3 Urgent Prophetic Bulletins for December 2021

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1

Beloved, these are 3 simple but urgent prophetic bulletins that you need to know right now:

1. I sense in my spirit that there has never been a more important time for extended fasting than now.

Fasting still brings atomic power with God. If God is leading you to fast again and again, don’t think you’re mis-hearing. You’re in sync with God’s heart.

TIP: Read Franklin Hall’s book Atomic Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer, 1946, and consider his material with the Lord and your doctor. This book was responsible for the fasting and prayer movement in the 1940s that resulted in:

– The Healing/Tent Revivals (E.G. Oral Roberts, R.W. Schambach, others);
– The releasing of Billy Graham into the fullness of his ministry;
– The Latter Rain Outpouring in 🇨🇦Canada;
– The re-creation of Israel 🇮🇱 as a national state; and more.

Atomic Power With God Through Fasting and Prayer is a book we should all read. You can find it on Amazon or other places online.

2. It’s time to go after God’s heart.

I hope to release a specific prayer for this shortly, but begin praying on your own. Plead with the Father to give you His heart for every person and situation around you.

It is possible to be so one with Jesus—to live SO out of the place that His life is the only life in you—that there is no gap or lag between seeing or hearing or perceiving a situation and being able to respond immediately with God’s heart.

If you are truly crucified with Christ and you no longer live, and Jesus Christ now lives in you, then the only heart alive in you is Jesus’ heart anyway. Plead with the Father to help you live that truth every moment of every day.

We have to ALL get to that place of total manifestation of Christ. Father, help us.

3. You’ve got to go after “it.”

Whatever the “it” is that God has placed before you as a possibility, you have the choice to go after it or be indifferent. If you do not pursue, you will not receive. GO AFTER IT!

O beloved, press into God more than ever before. Refuse to be satisfied with anything less than the full manifestation of Himself in your life, and with the full fulfillment of everything He has promised you—and quickly. Refuse to settle or back down.

Now is the time for MIRACLES!



  1. Jamie, God bless you. Thank you for your encouragement!!

  2. linda harrison says:

    Yes, yes & yes, Miracles, Miracles, Miracles, Praise the Lord

  3. Jamie servant of the most High God, you truly touch my life and on prayer and fasting I pray to God to give me sufficient grace to do it because whenever am ready to do it, I get some hindrance. Pray for me.
    God bless you.
    Sincerely in Christ,
    Nairobi, Kenya

  4. Jonathan B. says:

    These words come alive in me as I drink the words in! Sometimes I read and reread paragraphs before I finish. My mind and body both feel stronger as time goes by, and I feel drawn into a newer and deeper relationship and to stay engaged with His word believing what is left of the old man is being expunged.

    I truly am looking forward to each new day!

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