Healing from Mother Wounds Webinar THIS SATURDAY!

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Hi everybody,

I continue to get droves of emails from readers all around the world requesting information about healing from mother wounds. Many of you are coming to the retreat in September and will get all this info plus more there; but, far more of you won’t be attending–but you still have told me you want help with this area.

My heart breaks for every email, and I don’t want to wait until after the retreat to help.

So, THIS SATURDAY, August 18, from 1-3 PM, I am going to teach a webinar about Healing from Mother Wounds.

This is ONLY for people who have already watched Finding Deep Soul Healing 101. If you haven’t watched that video yet, it will cost you an hour of your time and $15. Purchase it here: https://gumroad.com/l/jFBa

Then sign up for the webinar here: https://jamierohrbaugh.webinarninja.co/my/wnwebinarlist/index?webinar_id=97646

If your mother or mother-figures have let you down, hurt you, neglected you, or failed you in any way, then this webinar is for you.

Father wounds will keep you from believing God and being close to Him, but MOTHER WOUNDS will keep you from RECEIVING from God.

You can believe God all day long; but, if you have an unhealed mother wound, you still won’t receive what you’re believing for.

So if you believe God for comfort, but never actually feel comforted …
If you believe God for provision, but never actually receive …
If you believe God for help, but never feel helped …

This class is for you.

In this webinar, I will teach about how to heal from mother wounds.

During the class, we’ll also walk through some inner-healing prayers and exercises together (as a group). I have seen the Lord use these prayers and activation exercises to bring healing to many, many people over the years. I believe He will use them to help heal and restore your life too.

This is an advanced study webinar. Seats are limited to only 100 people, and cost is $20 per person. This price includes the live class and the video replay, which you may download and watch again as often as you like after the class.

Note: Watching this webinar live requires Chrome browser on a desktop or laptop computer. Mobile devices, including iPads, will not work for the live broadcast.

Sign up here: https://jamierohrbaugh.webinarninja.co/my/wnwebinarlist/index?webinar_id=97646


  1. People often overlook the complicity of women in manipulation and violence by males targeting children or targeted at women. There are the women who stand by the violent male partner denying that he is abusive. There are the women who will vote for a musogynistic male. There are the women who express favour onto their male child and who do not treat their female child as favourably.Thank you God for shining the light on this violent from women and expelling it.

  2. Hello Jamie..i have sent you numerous emails but never heard back from you, i also sent you a facebook message but haven’t heard back from you…so i wanted to tell you that somone offered me the ticket to come to the healing retreat…so so so thankful…i have the tickets in hand and all…so so excited…but i haven’t yet found the money for the retreat itself, i emailed you asking about the scholarship again and if ever that is not possible, i will somehow find the money somehow because i must heal now this is my last chance…but i want to make sure that i can pay you upon arrival at the retreat if the scholarship is not available…just because i cannot pay via paypall, and i am in haiti and i haven’t yet found the money. Anyhow hope to hear back from you…and also i have the ticket but i don’t have the exact address of the retreat once i get there, so please email me that too please and thank you Jamie…i am really thankful for this opportunity as for me without healing, i don’t want to keep living. Anyways…love and light your way and thank you for being a healer/messenger and gifting us healing and freedom…may God always shower you with blessings, always.

  3. Hi Jaime- I am a Chattanooga transplant looking for local resources and a community of like minded brlievers. Do you have any live sessions coming up in the area

    1. Hi Jacqui! I sure do. We have our inner healing retreat coming up in two weeks, but unfortunately that is full. I will be doing other live sessions in the near future, though. I am also preaching in Kingsport on Friday night, September 7, at S.T.R.A.W.S. Topic will be your DNA as a changer of nations. It’s a few hours away, but you’d be welcome to join us!
      Do you have a local church yet? If not, I’d love for you to try my church! It’s Dwelling Place Church International, with Pastors Jamie and Judy Jacobs Tuttle, in Cleveland. It’s just a 30-minute drive and it’s WONDERFUL. I never thought I’d find such a church this side of Redding, California–but I have. I love it so much and would love to have you be my guest! I’m also teaching a Sunday afternoon small group for about 10 weeks starting September 16, if you’d be interested. It’s in Cleveland, too. We’ll be going through Mark Batterson’s book Grave Robber, about the miracles of Jesus. #ThereWillBeMiracles! Love to have you!

  4. Jacqui North says:

    Thanks for the information Jaime! I’m still trying to find a church home to nest in so I will definitely check out the Tuttle’s ministry.

    On a separate note I was wondering if past webinars such as the Mother wounds session, can be purchased and accessed after the webinar has been aired? When I click on purchase it says it’s no longer available but I was able to purchase and listen to the Healing Father Wounds session with no problem.

    1. Hi Jacqui! I’d definitely love to see you at Dwelling Place!

      And yes, the Healing from Mother Wounds class is available. I haven’t gotten it uploaded to my Gumroad store yet, but I can fulfill orders for that by email. It’s $35. Just send the class fee to us at https://www.paypal.me/jamierohrbaugh and include a note stating which class you’re purchasing, please, and I’ll send you the notes and the link to the video replay via email.

      Thank you so much for helping support this ministry!

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