Prophetic Word: Come Away and Sit With Me Awhile
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Beloved Presence seeker, I heard the Lord say to you today:
“The stress is too much for you. Come away and sit with Me awhile.”
Then He said:
“Beloved child, I am your rest. I am your peace and calm in the storm. I am the roof over your head that will shield you from the storms of life.
You’ve been working so hard, and I gave you that gift. I gave you the gift of work. Your work is fruitful and productive for Me and for My Kingdom.
But just as I am the God of action, I am also the God of peace. I am YOUR God of peace, and I desire you to take a few days and rest right now.
While you are resting, don’t put pressure on yourself.
Everything you need to do can wait a day or two. Nothing I have given you to do in this season is so urgent that it supersedes My command to rest. Today, tomorrow, and the next day, I need you to rest.
There are some things I want to pour into you right now. I will also be preparing you for some things I am about to do in your life. There are special seasons in life in which you receive My directive words–seasons in which you pause to look at the road signs in front of you; seasons in which you wait on Me to guide you. Now is such a season.
You have been gearing up for something big, and it’s closer than you know.
Your big thing is happening sooner than you know. I am about to give you direction into your new season, and I need you to sit with Me a few days to receive it.
So come away. Rest. Take the pressure off yourself on purpose for a few days. Everything will be here when you get back to it, and you will be transformed by what I am going to do for you the next three days.
Love, Papa.”
Beloved, I don’t know about you, but that word brings rest to my weary soul already. I’m going to obey it. Does this word resonate with you? And if it does, will you obey it? Leave a comment below if so!
this is so my word
Dear Jamie
Thank you so very much for the prayers and the love that you share .
I love God and I know he loves me think you Father God For allowing me to
Rest with you For the next three days I need to hear the Holy Spirit speak to my heart so that I may Be and do all that God has for me .
God Bless
Arvella Johnson
I agree to the prophetic message and to me it is a CONFIRMATION!
Wow what a powerful words. I really heard the voice of God talking to me. I have been praying for an answer from God and I really I need to sit with him and rest.
This is confirmation for me.
Thank you!
I heard to “stop” and take a few days off to re-calibrate. Started yesterday and already feel a shift…
Amen our Almighty from heavens so awesome wow AMEN
Thank you for that word. I am so stressed out right now wondering where I will lay my head. Thank you Lord for the word.
Wonderful word and directive … a challenge with a critical issue at hand that has to be addressed in this same time period. Perhaps “ setting away” a few minutes each day in contemplative prayer resting in his presence during this trial assaulting my life and the life of my adult sons.
Thank you, blessings
Blessings to you
Sis you are not alone I have a very similar concern for my adult sons as well….BUT GOD!!! I received this word as well. A much needed Word. Thank you Lord for Rest
Im at work reading this and almost burst into tears. 3/15/2019 I had a melt down and was crying so hard I literally was on floor and said Father have mercy on my heart. Have mercy and intervene . I said Lord I feel like the life is being taken out of me and I’m tired but I wont give up! I was worshipping barely able utter words to songs as im crying but my Hallelujahs came out with utter brokenness and i surrendered. I literally got attacked from my Muslim family slandering me with words and the harrassment i felt Lord where can i go , what should i do, use me if you took me out of Islam. Than it was attack after attack this entire week. I even went to 3-13-2019 Holy Spirit night with all my brokenness! And yesterday i said i want this weekend to spend time with you Lord! And I Get this message and ok I’m crying now at work . He is listening family ! He hears our cries and hurts. Praise you father God!
He listens and knows you and loves you SO MUCH!!!!
I too can relate. Pressures from everywhere and all I can do is just be broken and worship God. I rest in the fact the He’s listening, He knows and He cares.. Praise God for this prophetic word! The next couple of days I will separate myself to seek the Lord.
Am blessed by this word.
My word, my resting time. 👌☺
Thank you this touched my soul in so many ways.
This word resonates. I am in the process of abandoning the faith stuff, because it’s wasted my time and money for 10 years, but I’m still here for now and as a final push before departure, God has directed me to give to your ministry for 3 months. I’m 2 months in, and whilst I don’t believe in any of this anymore, I’m taking the instruction anyways for now and was at home praying for a better life when you sent this. Love from London, w/ or w/o God.
