He is an ON TIME GOD. For He is Faithful and His Word forever stands. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is light and in Him is found no darkness. Let the light of His love bring you to new heights in your relationship with Him as He leaves you awestruck with His goodness. Peace and blessings in Jesus Name. Our unstoppable God. For His is the kingdom, power, and glory forever Amen.
Hallelujah Jamie for this restoration prayer concerning everything the enemy has stolen from me via proverbs 6! This was just in time for me because my car recently hit a deer and was totaled! Just before this I was diagnosed with A. Fib! And just before that My engine went belly up in my newer Buick Enclave S.U.V.! Praise you Lord for being able to always trust in you, your word and for your great mercy and Grace!!! Hallelujah Lord!!!
Blessings To Ms. Jamie And Everyone On This Feed!!
I AM Grateful For Word And This Prayer!! May The Powerful Wind Of God Continue To Blow In Every One Of Situation Situations!! May Every Punitive Damage In The Spirit Be Vindicated And Peace, Joy, And Love Be Restored In The Mighty Name Of Yeshua!! Keep Going!!
Hallelujah for every victory IJMN AMEN
Amen and Amen, I clam this back and it can not be hindered. In the Name above every name amen and amen, for my mairriage for my family for all that it come to cause harm .
I receive my breakthrough in the name of Jesus Christ