Do THIS to Heal from the Vacuum of Lack
I was praying over our personal and ministry finances recently when I realized that a little somethin’-somethin’ was just off. The “off” thing was that I could feel a deep, inner anxiety that abundance would not happen to me.
I was praying in faith, but I could sense that my faith was flowing one direction (in accordance with God’s Word about abundance and provision–yet this feeling in my gut was going the other direction. It’s very hard to describe what it felt like, but my awareness of things plus my spirit just weren’t united in my prayer of faith.
I was having to overcome this gut-level sensation of anxiety with faith.
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It’s good that I was overcoming it. However, I didn’t want that anxiety to be there at all. I didn’t want to be conscious of lack in any part of my experience. I just want to be so aware of Father, and so caught up in His river of truth, provision, and everything else, that THAT is my entire reality. That HE is my entire reality.
As soon as I recognized this disconnect, I realized also that it didn’t line up with God’s Word.
I know the Scriptures about Father’s provision. I live by them, believe them, pray them, claim them, and teach them. There’s nothing in me that doesn’t operate in faith, and we have always had every need provided for–on time!
However, I still felt this weird sensation of anxiety. I am not even sure that “anxiety” is the right word for it, but it’s the best I can describe it right now.
It felt like a vacuum of lack.
It felt like, no matter how strong my faith was, I was still battling this deep hole of lack. It felt like LACK was a vacuum that sucked my provision, confidence for that provision, peace of mind, and joy into it.
And I knew that was wrong.
Even though I was overcoming this vacuum of lack with faith, I knew my heart and spirit should be totally united with the Lord’s Word in every way.
So I asked the Lord what to do about it. How do you heal a vacuum of lack?
Immediately, He showed me. (He’s so kind that way, isn’t He?) Here’s what He showed me:
When I was very young, someone showed me–in other words, they taught me by experience through the way they lived–that there was no abundance. They “taught” me, in an unholy way:
- That lack was real;
- That I would be in want;
- That I would not have enough;
- That I was not wealthy;
- That Father God would not provide richly;
- That I had to just scrape by.
I learned these lies when I was very young, and those lies created a vacuum in me.
When I asked Father God to show me how to heal the vacuum of lack in my gut, this is what He said:
“Forgive the person who taught you there is no abundance. Forgive the person who taught you to lack and be in want.”
This made total sense to me right away.
I have learned through inner-healing and deliverance training and ministry that failure to forgive causes cycles to be perpetuated. In other words, whenever you have a negative experience, if you don’t forgive the person who caused that experience, then you will see that experience perpetuated in your life. That experience becomes your reality, and you will see the cycle happen over and over until it’s forgiven.
In my case, I’ve forgiven the people who taught me to be in want over and over–but I had never thought to forgive them specifically for teaching me that there is no abundance. I had never forgiven them for teaching me to be in lack. It simply never crossed my mind.
So I prayed like this:
“Father God, I choose to forgive (name of person) for teaching me the lie that there is no abundance.
I forgive them for teaching me to live in lack. I forgive them for teaching me the lie that I will live in lack. I choose to forgive them for teaching me the lie that lack is going to be my reality. I choose to forgive them for teaching me the lie that You will not provide.
Father God, Your Word says that You are an abundant God and that You will ALWAYS provide for me richly. There is no lack with You. I am in Your river of provision, and I have all I need today–abundantly and richly.
So thank You, Father God. I receive Your truth. Thank You that I am in Your abundance. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit where those lies were, and heal the people who taught me those lies also. Forgive them, Lord, and fill them with Your Spirit.
Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Immediately, I felt a peace and the vacuum of lack closed up.
It was like I suddenly sat down into a huge pile of red rose petals and was totally immersed in richness, beauty, and perfume. Holy Spirit filled me with His comfort. Abundance suddenly sat well on me. I could feel that I was no longer having to pull my soul with my faith. My soul simply received Father God’s abundance and accepted it sweetly, like a child receives milk from his mother.
Suddenly, abundance felt easy. I could just receive.
It was a big deal, and I can still feel the difference.
What about you? Do you also sense an inner vacuum of lack that battles against your faith?
If you do, who taught you to lack?
It could have been any number of people, but you will probably know immediately. Holy Spirit will show you if you ask Him. Look as far back as you need to in your life; our foundations are built early.
Whoever the FIRST person was who taught you to lack, that’s who you need to forgive.
