Father, I Need Help Passing This Test

LIVE webinar: How to Hear God Prophetically For Yourself | May 10, 2024

LIVE webinar: What It Takes to Develop a $100,000 – $1,000,000 Income Blogging|May 18, 2024

I have a confession to make:

I’ve been struggling with trying to pass the current test we are in of our 2019 final exam week.

(For those of you who are new, be sure to read the two prophetic words I just linked to above, as well as Part 2 of the prophetic word for 2019.)

This test is about our health; and I’ve been doing good in some ways, but doing bad in others.

I’ve been doing better with my eating. I’ve been cooking quite a bit, and cooking healthy food, too. That has really helped. But, I’ve been doing badly with drinking water. I’m way dehydrated, which is bad.

I’ve been doing pretty good with using my planner too–for meal plans, to-do lists, and more. It has SAVED MY HIDE more times than I can count. I know that Papa is proud of me for that (and proud of you too, if you’re bringing order from chaos using your planner too), and I am thankful for His work in my life in that area.

But the things I’ve been doing HORRIBLY with are REST and exercise.

When I say “horribly,” I mean HORRIBLY. And rest and exercise are related to each other.

Here’s what that has looked like for me:

I’ve been working on various aspects of this ministry, and there are so many things to do–important things, things I’m behind on–that they always seem more important than STOPPING.

Often, I’ve actually heard the Lord tell me to STOP, PAUSE, REST, REGROUP, and I’ve talked myself out of it. I’ve convinced myself that that wasn’t the Lord after all, or that He won’t mind if I do “just one more thing.” And the result of that has not been good.

My failure to rest, pause, stop, and regroup means that I keep paying attention to things that feel pressing–which my health never does. It means helping someone else feels pressing, so I do that, but I haven’t been obeying God by going to the gym and walking on the treadmill.

This test isn’t about how much we can help people; it’s about our health. But my failure to obey God by stopping, pausing, regrouping, etc has kept me from taking care of the other aspects of my health that are more important than the latest pressing task.

I’m just being real with you all today. Is this okay?

I know in my head that rest is from the Lord; that we have to rest.

I also know that I should be obeying the voice of the Lord when He tells me to stop for a minute. And every time I have practiced God’s principle of resting, He has supernaturally anointed me and made up the time, such that I am not any worse for having taken that time to rest. In fact, He has always made up the time, such that I have come out better.

But I haven’t been listening to Him very well on this matter recently. And that’s my sin; just being honest.

The Lord told me today that this matter of passing the test isn’t a matter of pass/fail.

Instead, it’s a matter of “stay in class until you pass it.”

Sigh. Almost like those Israelites wandering around the wilderness for 40 years, right, Lord?

Um. Right.


So I am just being open with you. I cried out to Papa this morning, telling Him, “Father, I need help passing this test!” Because it feels like a hamster-wheel I can’t get off of. I feel like I’m caught in a cycle of busyness; of always trying to get ahead; and instead I’m only getting farther and farther behind.

Can you identify?

I don’t know about you, but I don’t want to stay on this gerbil-wheel forever. I want to change.

But I need Father’s help.

If you can identify, would you just bow your head and pray together with me right now?

Let’s pause and regroup with Father together. Here goes:

“Father God, I come to You in Jesus’ name. Father, thank You that I can come boldly before Your throne of grace, that I may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Lord, I’m coming to You boldly right now, and I need grace and help–lots of it. So thank You in advance for giving it to me. 

Papa God, here’s what I need:

Father, I need help passing this test.

You asked me to take Your final exam regarding my health, getting my health under control once and for all. I’ve been trying, Lord. But sometimes I’ve been trying hard, and other times I have been occupied by other things–things I know You told me to put down for a minute, and listen to You. But I haven’t put them down, and I haven’t listened to You like You asked me to do.

Father God, I’m sorry. I confess my sin to You. I confess that I have rebelled; that I have gone my own way; that I have preferred and honored my thoughts above Your thoughts.

Father, please forgive me. Cover me with the blood of Jesus. Wash me and cleanse me. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

Father, I need help with my self-control.

Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit, Lord, but I know Holy Spirit can’t bear that fruit in me when I am not listening to You; when I am plowing ahead, going in my own way. I know You’ve already forgiven me, Lord, and thank You for that.

Please help me now, Lord:

  • Please help me to recognize Your voice more clearly than I ever have before.
  • Make me hyper-sensitive to the fact that I must STOP WHAT I’M DOING AND OBEY YOU NOW, every time I hear Your voice.
  • Help me to get organized again, and stay that way.
  • Fill me up with Your motivation, inspiration, and awakening force. Charge me up with Your dunamis power by Your Spirit.

Thank You, Father God. I give You all the glory and all the praise. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

And as I was praying through, writing out this prayer, I heard the Lord say:

“You are going to have to do things differently. Did you think you’d get total transformation without total transformation?”

Um. Yes, I guess I did. (Did you? If so, word for you too.)

Next, I heard Him say:

“You’re going to need to get ahead on some things in order to carve out the time-space you need to pass this test. It’s called MARGIN, and you don’t have any. You’re going to have to create some, starting this week.”

Okay, Lord. I hear you.

