To Hell With Redemptive Suffering!
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
To hell with redemptive suffering!
I probably just offended all the religious people by saying that. Now that only the truly interested people are still reading, let me tell you why I made such a shocking statement!
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Have you ever heard of redemptive suffering? I have heard people adopt this theory many times, but I never knew what it was called until recently. Now I do. “Redemptive suffering” is the mindset that God wants you to be sick or in pain so that He can use you or teach you something.
Redemptive suffering is a lie and belongs in hell with the enemy and his angels, and THAT is why I say “to hell with redemptive suffering!”
Why redemptive suffering is a lie:
People that believe in redemptive suffering believe that GOD actually gave them their disease or pain. Yes, I have actually seen someone say, “God gave me a gift by giving me this disease!” Errrrrrrrr… (insert buzzer sound here). Wrong answer!
God cannot give anyone a disease, and He cannot give anyone aches and pains. Why? Because He doesn’t have any diseases, aches, or pains to give.
God is perfect and holy in every way. He is the Author of perfection. Only perfect things proceed from the Father. By His very nature, He cannot be anything but Good. In Luke 18:19, Jesus stated this clearly:
So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.”
The apostle James also wrote, in James 1:17:
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”
Our Heavenly Father gives good and perfect gifts. Good and perfect gifts are the only gifts He gives, too. There is no variation with Him. He never changes. He is Good, and only good things can proceed from Him.
The redemptive sufferer might then say: “Oh, but this disease is a good and perfect gift.” No, it’s not. How do I know? Because disease, by its very nature, means that something in your body is malfunctioning. God didn’t make malfunctioning bodies. Psalm 139:14 tells us:
I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.”
When God made you, He did a wonderful job. He did such a good job, it’s scary! He did a marvelous work by creating you. You functioned perfectly.
So where did those diseases, aches, and pains come from?
They came from the enemy, the devil. We know this because Jesus went about constantly healing the sick, the lame, the blind, the deaf, etc, and His entire purpose on earth was to destroy the works of the devil:
He who sins is of the devil, for the devil has sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that He might destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8).
Additionally, Scripture plainly tells us that sickness is from the devil. Acts 10:38 says:
how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”
And Matthew 9:35 makes it clear that Jesus targeted EVERY sickness and disease among the people:
Then Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.”
So what is the solution?
The stripes of Jesus are the solution. Isaiah 53:5 tells us that Jesus purchased our healing by taking an inhumane whipping:
But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.”
Jesus Christ paid the price on Calvary for our complete and total healing.
He paid for it all. Listen to me: If there is any price left to be paid–if there is any inadequacy in Jesus’ suffering–then God the Father is a horrible monster to have allowed His Son to suffer that way. It would have been for nothing: an ineffectual, weak, insufficient sacrifice–an impotent attempt at redeeming mankind and destroying the works of the devil.
But we do not hold a weak Gospel. We do not serve a weak Savior. We serve a God who is alive and full of power. We serve a Savior whose life, death, and resurrection paid the complete price for you and me to have total, complete forgiveness, healing, and restoration in our spirit, soul, and body.
THAT is the Gospel.
So how does this apply to you?
We have learned the following:
- God made you perfectly healthy and perfectly whole when He created you. Your body functioned perfectly.
- If you’re sick, the malfunction in your body is a work of the devil.
- Every single disease or malfunction is from the enemy. There is not one single exception.
- Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
- Jesus’ stripes and blood paid the full price for your complete healing and restoration.
With all of that laid out, there is not much more to be said. The only thing yet to be done is to receive.
Sit back and ask the Holy Spirit to heal you. Receive the healing that Jesus bought for you in your mind, body, emotions, and spirit.
To hell with redemptive suffering! Jesus paid the total price for your healing. Will you believe and receive His healing today?
Hi Jamie! Thanks so much for sharing this amazing revelation!! I believe the same can be applied to settling for less & not living in the abundance that Jesus said we can have in John 10:10. But to what extent do you think God wants us yielded to Heb. 5:8 (though He was a Son yet learned He obedience by the things which He suffered) in other areas of our life (i.e., relationships, careers, dreams/ambitions), for our growth & progress?
