Caught In the Act of Adultery! But GOD …

Keys To Supernatural Favor by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comTorn from the arms of her lover, SHE knew her game was up. She lived in a country where adultery was considered one of the worst crimes. It was death for her.

Seated in his tax office, HE knew he was caught in a trap. He had been embezzling money for years. Swindling and cheating was his way of life. He wanted out–he knew what he did was wrong–but how, oh how could he escape? He was in the employ of the enemy.

A foreign refugee in a family-oriented, tribal society, SHE had little hope of finding shelter or a family herself. She was broken and helpless.

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    And another SHE had just committed the original sin. She suddenly felt naked and alone. Her bliss was gone and she was afraid … because here came Father. What, oh what, would she do? Surely punishment was near.

    But what did Father do in each situation? He kissed each child with His favor and redeemed each life into His eternal purpose.

    The woman caught in the very act of adultery was thrown at the feet of Jesus. And what did Jesus do? His words chased away all her captors … then He said, “Neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more” (John 8:11).

    Jesus walked by the office of Levi Matthew, the tax collector, and heard Father tell Him that Matthew the sinner was going to be Matthew the apostle. So Jesus said to Matthew, “Follow Me,” and Matthew got up, left everything, and followed Jesus (Luke 5:27-28). And within less than four years, He turned that former sinner into a different man and placed him in the highest role (the apostleship) in His Church.

    What about Ruth? Ruth may have been broken and helpless, but Father took her under His wing. He kissed her life with His favor, gave her a husband (a rich one!), a son, a home, and used her to birth the Jewish royal line. God’s favor so redeemed Ruth’s life that this lowly, broken widow actually became the maternal great (times a whole bunch of greats) grandmother of Jesus Christ.

    And Eve, the daughter of God, formed with His own two hands? Instead of condemning her, He condemned the serpent who beguiled her. He covered and clothed Eve again and gave her a promise of a Redeemer. A loving Father gave Eve mercy and favor.

    Why did all this happen?

    Because God’s mercy and favor can lift you in one moment from a poor, broken shell of a person into your eternal destiny. One moment is all it takes for God to move you from pauper to palace.

    And THAT is why I taught the Keys to Supernatural Favor workshop that I am launching this week. Because our Daddy God WANTS to lift you up out of your current place, give you favor, and elevate you.

    It’s time to stop being satisfied with the crumbs from Father’s table. He is an abundant God, more than enough, All-Sufficient, God who sees and sees to it. And He is your Father.

    But if you don’t know how favor works, and if you don’t know how to protect your favor and how to harvest more favor, then you’re handicapped on your journey.

    In Hosea 4:6, God says that His people are destroyed for lack of KNOWLEDGE. You can have favor in Christ–and you do–but if you have no KNOWLEDGE of this truth, and if you don’t understand how to use it in your life, then the truth doesn’t do you a bit of good.

    You need knowledge. But you don’t have to go out and try to get it from scratch. This is why I have spent dozens of hours putting together the Supernatural Favor resource and study packs that I am offering to you this week …

    … at a very steep discount, I might add. 🙂

    The Supernatural Favor launch sale on all these resource packs runs through tomorrow night (Thursday, December 3).

    Through tomorrow, you can get:

    1. The Supernatural Favor & Intimacy with God Superpack ($56 value, on sale for only $35 this week);
    2. The Supernatural Favor Advanced Study Pack ($35 value, on sale for only $22 this week); and
    3. The Keys to Supernatural Favor live workshop MP3s with audio Father’s Blessing ($23 value, on sale for only $18 this week).

