“My Helpers Are Turning Around to Help You,” Says the Lord!

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Prophetic word from Jamie Rohrbaugh

Beloved, has the help you’ve been praying for seemed elusive? If so, you’re going to be ecstatic when you hear this, for the Lord is saying, “My helpers are turning around to help you!”

This is the word the Lord gave me for you today:

“You have been weighed down with heavy burdens, and you have needed help. I already sent the help you need, but I did it in a way you did not understand.

As you have walked on your journey, I actually sent the help past you another direction.

I did this so they would arrive at the place where you would need the help FASTER. YOU did not need to arrive faster; you needed the slower, easier road because of the weight of the burdens that you carried. But your helpers needed to arrive faster so they would be positioned to help you.

As you have watched this process, you have seen people pass you by–people whom I sent to help you.

You didn’t mind and you weren’t angry, but you also didn’t understand what I had in mind the whole time. But now, I am showing you.

You have hiked up this weary road alone, watching others pass you by–going faster than you even as you headed toward the same destination. But now, you are approaching the spot in which you need the help. 

So you know what I have in store for you, My child?

Right now, even this moment, people are turning around to help you. I sent My conviction into their hearts to do so because they did not know themselves that they were ahead of you so they could help you! I had to awaken their consciences to this fact, for they were innocently plowing ahead. 

But right now, even this morning, someone has turned around to help you. They opened a door for you even today, allowing you to move ahead with your mission.

Your mission is still uphill, but the people I am sending to help you will now walk with you. 

They will even walk behind you, protecting you. Even when you feel you can handle things on your own, the help I have divinely ordained will be there for you.

During this time, people may say to your helpers, “You should not walk with them. You should not mix with them like that!”

However, your helpers have received their message from Me, and from Me only. They will not waver and they do not care what culture says. Instead, they are moved by My heart of honor, for they HAVE My heart of honor toward you.

Indeed, your heaven-sent army is even now moved with compassion and are helping you open doors I have called you to Myself!

Do not be embarrassed nor ashamed to accept help.

For too long, you have carried the heavy burdens alone. Your burdens have worn grooves in your shoulders and your back is bowed. This is not My will for you, My child. It never was.

So now I say to you: “Look up! For your redemption draws nigh!”

Right now, people are turning around to help you, and opportunities are opening to you. Doors are opening, and My Word will go forth swiftly from your life as you journey.

My helpers are turning around to help you.

The journey may be hard, but you will no longer run alone. You may not know all the people I send, but I know them and I trust them. Watch for my covenant connections, and watch for the open doors that I cause to open for you; for it is I, and no other, who has ordained this.

I love you, child. I see you and everything that concerns you. Never forget that.

Love, your Papa.”

Thank You, Papa God!

Beloved, did this word speak to you today? If so, please leave a comment below! I’d love to hear what Father is saying to you through this word!


  1. I had tears in my eyes as I was reading this. I have been praying for a long time for the helpers I need. This word is so timely. Glory to God! Thank you for posting this Jamie!

    1. Gail Segars Rainey says:

      Thank you for your prophetic word given to us today. Yes, it was heartfelt and received. You are a very compassionate, caring lady and I feel it and we all need this in our lives in our community of Christians, whether online or in person. I get more online than in person, but Covid has been isolating many even more and especially the Persecuted Church in so many countries. Praying continuously for people to vote their biblical values, because our Lord is expecting us to act on His Word! Have a blessed day, Jamie, and to all others who may be reading these comments.

      1. Thank you Jamie for such a powerful prophetic message. I am humbled by this word as i received with thanks, praise and Glory to Abba Father in Heaven. I am so grateful that at long last my Destiny Helpers are finally here now for me to help me out. Thank you Abba Father, thank you Jesus Christ and thank you Holy spirit. AMEN AND AMEN

      2. I needed this every word today !! I believe and receive !! Thsnk you Jamie blessings upon you snd favor and riches

    2. Thank you Jamie. That was so powerful I received divine helper in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ

    3. Thank you for this word, Jamie. It spoke to me so clearly. It what I have been asking for. I am excited to see what the Lord has planned. Just yesterday I had a miraculous connection with a person who has the perfect home for my ministry. Thank you, Father.

    4. ❤❤❤❤❤ God is amazing

      1. Amen! Thank you Jesus!!! Thank you for your help and guidance Lord!

    5. Kristie Evans says:

      This has ministered greatly to me and as always such a timely word. What a blessing you are and the gift you bring to me and others. Thank you so much!! 🙏🏻😊

    6. Deborah Byrd says:

      Thank you Jamie for this word. I have been praying for a long time trusting and believeing and know God would answer my prayers especially for the injustice done to me and my family from people for their own selfish gains. The tears just started flowing as I was reading what Papa was saying to me. I receive it.

    7. Judith Makunga says:

      Thank You Lord for the answer to my prayers for helpers.