I’ve really wrestled w/ this for some time & would love to hear the insight God’s shared w/ you on this subject.
Hey Joi, great question! I believe that we should conform to Christ in all areas, but some of those areas are not literal. For example, we are called to die to ourselves, but not to climb on a cross and try to die for mankind like Jesus did; He already did that and we don’t need to. That being said, I believe that living in a sinful world affords us plenty of opportunity to endure tough situations without our going out to seek any more. Jesus came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly! (John 10:10) Also, the Kingdom of heaven is righteousness, peace, and JOY in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17), and the fruit that the Holy Spirit produces is love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).
So when you add all those things up, if we endure suffering, then we pray to be delivered into abundant life. We ask the Holy Spirit to fill us with His fruit of love, joy, peace, etc, no matter what we are going through. That is how we conform to Christ’s obedience. But we don’t go out and seek hardships. Jesus bore them all, and we are free to live an abundant life in Christ. He paid the price.
Does that help at all?
Yes, thanks for that Jamie! God Bless!
I AGREE. That is some utter FOOLISHNESS to believe that God gives you a disease or sickness that would make Him evil. 1 John 1:5 states his is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. To believe that God wants you to be sick and suffering is shameful. I can understand that someone may learn from being afflicted with a disease that they can do all things through Christ but to seriously be okay with being chosen to be sick to be redeemed…TO HELL WITH IT and let the whole entire theory burn forever, lol.
Hey Venetia, you cracked me up laughing. That was hilarious. Thanks for making my morning! Go Jesus!
Anytime Jamie. I got plenty of oil of joy for everyone, lol.
It hurts me to think that Jesus took all that beating and mistreatment for us all. But at the same time, it’s such a generous and kind gesture to give its life for the sake of humankind. We mustn’t make it all vain.
Thank you for this post. I know 1/3 of me is wall-to-wall Holy Ghost (Spirit), but I’m very challenged with receiving healing in my soul and body.
I sure could use a Kingdom-minded prayer partner on this one…one who has already achieved this breakthrough.
Blessings, beauty…
Those who believe suffering can be redemptive do not believe God gives you an illness. We believe He can use suffering just like God can use ones’ prayers, actions, etc. As well, we believe that through suffering we can better understand the suffering of Christ on the cross and enter into a deeper relationship with him through this understanding. We do not see suffering through the eyes of men, as a negative thing, but as something that helps us grow closer to God. Just as I might offer up my prayers for you, howuch more powerful to offer up those things that cause me pain and discomfort in union with the suffering of Christ. To this end I deny myself for the greater glory of God’s kingdom.
Ah, but there’s a difference between God redeeming it for our good, and using it to draw us closer to Him as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, and that sickness being His highest and best will for us. Sickness is never His best will for us. If it were, He would not have wasted the blood and stripes of Jesus to purchase our healing. 🙂
So yes, may God turn everything around and use it for our good, and to draw us closer to Him. But may His Body continue to seek Him and appropriate EVERYTHING Jesus purchased for us–including complete, total, perfect healing in this world and in the world to come!
Jamie I’m confused. Exodus clearly states God struck the Egyptians with pestilence & plagues… also Paul was struck blind on the road from Damascus by a light from heaven…
Hey Leslie. That’s a great question. The Egyptians were God’s enemies and sometimes the Bible tells us that He did allow the works of the enemy into His enemy’s lives. Regarding Paul’s blindness, I don’t know, but I do know that God healed Paul. And that Paul was also an enemy of the Lord at the time he was struck blind.
I don’t understand everything about it, for sure; but I do know that Jesus healed ALL who were sick and oppressed by the devil, and that God was with Him… so we just keep on going after Jesus’ example. 🙂
Have a wonderful day!
What about Paul’s thorn in the flesh? What of children born with birth defects? What about saints we all know that suffer greatly with cancer?
Sandy, thanks for reading. Paul specifically explained in Scripture that the thorn in the flesh was a demon that buffeted him. Chapter 14 of Bosworth’s classic book, Christ the Healer, contains a fantastic explanation of the Scriptural passages about this if you’re interested. Saying it was a sickness doesn’t mesh with the rest of Scripture, not even with Paul’s writings.