Hi, M.A.
Thank you for your honesty. And thank you for your giving.
I am sorry that you are having a hard time right now. But, I want to encourage you to return to the Lord with all your heart and put your trust in Him. The Bible says that if you don’t believe Him, you won’t receive anything. So trying to live for Him or receive from Him or know Him without BELIEVING in Him is a waste of time. The Bible also says that all people can see that God exists, even if they have never heard the Gospel preached, because nature itself screams out the existence of a Creator. So, “men are altogether without excuse” if they do not believe in God.
That being said, you have a Father in Heaven who loves you. He knows you best and loves you most. He is with you right now, even if you don’t feel Him. He is waiting for you, yearning over you, holding out His arms to you, longing for you to return and throw yourself into His arms and let Him love you and care for you.
All you have to do is believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. Saved from sin, death, discouragement, despair, unbelief, and so much more. Only believe on Jesus. Throw yourself at His feet in trust, and He will help you.
Love to you in Christ Jesus.
This word is right on time
I have been striving so hard so this is a timely word for me
Oh God, this is for me. I have been stressing and worrying and needed to hear from God i need his direction. I will obey.
Yes.This word definitely blesses me.Before I even read it I was hoping for this very word!I was debating about some things for the weekend but was feeling like I needed to take it a bit easier because I am caring for family members (my daughter just had surgery yesterday and now it is my responsibility to care for my granddaughter who has muscular dystrophy and is wheelchair bound and my grandson who is high functioning autistic but is battling a cold right now plus my daughter recovering from her surgery.They all live with my husband and me.My husband had surgery 3 weeks ago and I suffer with fibromyalgia and chronic migraines. )
I was feeling guilty for thinking about just staying home with all of them over the weekend and skip worship service tomorrow. This word helps.
This is a beautiful word. But I do have a question..what exactly does that rest look like? I know and believe that I am one of many that this word is for..but how do I come into that rest? Does that mean I stop praying for those things I’ve been praying for? Do I physically do nothing?
Hi Jennifer, please see my answer to Erika on this thread also. Regarding your questions, I feel like it is more a physical and spiritual rest of stopping our busyness for a few days and spending extra time with the Lord in prayer and the Word. Even including soul rest–stopping with the things you feel pressured to get done, and resting your soul, whether that means sleeping some, watching a good, clean movie, quilting, doing art, going for a hike, or anything like that.
But, rest definitely does NOT mean to stop praying for things. You could slow down on praying FOR things if the Lord leads you to do that, but we are to pray without ceasing, and we are to always ask for the things we need and want so that our joy may be full (what Jesus said). So the Lord may lead you to pray differently or pray more or pray with more thanksgiving this weekend, but either way, He wants to bring you into His holy, sweet, precious REST.
Does this help?
Yes it does help! Thank you got responding back. I’ve been feeling that tug to spend time with Him but it has been hard beings that I am a single parent until the Lord reconciles my husband and I back together. I am going to be more intentional on being with the Lord, especially these next 3 days. Thank you again!
It resonates with me partially. But what “sitting with Jesus” means?
What I m really in need now is clarity, I’m a bit confused.
Gob bless you
Hi Deby, it means spend extra time alone with Him. Sit down and commune with the Lord, just you and He by yourselves. Does this help?
Very timely and liberating, especially since I took today off from work bc I needed rest from the affects of witchcraft manifesting so pervasively at my new job.
Like Jennifer, I’d like to know if you can expound on what rest should look like. Increased time in His presence, praying in the Spirit, can I clean around the house or should I remain tuned in through minimal distractions and spend more time refilling myself spiritually?
Hey Erika, I think it will be different for every person. We all probably have such an innate drive to DO that I think the only way to overcome it is to ask Holy Spirit for the next 3 days, after we do one thing (even getting out of bed), what is the next thing He would have us do? Rest? Read? Clean the house under the anointing? I don’t know, but He will customize His plan of rest for you if you’ll ask Him at each turn this weekend what activity (or lack thereof) to do next.
Hi Erika, may I ask what you’re experiencing at work? I’m wondering if I’m experiencing something similar.
This word have bless me
I shall obey and rest
Praise God ! This word is so encouraging. Just this morning I was thinking- I need to be still and listen , to hear the voice of the LORD!