    8. Jamie you are truly a Woman of God!
      Wow! Wow!
      I live in South Africa but I am so enveloped by Your Word it is like Food to my Soul.
      This Word is so much about me God made You His Angel SEE it and yes I am going through this period whereby people are helping me and WOW this morning my daughters gardener phoned me to say he has a buyer for my washing machine which I had been trying to sell for a while now; I was so happy and then I came across Your Word like You Saw it all! I want to shout it out Jamie saw it, Praise God for Pastor Jamie!
      I am sooooooo Blessed to have found your site, such Godly Inspiration!

    9. Thank you, Jamie. This has been my exact prayer for some months. I believe and receive that help is coming today. Thank you, Father.

    10. Today is exactly a month, you sent us this prayer. It is so relevant, God knows. I thank God for sending you Jamie as one of those helpers. Heavenly Father, I am waiting for my helpers delegated by You in the Name of Jesus…Thank you Father for answering my prayers. Amen! It is done!!!

    11. Pastor Jamie I received this word on this evening I thank God that my helper’s are turning around thanks for the word. Be blessed.

    12. Thank you so very much for this prophetic prayer. Yes. It truly helped me to keep focus on Christ Jesus. And also to know that h is working through others always to make sure that his message is received. Amen 🙏🏾

    13. Glory be to God Almighty for thinking so much about me. I’m really weary under this burdensome load I’ve been carrying for years now.. I’m moved to tears knowing my problem is not after all hidden from the Good Lord to have sent helpers ahead of me. So much grateful to have you as a channel that our loving God is using to bless me when I’m almost about to give up. My faith is renewed once again as my doubts have fizziled out. God richly bless you.

    14. Gail Segars Rainey says:

      Dear Jamie,
      Yes, this spoke to me deeply and I am claiming those helpers who are turning around to help me. Yes, it has been a long, long road alone, but Abba, Father, has been looking after me. Thank you for this word. I receive. I thank God for your incredible ministry, Mrs. Jamie and Sister in Christ!

    15. Diamond Hall says:

      Thank you very encouraging!

    16. Babylin Salazar says:

      Wow amazing! This is really bombard my heart it’s ridiculous. Yes it is heavy burdens to carry and already worn grooves to carry and it’s already bring my back down for heaviness. Thank you Lord just thank you for this word that overwhelm me your word bring me delight my burden. Iloveyou Lord you showed I am a precious child and I mean it and cherish it. Thank you in advance for showing me your affection that you send a help for me to solve my heavy burden. I am waiting for long time in the road to this very high mountains of problem but you did not let me go down and shake alone and I am going to crushed. Thank you you timing is always perfect. Bless you more Lord I am being always sensitive in Jesus name Amen. Thank you Jamie Godbless you more and your family. And also your ministry all over the world.

    17. This is the answer to what I have been thinking and feeling for several weeks, but, still believing and standing in faith the the Lord will get me where I need to be for what he has destined for me. Bless you Jamie, just shows me again the Lord is always on time in his timeframe not ours. God bless you all!

    1. Thank you Jamie for the now word. My husband had back surgery and still recovering. At times I feel so overwhelmed with all that I have to do throughout the day. I pray for others a lot but I don’t usually pray for myself. Lately I have been thinking about how long do I have to be doing chores around the house and outside by myself. I am tired. God knows my thoughts so the word was very encouraging. I will expect my helpers from Abba.

  2. Melissa Callstrom says:

    I just prayed for this again today. The journey has been long and tough and I have been praying for more open doors and for my tribe in my life. This is a perfect timing word from God….
    Thank you Jamie for your obedience to share Gods word!
    Bless you!

  3. Cynthia Wilson says:

    Thank you Father. Thank you Jamie. I am looking today for covenant patners and open doors. God is so good!

    1. Carrie Shaw says:

      Im receiving this by faith Praise God 🙏

  4. joseph d schiavone says:

    This is awesome Jamie. I saw a small lawn business for sale 2 weeks ago. I am retired but work part time because we need the extra income. I mentioned the business to my wife, but she didnt seem interested. After a week went by I stopped mentioning it. Well just this afternoon when I got home from the part time job, her and my daughter asked me to sit down and pray with them about the lawn business !!! They said they think God is urging them to. Now I check my mail and get this prophetic word from you ! Things are looking up Jamie ! Thank you and praise the Lord !

  5. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  6. Cathy Anderson says:

    I pray that this word is for me at this time. I have never had anyone to come alongside me in my walk with the Lord for 50 years. I am trying to daily do what I feel God is leading me to do. I had a shocking message sent to me today that a former student of mine was shot at a house party and life lifted to Seattle, WA. This same student years ago asked me about God. His life was very hard and he was sorry he had been born. He is very special to me and I immediately put word out over facebook asking for prayers for him from my praying friends. I got quite a few responses from people who are praying for him. One was from another teacher who formally worked for the same district as I did. She remembered him. I feel that God raised up these people to help me pray for his life and that he will meet Jesus face to face. I am praying that he commits his life to Jesus and that many people will be saved through his testimony.

