Prayer for You If You Feel Invisible

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Beloved, do you feel invisible today? If so, I believe the Lord wants to break that hiddenness off you today and flaunt you to the world.

Prayer for You If You Feel Invisible | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

It’s true that God raises people up in hiddenness.

Think about David:

He turned David into a mighty man of valor on the back side of Bethlehem while David was tending sheep. Long before David ever made it to King Saul’s court, he was known as a mighty man with the sword and the harp. 

God raised David up to be strong before He ever got David away from the sheepfold. But then, a day came–and God flaunted David to the world.

He did a similar thing with Joseph:

God raised Joseph up, taught him, and discipled him during those long years of rejection at home with his family. His brothers hated him and sold him into slavery. Then, Joseph had a momentary glimpse of favor at Potiphar’s house–only to be falsely accused and subsequently thrown into jail for many years. 

But when due time had come, God took Joseph from the pit to the palace in one day.

God may take His time; but when He promotes, He promotes quickly.

I believe that right now is God’s time to promote many people in His family. If your heart and spirit are crying out to God as you read this, I believe it’s His time to promote you in some way too.

Look at God’s promise to you in Isaiah 62:4:

“You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be married.”

“Hephzibah” means “My delight is in her,” and “Beulah” means “married.” So with this promise, God is forecasting a new day for you. He says that you won’t be forsaken or desolate anymore. Instead, you’ll be favored:

  • You’ll be joined together with what you’re supposed to be joined to.
  • God Himself will take delight in you.
  • His delight will be obvious to others.
  • You will be chosen, selected, and honored.

I believe it is God’s time to honor you.

Related: 7 Life-Changing Prayers for People Who Feel Forgotten

Many of you have been feeling dissatisfied with where you are, yearning for something better. You’ve been praying a long time for favor, opportunities, and relationships. You’ve been seeking God with all your heart for His face, not just for His hand.

However, you’ve also been praying the prayer of Jabez–that He would bless You indeed, enlarge your territory, that His hand would be with you–for so many years as well. You’ve been believing God for bigger and greater–and You know He will come through.

Yet, all this time, you have watched yourself be passed over time and time again. Favor and opportunity have been fleeting when they have come. You’ve been grateful for all that you have, but your heart yearns for more. You know God has promised you more … but nevertheless, it’s as if you’ve been hidden from sight.

Your heart has been broken more times than you can count, but you still believe God. The travail has worn you out, but you still believe God. You stand firm in faith, and you have forgotten how to cry.

You just believe God.

But beloved, I believe the pressure you feel right now is the final push–and that God wants you to pray in His ultimate breakthrough.

I believe you feel such agony and groaning in your spirit because God needs you to push through one more time. In order for this breakthrough to come, you need to push.

Will it be the last time you’ll need to contend? Of course not. But this strung-out-in-contending feeling you’ve been having is the birthing pangs of God’s destiny for you, and He needs you to pray in His promotion.

It’s time for your land to be married, and for the veil of invisibility to be torn from top to bottom by His mighty hand and outstretched arm.

Are you ready to be promoted?

If you feel invisible today, pray this prayer with me:

“Father God, I come to You in Jesus’ name.

Father, thank You for loving me. You are good, and I thank You for it. Your mercies endure forever. Thank You. You loved me and knew me before the foundation of the earth. I am Your inheritance, Your precious possession. Thank You. I am Your child, and You cherish me. Thank You, Father. I need Your love, and am grateful for it. I rest in You, and I take comfort knowing who I am in You.

But Father, I feel invisible here on the earth.

Lord, I reject and renounce the evil spirit of self-pity and all of its manifestations. I choose to remain thankful, keep my eyes on You, and give thanks to You instead. You have always taken care of me, and You always will. 

But Father, You also have given me instructions in Your Word for what I am to do when I’m needy and desire Your help:

  • You also said to cast my cares upon You, for You care for me.
  • You said that I should be anxious for nothing; but in everything, with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, that I should make my requests known unto You.
  • You said to pray without ceasing.
  • You said to ask for what I want, and that I would receive when I ask–that my joy may be full.

