Prophetic Word: Walk By Faith, Not By Sight
1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons
“For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV).
Are you dreaming a big dream that you have no capacity in your own flesh to accomplish? If so, I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak this word for you today:
“I tell you now that I see your dream and will make it happen.”
Then He continued:
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“Your dream is bigger than you because I am bigger than you. A person can receive nothing unless it has been given to them from heaven, as I spoke through the prophet John the Baptist in John 3:27. And you cannot expect My God-sized dreams to be accomplish-able in your flesh.
I am with you to accomplish your dreams because your dreams are My dreams.
I have given you a task on this earth: the task of stewarding My dreams. These dreams came to you through a season of fasting and prayer, and they will only be accomplished through the same fasting and prayer.
I have ordained these dreams and have committed their stewardship to you, and you will not fail, for I am with you always–even unto the end of the world.
The dreams I have placed before you right now will change kingdoms and move mountains.
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Everything you see was created by the spoken word.
And with your words, you can still speak those things that are not as if they already were (Romans 4:17)!
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You have no resources to even access these kingdoms on your own, but I have all the resources in the world. The cattle on a thousand hills are Mine; do you not know that? Everything in the world belongs to Me, and I am with you always to keep you.
Great mountains are moving right now by your faith.
You must walk by faith, not by sight, for that is the only way you can walk. You are a child of faith; you are a believing believer. And I am moving mountains and casting them out from before you, even when you cannot see it yet.
Even the littlest bit of faith is making a big difference right now. You do not see all the progress you have made, but I see it. And because you do not see it yet, you are tempted to be discouraged–like nothing is happening at all.
But the words that you speak have power.
And as you call the things into existence that I have ordained for the earth–those things I have given you to dream about and work toward–I am coming up under your “preaching to your problem” and I am confirming your words with signs, wonders, and miracles.
Even when you cannot see it yet, I am still working behind the scenes; for I do My most fearful work when no one knows about it. That is how I avoid letting people’s doubt and unbelief corrupt the fruit of your faith, or discourage you in any way.
You walk by faith, not by sight–and your faith is becoming sight; I promise you that.
Keep My Word in your sights at all times. Zero in with laser-like precision on what My Word says, so that you can drown out all the voices of doubt and unbelief that are around you.
My Word is a balm to your soul in these trying times, for your faith will be tested even more than it already is. In this world you will have tribulation, but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
You walk by faith, not by sight.
Want to learn more about what Jesus purchased for you with His precious blood?
In Crimson Flood: How to Plead the Crucifixion of Jesus in Legal Prayer, Jamie teaches you how to present the blood of Jesus to God as your evidence for why you should receive ALL of His manifest promises.
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You are doing this and have been doing this. You are doing a good job, but more faith will be required on an ongoing basis as we proceed together into the season in which your faith becomes sight. Nevertheless, as long as you keep your eyes on Me, remembering that I am the Author and Finisher of your faith, your faith will be perfected.
When does faith finish?
It finishes and is perfected when the thing for which you are believing becomes seen in the natural realm. As I wrote in Romans 8:24-25:
‘For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope; for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance‘ (Romans 8:24-25 NKJV).
The same way you hope for what you do not see, you also believe Me in faith for what you do not see. But, when you do see it come into manifestation in the natural world, you no longer have to believe for it; it is here.
So you should take joy in knowing that I call myself the Finisher of your faith.
When your faith becomes finished, it can only be finished because you have received the thing for which you were believing. So it follows that I am the One who brings the things for which you are believing into FULL fruition.
Take comfort in knowing that I am He who does all things well.
As you walk by faith and not by sight, I am with you to keep you on the narrow road of faith. And I am with you to do all things with excellence; to answer the fullness of your faith with My works–not just part of it.
You can have the whole thing, and you can have it finished. Believe Me for all of it, without any portion missing. And together, we will accomplish a greater work than Jesus did on the earth. He paved the way with His blood and His love, but now we are really going to move mountains together.
I love you, My child. I love your faith and your works. Keep believing in Me, and greater works than these shall we do together.
I say it again: Walk by faith, not by sight!”
Beloved, is this word for you today? If so, sow a seed of faith to the Lord here, and leave a comment below, publicly declaring your faith in God!
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I receive it in Jesus name Amen
I decided to go to your website this morning to reprint a prophetic word that a woman emailed to me; a portion of the message was cut off at the top of the page. The Lord had her cross my path very briefly. She was spiritually gifted! The message was dated July 7, 2019 – Prophetic Word: I Am Lifting You Onto a Superhighway. That prophetic word came true on 2/22/22 at 2:00 PM EST.
I couldn’t hear the voice of the Lord and needed a word of knowledge to guide me. When I immediately saw this mornings message it gave me peace of mind knowing He has been hearing me. It gave me confirmation that I’m on track and to stay the course in trusting our Lord. He is working behind the scenes and to stay the course in trusting Him. I kept telling Him “I can’t see, I can’t see Lord”; low and be hold your message today was spot on for me.
THANK YOU!!!! :o)
Wow, such confirmation. Thank you Father God Almighty. You are so good. Hallelujah!
Amen I believe In Jesus Mighty name
What a blessed assurance . For me what stood out and affirmed my season was “Even when you cannot see it yet, I am still working behind the scenes; for I do My most fearful work when no one knows about it. That is how I avoid letting people’s doubt and unbelief corrupt the fruit of your faith, or discourage you in any way.”
I received a prophetic word from the Lord during worship time at our local church back in March and I heard Him say “I’m working on it”
With delays and detours in my recently launched business, I receive this confirmation that greater work is being done behind the scenes on my behalf ,thank you Holy Spirit for a divine word.
Thank you sister Jamie for your obedience to our Father.
I say “yes” and “amen” I walk by faith, no longer by sight. Lord, you are the author of my faith, give me an extra amount of faith. That is the only way I can start serving you in this hostile place. Let s move mountains to glorify Your Name!!!
Amen and Amen
A clear and comforting work. Thank you pastor
Thank you for the word this morning. It ministered to me. 🙏🏾
AMEN 13.12.23 God is Good
I believe in the promises of the word of the Lord of Hosts,
He is not man that He should lie. I will continue to have faith
for dreams HE has placed in my heart for it is His dreams and
prophesied over my life, confirmed in spoken word, actual
vivid dream and scripture ISAIAH 45:1-3:
This is what the LORD says: “I will go before you, Cyrus (Earl), and level the mountains. I will smash down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. And I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness— secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel (my life and destiny), the one who calls you by name. Amen