    1. Margaret E Valderrama-Soliz says:

      Blessings /Shalom❣️ I feel WOW❣️ I’ve heard many Prophetic Ministers teach. You stood out as a natural in the supernatural. Truly at first, I saw your emails, but thought forgive me, just another same-o prophetic minister. I opened up the email, I m truly not sure how I connected with you, but I am truly grateful. You seem to have a way of helping with my many questions in my mind, concerning issues in my walk. I realize the questions are questions to be asked for peace if mind. What I encountered is that, you already have your videos to explain more in depth of issues, that I race through daily. God bless you sister. I look forward to receiving more emails from your ministry. Much love,Margaret❣️

  7. Thank you God for the help and always protecting me. Thank you Father for the devine helpers 🙌🏿🙏🏾❤

  8. linda harrison says:

    Yes Amen Praise the Lord, thank you Jesus, I believe & receive

  9. Thank you for this word! I am pressing into His promises! Blessings!!

  10. Jessica F says:

    You’re a blessing Jaime! Hugs from Texas. 💛

  11. yes this word is for me

  12. John Shomade says:

    This is a timely WORD for me, and in accordance with the Word of the Father to me. I really felt like the Lord is talking directly to me. I receive it with all my heart and I welcome ALL my helpers and covenant connections who are assigned to open doors for me.
    Thank you Jamie for releasing such a timely prophetic declaration TODAY.

  13. Thank you God for the help and for protecting me and my family! I have always like it’s just you and I.

  14. Rebecca Jones says:

    It sounds wonderful to me, I know a lot of people who need help

  15. Kedibone Magooa says:

    Thank you Jamie for the message from my father God, my Elohim, my Elshaddai, my Jehovah Jirah, the prophecy is 100% accurate, i have been asking God in my prayers that every where i was rejected they must call me back and fall over themselves to help me, my burden are debts of which i did not see anyway to come out of them, I’ve been asking God for financial restoration as i have lost money through scamers even the investments would just disappear the way the devil was so busy destroying my life, i nearly committed suicide at the beginning of the year, it’s by God’s grace that I’m still alive. Thank you for sending me this prophecy i receive my destiny helper in Jesus’s mighty name Amen

  16. Lucia Ludvigsen says:

    Oh thank you Almighty God Jehovah Most High, God of Israel, blessed be Your name over all the Heaven and Earth
    Dear beloved, just wanted to tell you that you simply described my life 🙂 May God bless your ministry

  17. josephine leong says:

    Hi Jamie,
    I receive the blessing of the Resurrection power of Jesus inside me. Thank you for the prayer.
    Yes, Jamie, I am so relieved to know that God is sending help. I so need it badly, especially in this hour. I don’ t know from where, whom and how and when, but I believe and I pray it will soon manifest.
    Thank you Abba with grateful heart.
    Do keep me in prayers Jamie, I need a financial breakthrough badly.
    Blessings, Jo

  18. Deloris Anderson says:

    Wow! This word truly ministered to me at the right time. There are a few things I’ve been praying over. I heard Holy Spirit say, “He’s (Abba) not trying to keep you from it, He’s trying to bring you to it!” Grateful that God confirms His Word – Himself.
    Jamie, thank you for listening to God’s voice and sharing it with us. I pray blessings upon your household. Amen.

  19. Carrie Shaw says:

    Im receiving this by faith Praise God 🙏

  20. George Michael Sikoyo says:

    Dear Jamie

    This word is meant for me. I am happy to note that the God is sending divine connectors/hlepers to my life. May the name of the Lord God be Blessed in Jesus Name.


  22. Ms Jamie, I thank God for you. You truly hear from God. This word was right on time!!! Jehovah-Jireh, thank you for allowing my destiny helpers to locate me and my family. Allow me to receive the help that Your sending my way. Lord, you know my heart cry, and what I petitioned to you. Thank you for not only hearing my prayers, but answering them!!! I love you, ABBA

  23. Raven Tasker says:

    Im in tears by Gods faithfulness. My husband Ben is a ready helper for all out local church members. He has been physically burdened lately and I just felt like no one sees and no one cares. It’s made me upset and weary. It’s made me afraid. I’ve felt abandoned. That no one sees so no one cares. But this is not true. God is our Helper. I’ve been trying to get people to move but this word is telling me to stop. That is Gods work. Thank you Holy Spirit for Using Jamie for this word. I repent deeply for doubting Gods ability and love. I surrender to the weight of what He is actually doing and has planned so long ago .

  24. It sure has come in the right moment when I’ve felt like collapsing, the burden too weary, my steps slowing down. But that Word, He sees and understands what’s going on, and He had prepared things in advance, even though we didn’t notice has strengthened me. Thank you for the Word of Prophecy.

  25. This is definitely my word. I felt led to pray for helpers as I start out in my purpose this morning and this word is confirmation that indeed God is sending me helpers. I am grateful and I am expectant.

  26. Cecelia Burton says:

    I desperately need a financial blessing to keep from losing my home. About 17,000.00. I lost my job due to the pandemic and age. I am 78 and worked in a day Care not making much money. Now I have no job and have gotten behind in my mortgage payment. I must have the money by the end of October or my home goes into foreclosure . I need a miracle ! Thank you for your words . I am believing God for a miracle !