So that’s what I am choosing to do right now, Lord.

Father, I have been overlooked in many things for a long time. 

You know this, Lord. In so many cases–not all, Lord, but so many times–I have been overlooked when I shouldn’t have been:

  • People who have been choosing haven’t chosen me.
  • People who have been looking haven’t seen me.
  • Other people seem to get opportunities, but I have gotten very few.

It’s been like I have been invisible and forgotten about by the world.

Father, I know that You sometimes hide people until the right time.

I know that You raise people up in obscurity and then flaunt them to the world. Your Word says this. You did it with Jesus, hiding Him 30 years in Nazareth. Then, You suddenly flaunted Him to the world at His baptism and again at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. You also did this with David, Joseph, Elisha, Moses, and others in the Bible.

But Lord, I also know that You can’t move unless I pray. So Lord, even though You raise people up in obscurity, I’m asking right now for Your help–that You would remove me from obscurity and reveal me to the world for Your glory.

Father, I ask in Jesus’ name that You would debut me to the world.

Lord, You have prepared me and I am ready. So like You did with Jesus, with David, with Joseph, and with others, I ask in Jesus’ name:

  • That You would remove the veil of invisibility that has been on me.
  • Break off the thing that has kept people from seeing me for who I am in You.
  • Break off the thing that has made me be overlooked for opportunities, promotions, and favor time after time after time.
  • Accelerate the timing of my promotion and bring it into the NOW like You did for Jesus at Cana of Galilee.
  • Work a miracle and bring me out into the open for the sake of Your glory, so that I can fully function in who You made me to be on the earth.

Father, You are good. My times are in Your hands, and I submit to Your timing.

However, I believe that my time is now, and that You are asking me to pray this way so Your Kingdom can come and Your will can be done on earth, and in my life, as it is in Heaven.

So Father, turn Your spotlight of favor on me for Your glory.

From this day forward, Father:

  • Let me be chosen instead of overlooked.
  • Let Your spotlight of favor shine brightly upon me.
  • Let opportunities, increase, favor, and promotions come to me from every side.
  • Let people who previously said “no” to me come back and say “yes.”
  • According to Your Word in Isaiah 62:4, let me be a Bride who is chosen, selected, and sought out.
  • Send me the kings who are to be my foster fathers, and the queens who are to be my nursing mothers.
  • Send me my sons and daughters from afar, their silver and gold with them. Send me my children from the ends of the earth.
  • Let miracles of favor come forth for me today in Jesus’ name.
  • Let miracles of money come forth for me today in Jesus’ name.
  • Let miracles of opportunity come forth for me today in Jesus’ name.
  • Let miracles of relationships come to me today in Jesus’ name.
  • Let miracles of influence come forth to me today in Jesus’ name.
  • Let miracles of healing come to me, my body, my soul, my mind, my spirit, my family, my finances, my ministry, my job, my children, and every other thing pertaining to my life–in Jesus’ name.

Lord, let me no longer be forsaken or desolate, but let me be sought out.

Shine Your light of favor on me today. Increase my anointing, FAVOR, and influence on every side for Your glory. I decree that people will come running after me beginning TODAY and every other day, carrying with them favor, opportunity, and promotion.

Lord, promotion comes from YOU, so I’m not going to seek it from people. But, I know You use people to do Your will; so I thank You that YOU are sending the people with the blessings, favor, opportunities, and promotions to me right now in Jesus’ name.

And Father, now more than ever, shore up my knowledge of who I am in You.

Help me to rest in You. Help me to know that I know that I know who I am in You. Teach me more about Your call on my life. Reconfirm Your promises to me and my family. Help me to stand with Your armor on; and, having done all, to stand some more.

Thank You, Father. Let the answers come for Your glory; for Your honor; and for Your praise. Let Jesus be lifted up in my life; use me to make His name famous on the earth. 