Yes,it sounds delicious! I long for you.I will come before you and be attentive.
Thank you Lord for your word and thank you that we can rest in you
I am hearing this loud and clear! My life has been one big disappointment after the other and I have struggled with believing that God has heard my prayers. Between pain from RA, heart break and feeling nobody wants me, being abandoned by those close to me to not getting the promotion I feel I deserve has made me weary and disheartened.
This is truly a rhema word from the Lord! Thank you for the confirmation. I am very accustomed to DOING and He’s calling me to BEING…being 1 with Him; being in His presence regardless of where I am or what’s happening around me; being fully submitted and used for His glory.
Thank you again for sharing this word. My task list is being put on pause.
Blessings to you
Yes Jamie i will obey it seems to delusion all around me My trash has been stolen from my back and front onmy mine relationship with people i been forgotten i am praying my finaces increase i am believeing in Papa its like things going good and then it goes back
Thank You Jamie & Abba Father. I just started a new job and it is overwhelming to those of us in our positions. We are having a soft opening this weekend. We don’t feel prepared so resting in God’s peace is so welcomed to me. I am going to do that instead of being overwhelmed….I have to work but everything else can wait!!
It does ! Amen!
I have heard the Word of the Lord God Almighty and I will obey! Thank you!
Thank God for this! I have a question about this message as I am in a tricky situation. I’m 22 and pregnant with my 20 y.o. boyfriend and we want to marry soon. This weekend, when we are both home from college, we were planning to finally tell his parents our situation which we are very scared to do. Should I interpret this message as that we should wait a little longer to tell them? Or alternatively, that we should proceed telling them but have peace about it? I will definitely pray on this. Thank you so much.
Before I read your message, the Lord is impressing to me that I should go on a fast and just rest in the presence of the Lord. And I’m so amazed while reading your message as if the Lord God is talking to me personally and those are the very exact impression He is giving me just a couple of minutes passed. He always remind me that He is going to give a sudden breakthrough. Glory to God!
Thank you Jamie. God Spirit speaking through you . I had a lot on myself this past month, but God is loving and faithful. He answers prayers.
For years i have been praying. To think that the answer is so close is breathtaking. I am swamped with school and ministry and work but i will come away and rest with my beloved. I definitely am a a crossroad and need direction. God bless you Jamie for your powerful ministry.
Thank you. I sense the momentum of the release of big blessings. Is there work directly related to the thing I am in faith for? faith without work is dead, but what kind of work? For example I am believing God for the perfect home for our family. He has already confirmed it is ours for generations, showed me where the land is, I claimed the land in the spirit, etc. As I pray I ask Him what specifically should I be doing to work towards His will? and he has answered, Call it forth, Give of your time talents and treasure, pray for a smooth transition, prepare to move…buy boxes, worship and honor…. but nothing directly related to the actual build or work to bring whats immediately needed to build our home. I pray God speaks through you for my specific situation. Looking forward to your response.
Thank you for this. Very much needed.
Thank you for being obedient to the word of God and for sharing it to us. I need to rest in his presence and to be filled up for this new season that is about to come. I need to hear His voice and His direction. We serve the God of the impossible and He is worthy to be praise. He is Holy. Thank you Lord. Here I am. Let your will be done
This felt like a confirmation of my plan to get away with God this weekend. Abba, I am looking forward to what you have to say.
I read this and immediately thought of everything I have pending to do, but I’m laying down just wanting to rest anyway because of how tired I am. I then thought this would be the perfect weekend to get away for a few days because I won’t have this opportunity again for a while since I start a new job in a week. Then I remembered I have no money. Then I checked my account and the deposit I wasn’t expecting until next week was already there. Pretty amazing. Guess I will be getting away this weekend for some alone time with Jesus. 🙂
Sounds AMAZING! Go God! Have fun, Janet!
This is a word for me from the Lord for sure! Am so excited. I have been off work due to stress exhaustion with backache , but every now and then am checking emails and trying to run usuall errands. Same time I have been longing to commune deeply with God as I felt he is preparing me for new wonderful season . Now I know I must drop everything and rest and get his instruction in it and renew my strength
This was an ontime word “Rest.”
Lord, less of me and more of You.