  27. Faithful father I thank you, and receive this timely answer to my prayers. Thank you man of God for being a vessel of correct standing. Greater grace in Jesus name

  28. Philomena says:

    This is truly God’s message to me. As a single mom,being chronically ill has been everything hard.The lonely days and the prayers have been answered.Someone,I didn’t expect helped me a few minutes before I read this post.I claim everything God has put on this post.May the tears of sadness,tiredness,loneliness,sickness,depression turn to nothing but tears of Joy.

  29. Ms Jamie thanks for ministering to children of God. You truly opening doors of connection and blessings for us what God is using you. I need helping partner I have gone thru spot alone and now I feel nothing is progressing in my life. I want to get married soon my husband will be my helper. God bless richly.

  30. My heath has failed me and my enemies seem to thrive. A year ago my daughter died suddenly and tragically, and I have been struggling ever since. I sometimes feel scapegoated and much alone and this prayer could not have come at a better time. Thank you Jamie. You really are a messenger from God.

    1. Dearest Jane, I’m so very sorry for the loss of your daughter, and that you have been going through such a hard time. I will lift you up by name to the Lord today! May the God of all comfort heal your heart and make you well-watered in Jesus again.
      Love and hugs,

  31. Diamond Hall says:

    This word has blessed me tremendously I do carry a burden everything in my country privately owned mostly and schools are shut down and the burden of bills no stimulus cheques in the Bahamas but our government is sticking the country my prayer is that we don’t fall victim to communist China to take over because of debts owed! I praise God for sending help to pray and lift up a holy standard back in this nation blessings!

  32. Thank you Lord for sending my helper,thank you Jamie God bless you and more grace

  33. Okhen Esangbedo says:

    I am moved by this word, fighting back tears, I have longed for this moment, where divine helpers from God will locate me and I receive them and the help they give, I believe and receive this word by faith and that settles it in Jesus name amen. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Jamie for being a vessel of honor for God to use to reach out to us.

  34. You’ve caught me out guard before Jesus and Jamie

    This literally applies to the last 12 hours. I’m genuinely stunned

  35. Denise Barry says:

    This is so close to home..Everything. I have been praying for is in this word.. I can’t stop crying tears of joy.

  36. Thank you I have been praying for help. Now I know God has heard my prayers and sending help. Thank you Lord Jesus and thank you Jamie. May the Lord bless you

    1. Sister Jamie! You are Truly Used! I receive this Word in my life today Amen!

  37. Nadia Slater says:

    Thank you for this word, I have been praying for help and I have been struggling with so many burdens, I know now that My Father has heard me, thank you Jesus for answering all my prayers.your time is the right time, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus, thank you Jesus.

  38. good day, the word really says a lot about my current situation.i am so touched

  39. good day, the word says a lot about my current situation. i am so touched.

  40. Joseph Pedroza says:

    This word has been on time and more needed then ever. I’ve been in full time ministry work for 9 months or so and now the Lord has given more insight and clarity into what he’s called me to do.
    And it makes sense perfectly to this next season.

  41. I prayed specifically for help this morning, this is a confirmation that I am not alone. Thank you Jesus.
    God bless you Jamie.

    1. Shelia Speed-Fortson says:

      Blessings in Jesus’ Sweet and Holy Name!

      Thank you Jamie! This word came no sooner than 24 hours after I requested your prayers. For sure, “you are a true Woman of God!” I am still awaiting your direction of prayers for my organization. Answer whenever you find the time.

  42. Thank you for this word I really need to know God is sending me the help I need, I am Claiming it for my self & situation, I just Need to trust God more.

  43. Amen. Seems like every step I attempt to take forward, I get delayed. Raising a ‘rambunctious’ three year old grandson who has been in three different child care centers in the past year. Vision written and made plain, but overwhelmed and disillusioned. Need a business assistant and nanny/attendant for grandson. Seeking clear instruction.

  44. Raymond Montesdeoca says:

    Good Morning Mighty Women of God. My name is Raymond Montesdeoca Jr. Pastor/Evangelist/Missionary For “His Glory” The Lord is calling me in this season in my walk to continue His work in Mexico, to build 2 Discipleship Schools in Monterray & Matamoros Mexico, And an Apostolic Training Center in San Antonio,Tx. will be Named “Antioch” A.T.C. for equipping His called out ones for His work to the Nations. The Prophetic Word that you sent me was a confirmation to my Spirit. “My Helpers Are Turing Around To Help You,” Says the Lord! I ask for your Intercession Prayers. (Ephesians 4:12-16/ Acts 11:19-30/Revelations 19:9-10) Thank you Jamie I bless you and yours. your Ministry is a blessing to us.