I love You, Abba Father. I love You, Jesus. And I love You, Holy Spirit. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ holy and wonderful name I pray, amen.”

Does this word resonate with you today? If so, leave a comment below and tell me what the Lord is saying to you!


  1. Undule Mwakasungula says:

    I am blessed with this prayer.

    1. Cathy Norman says:

      WOW..( I cried the whole time while reading) for just a hour to checking my email before heading to work, I prayed to God for the same things! you just delivered his answer’s to me) I am so beyond words to say! You’ve confirmed what I’ve been praying for a sign to be delivered to me just a couple of days ago! I thank God everyday for you Jamie, I’ve been with you for the past 2 years and I can honestly say you have saved me a lot of time prophesying right on time when I need confirmation from our Father! I love you and I pray God with keep using you to help(us) your spiritual family by using your gifts to uplift the hurting, lonely, broken-hearted, etc on all levels!

      1. HILDAH DINGWE says:

        Came at the right time for me. Thank you

      2. Yes the Lord has been given me to say Jabez prayer to ask for more favor so this confirms what God is saying to me and doing in my life thank you

      3. I struggled not to cry n couldn’t help it in some parts..this is my absolute heartfelt prayer to God just prophecied..thank you Jesus Christ AMEN..God bless you Jamie

    2. This prayer was precisely what i was seeking from God. I have been feeling ignored and undervalued.

      Thank you for this prayer!

    3. As I read this prayer towards the conclusion I drifted off in sleep and I had this flash of two girls fighting very seriously and I noted that am one of the girls. So I prayed against powers that has caused me to be hidden. Am happy to have prayed that prayer. I have greater and better insight on the subject about hiddeness.

    4. Wendy Getsinger says:

      Wow! I cried as I was praying out loud the anointed words the Lord gave you to share with us! I have felt invisible a lot in my life and especially over the last several years! I have been alone a lot with the Lord and been mentoring/discipling one young woman over the past several months and I have a ministry of prayer and encouragement but it never seems to get anywhere. Your prayer definitely resonated with me! I felt the words fly off the page and into my heart and spirit! I feel the best I have felt in years after reading this prayer! I stand in expectation of what the Lord is going to do through me for His Glory! Thank you for your obedience to the Lord is speaking over me and the pouring out the Anointing of the Holy Spirit over me and so many others! Obedience is better than sacrifice! You are definitely obedient! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your obedience to speak out what the Holy Spirit is leading you say and do! You have made a tremendous difference in my life today! Praying for the Lord’s favor in every area of your life!

    5. Natalie Cordner says:

      Thanks Jamie you are truly a blessing in my life. God’s grace on you and your family and ministry. Love Natalie

    6. Amen, it is done in Jesus name!

    7. Merle Johnson says:

      I have prayed this prayer believing that the Almighty God has heard and answered me in Jesus name. I am no longer hidden and the invisible veil has finally been removed in Jesus mighty name. Thank you Abba Father Amen and Amen.

    8. Mike Garza says:

      I so luv this prayer n it made me so comfortable in mind body and soul , so I believe in my heart that Our Father God Almighty n previous son Jesus Christ have look down upon me now , thank U , urs in spirit , Mike Garza , thank U Again

  2. Sanhawit Suzie AHMAD says:

    This Word is confirmation for what I prayed for yesterday. PRAISE YOU LORD! THANK YOU FOR NOT FORESAKING ME JESUS.

    1. Johnetta L Platt says:

      Jamie, first I thank God for ALWAYS giving me what I need at just the right time. I thank God for you and your obedience. This WORD, this PRAYER is answer to everything that I have been waiting on. Our Fathers timing is ALWAYS on time. LOL. Thank you for your obedience. I thank God for you.
      May all the blessings of our God be upon you and your family in The Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen. Amen. Amen.
      Once again thank you soon much!
      Continued blessings and love.


    2. Delia.Gonzales says:

      ×Awesome thank Jamie and giving me.this.prayer true jave have been isolated and not.seen i will continue as.your husband of course your baby. May God bless you continuously Have a wonderful day.

