It’s Going To Be Worth the Wait
So you’re waiting for something. Not just any old thing, but the dream Papa has placed in your heart.
Maybe it’s a dream of love. Maybe it’s a dream of ministry. Maybe it’s a dream of a family, or business, or some other opportunity for which God created you.
But it seems like nothing is happening. You feel stalled; in limbo; unable to make progress even though you try.
And so you wait.
The waiting is hard. There’s pressure.
There are trying days. Some days are better than others, but still, the waiting is hard.
Beloved, Papa wanted me to tell you today: If you’re waiting for the Lord for your dream to be fulfilled, it’s going to be worth the wait.
This is what Papa told me to tell you, from Him to you:
“I love you. I wish you could see how MUCH I care about you and for you. I know you can’t see it right now like you want to, but I desire to reassure you today: I have not left you. I am right here beside you, holding onto you. Your grip is frail, but My grip on you is strong. My strong love is holding you and drawing you even right now.
Precious child, how I love you. I know you can’t see light in your situation right now, but LOOK AT ME. I am the Light you need. Just Me; My very Person. I am the Light you need. So don’t look to your situation right now. Keep your eyes focused on Me, and you will see all the light you desire in these your darkest of days.”
Psalm 36:9: “For with You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light.”
And then I felt like the Holy Spirit wanted me to tell you:
“Beloved, your wait is going to be worth it. There will come a time when you will look back at this period–yes, this very circumstance and this very situation–and you will say that it was worth it. Your reward will so far exceed your trial that you will forget what it was like to cry. They that wait upon Me shall not be put to shame, and I will never suffer My children to be defeated.
So depend on Me. Trust Me. Magnify Me in your vision until I fill up your entire horizon. Then and only then will the cares of this world fall away, so you can see Me and only Me. And when you look at Me, I will perfect all things that concern you.”
Does this word encourage you today? If so, please leave a comment below and let’s thank the Holy Spirit together.
Thank you Jamie, a word I know is so true. I especially feel it’s a word for my daughter. I will pass it on to her. Blessings.
I pray Papa blessed her, Terri, and that the Lord will give you both courage and strength in your heart as you wait on Him. May He pour His goodness out on you today in every way!
Yes!!! Oh thank You Great Daddy God!!! Triple confirmation.
Singing, “i will wait for You, Jesus, You’re the Son in my horizon. All my hopes in You, Jesus, i can see You now arising!”
That’s one of my favorite songs. 🙂 <3
For anyone else who wants to hear it...
Oh what encouragement I received from this. I am waiting upon the Lord at this very moment in time. Thank you Jamie for these words of truth.
And I thank our Father God for his faithfulness and for His light shining forth in the darkness.
I know He is my true daddy and He wants to perfect all that concerns me. He loves to see his children happy and prosperous much the same as I love to see my children happy and prosperous.
I believe that everything is going to be ok. Daddy God Rocks! !!!!
He gets all the glory……all the praise…….and I’m going to sleep now in peace, resting in daddy’s arms. He took it all at the cross so that we; his people his children already have the victory in Him.
What a mighty God we serve.
Yes. He’s going to take care of you, precious sister. You’re His baby and Papa’s got you. Underneath you are HIS everlasting arms!!!
Thank you. I needed this tonight.
Thank you God!
I love having a word spoken, I told my mother we have to hang on to our promises.
Jamie thank you for this message. Truly waiting is so hard! It seemed forever. Sometimes I feel like giving up. Receiving this message from God thru you is such a great blessing!
Don’t give up, precious Aimee! Hang in there, hang in there, hang in there! “Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not!” I pray Papa would send you a sign of land today–something special from Him that shows you what He’s doing and that He’s working on the things that matter most to you! In Jesus’ name!
Thank you Jamie. Before I read this, I feel prayed out, like I don’t even know what to ask of Him anymore, thank you for your prayers and encouragement.
I am struggling with the wait….brokenhearted but this message reminded me my Father cares and truly loves me. Thank you!
I pray that Holy Spirit would show Himself to you today as the Healer of your broken heart and your Comforter, dear Patti.
Thank you sooooo much for that encouragment.waiting is one of the most difficult things to do indeed.oh, Father just keeps surprising me at every turn.He is so faithful and AWESOME!! God bless you!!!!much love
Oh yes LORD!! waiting on you worth more than any other thing.
Yes the Lord has helped me to graduate from the nursing college. I thank God so much for His mercy towards me. I did wait for this, though it was tough but He uphold me through.
Am still waiting for his promises to fulfill in my life. Thanks so much for such encouraging word from Papa to me.
God bless you woman of God, Jamie!!!
Congratulations on graduating, Clement! Many blessings to you today, as always!
Thank you so much! I feel like I have been waiting for so many years for His promise to manifest. He keeps telling me that my season of waiting is over. Thanks for this confirmation!!
Thank you so much for the encouragement. After waiting many years I pray the waiting will be over soon.
Amen! Just experienced this with my husband getting a long awaited job, in a way better than we could imagine. Now we have a few other things we’re waiting on but He has showed me time and time again, He is faithful, even those times where it feels likes He’s not going to pull through. He always does.
This so describes my state of mind. Like nothing is happening, that I’m stalled. I’m waiting and waiting and it’s tiring. But I will keep faith.
Thank you so much I needed to hear this. I thought I had made the wrong decision, but I just need to be patience.
Thank you for this email. I thank God for you. The wait is hard.
Thank you for the encouraging word. I am yet waiting for the Lord to do what he has promise and I believe he will do it and it will be worth the wait. I have been going through an awful lot of hard ship financial hardship, but I know God is able. I was given a Prophetic word that there will come a time when I never l want for nothing and as much as I would like that time to be right now I know God will come in his own time. But I sure do need him now.
What Holy Spirit said, is what Holy Spirit told directly as well!
And I heard my pastor say today, “The weight of the glory is greater than the weight of the affliction. ” Referring to 2 Corinthians 4:17.
wow, wow, wow. THE LORD is faithful, and he loves His word. He watches over it, and will perform it!!! I receive this in Jesus name!!!!!!
Still waiting, one thing I am is patient, please keep praying for me.
Jaime this word was for me! This is where I am at the moment and like you said some days are better than others. Yesterday was one of those bad days. However, I received this word of encouragement from the Lord. Thank You Jaime for allowing God to use you to bless his childrens life. Your reach is far. I am from Trinidad which is in the Caribbean.