Children born with birth defects and people who suffer with cancer all fall in the same category: they are people that need healing, just like the rest of us. So we pray for their healing and lay hands on them and anoint them with oil and pray in faith. Some of them get healed. But even if they don’t, we can’t afford to stop praying or believing. Jesus paid the price for every person’s full and complete healing. Do I know why some people get healed here and some in Heaven? No; but that doesn’t mean we stop believing the full Gospel. If someone doesn’t get healed, we simply have to go back to the Father and ask Him to teach us, to show us, to give us more revelation about healing. We can’t build a theology around what DIDN’T happen. Jesus healed ALL who were sick, and His standard is the only one worth following. We have to keep going after His example. Even though we haven’t seen 100% manifestation of healing in every case yet, the truth is still that Jesus paid the price and healing is our portion through His blood… 100% of the time.
“We can’t build a theology around what DIDN’T happen.”
That really spoke to me.
(Lol too).
So just to clarify, God’s permissive will and illness… is illness something God permits for the purposes of plans, blessings or glory to God’s kingdom? It doesn’t set well with me but I have a lot to learn (what do I know?)
Hi there. No; illness is something that happens in this world because we live in a sinful world. God never puts illness on His people. Jesus paid the price for our complete healing. When illnesses happen, they are always the work of the devil. Remember that JESUS healed ALL who were sick and oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him (Acts 10:38). I don’t know why sometimes we pray for people and they don’t get healed, but we never saw that happen, ever, in Jesus’ ministry or in His Word. And so we continue to press into God, ask Him for more faith and a better understanding and revelation of His goodness and His healing, so we can reach His standard. His standard is the only one worth following.
Hope this helps! Thanks so much for reading!
This is very good and the way you titled is certainly is, too.
There are so many Christians walking in defeat and they certainly are not bringing anyone to the Lord if that’s the only example of the Christian life people outside of the faith see. We are to be victors, not victims.
I wish this false teaching of “suffering teaching you something” would stop.
Such a lie. It’s almost self-righteous to to think that you could add anything more to what Christ has already done.
I don’t think people intend to do this consciously, but healing of the subconscious is needed for anyone who believes that they do.
I always thought that redemptive suffering is when we can take the stuff that has been hurtful, painful, tragic, etc.… And use it to help others in similar situations. It’s how we redeem our pain by helping another it’s not that we were given anything to help others it’s that we use it to share in their suffering.
Hi Julie. That’s how God redeems suffering, but it’s not the kind of suffering I’m talking about in this article. This article is about how people say that God made them sick to teach them something. God doesn’t do that.
Thank you. Just puzzled. So much theology out there. I just do not understand why some people offer up suffering, pain, etc. believing that God will use them to His Good and for His purpose. Someone told me that a woman and her 3 children were in a fatal accident but not harmed, that God must have used the prayers, sufferings of others to save them. Which made me wonder then why other mothers with children in a similar situation not get saved from harm. I know there is so much that we do not understand now, but I just don’t get this. I know the Bible says to pray for the dead but I don’t know why. I always wonder what about those dead that don’t have anyone to pray for them.
Hi Maureen, I’m curious about where in the Bible you have found that it says to pray for the dead?
What about Moses’ leprous hand during or after the story of the burning bush in Exodus?
Hi there. God didn’t give him a disease. It was simply a sign that God gave him to use because it was something the Egyptians feared. Something he could put on and take off. People can still bring sickness upon themselves today if they want to. It’s the putting off sickness that we have forgotten how to do–but we CAN put off sickness because of the blood of Jesus.
Thank you Jamie for this post. It is a reminder to me to keep pressing into all that my Jesus endured to give me. He took the stripes that laid His back open so that I could be whole in my body. I receive!
In Colossians 1:24, Paul says “Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ‘s afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.” In Romans 8:17, Paul also says “we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.”
Redemptive suffering is when we “parallel” our sufferings to Christ’s. Jesus suffering was out of complete love for us. If in our suffering we too remain loyal and love the Lord then it can be “redemptive” and offered to others for their good just as Paul states.