  45. Thanks soo much..powerful word ..may God bless you

  46. Mary Myles says:

    How powerfully anointed are you! Thank you for allowing the Holy Spirit to speak to you with a prophetic word that is so powerful. It blessed me so and confirmed how intentional God our Father. This has been a challenging year for me and my prayer has been for help!! For the Lord to release His ministering helpers time assist me, to release help and favor to me. May God continue to richly bless and empower you! Continue to allow him to use you! Such a surrendered vessel! May He supply all of your needs and grant every heart desire! Blessings to you!! Mary…,

  47. Abigail Hale says:

    Yes Jamie,
    This word is for me, I receive it. God bless you, this brings tears of joy to my heart from someone that’s very compassionate and gas tla heart to help wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

  48. This is so wonderful, very powerful Prophetic Word from our Papa God. I do receive my destiny helpers wholeheartedly and by faith. I’m confident that this Prophetic Word is about to manifest in my life and at God’s right time. I thank you Lord, we give all the glory unto you Father, and God bless you Jamie for being His obedient servant.

  49. I receive this timely message in the Mighty Name of Jesus, and for the glory of God the Father. Thank you Lord.

  50. Matshepo Seletswane says:

    Oh wow I receive this in Jesus Name!!! Thank you Jamie, stay blessed.

  51. Wow!! 🤯🔥💯 Exactly what I needed to hear!! Thank you Jesus 🔥 and thank you for the confirmation 🙏 God bless you 💪🏾🙌🏼❤️

  52. This message is about me. I have been on this lonely path for about 14 years now, not sighting any Helper. Thank you Lord for hearing my cry, and sending Helpers to me. I receive by faith today. Thank you Jesus.

  53. This message is actually for me. Jamie for sure you are a real prophet of God.
    Firstly, I already received a big help that I needed via a helper. It happen so so fast than I expected!!
    Secondly, iam trusting God for such a committed helper in my project. I have had some who let me down by leaving me alone and stranded. I am now hopeful and convinced that all is working well for my good.
    This is my humble prayer in Jesus Mighty name.

  54. Annanson John says:

    So if your birthday is 21st August, what will you say reading a prophetic word like this on the 23rd of August? Actually, I had seen the mail earlier, and somehow decided to read the church history mail and now this comes like a bomb, boom!
    Unto Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above, even unto Jesus the Christ of God, I give praise and glory!
    Prophetess Jamie 1Cor15:58/Heb6:10, thank you for a birthday gift!!

  55. Lucretia Wingate says:

    Thank you God and thank you Jamie. I felt that and I received it and now I’m so happy and I feel soooo much better 😊.

  56. OH! Jamie! I feel like crying I feel this was sent for me for more then 40 yrs. people have used my kindness ,walked on me an even tried to hurt my family through me,many nights growing up I wondered if God loved me an wondered if he saw the things that were done to me, ,Thank-you! that through you God does see me an knows me, an Loves me.

  57. Osabouhien says:

    the massage is about I can see God sending helper me to me glory be to heavenly father I bless is only name,thanks you very much jamie and God bless you and increase you

  58. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

    Praise the LORD! I received this great message.I thanked the Lord Almighty for His Love and provision for allowing people who He chose to help me.He send them before me to help as i am making my way there.I was watching them went past me but little did i know that God prepared them for me,to help me again as i am coming towards them.I cried and asking God why they went past me.Watching them moving fast,i thought God forget me all this time but as i read this,i honoured Dad for His love towards me.

  59. Kahn Johnson says:

    This Word is so on point!!!! I began praying for the Lord to help me and to see people start to help me. He recently placed 2 people in my life who have been working for me to open doors of employment in Tennessee. I’m moving from California to Tennessee, to care for my mom as her health is declining after my father passed and I’m the only one to help her. I have 2 applications at the University of Tennessee and an opportunity to work at a Private practice, through help that the Lord has sent me.

    Keep me in your prayers,
    Kahn Johnson

  60. Carol Fillmore says:

    Thanks so much for this, it really is encouraging:) It is also so relevant to my situation! Awesome prophetic word:)

    1. I needed this today, I am alone and need a helper to drive me to the hospital
      for surgery and drive me home and care for me after. Several people have
      let me down. I am struggling and a senior lady, living alone.

      1. Thankyou for this timely word, I give thanks to God,and I receive this in Jezus nsme Amen and Amen

  61. To God be the glory. Thank you Jamie. This word is so powerful and I received so much confirmation reading this prophetic word. I am so ready for these blessings.

  62. chuks Okorie says:


    Thank you so much for the prophetic words. God bless you.


  63. Thank you Heavenly Father for you see the heavy burden that my husband and I are under for the last year and a half and You are coming to our rescue! God Bless you and your ministry Jaimie. This is so timely!


    It’s like a river that is flowing through the rock purifying it. Come on, I am waiting for my helper and this prophecy just came in. I claimed all my helpers before tomorrow in Jesus mighty name. God bless you Mama .

