Prophetic Word: Hide In the Secret Place of My Love

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Prophetic word with Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comBeloved, do you need comfort from the Lord today? If so, your loving Father God says this to you:

“My child, My sweet, precious child whom I love, you need to know about the secret place of My love.

My love is stronger than the grave. It is stronger than anything that would hold you. My love is a love that makes you soar; that lifts you up from the place where you are into a place of comfort, wholeness, and satisfaction.

O My beloved, do not settle for anything less than receiving My love. I love you so much that it hurts; My love caused Me to give up My only begotten Son for you, and I would do it again. I love you so much that I yearn for you; I long to hold you in My arms; I crave your presence and your company.

My child, you are perfect in My eyes because you are hidden in My Son Jesus. I have made you and formed you. Think not that you are inadequate; for although without Me you can do nothing, My Son Jesus lives in you–and He is in Me and I in Him, so that means I live in you too!

My child, I am in you! We are together because of My Son Jesus!

Do you know that? Do you really know that? Do you really know that you are My beloved; that you are royalty; that you are more than enough because I am more than enough, and I am in you? Do you really know how much I love you? 

The torrent of My love is washing over you right now as we speak. I am washing away all the things that have upset you; My love is like a waterfall of healing and I am pouring it all over you right now! 

The clear water of My love brings clarity. When you focus on My love, you receive light and health and strength for your mind, body, and spirit. My love is all you need, for My love sent My Son to purchase everything for you!

This is why My Son Jesus told you to abide in His love.

His love is My love and My love is His love. He said “Abide in My love” because I was saying, “Abide in My love.” My love, if you really received it in all of its fullness, would captivate you and you would never need anything else.

O My child, My love for you is vaster than the oceans.

I made the earth and sea and all that in them is to portray only a small portion of My love for you! I would have demonstrated even more, but created things cannot hold the vastness of My eternal, uncreated love–for I did not create love like I created thingslove for you is WHO I AM!

My love for you will heal everything that hurts, both in yourself and in all the people you love.

You need only to receive; to open yourself up and allow Me to love you! And if you cannot do that, ask for My help to open your heart to Me; for I love you so much that I will overcome every barrier and obstacle to our love-relationship! If you need help receiving My love, just ask Me!

O my GREATLY beloved, you are the apple of My eye. I am obsessed with you, and I watch over you Myself every day. I do not only delegate your watchcare to My angels; they do My bidding, but I am personally looking out for you and watching over you! I am personally holding you inside My hands, and you can never be separated from Me!

I love you so much, My child. My love for you is stronger than any force on earth. It is the strongest force in Heaven. My love for you is all-consuming to Me; My love is fierce and I never stop loving you or comforting you or drawing you. You are My child, and I perfect all things that concern you.

I know you are concerned about many things, but concern yourself with only one thing today: My love remains

I am perfecting all things that concern you. I have heard your prayers, and I was on your side before you ever prayed. I know everything about you, and I love you with an everlasting love.

Please just let Me love you today. Abide in My love. Stay in My arms and receive from Me. Don’t wander off looking to solve things for yourself today; just focus on My love, and let Me do the rest.


Abba Father.”

Abba Father, thank You. Please help us all to receive Your love and abide in Your love today.

Beloved friend, if Father God spoke to your heart today through this word, please leave a comment below.


  1. Your ministry has helped me so much I’m going through a divorce and God knows it’s heart wrenching but I could not stay. I want to become a monthly giver I prayed about an amount and I need to sow into a ministry that has spoken to my very soul. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart.❤

    1. I don’t know how long ago this was posted or how I ever came across this website but I feel as if God is speaking to me.ive been through some stuff even divorce I never thought I would be .I’ve prayed and still believing God has good for me even prayed for healing in many areas of my life including my finances because I to was praying for a ministry to sow in.i don’t know who this woman is but He is definitely using her in my healing to are a blessing.

  2. Tiffany Thomas-Jones says:

    This was an on time WORD from Abba. Lord, God thank You for being LOVE.
    Thank you W.O.G for being the Lord’s Vessel.

  3. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

    A great message of CONFIRMATION to me for this new beautiful Sat(29/05) morning.
    I felt this message during my Quietl Time..about His Love for me through His Only Son Jesus Christ.A confirmation message to me as i seek Him and knocking on His Heart.
    Amen Sis Jamie.Your messages that you’ve shared has been the answer to all my prayers and obstacles that I am facing since i’ve known you.You are a greatfriend that God send over to those who knew you.

  4. I have been feeling God drawing me to him, yet I resist and I don’t know why. But this has gotten to me. His Live is stronger than anything I have ever known. I know he’s for me. I haven’t stopped believing in him. I just stopped doing. I want the Father’s Love to wash over me completely and change me, in so many ways! I need help with my walk with Him. I thank you for posting this, today. I really needed to see how much Father cares and loves me. In His grace, Kathy Buck

  5. linda harrison says:

    Thank you Heavenly Father for your love, I receive all u have me, thank you

  6. Thomas Swartz says:

    Hi Jamie
    Word on time thank you very much ,Thank you ABBA FATHER for loving me so much!!!

  7. jacqualine riddle says:

    Thank you Jamie i just sat down now in my secret place and prayed and told God i cannot take the situation in my house anymore even though my husband and i are divorced its just been to much its my bday and i spent it alone even though my 11 yr old is in the house i just dont know what to do anymore but the Lord sent me this right after i prayed thank you Abba Daddy

  8. very tender, just what I needed today. thank you Jamie, thank you Father!

  9. Maika Kamikamica says:

    Thank you for the word Jamie

  10. Elizabeth A Winfree says:

    I so needed to read/hear that… and I am asking Abba to help me receive His love. thank you

  11. Christina says:

    Encouraged, thank you!!

  12. Thank you. I felt God’s true love through His Son Jesus Christ, our Lord & Saviour. I yearning to have a personal intimacy relationship with You Lord, to experience your love and presence all the days of my life. To love You more & more my love. My ABBA father.

  13. Lisa Anthony says:

    I felt every word thank you for sharing thus was meant for me and many like me.😇🤗


  14. Sandra wood says:

    J am really so overwhelmed to know that God loves me so much even though I not much time for him.HIS name is always in my mind and on my lips.AMEN!

    THANK YIU God for loving means!

  15. Thank You, Abba-Father, for Your Words of Love Cascading over me like a Waterfall of Healing, and Watering my soul, body and spirit
    Thank you Beloved Jamie

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