I don’t know about you, but I am serious about wanting to pass this test.

I need the Lord’s grace and help in order to do it. Total transformation doesn’t happen without Jesus. But Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life, and He is breathing life into the dead areas of our lives right now.

Will you stop with me, take a deep breath, pause, regroup, and let Him show you what you need to do to pass this test too? If you will, I believe He will speak to you.

Can you identify with what I shared today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear what Father is saying to you about this.


    1. Kecia Vasconez says:

      Jamie, I am with you in the struggle and I prayed the pray. I have been sugar free and gluten free since 1/7/19. Water consumption has been lacking for me also. Organization definitely needs help from the Lord. Thanks for your transparency.

    2. I too am having a hard time at times, too many things to do and not enough help….please HELP!

  1. Hi Jamie! Be encouraged! Last night i felt that there was something happening in the spirit realm and i also knew it was a test. So this morning Holy Spirit spoke these words to me and i share them with you : the devil will walk away empty handet this time! We win! Jesus wins! And through Him we are Victorious ! My friend , i hope this word encourages you and hopefully the power of the testimony just gives you a boost to !! God Bless you and keep you and may He let His face Shine upon you and give you His Shalom!!?❤️Hugs and Love to you !

  2. Help me lord to pass my test

  3. Jamie, I recently discovered your blog. You are doing amazing things! Don’t burn out. You pour so much into all of us with your ministry. I love your laugh! Keep laughing. Keep taking care of yourself. I have promised myself to workout 5 of 7 days. I do not go to a gym, but am part of an online community called Daily Burn. I can workout at 3am or 6pm. Your schedule, your time, no guilt. Maybe it would work for you. God knows your heart, take care of yourself.

  4. Irene D Jones says:

    I feel the test and want to stay the courses. I know there is a purpose for me. I sometimes get ahead of myself and in a rush. Amen to this word

  5. Amanda Jackson says:

    All your post are right on time confirmations from God our daddy… I appreciate your obedience and continue to share your walk it’s so encouraging… I desperately want to pass this test… I know I cannot do it without Him…. Again continue in obedience… I need EVERYTHING you have to give… Spiritual Warfare is REAL and it can only be trampled through God’s Word and us listening!!!!

  6. Wow! I feel like I just read a page from my journal, from the ministry work to the dehydration and everything in between. Thank you for sharing, and thank you for the prayer as well!
    ~We WILL pass this test!! ?

  7. Definitely speaking to me in regards to this. Thank you so much Jamie for your transparency and sharing so we can share with others.
    This too you shall have the victory in. Amen.

  8. Thank you Jamie. I’m not certain this message is for me. It has felt like it so much but this morning, along with that feeling, came the feeling that the Lord just gave up on me. Like theres no help. I can’t imagine that being the case since he didn’t give up on me years ago when I was in more sin than anyone could have ever seen. But thank you for the encouragement. I set this on the back burner for a while but this morning I’ve prayed this and I’m putting it front and sinner. Just praying for grace and mercy on me and my family. I believe this witchcraft against the family of God is real now more than ever and I of all people need to get in with the family of believers and start being strong and persevering instead of giving up ever time the going gets tough. Thank you for your encouragement Jamie and stay strong in the Lord. You are a mighty force for many of us…your faith and His word through you. You got this. We all love you and are behind you.

  9. Front and center* not front and sinner

  10. Jamie I thank you God is talking to me to slow down I do so much and don’t know when to stop I am also guilty of that sin i said the same prayer and He said its not by works that you will please me just obey. He wamts me to rest and keep my health in shape for him. To pass this test i have to obey Thank you Father God and Holy Spirit who is helping me get my strength back to fi his work and his will. Thank you Jamie

  11. Yes! I need help to pass this exam as well. Some areas making improvement (eating better, meal prep), others taking a while (exercise) esp when I let my feelings of tiredness, not feeling well discourage me .

  12. Hi Thanks for sharing. Im the same but I have added some things to help me. You may laugh but I added an old analogue clock on the wall like in school so I can keep track of time better. Dehydration, I now have a big flask like runners use and just fill it and leave on desk. So I take sip now and then. For sleeping all electronic devices have been removed from room and it makes a difference. Hope this helps and bless you all x

  13. Hi Jamie
    I would like to thank you very much for allowing God to use you, the short cause that I was busy with , which I am steel busy with has helped me a lot ( the sprirut of rejection) my pastor told me about it.But she didn’t go into details of how must I deal with that spirit, but you cause is helping me a lot I am healing from the spirit of rejection as I pray for the people who betrayed me and obeying God by forgiving them.
    Thanks it is working
    Thanks again Jamie

  14. So funny, yesterday I was just rereading your 2019 final exam words and wondering how it was going for you. While I do feel like my time is coming to focus on my health…for me the 2019 final exam has been a lot about finishing my house-remodeling, cleaning, organizing, purging and going low in my marriage and for my family. I’ve been trying so hard but feel like i’m not getting anywhere and this post encouraged me….”stay in class until you pass” was especially encouraging. He has been speaking “to just keep doing the next thing” to me since august. There is all sorts of outside issues to make finishing my house more hard than just the house (which is hard enough) and I have little to no help with my toddler. Love your sharing and honesty!

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