Prophetic Word: A Hundred Times As Much

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Prophetic word with Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Have you been waiting on the Lord a long time? Are you seeking Him with all your heart? If so, this word is for you.

I heard the Lord say:

“I see your peace, and now I am giving you My joy and rest on top of it. For this is the day that I have made, and I am giving you the opportunity to receive directly from Me.

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    I am the fuel that you need for your fire. I am the water that you need for your soul. Everything you need is in Me, and I am pouring all I have, and all I Am, out on you this very day.

    For this is the season of your refreshment,” says the Lord.

    He continued:

    “In this new season, I am giving you a peace that passes understanding–for you have hidden yourself in Me and have not turned away when the going was rough. I have seen your faithfulness to Me, and I am honoring it. For I the Lord am a Rewarder, a Healer, and a Restorer–and I am putting My healing hand to work healing and restoring you for all you have suffered.

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    You have truly suffered for My cause, but I am giving all things into your hands that you have asked Me for–in time.

    All that you have suffered has not been in vain. For I the Lion of Judah am roaring with My restorative power over all you have lost, to bring you into new and better–into a new and better life with Me in your own land, and in your own territory. This is truly the day that I have created for your healing and restoration, and you shall have a hundred times as much as you ever had before.

    Do not worry if it takes Me a long time to do what I have promised you, for I am growing your shoulders wide enough to carry all that you desire. For My promises to you are “yes” and “amen,” but I will not give you anything before the time you are ready–for doing so would not be a blessing to you. And you are still laying a foundation in some ways; but, in other ways, you are ready for Me to build.

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    All Things New: How to Receive Heavenly Downloads for Your New Season

    The Way Forward: 10 Prayers for Your Journey Into the Promised Land

    17 Results of Wisdom In Your Life: Why Wisdom Is the Principal Thing

    I will do it all, in time.

    I do not want you to take thought for the morrow, but rather to keep your eyes on Me today. I need you to set your eyes, heart, and mind on Me, and on Me alone. And as you walk in obedience to Me, you will find that My grace will be sufficient for you.

    My grace is all you have, and My grace is enough. I am working in you and moving through you, and My power is yours–for My Spirit dwells within you.

    On this day, joy and refreshment shall be yours. I am adding these things to you all the time, and you will find that My wisdom is enough to keep you where I have placed you.

    Love, your Abba Father.”

    Beloved, is the Lord speaking to your heart today as you read this word? If so, leave a comment below!


    1. What a beautiful word!❤️

    2. Blessed be your name Jesus ❤️🙏🏼

    3. Emeline Wilson says:

      In God We Trust,
      And Him Alone, Always.
      AMEN 🙏

    4. Thank you Father God ♥️

    5. Patrella Wiggins says:

      Thank You Jesus, my expectations is from You

    6. Joanne Washington says:

      Thank you Lord for loving me so much. You know what I need when I need it. Jamie, thank you for obedience.

    7. Rochelle A. Hanna says:

      Amen and amen

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