    Here’s what’s included in each study pack:

    The Supernatural Favor & Intimacy with God Superpack ($35) (most popular so far):

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    This power-packed bundle contains it all. When you purchase the Superpack, you’ll receive:Keys To Supernatural Favor by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

    1. The audio MP3s from all four teaching sessions from my live Keys to Supernatural Favor workshop ($20 value):

    Session 1: Understanding the Force of Favor (46 minutes)
    Session 2: Harnessing the Flow of Favor (38 minutes)
    Session 3: Becoming a Funnel of Favor (39 minutes)
    Session 4: The Favor of Intimacy with God (36 minutes)The-Fathers-Blessing-300x300

    2. PLUS my never-before-released Father’s Blessing MP3, an 11-minute recording in which I prophetically speak the Father’s blessing over you, accompanied by soft solo piano. This goes along with session 2 of the workshop ($3 value);

    3. PLUS my never-before-released teaching on “Jesus, the Living Sacrifice” (29.5 minutes about the mission of Jesus to reveal God as Father)($4 value). This message is from my newest sermon series (also not yet released), entitled THE JESUS LIFE: A Magnificent Obsession with the Son of God.Jesus-the-Living-Sacrifice-300x300

    4. PLUS a downloadable, PDF copy of my brand-new Bible study, “Ruth: A Study of Favor, Redemption, and Restoration.” This practical, engaging study focuses on how God used the honor-favor-blessing cycle in the book of Ruth to redeem and restore His children–and how He’ll redeem your story too ($15 value);

    5. PLUS two bonus MP3 tracks of model prayers set to music that you can play and lift up to God in agreement for yourself. I haven’t released my Heart of David model prayer project yet, so this resource pack is the only place you can get these. One prayer is for Ruth-front-cover-smallintimacy with God and the other is for your relationships with other people ($2 value);

    6. PLUS three bonus clips of worship and prayer from the workshop (see note below), which are available for a limited time only;

    7. PLUS, to top it all off, I’m including my 3-session MP3 set of my series “The Ministry of the Intercessor” in this set ($12 value):


    Session 1: The Call of Intercession
    Session 2: The Challenge of Intercession
    Session 3: The Cost and Crown of Intercession

    I am including the intercession workshop with this bundle because you’ll never be closer to God than when you’re interceding for someone else. EVERY believer is called to intercede, and these teachings will give you the tools you need to either start interceding or take your intercession to the next level.

    This radical pack of resources is valued at $56, but I’m offering it for this launch week for only $35.

    The teaching MP3s from Supernatural Favor contain the teaching and some of the ministry/prophetic words from each session. Worship and MP3s from sessions 1-3 (over 29 minutes of worship combined) are broken out into separate MP3s, but are also included with all three bundles as bonus tracks. Note: We had some sound issues with the bass ranges during some of the worship, so all of the worship is not included; and the clips I have included here may not always be available. But I included it here because the worship is still beautiful, and you can still feel the raw power of the worship and prayer before each session.**

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    Then, the Supernatural Favor Advanced Study Pack ($22) contains:

    1. The audio MP3s from all four teaching sessions from the live Keys to Supernatural Favor workshop ($20 value);
    2. The Father’s Blessing MP3;
    3. PLUS a downloadable, PDF copy of my new Bible study, “Ruth: A Study of Favor, Redemption, and Restoration;” and
    4. PLUS three bonus clips of worship and prayer from the workshop (see note below), which are available for a limited time only.

    This awesome pack of resources for self-study is valued at $35, but I’m offering it for this launch week for only $22.

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    And the Keys to Supernatural Favor live workshop MP3s + Father’s Blessing set ($18) contains:

    1. The audio MP3s from all four teaching sessions from the live Keys to Supernatural Favor workshop ($20 value);
    2. The Father’s Blessing MP3;
    3. PLUS three bonus clips of worship and prayer from the workshop (see note below), which are available for a limited time only.

    This powerful workshop is valued at $23, but I’m offering it for this launch week for only $18.

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    You need knowledge and understanding about how God’s favor works. So don’t wait! Get your Supernatural Favor study bundle now!


    *From my newest sermon series, not yet released, entitled THE JESUS LIFE: A Magnificent Obsession with the Son of God.

    **Live worship was provided by Kara Green, and all songs are copyright Kara Green and used by permission.


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