When Your Body Physically Cries Out For God

1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons

The otWhen-Your-Body-Physically-Cries-Out-For-Godher day, I experienced a phenomena in God that I am not sure I have ever experienced before … but it’s definitely one I want to experience again.

I had just left my office and was walking across my parking garage, as innocent as you please. (Read: Perfectly normal situation.) I had been listening to worship music all afternoon as I worked, just enjoying the Lord. But at that exact moment, I was simply walking to my car.

And all of a sudden, this HUGE longing for God hit me like a freight train.

When it did, I suddenly started crying out to God (silently) for more of Him … just to be closer. And unwillingly, without meaning to, I began to gasp for breath.

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    Literally, it felt like I was trying to breathe in more of God. It was almost like I was sobbing and crying—but I wasn’t crying.

    I was just desperate. Desperate for God. All of a sudden.

    And I was reminded of these verses:

    Start-quoteAs the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God?” (Psalm 42:1-2).


    “How lovely is Your tabernacle, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, yes, even faints for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God” (Psalm 84:1-2).

    Have you ever stopped to think about what it would be like to have your physical body cry out for God?

    Related: 21 Days to the Manifest Presence of God (free series)

    I wonder how the Psalmists felt that inspired them to say that their heart and flesh cried out for the living God?

    I am not sure I had ever experienced this before, but I think I caught the tiniest glimpse of that kind of hunger that day.

    What if we were all like that, all the time? What if we were so hungry for God that our heart and flesh literally cried out for Him all day, every day?

    I want to desire God like that:

    • I want to be so hungry for God that my very fingernails, my hair, my skin, and my lungs are continually just crying out for God.
    • I want every fibre of my being to resonate with Jesus Christ.
    • I want every strand of my DNA to vibrate to the frequency of God’s Word.

    I want to be like that deer, panting for the water brooks. I want to be so hungry for God that my desire for Him surpasses my desire for everything else, at ANY moment in time.

    I want to be so saturated with the Holy Spirit—so hidden in the secret place of the Most High–that my actual heart and flesh continually cry out for God.

    Don’t you?

    So how do we get to the place where our very heart and flesh cry out for the living God?

    God Himself gives us the answer in Jeremiah 29:13:

    Start-quoteAnd you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

    How do we get to that incredible place of intimacy with God? Intimacy beyond our wildest dreams? Simple: we seek Him. We seek Him. We seek Him. And having found Him, we continue to seek Him.

    It’s a holy paradox—one that will never grow old for all eternity. A divinely-ordained game of hide-and-seek, in which the Object of our affections is hiding in plain sight.

    I want to seek Him and love Him so much that my very heart and flesh cry out for the living God.

    Don’t you?

    Do you want your very flesh to cry out for Jesus? Does this message resonate with you? If so, leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!


    1. Donna Brooks says:

      I was praying for this. I asked God to help me to see the answers to my prayers. God is so beautiful and faithful to each of His church. I feel encouraged, as I am sure all who have been praying this are. ?

    2. Am glad I came across this post because I was wondering just today how to explain how my body feels the way it does usually in times of intimate worship. In times when I cry out to God to show me His heart. I usually feel like the more i breathe in the more i need, the more my body feels the touch the more it wants to be touched.
      Thank you so much.

    3. Christina says:

      What a wonderful peace of literature, no doubt from someone who personally longs for the Lord’s heart. God bless you and all your endeavors.
      1 Samuel 16:7 …..the Lord looks at the heart.

    4. James Harris says:

      Oh what a feeling! To cry out for the LIVING GOD and your whole being is overwhelmed with an exuberant joy and peace and calm and longing.
      This is the feeling that the worshipper experience as HE OR she gets very close and intimately personal with our ABBA. To become as I say, “spiritually naked”, where nothing else really matters! All I WANT IS YOU LORD!
      Once we have experienced this moment it is something that we will ever long for. And more of!
      Psalm 84is where I find this place. When I am intimate with God, there always arises a song inside of me. This is that song that comes from that place:

      My morning worship song. Psalm 84

      MY soul cries out, for the living God.
      My soul cries out, for the living God. My soul cries out, for the living God. My soul cries out, for the TRUE and the LIVING GOD!

      HE is my rock. He’s the living God.
      HE is my rock. He’s the living God.
      HE IS my rock. He’s the living God.
      He is my rock. He’s the TRUE and the LIVING GOD!

      I place my trust, on the living God.
      I place my trust, on the living God.
      I place my trust, on the living God.
      I place my trust, on the TRUE and the LIVING God!

      For I long to be, in your dwelling place. To be with you, where I am safe.
      In your house I will come, to give you praise. In your presence I will seek your face.
      For you oh Lord, are my source of strength.
      As I come to you, and there will I drink.

      ‘Cause better is one day in your courts!
      BETTER is one day in your tents!
      BETTER is one day in your courts,
      Than thousands elsewhere!

      And my soul cries out, for the living God.
      My soul cries out, for the living God.
      My soul cries out, for the living God.
      My soul cries out, for the TRUE and the LIVING GOD!

    5. I felt this one day when mowing the lawn, similarly listening to some worship music, then my heart was set on fire.
      I needed God.
      Soon, my eyes welled with tears, not with tears of sorrow but a outburst of spiritual longing for my God. I don’t speak Hebrew or any similar Godly dilect but I was calling out to YAWEH, my eyes were full of tears, my mind was sobered of any painful thoughts, my only desire was for him, Adonai.
      All of a sudden my arms jerked backward (whilst still holding the zero turn lawn mowers handle bars) stopping the nover dead in its tracks. Rightfully so, because my gaze was up at the sky, searching out the heacens and seeking, so to speak, my God. In front of the mower stood a decent amount of sizeable rocks that would send the mower to the repair shop (our front patio xD) in no time. A verse came to mind then;
      Psalm 91:11-12
      11 For He shall give His angels charge over you,
      To keep you in all your ways.
      12 In their hands they shall bear you up,
      Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
      God truely is great.
      Our father is better than any word could ever express.

    6. So I within these last few months have been experiencing what I thing may be intense longing, even pining for God. It’s painful sometimes because I feel that I also stems from the fact that I know yes so good, too good for me and I’m just dust. It hurts because I know my choices also hurt his feelings. I don’t want to hurt anyone especially him. But I crave him so bad that recently I’ve been getting sick, losing sleep, just constantly begging him to stay. I have had severe tremors. I try to stay private about it because I don’t look for pity or attention. I struggle with anxiety. I will ask here for prayer about this because I know some of it stems from PTSD as I had abusive parents and I’m not used to having a loving Father, or as I like to call him “Dad”, in my life. I just pray that this intense longing is Godly. Spiritual attacks has been constantly telling me I’m not enough for him to want, which only strengthens my cravings for him but it’s becoming scarring in ways. I just want him, not the golden streets, not the hills if cattle, not the mansions, I want a Dad. Something I’ve never got to have. So pray for me please. Amen.

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