Prophetic Word If Your Heart Feels Fractured

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webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Prophetic Word with Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comIn the Spirit, I saw a child resting on Father God’s lap. I saw this baby’s fractured heart, resulting in much pain.

But then I saw Father God cup His hand around His precious baby’s head, pulling the child into Himself; and I saw Father rocking His baby and saying, “It’s all right. I love you. I’m here.”

Then I heard the Lord say:

“I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

I know you feel lonely. I know you are starving for love and affection. I believe in you, though, My child. I believe you will continue to stand strong in Me, remaining in Me and in faith.

The trials of this world are temporary. The fleeting pains and even delights of this world are temporary. The eternal is what really matters, and you will be abiding in my love forever.

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    I know that so many people have let you down. You have never had people who loved you adequately, not really. All have been too wrapped up in themselves, and in their own struggles, to see My heart.

    But beloved, I want to tell you about My heart today.

    I want to tell you about the yearning in My heart for you. I wish for you to know that I think of you always. I am concerned for your welfare at all times. My thoughts are continually of you. YOU are top-most in My mind at all times.

    It’s true that humans could not do that; only one thing can be top-most on your mind at any given time. But I am not like you in that way. I am not limited. And when I say that you are top-most in My mind at all times, I mean it. I never stop thinking about you.

    I love you so much, My child. My heart yearns over you. And I know you needed to hear this today—that I am thinking of you. I knew you needed to hear that I am obsessed with you because of My love for you.

    My love for you is true and great. My passion for you is unmatched. My heart is to hold you and tuck you in at night; to wrap My arms around you as you sit on My lap like the little child you are during the day; and to kiss the top of your head as you snuggle up under My chin. I know you need to be loved like that, for you are desperately lonely; and I do love you like that.

    I wanted you to know that today.



    Thank You, Abba Father.

    Beloved, did this word speak to your heart today? If so, leave a comment below! I love hearing what Father is saying to you.


    1. thank you Jamie! this prophetic word resonates in my life today.

      1. Right on time. I told the lord I’ve been lonely and he answered.

        1. Rachel Price says:

          So beautiful . Just what I needed .

      2. Jamie, that was right on time for me today. Yesterday, I found out about an awful betrayal and my heart hurt so badly that I couldn’t even cry! Thank you this word from our father. It blessed me so.

        1. That was what I need to hear. Because I’m feeling alone and am looking for a mate and praying that will who I am seeing now

      3. Woman of God Jaime you know the answers ALL the time!
        It’s as if the Lord Father God told you what to say. Now I know the Lord is watching and hearing my prayers my desires He heard I am lonely and He comforted me through You giving me Faith. Oh my God my God how I am waiting waiting upon your time your plan for my lonely life. One day I will be blessed to meet you Jaime for I live in far away South Africa.

      4. Hi Jamie,
        This is a perfect word for me. I take care of my mother who has dementia. Because she abused me as a child she seems to try to do the having dementia. Yesterday it was really bad. I have never been loved by no one. Hard to believe but it’s true. My life is exactly as the Lord spoke through you. I just cried. Thank you so much for this word.

    2. Thank you for the word. Needed to hear it. xxx

    3. Nadia Slater says:

      Good morning 🌻 thank you for this word 🤗 thank you, I needed to know that God loves me like that.

    4. Bless you Pastor, this is a great assurance of Abba’s concern for me. Thank you Jesus, thank you Holy Spirit.

    5. Thank you Jamie . I needed to hear it just not sure of anything anymore. I pray so because I have been feeling and abandoned in so many ways and I’m tired and just want to give up because I don’t feel God’s love and mercy 😩🙏🏽. I been through so much and I’m tired 😓. There is so much pain and it has made me bitter. I tried not to let all I been through change me but it did and not in a good way it feels like. And I’m just tired. But I thank you for this because it sounds like music to ears but my heart is broken and it’s hard to even let Gods love in. I closed my heart 😓. I’m just being honest. But I pray if this was God speaking then Lord I thank you so much. And please forgive me . I just don’t feel I’m worthy of Gods love either.

      1. But this did speak to my heart. Thank you Jaime God bless

      2. Jennifer (Jamie)
        You couldn’t have spoken my heart in words any better. Too much pain bitterness and I never thought I would have a heart hardened by life, I thought I had a heart that could with stand anything with God, not true. I have never been so desperately lonely and have a awesome son whom I have hurt so deeply and a unsaved husband who doesn’t help matters. Too only believe this word…..
        God bless your ministry Jamie……


    6. Melanie Williams says:

      Good morning!Jamie I want to thank you for encouraging me everyday. Some time I would think is she in my home. But then I realize that’s how the Holy Spirit works. I speak blessing over your life and ministry.

      1. Thank You Father for this word, thank you Jamie for bringing. It’s as if you sat and listened to me silently pray (talk) to the Father but we are hundreds of miles apart.

    7. Martin Akpatsa says:

      Jamie, God bless. I am touched by your emphatic statement that “And when I, Jamie, say that you are top-most in My mind at all times, I mean it. I never stop thinking about you”
      God bless you. We will continue to live in His Presence.and under His Mercy.