  65. Thank you Papa, & Jamie this is confirmation for me. My God is Awesome.

  66. Receive this message. Betrayed by husband who says he knows God but committed adultery, abandoned family, and lies every day. He’s prideful and selfish and blames everyone else. Still battling for child support. Enemy seems to keep winning. Burdens have increased over months. Had divorce lawyer who quit right before courts started up again. Did not know divorce was final cause of mail. Need to fill out form now in short time period. No lawyer to help and would cost additional money to get one. But need help battling enemy. I’ve worked entire marriage while husband was unemployed several times. Now my job is ending. Issues with car and waiting months for parts to come in. Financial burden due to needing rental car. No home to live in due to divorce and debt. Please Lord provide.
    Please Lord I need the helpers. Let me see open doors. Answer my prayers and reverse these unjust situations. Send me a helper to guide my daughter, have her see the truth, and heal our relationship. She is believing the enemy’s lies. I’m a sensitive, trusting person by nature. I’m tired, weary, and heart broken. Lord please send new man to be husband for me and true dad for my daughter. Hasten Lord. In Jesus name amen.

  67. Mbah John Ogbonna says:

    The word of God this morning is talking to me directly and is speaking to the situation in my life presently. Thank you Lord for your word concerning me.

  68. Y Petersen says:

    Good morning , Jamie
    this word absolutely touched me I’ve been waiting for such a word full of Gods love and mercy. I don’t deserve it but I am aware that His grace is sufficient for me. His mercy is new every morning , Great is His faithfulness. this word is my turning point I believed God has released His unknown helpers to my rescue. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God.

  69. Gladys Mutungu says:

    Thank You LORD. Thank you Jamie. This so on point and so timely for me. Thank You LORD for Divine helpers. Thank You for sending help. I believe and receive by faith.

  70. Thank you my Lord and saviour. Jamie, what l have been experiencing in my life is exactly what the Holy Spirit gave you to share with us. Abba Father thank you for this prophecy, l bless and give You all the praise. God bless you Jamie.

  71. Kedibone Magooa says:

    Amen, thank you Jamie for the words of encouragement, this message is for me this morning as i go through very difficult situations whereby banks are threatening to to repossess my property as i can’t afford to repay back the debts, i receive from my God my Jehovah Jirah the help and protection of my property, this is really my prophecy and I will remain in faith for my helper sent by God, AMEN

  72. I receive in JESUS mighty name amen

  73. Helen-Naomi says:

    Thanks woman of God Prophetess Jamie. This ministers directly to me. I need help. Am overwhelmed with the burdens. I claim this prophetic release of my helpers. Oh God send them quickly. May God continue to use you Jamie. God bless you for all you do and supply all your needs in the mighty name of Jesus. I love you

  74. Helen-Naomi says:

    God bless you Jamie. Thank you ABBA for sending my helpers. Am expectant.

  75. Thank-you, Jamie this is truly us an we need this help.

  76. This spoke volumes to me. I accepted the fact that the Lord wanted me to do this alone because this long difficult road I’ve been in has strengthened me more than anything else ever has. I knew it was all to help me help others. Even though I’ve questioned it, I’ve begged for help and wondered how God saw and knew that I could do it. I have cried out in anguish so many times because I didn’t feel what he saw. I’m grateful that his faith in me was greater her than my faith in him. I submitted to his complete will just a few days ago and gave everything to him because I knew this burden was weighing me down and sucking the life out of me. I knew that he would come through and this “Word” was just a affirmation of what he has speaking to me. Praise God, hallelujah!! Thank you Jaime, thank you Lord!!

  77. Akua Vera says:

    Yes, these words are for me and I thank God for this assurance for i need it greatly. Papa God, thank you for loving me so much. My appreciation to you, Papa.

  78. Thank you for delivering this word from the Lord Jamie! It really ministered to me and I receive it! May you and your ministry be richly blessed!🙏❤

  79. Thank you Jaime,
    This prophetic word is filled with the Father’s love. I couldn’t stop the tears. I needed to hear this as I have been struggling. Praise be to God!
    Thank you and God bless you.

  80. Thank you Father God, only you know all my burdens,trials and tribulations at this time. I praise You for Your consistent concern and love. Amen

    Thank you always Jamie
    May our Father always bless you

  81. Maika Kamikamica says:

    Have to say that it really a mystery walking with God. Many times I dont understand what he is doing but I just have to trust his timing.
    Thank you Jamie for the word, 🙂 timely tho.

  82. christine says:

    AAAMEN AAMEN !!!! THIS IS SO MUCH FOR ME MADE ME CRY, i receive it, thank you so much for dear Jamie,
    i thank you Abba FATHER , thank you for your helpers, thank you .

  83. Brittany Janae’ says:

    I touch & agree w this. I receive this Word.

  84. linda harrison says:

    Yes, I receive & believe, need helpers, thanks to the Heavenly Father

  85. This message was right on time. I had tears welling up as I read this. Thank you Jamie, and thank you Father!!

  86. Chuks Okorie says:

    Amen. Thank you LORD. This is really encouraging. Our God is good.

  87. Thank you Jamie for this timely word. I have been praying for helpers and also received a word today about my redemption drawing nigh. I know this is speaking to me and I receive every word. Thank you for your humble service to the Lord. Blessings

  88. Thank You LORD!!! Thank you Jamie this word was definitely for me I have been going through alot lately GOD spoke directly to me this was very encouraging.