  3. Thank You so much for sharing this Prayer. It means so much to me in my life might now.

    1. Thanks for this prayer and the wheel message. I have been facing rejection for along time. Today I believe am coming out of rejection in the name of Jesus Christ.

  4. There are no words to express what this prayer has done and will continue to do for me.

  5. Thank you Jamie, for this wonderful blog post! This helped me so much.

    God has given you a gift to encourage his people and I pray that God would continue to use and bless you mightily in His precious name. Amen!

  6. Shaen denice singh says:

    I receive in Jesus swwet Name Amen

  7. Tawana M. says:

    Thank you Jamie! This was right on time. Praise the Lord! Amen.
    God bless you an your family,
    Tawana M.

  8. I believe and receive in Jesus name. Amen
    Expect my testimonies soon.

    1. Love your faith, Ann!!! 🙂

  9. I woke up this morning and I confessed to God that I felt unseen in this world. Shortly after arriving at work, I received your email about this post. It assured me that God does see me and I am never forgotten. It also assured me that God does understand and hear my prayers. This was the confirmation that I needed.

    Thank you for sharing this message.

    1. Wow, praise God. I love how He works like that! He sees you right where you are and loves you so much! Thank You, Jesus!

  10. Amen, I receive this in Jesus name.

  11. Irene D Jones says:

    amen to this word. Thank you for letting God use you as his vessel

  12. Bless you & Thank you, Jamie for writing such a powerful prayer to submit to our Father. It is so timely in my life as I am returning to the workforce and just left a new job after only one month due to the very negative environment where I found myself becoming more and more depressed despite my positive attitude and friendliness. I left before finding another position because I could not take another day. I have applied for another position at a company that truly values their employees and customers and who promotes exceptional customer service and team building. I feel that it would be a great blessing to work for them and am awaiting a call back for a potential interview.

    I also can relate to being rejected and excluded, but by my sisters which has been very painful. I pray for my family frequently — for God to reveal Himself to them and for Him to bless them and watch over them. At the same time, I pray for our Father to acquaint me with those whom will see my value and appreciate my gifts and also with whom I may build healthy and loving friendships with.

    I know He is with me in the meantime and that I need to continue to pray and to trust His timing.

    Thank you, again, Jamie.

    With much love!

  13. Amen!! I receive this prayer🙏🙏

  14. Lindsey Cook says:

    Streams of tears are flowing right now as I read this much needed prayer!!
    I know the Lord has not forgotten me and I just thank Him for knowing his people and their hearts. GOD is always on time!!!!! This is much confirmation for me to keep pressing in. I believe I am tasting it I just cant see it…..Thank you Jesus for the answers to my prayers that you are aligning right now!!! And thank you Jamie for being such a good steward over his word, you are such an amazing women of GOD and I cant thank you enough for blessing those who are seeking HIS face!!!!! YES and AMEN

  15. Lisa Nichols says:

    Hi Jamie,
    I also cried all the way through the prayer at the end of this devotional. It seems that everywhere I turn I’m hearing or reading about Joseph, David, Moses…about the preparation time, the crushing time that produces the oil. Thank you for sharing this devotional, it really ministered to me.

  16. Mwanamgeni says:

    God is so faithful, Truly he’s not a man that he should lie. I have been praying asking God for the same thing you posted. I have no words! I just finished praying, then l decided to check if I had any emails & I thank the Holy Spirit for guiding me to the answer. May the lord bless you Jamie mightly & continue to increase your gift of prophecy. You alway send the message at the right time when I need it most. Thank you for Father God that you never leave me or forsake me. Thank you Lord that you are close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Thank you Father, thank Jesus and thank you Holy Spirit. . Amen and Amen.

  17. So timely, I can’t believe just how timely, for I’ve been praying for all of the above. I receive everything you have said, that which our Lord has revealed to you. May the Lord give you strength to keep going and to keep relaying His wisdom to you, so you can continue to help us. God bless you in your life’s journey. Thank you for this message, it is exactly what I’ve been praying for.