The first time you experience something is where your reality forms (until/unless that negative reality is forgiven and thereby healed by Jesus). So the first person who taught you the lie that there is no abundance is the person about whom you need to pray.
Related: Watch my two videos about Finding Deep Soul Healing 101 and Finding Deep Soul Healing 102 for more about breaking negative cycles.
Have you identified the person? Is it:
- A parent?
- A grandparent?
- A friend?
- A preacher?
- A teacher?
As soon as you realize where you learned the lie that there is no abundance, pray through to forgive them.
Pray like this to heal the vacuum of lack in your soul:
“Father God, I choose to forgive (name of person) for teaching me the lie that there is no abundance. I forgive them for teaching me to live in lack. I forgive them for teaching me the lie that I will live in lack; that I will not have what I need.
Father, I choose to forgive _____ for teaching me the lie that You come through for everybody else, but you will not come through for me. I choose to forgive them for teaching me the lie that lack is going to be my reality.
Father God, I choose to forgive them for teaching me the lie that You will not provide. I choose to forgive them for teaching me the lie that other people are going to be rich, but we are not and I am not.
Father, in Jesus’ name, I choose to forgive ______.
I choose to release it, let it go, and give up all resentment. I reject the lies that they taught me, and I repent for harboring bitterness, unforgiveness, hatred, and even a spirit of murder toward them.
I repent also for believing their lies, and for allowing any foundation to be formed in me that is not in agreement with Your truth and Your Word. Please forgive me and fill me with Your Spirit where those things were.
Father God, Your Word says that You are an abundant God and that You will ALWAYS provide for me richly.
I receive Your truth in place of the lies that this person taught me. I do not receive their lies anymore. I will not live with them; I live in Your truth instead. Your truth is my reality, and it’s what I walk in and experience every day.
Father, in Jesus’ name, I renounce all agreement with all lies this person taught me. I command those lying spirits and the spirits of poverty and lack, doubt and unbelief, and every other evil thing to leave me in Jesus’ name.
Abba Father, there is no lack with You. I am in Your river of provision, and I have all I need today–abundantly and richly.
So thank You, Father God. I receive Your truth. I am in Your abundance. Thank You, Father. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit where those lies were, and forgive and heal the people who taught me those lies also. Fill them with Your Spirit and bring them to repentance also.
Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
Jesus said that we must forgive from our heart if we are also to be forgiven. Be sure you pray this prayer and forgive from your heart accordingly.
Beloved, you do not have to live with a vacuum of lack that drains your faith and provision.
If you have no revelation about provision, pray this prayer but also study into God’s truth in His Word about this. This nugget in today’s blog post alone will not heal you from poverty or lack. (If that’s you, get my video teaching about Getting Free from the Spirit of Poverty. It’s essential if you want to journey OUT of poverty and lack.)
But, if you have already gotten revelation about God’s provision but still struggle with anxiety in this area, this prayer will very well help you.
Did someone teach you when you were young that there is no abundance?
If so, kick that lie to the curb today. Forgive the person who taught you the lies, and receive Holy Spirit’s comfort, truth, and infilling, providing Presence in that place.
Did this word and prayer resonate with you today? If so, please leave a comment below!
Thank you for this timely word Jamie. I was taught lack from birth. This was a revelation word for me. God bless you.
thank you so very much for this because I have been living the lie for years I have been taught this and yes I thought this and I felt that this vacuum is in me no matter what I do or how hard I try I never have enough I never can get enough I’m always struggling and I’ve been struggling for years and so when I read this and I said Jesus this is for me because I feel it in my spirit and I read it and then I prayed the prayer and I’m going to keep praying this prayer that I don’t feel that feeling anymore and I am starting today when I pray the prayer to forgive them taught me this and was several people that taught me this even a friend and I thank God for you I thank you I thank you so very much keep doing what you doing because You are light that’s leading me out the darkness.
Dear Jamie,
Thanks you for this prayer, as I am struggling through my financial crisis. This is truly the prayer that speaks to my Spirit. Thanks Abba Father for this guidance.
God Bless You
Wow Jamie what a blessing I prayed that prayer thinking only 2 people hurt me but the Holy Spirit revealed to me about 2 dozen people I needed to release and forgive for teaching me about lack.I feel so free now and joyful and peace thank you God bless you so much for that amazing word from God.
What a on time word for me, I have struggled with this for a long time, it helped me greatly to pray and forgive to be lined up right with the word.
Thank you so much!!!!