  89. Thank YOU FATHER GOD 🙏 YOU never leave me or forsake me,…this word is for me,..and I receive all GODs helpers🙋..thank dear JAMIE ❤️…may FATHER GOD Bless you and keep you safe, Amen 👏🙏❤️💐

  90. Thomas Swartz says:

    Hi Jamie
    Thank you ABBA FATHER ,I receive this Word in Jesus Migthy Name ,Thank you Father God!!!!!!!
    May God continue bless you

  91. Thank you Father God. You’re always on time ❤️

    1. Thank you for this word. I cried all the way through it. I have needed help & people either didn’t acknowledge it or those that did never followed through. I lost my husband in June & my only son in August. I’m still grieving them & have not been able to do what was needed to help with my sons things. Please agree with me for getting through these things as I don’t have help unless your word is moving on people. Thank you for your prayers.

      1. Praying for your comfort, Linda. I’m so sorry for your terrible losses. May the God of all comfort give you tangible grace and strength today.

  92. Henrietta says:

    So timely Jamie! I have been without help and support almost all my life. Just one night back, the Lord showed me a dream in which there was an elderly lady helping me at home and I saw a door from the past closing for good in the same dream. I sensed the Lord was saying that He was sending helpers… and now you have confirmed it. Thank you so much Jamie!

    I praise and thank my LORD for all that He is doing for me and my family during this time and all that He has done in the past. I could never have made it this far without HIM! Glory to our Lord!!!
    Hallelujah! Amen!

  93. This Word was exactly what I needed to know. Answered prayer indeed and right on time. Lord Jesus I thank You. You always amaze me with what you do. Because of who You are I will always be your beloved daughter.

  94. Thank sister Jamie for your wonderfully God written words I recieved encouragement often from them this one especially hits home as I am fairly alone but with basic help and a counselor who’s a Christian in the secular market and a strong friend in the Lord who talks with briefly some and often I need my brothers to come alongside and comfort and be the body. I have had great burdens and have stood alone some. Thank you for hearing the call of God on your life to give these precious words and ministry.

  95. Tiffany O says:

    WOW a right on time word…exactly how I’ve been feeling, but GOD! Thank you for sharing this on time word!

  96. Thank you Jamie for this message. I receive my destiny helpers in Jesus name Amen. God bless you.

  97. caroline roshnee naidoo says:

    Oh Jamie you have no idea how I need this help…I can no longer do things on my own and do not want to be alone just with my daughter its not ok…I need God to send these helpers as I want to be part of a family not just me and my daughter 18yrs old isolated.i need help guidance direction family so that im not going through n dealing with things by myself and the weight of all the responsibilities as well…..I want to feel the burdens lift n the weighing down lift n the sickness n loneliness lift…may God restore happiness n laughter n joy n peace n finances n family to us …I really really want God to make himself known n show up for I am longing for miracles n breakthroughs n healing n restoration n my life to be made whole.i want the same for my daughter…let her too experience the miracles of GOD for herself and believe in abba…no more hope deferred or delay in our lives…thank you for you Jamie u r really precious …love u lots sis

  98. I Receive in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The burdens are too heavy for me to carry need a helper in Jesus name. Amen, Amen and Amen

  99. Thank you Jamie this word is such a word in season.

  100. May God continue to bless you and your ministry. This word is for me. I have Gwen praying for helpers from God and today I received his answer to my prayers. Father please also help me to know the real helpers from you with some kind of confirmation 🙏. To God be all glory and honor and praise🙏🙏🙏

  101. sonia perez says:

    HI Jamie: This had me so emotional because I really need the help, i receive it and believe it and also claim it as mine. Thank You Jesus.

  102. Sonja Ayers says:

    Thank you Jamie for that message. It was something I needed. It gave me energy to keep pressing on. I thought God had forgotten me because so many people need him right now. I see he has been working on my behalf all along. Love you for all you do. I am sending my spirit of love your way today that God will do for you exactly what you need for today.

  103. Gladys Mutungu says:

    Thank you Jamie. I am expectant for helpers Father God is sending my way. Already some tangible evidence recently. I have to cope and expected to help others. I also need much help. Thank you for this word. God is so good.

    Love and blessings. 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  104. Arissa Nolastname says:

    Yes, thank you. I almost started weeping too, and read the part about people told not to mix with me. It’s happened repeatedly, where through mind control, projections into the mind/consciousness by those who surveil and sometimes people speaking to other people about me too- that I should not be trusted, I’m a bad influence, not to enable me, not to help too much, not to give me preferential treatment, that I’m lazy etc…which causes them to enslave me & give me harder, unnecessary things to do.
    It’s been a rough road by myself, no prayer partner/prayer group of like mind to pray with, when moving about 60+times since 2012, most times I had to do the heavy lifting by myself or one other to aid. A few times brothers from churches helped, but I still had a lot to do myself. In dealing with the daily occult attacks it has been a long road alone too, but I do send out prayer requests to the faithful prayer ministries like TBN, CBN etc. many that are available. I am alive today because of their prayers, even though I don’t have physical contact with them. Very grateful to have connected with Jamie R, & From HIs Presence ministries.