  18. Wow! This prayer is powerful! I felt the power and the heavens open above me! I receive every word with expectation! Thank you!

  19. Magarine Grant says:

    Thank you so much for this prayer, it’s like you saw my heart and felt what I been going through all my life. I felt I always over look in everything. Even in my church, I remember they were giving out awards of appreciation to the workers in the kingdom, even though I am one of the kingdom work who leave last on Sunday after finish making sure everything is done. I was the only worker name that didn’t call out to present my award, until the next Sunday, because some ask what happens to my award. The explanation was they couldn’t find mine, but it was ordered. I will pray this prayer every day until the spirit of hiddness bind up and the spirit of God loose and to locate me.

  20. Glory hallelujah this prayer was ment for me.when I was praying it is was feeling joy and tears ato the same time because I was having a serious talk with Jesus. May God bless you always and your family Jamie.You been a blessing to my life

  21. I believe and receive this word and agree with you all in prayer it is done in Jesus name Amen I praise you Father

  22. My heart desire. What a blessing, and I receive those beautiful words that resonate with my heart. Thank you – God bless you for letting God use you.

  23. Jamie you are a life saver! Hallelujah!
    God sends you right on time and I’m very thankful for you and your ministry. May God bless you to keep shining your light on us all…I receive. Amen

  24. Yeukai Magocha says:

    Thank you Father, thank you Jamie. It is done, in Jesus name AMEN!!!

  25. I have just prayed and i believe God will do something in my life.How about praying if you feel like you are are put in a bottle…like going around and round in cycles?What prayer can i pray?

  26. thank you so much for these prayers, Jamie. I have felt invisible, overlooked and forgotten for several years. I declare that today all of that changes and shifts and I will no longer be forgotten, but sought out! my husband and I both! and thank you Lord, for what you will do in our lives for Your glory. Amen!

  27. This prayer came right on tine. I feel so left out and over looked. I feel as though I am stuck in the wilderness season, seemingly. I prayed this prayer aloud and I believe every word. Now I await the manifestation of His glory to be revealed. Thank you and God Bless!

  28. Thank you Jesus and thank you Jamie. This word spoke to my heart and with such confirmation. Been feeling this way for a while and praying this prayer with you went with my prayer time this morning. I receive it for me and my son(who needs such a blessing right now and connection to the right people) in Jesus name amen!!

  29. DONNA O'CONNOR says:

    Hallelujah! Thank you for being obedient and sharing this on-time Word and prayer. It has encouraged my heart and strenghtened my faith and trust that God is working it all out for my good.

    God bless you. Keep on allowing the Lord to lead you and being obedient to His will.

  30. I receive these words in Jesus’ name. Please show favor on my husband and I for Your Glory. Blessings 🙏

  31. God Bless You! I needed this today! Started my day feeling at a loss for energy. On the verge of a promotion but it is still so quiet. This prayer has given me peace. God bless your ministry.

  32. Thank you Jamie! What an awesome post and prayer. God has gifted, blessed you and blessed us by working through you….I am kind of speechless and in awe as to how God led me to you…I have only been reading your amazing posts and prayers for just a month or so. I had been praying for a fresh, deeper, prophetic word than what I had been following for several years and God led me to you, not even sure how that happened! Except I know it was in the supernatural….bless you for loving us and we love you. I pray for you too 💖

  33. Kris Harrell says:

    Wow right on target thank you! Expecting now!

  34. Henrietta says:

    Yes Jamie. Thank you for the perfect timing and perfect word.
    The going has been so tough, but I also know that the turn for the better is almost here… I know things have changed in the spirit but cannot see it in the physical yet. The hardship is increasing while I wait…
    Thanks for this word that gives strength and help at this time of transition.
    God bless you for your faithfulness to those who going through a tough time!

  35. Thank you so so much x

  36. Thank you so much for this prayer, Jamie.

    I pray this prayer for my myself and all that have prayed this. I believe and receive it, for the best is coming NOW, in Jesus’ name, AMEN!