This pray had words which took me back forty-five years in my past. It only takes a spark to start a fire and that is what this prayer did for me. It is important to encourage one another and most of all forgive and close that door right in the face of the devil. I will continue praying this prayer asking the Holy Spirit to reveal to me anyone that I have not forgiven. God is good all the time!
Peace & Blessing too all,
This is exactly what God is working on with me right now so thank you for confirming this for me. You have richly blessed me this morning..
Blessings, Janell
Excellent teaching, I can see other practical applications in areas other than lack. Thank you for sharing
Thank you Jamie for making what I have been experiencing for the past month or so. This is indeed a timely word and I immediately felt relief after praying the model prayer you provided.
I recall a story about a grandmother who gave her granddaughter some homemade jam and wrapped it up nicely for her to take as a Christmas gift to school. The little girl was happy but her mother asked why she did it. The grandmother replied she didn’t want her to know she as poor or she always would be. Wisdom in a story I haven’t forgotten. I agree forgive, they didn’t know. Thanks, Jaime.
God has been talking to me about this also so it was a good thing to wake up and read. I am breaking this stronghold over my life but I am finding it very difficult to realise just how much this stronghold has robbed me of gifts that Father God has for me and that I did not receive. The people who taught me lack taught me that any finance must come through them and on their terms. I am praying for restoration and that the enemy must repay with compensation everything that has been stolen.
God bless you Jaime. My dad initially was not born again he squandered what he made. He became born again he was a tither and generous giver and God honored his giving big time ! My mom was not a tither and her financial priorities were always out of order..we suffered from lack and poverty not because monies were not there but because of the lack of knowledge. God bless you for your obedience and this timely Word! My plans very soon will order your complete library of books and use them to teach others and treasure them for my children and generation.
Thanks Jamie. Mine experience has to do with my health. I am going through certain issues, beleiving God for devine healing and health. I have faith in God yet I am anxious and get worried easily. After reading this post, i am encouraged and I will overcome this anxiety in Jesus name. God bless you
Awesome !!!
This is not only for lack of provision but also for lack of the love and acceptance in a family or relationship and the lies taught therein!
Hi Jamie thank u for this prayer could u please tell me how I can not feel alone after a divorce so bored and feel sometimes there is nothing left don’t have a job so need some answers older as well thank u for ur encouragement lack has been a issue for quite sometime especially after divorce
Jamie this was me growing up most definitely ? and when we believe lies we tend to pass them down to our children. But today is the day of breakthrough! Praise God!
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ. 2Co 10:5
Abbas father I thank you for your Revelation that you’re an abundant God and I have all I need today and henceforth..thank you Lord and I thank you Jamie for the nice message about our provider who is still in the throne and He’s very ready to bless us superabanduntly, again thank you!
Misprint…should be Abba father, not Abbas father,sorry!
I thank God for you Jamie,your testimony was a revelation to my own experience and I received my healing!
I’m not sure when you uploaded this. But i just came across it again on Pinterest. It’s timely for me.
My husband was raised in what can be called a false religion. A eligion that shamed him. It also taught him to put a few dollars in the offering and that was fine. He steadfastly refuses to tithe and gives me problems when I do so with my money.
I do struggle not to resent him. He has the right to believe whatever he wants. But it affects me dearly.. Frankly, I’m tired of healing about what we can’t afford rather than about the goodness of God. I feel as if we can’t even get things that we really need because he stands in the way of it.
I could use your prayers, I’d certainly pray for your log cabin center. I stand in faith for a cabin in the woods. I found one for saleon line that has almost 17ac. I could dance in my woods, praising God at the top of my lungs without disturbing the neighbors! Would I even have neighbors?
God bless you and your husband, Jaime.
Hi Thank you for sharing this! I definitely know I struggle with this! I want to watch the “video teaching about Getting Free from the Spirit of Poverty” but when I click on it it takes me somewhere else, can you help me with that? 🙂
Hi Syrena! It takes you to our Gumroad store, which is where you would purchase the video class about Getting Free from the Spirit of Poverty. Hope this helps! Blessings,
Thank you Jamie, this post was for me. I have lived with a deep feeling of lack and inadequacy. No matter how hard I try I always feel like I am not enough or others are better than me or that others will get it and when it gets to my turn it will not work out for me. I have always doubted and second guessed myself. This has also affected how I see God and my relationship with Him where even when I pray I don’t fully believe that he will do for me what he has done for others. I have forgiven those who have made me feel this way but most importantly myself for the wrong deep seated beliefs. Thank you Jamie!