    8. Thank you, as always, a blessing. For some reason I’m that point in my life that I don’t have friends, girlfriends to talk to, cry with, laugh with and at the same time, hold me accountable. It’s very painful and lonely. At times the enemy picks at me that God does not care. But I know that is a lie. God is Good and the fact that I’m breathing and moving and all needs met and even wants, is beyond measure of the Father’s love for me. I pray God will allow me to have friendships/sisterhood in my life. Be blessed ever Jaimie

    9. It really speaks to my heart and my current situation. I love You Lord God. 🥰
      Thank you for writing this Jamie. I really needed to hear this today. 💝

    10. Thank you Jamie! I was just talking to Papa God about this last night; that man lets us down ( just as I have let others down!) but He never, ever lets me down and I wanted His love to be the one I strive for because He is truly the only One I can always count on. So many of life’s problems come from expectations of our “ideal” and then we start to strive for those things. Papa God is our Ideal EVERYTHING and who we should be striving for. So timely!
      God Bless and I will be praying for you!

      In love,

    11. To God be the Glory! Thank you Father for your vessels you use daily to bring your heart in the earth! Jaime. Thank you for always speaking the heart of Abba Father to His children to encourage, support, nurture, and love like only He can.

      God Bless You!!!

    12. This was very emotional for me.. I started crying .. and just couldn’t stop….as I pictured myself sitting with the Father … and just crying while on His lap.. not saying a word because He already knows why……thank you for this.. ❤️ Very healing.

    13. I love you too Abba Father.

    14. I sorely needed this today. Thank you.
      The Spirit has told me that you’ve been struggling too, and that I need to continue holding you up in my heart and prayers. You are not alone in this season.

    15. Mary Myles says:

      Thanks Jamie,
      The encouraging word lifted my spirit. I just lost a brother. We talked everyday. My heart is broken now. I’m trusting The Lord for strength and peace for our family! Thanks for being a yielded vessel and walking in obedience to the Lord. May He grant you His peace on today! May His face shine on you and may He grant your hearts desire! God Bless you!

    16. Tears are falling from my eyes like a waterfall reading this message today. It is speaking exactly to what I have been crying out and saying to the Father. He spoke back to my feelings exactly from what I was speaking to him yesterday and this is still exactly what I am feeling. This feeling and the truth of this seems never ending. Thank you for this.

    17. Matshepo Seletswane says:

      Amen, I receive God’s love today. Thank you Jamie.


    18. Thank you for the word, it came right on time and just what I needed. It spoke to my soul. You are a blessing and God is using you to speak to my heart. I am so grateful to God. I thank God for you Jamie.

    19. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

      Praise God! Thank you Abba Father for letting me know how much You love me.It’s the 9th of Sept this morning and i will start another new working day with my head lifted high declaring that My God loves me as i am His child.Thank you Dad.

    20. Jamie its one year my husband has gone .If it has not been for Papa I don’t know how and what I would do .I am so lonely and as I was reading this word I began to weep and laugh at the same time. Thank you

    21. Rebecca Jones says:

      I used the imagery of being rocked to sleep to explain His rest and the sleep of the beloved.

    22. God bless you Jammie.❤

    23. Thank you Heavenly Father. God bless you Jamie

    24. Thank you Jamie for sharing this word. I am so very lonely my heart is so broken. I am watching as my mom is dying. I am an only child and my greatest fear has always been what happens when I become an orphan.
      I have 3 children but the stress of taking care of mom and navigating their own broken lives is driving a wedge between us. I fear when mom is gone they will abandon me too.
      I love this image of being on Abbas lap, my earliest memory is sitting on my dad lap hearing his heart beat and feeling so save and loved. I think of that when I imagine God holding me.
      Thanks for letting me know

    25. Maika Kamikamica says:

      Thank you for the word, It’s so comforting to know that God loves me

    26. Mamahlohonolo Peko says:

      It is such an amazing feeling to know that God loves me so, and that he thinks about me all the time. I thank and praise him always.

    27. Very tender and sweet!

    28. Thank you so much for the prophetic word, it has lifted up my spirit knowing that the Lord hears me and is comforting me daily is all i need.

    29. Lilian Chudey Pride says:

      Dear Janie,
      I thank God for your life and ministry. Yes, these words are especially for me. I have been very lonely for quite some time now even way before this lockdown. But hear these words from our Father today has really comforted me. I am still praying for my complete healing to happen. I know I have been healed, I have received my healing but I am still praying for the manifestation in my body. Thank you family of God as you pray for me.
      Your sister,

    30. Ms Jane Davidson says:

      Jamie, I am terribly lonely and dealing with betrayal and abandonment. I have reacted with anger and have trouble shaking it – anger has always been my first go-to emotion when my heart is broken or I am put into fear. Thank you so much for this prayer. The timing was perfect.

    31. Thank you so much for this Word
      I have been broken and seeking Heavenly Father for healing.. I feel that this Word is directed to me and has brought tears to my heart.. Please keep me in prayer.. I feel so abandoned in my time of need..

    32. True word. I have felt lonely abandoned, unworthy and unloved. Father left when I was little. Husband of 22 years betrayed me by committing adultery and leaving daughter and me. Did not realize how strong the enemy was in him and how he could lie cheat and manipulate people into believing he is a great guy that follows the Lord. How he is the one that has suffered. Have bitterness cause things are going well for him when he left me with burdens-sole care of daughter, financial burden, loss of home, and car issues. Lord please restore what enemy has taken away. Betrayed by daughter who believes lies of enemy instead of seeing who is there for her.
      Thank you Lord for mom and sister that are helping financially even though they don’t have much. Please financial miracle for them. Thank you to true friends. But Lord everyone has their own life and problems. So still feel alone. Lord🙏 please put the right people in my life that can help me. Please bring man that you chose for me and daughter into our lives soon. And please Lord let me feel your love. 🙏 For all that are suffering. Amen

    33. Thanks so much how much the Father cares about us! It means alot to me!! BLESSINGS!!

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