  37. Joyce Snuggs says:

    Yes! This prayer resonates in me constantly. Praise God!
    Thank and bless you!

  38. Cheryl N. says:

    Thank you so much! I prayed this prayer out loud to the Lord to hear myself say it and ask it to him. Father do it! No more last, but first in Jesus name! Blessing!

  39. Thank you Papa for the Word, Thank you Papa for your love. I receive the words that are said by Jamie in the prayer. I am visible. Those who said “no” to me will come back, and say ”yes”, I will be chosen, I will be receiving favor, blessings from every side. Thank you. Amen

  40. Greg king says:

    I love that prayer. it’s exactly how I was feeling until I read it. Now I whole and healed, and here.

    Thanks woman of God

  41. Just awesome, thank you Father God….Thank you Jaimie, blessings

  42. I was just talking to a co-worker/sister in Christ about feeling hidden in God…that was today! I receive this timely Word…touching and agreeing!
    In Jesus’ Name!

  43. I thank you for this prayer it is so in keeping with what I am praying to God for, Amen.

  44. Melissa Meyer says:

    This word was so for me! I receive it in Jesus name. I am no longer covered and my godly husband will find me soon in Jesus mighty name I pray amen

  45. Georgekutty P.A says:

    Thank you Jamie for this message and prayer. After much prayer the Lord is opening a door for me for ministry with a local church. Last eight month I was sitting inactive in the ministry.I trust God for a breakthrough and even more in the coming days.

  46. Kahn Johnson says:

    This Word, again is Rhema !! It’s confirmation!! This same Word was preached on Sunday. I am ready for the increase in every area of my life. I’m ready for the divine favor and prosperity in the Matchless and Mighty Name of JESUS!!!!!!!!

    I’m expecting and rejoicing now as it is done!!

  47. my name is patrick, some one in life has diverted my finances. am full of debt now. i need 24hours reversal now in the mighty name of jesus christ. let it happen now.

  48. Irene Jones says:

    Amen gave me chills praying this

  49. Thank you i needed that word that is just how I feel invisible. Thank again I will believe and not doubt that my time is now.

    Thank again.

  50. Thank you so very much Jamie. This prayer is right on point for me. I thank God for connecting me to you. I have to sit with this prayer some more. It so resonated with me. So amazed. May you ask be refreshed as you minister to do many of us.
    God bless you and shine on you always.

  51. Tess White says:

    Thank You Lord, yes and amen! Let Your Will be done!

  52. Amen. I claim and received it in Jesus Name Amen. Thank you Heavenly Father for Ministering to Jamie in Jesus Name amen. We honor you , your are worthy to be praise. Hallelujah Praise the Lord. What a mighty God we Serve. Amen

  53. Stephanie McKenzie Lawrence says:

    Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! This most certainly blessed me and spoke to my spirit at a time when I greatly needed it! Jesus! I’m full! Thank you, Lord! Thank you, Lord! I can’t stop speaking the highest praise! Hallelujah! Lord, I love you! This spoke volumes to me.

  54. Denecia Abear Herbert says:

    I was really feeling down because I have a publishing company where I help people to ghostwrite their stories. Well, I just finished with a major client and I just knew this would be a great opportunity for marketing the business, but it didn’t turn out that way. It really made me feel bad because I invested a lot of time and work. Reading your blog and praying the prayer had me in tears because the parts about Joseph, Moses, Jesus and David being in obscurity for years really resonated with me. Thank you so much!!!

  55. LaTrina Steele says:


  56. What a wonderful, awesome God we have. Thank Lord for answering our prayers thru Ms Jamie. I love u Lord.

  57. Thank you Jamie .
    Every word of God in that was for me .
    They have been my verses for a long time

    The whole article was comforting to me .
    I’m ready to receive all of it .

  58. Truly amazing and thankful to you God and Jamie. Thank you God for this prophetic word and prayer all glory to you Father God 🙌🏾🙏🏾😭.

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