  105. Linda Stanford says:

    Thank you for this word today Jamie. I am claiming in Jesus name. I have prayed for results for so long and it doesn’t seem like God is hearing me so I pray this is my day.

  106. MICHAEL OKEDELE says:

    Thank you Father!

  107. Jamie:
    Thank you for this word, and I’m praying that our helpers will come to our aid right away to help my granddaughter & her boyfriend. They had all the money they had worked so hard for ( around $400) stolen from my granddaughter’s wallet at our mall. They are heartbroken! This money was to pay their bills! Please, Lord, hear & answer our prayers, in Jesus name, Amen. Thank you, Jesus, all praise and honor is yours.

  108. Umezulike chidimma says:

    Thanks you for this word,I have been praying for a helper to come to my aid,I believe God has answered my prayers .

  109. Annanson John says:

    Thia is so timely!
    God bless you abundantly.

  110. Thank you Lord for sending helpers! This is just what I needed to help me be able to continue with what I’ve been going through.

  111. Yes, it did speak to me.

  112. I receive and seal this word in the blood of Jesus Christ. The word is timely. May the almighty reveal to me these helpers in the name of Jesus Christ Amen

  113. Bantshang says:

    Lord I thank you for seeing what am going through. All the burdens of my life and the hardships. When I am weak am strong because of you. I thank you for the divine helpers lord. Am waiting to see it come to pass. In Jesus name

  114. Amen for these Words coming from the mouth ordained by God! God bless you Pastor Jamie. This is a timely Word from the Lord for me as I am at the cross road since I want to quit my job and start a business and invest in property. The desire is so strong, that I think about this every hour of the day. However, I need someone who can mentor me until im able to stand on my own feet. I believe that destiny helpers are turning around to help me and I receive it in Jesus name!

  115. Carla Y Lane says:

    Thank you Jamie for this Prophetic Word. Tears are in my eyes as I began to read this. Prior to this word being sent to me, my young Pastor was speaking about others in the church doing random acts of kindness to others in the church. I am in the Body of Christ, but have felt alone and isolated walking this Spiritual Journey alone for decades. He even mentioned that some Saints came over and cut his lawn, and set up for a picnic. I actually have to pay to get my lawn cut, and as we speak my lawn needs cutting. I thought to myself, nobody has contacted me to see if I needed help. Thank God for those who the Lord will send to help his Daughter with a giving a caring heart. God Bless Jamie.

  116. Anna Tela says:

    Thank you Jamie, i received this message with great heart to Papa God. This message is timely and i look forward for the blessings.

    God Bless,

  117. Thank you so much, Papa God! 🤗💗💐 I’ve just been waiting for this. I know even if I don’t ask for these. I already received them. I really do appreciate and love it that now I realize all those difficulties I’ve encountered had made me who I am today. I am more resilient, more convicted, more appreciative, and more loving. I am so blessed to share all the blessings you’ve given me in my life (esp. my family and my loved ones).

    Thanks for the share, Jamie! 💟

    ~Cheers to us! 🥂✨ God bless us all 🙏 💗

  118. Shaun Horton says:

    I really needed this. Something is making my world upside down. I really needed this last year. And hope that God is sending this to me right now with all the things going on in my life.

  119. So timely! Thank You Jesus 🙏🏽🙏🏽

  120. Yes, Lord! Thank you for the help that you’re sending. I believe and receive it by faith. In Jesus Name! Amen!!!

    Thank you Lord for your faithfulness.

    Glory to God!

  121. Thank Jamie for this Word in season. I desperately needed to hear it. I thank God for your life. Remain ever blessed and a blessing to the nations.

  122. Kari Silvester says:

    Thank you I receive this in Jesus name!

  123. Dear Father, I am in awe of your glory, honour and majesty. You are Jehovah El Roi; the God Who Sees. I thank you Father for always giving me a rhema word that addresses my peculiar situation. 2024 is our year of Redemption. Therefore, every day, as I speak forth your rhema, I ask that you cause every circumstance of life, men / helpers and finances to align with your perfect will and destiny for my life, as an individual, and for the lives of my sons Joseph and Simon Peter, in Jesus’ Name. I pray that the light of God in our spirits will direct me, Joseph and Simon Peter to be at the right place at the right time, and that the Spirit of God will cause me, Joseph and Simon Peter to walk in God’s preordained path for our lives, in Jesus’ Name. Amen

    Dearly Beloved Mrs. Jamie the Redeemer (1 John 4:17), All I have to say is thank you.
    God has said it, I believe it, and that settles the matter.
    We will walk in divine favour. God’s got everything fixed in my and their behalf. He has the right people to help me and my sons, at the right time, and in the right place.

    I refuse to fear whatsoever; for all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Hallelujah. Glory to God! God has the right people to help me at the right time, and in the right place; He’ll guide me to them, or He’ll guide them to me. One way or another, we’ll meet.” Hallelujah. Thank you Abba Father for loving me so much. Thank you for all those through whom you help us. I worship and adore you forever. Amen.

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