Prophetic Dream: Purge Before Surge PODCAST

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1

My friend, have you been waiting and waiting for the BIG blessings the Lord has promised you?

If so, today I want to share something that I believe is one of the very final steps before blessings start to fall down on you like rain. That step is a new level of PURGING before the Lord’s SURGING in your life.

I had a powerful, very prophetic dream about this recently, and it shook me up. I immediately began praying into it, and the Lord began moving in amazing ways in my life. I believe that He will do the same for you if you will also heed this prophetic word today.

I share this word in today’s podcast, episode 23 of Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh.

You can listen to this short word and prophetic dream using the player above or below, and please remember to subscribe to and rate this podcast if it blesses you!

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Thank you so much for listening! Have a great day!

In Christ,

Jamie Rohrbaugh



  2. Praise Our God Sis Jamie I’m in total Agreement with this teaching the old must come out before the New can be appreciated or have the power to stand out and perform to effectiveness. New wine won’t last in old wineskins it’s not the proper container it’ll burst out won’t stay in…so as we lay before the Lord which I also practice for many years now, to empty us out of Self (flesh) with Godly sorrow for God to change us for His purposes. All I really want is to be like Jesus in every way and to love people with the Heart that He has. I hate it when I disappoint God it hurts me that I hurt Him. So again thanks for your Obedience to Our Father Abba for sharing His insights with us. Im looking forward to the next 2 podcasts Sis remain Blessed I love you my Friend! And truly I thank the Lord for your ministry (For Him)💞
    To God be All Glory!

  3. Annanson John says:

    Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen!
    Today I had this message and I believe it is a confirmation of this podcast and I wrote below 👇👇👇👇. Thank you for your obedience to Lord Jesus Christ and your prophetic precision and accuracy and authenticity.
    The Lord just gave me a revelation as I was reflecting and in it He asked whether the other diseases had been removed? He said, when Israel in the wilderness prayed/cried for the serpents to be removed, He did not but instead He asked Moses/Prophet to tell them to look up to the bronze serpent/Jesus Christ, also the church and live, and anyone who did lived but those who refused died. I am praying about this revelation and will furnish you with more details. But suffice it to say, let us lift up eyes our to Jesus Christ in faith, while we observe the necessary protocols and instructions.We are complete and perfect only in Christ Jesus [Matt5:48/2Cor5:21].WHEN WE LIFT UP OUR EYES UNTO JESUS CHRIST, PLAGUES GO AWAY. For Jesus Christ is the STANDARD RULE, [Gal6:16] and so beloved in Jesus, look not around and be seized with fear, look not within and be miserable by your frailty, look up to Jesus Christ the Author and FINISHER/PERFECTOR of our most Holy Faith. Trusting God for a miracle for you. Jesus is our perfection, we cannot be perfect on our own, but in Him we are. Matt5:48/Acts17:28. We are not left in this world to be miserable whining brats! We are here as the SALT OF THE EARTH AND THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD. We are here to help accomplish a mission, the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. Matthew 28:18-20.
    We are not born again for sex and food.
    We are born again for the business of the Kingdom of God-The church of Christ Jesus! To win souls and manifest God’s Kingdom of Power on earth!
    We are not here to master the junk of the Ivy leagues. We are here as the epistle of Christ.
    To be the essence of God-His Aroma!
    Beloved it is futile to wish off PLAGUES in the name of prayer.
    If you live within the economy of Christ Jesus, evil and PLAGUES shall be far from your dwelling place! It is the word of God and the word of God cannot be negotiated or overturned or overruled. Ps138:2.
    Have a fantastic and great midweek! And please stay tuned for further details. Barika!

  4. Rachel Alvarez says:

    Thank you sister in Christ you have reminded me about disobedience I kept saying if I’m praying in the with why my teens are in such disobedience time thank you once you been such help in time every one I love as passed on.

  5. Wow Jamie. Holy Spirit is convicting me through this. Thank you Jamie and thank You Abba Father. You are good.

  6. This cry for holiness and purification echoes the cry of my heart for about the past month, and like you said, though we’ve prayed this way many times before there seems to be a new urgency, a new and deeper burden to relinquish more of self so that Jesus can reveal more of Himself through us. Nothing less will suffice.
    Thank you Jamie, for mirroring the Spirit’s beckoning call.
    God bless you.

  7. Joseph Gandywest Agathe says:

    I believe and receive. In Jesus name.Amen

  8. Amen Jamie, I am in agreement with everything you said and prayed in your prayer. I ask the Lord to be merciful unto me and help me to become everything He has created me to become. In Jesus’ mighty name I pray.

  9. Yes Amen! Search my heart Jesus, give me the grace and strength to do what’s right. John 15:5… I can’t do it on my own, I need you Jesus. May I never think I’ve arrived and without sin, keep a humble spirit within me. Help me be quick to repent and help me to offer forgiveness to those who have wronged me.

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