Jesus, always on time
Jamie this word is for me. I will rest from hardwork and watch God do only whay HE can do. He will qualify me for my new season.
I’ve been dreaming about beds and pillows lately so I believe God has been hinting I need rest for awhile. Of course I read this message after having a crazy busy day, and it’s not over yet, I still have responsibilities I can’t put off as a parent. I do want rest more than anything.
Good evening, I am going to rest 3 days and listen to what god has to tell me. Thank you for this message I really appreciate it I been stressed out for a while.
Jamie, I thank you for this encouraged word today. May God continually bless u and your family, ministry. Love Mrs. Millie 💙💙💙
So needed to hear this today!! I believe and I will obey you Lord!! Thank you!!
I had to read this word twice to get hold of it. I too need to rest as I am about to crash with all I have coming against me. Only God can make a way & I thank you for sharing this word
This word is for me. I’ve been going through some things.
Wow, this is confirmation.
Jamie, my God did not want me to miss this word, you must’ve put the word out early, and I missed it! So you go back in my email and says “Lashaunda, did you get the prophetic word today”(although I know it’s generated) but it amazed me just at the right time my God is on time lol. Then He said “you have some big things coming up” I almost floored THAT’S GOD! Only He knows this. So yes I will obey and rest. Thank you so much Jamie! I pray you and your family richly Blessings in Jesus Name good night!💙💜🧡💛❤️😘😘😘
Thanks for your timely word,I really need to relax because I am under a lot of good pressure. Just before reading this I was telling God how much I love storms. I had started relaxing even before reading this because of PMS and a flu, God told me to sleep earlier on Friday and Thursday, so this word resonates with me. Thanks for blessing me,I claim all my blessings in Jesus name. God bless you exceedingly abundantly above all you could ask or imagine in Jesus name. Remember me in your prayers,am going through a lot right now but I know I have already overcome and am rejoicing in my suffering because God is in control.
Praise the Lord, thank you Abba Father and women of God. The word is for me. I will trust and obey, let Your will be done in my life.
Hi Jamie
Thank you for sharing this awesomness.
Father I accept this invitation of rest…in Your presences.
Please Father open my ears so that I can hear You load and clear.
Guide me the way…let me hear You behind me….telling me the way You want me to go..
In Your Glorious name ..
I receive this word. Thank you
Hi Jamie…
The need to rest is there, but it’s hard hey… my wife has been in hospital for the whole, and having a church I need to look after is hard… see I am a pastor but I’m so tired, been working on the church for 3years now and it’s not growing. Now I got a job so I can show into the church and help my wife… but all hell broke lose, My wife in hospital, cars breaking down, we getting more financially broke. Ai it’s so hard. I give it to Him, but I dont sleep well at night .
I really need this thanks God
Hello Jamie,
Yes, I did read this word and it was ABSOLUTELY a word for me at this time!!
Since my house went on the market in December, and finally sold on March 7th, the stress that I went through was through the roof. I’m still completely worn out physically and emotionally, and trying to rest in God’s Presence. I am staying at a friends house until I find the house that I am buying in SC. After being in the home for 35 years, there was so much that I had to do to get rid of things, donate things and or throw away that just sapped the energy and strength out of me. I wake up daily
un-refreshed and un-renewed no matter how many hours of sleep that I get. So I know this word is absolutely a Divinely timed word from the Throne of God. Thank you for your obedience in posting it and for hearing clearly from Papa for the sake of His children. God bless you mightily and abundantly always.
In His love and grace, Maria
Thank you sure much for your inspirational writings! I have been experiencing what I feel is a type of spiritual change the past few months. At times I believe I am on the right path of spiritual maturity and then all of a sudden something comes up that causes my reflections to wonder if I’ve actually been listening to God or my own desires. What a relief to have come me across your writings on Pinterest!
I thank God for bringing my attention to Pinterest and your blog in there. Convicting at times, but also very healing as balm on an open wound.
WOW!!!!! This is right on time. I
had planned to take a few days to relax during “SPRING BREAK.” I didn’t understand why or what was going to happen. I just knew that I needed some “me” time. No phone calls, no TV, no “do this, do that” just quietness & time with the FATHER. Unbeknownst to me, this was what the FATHER had already planned & designed for me. R.E.S.T.
This was for me. I had a lot of battles going on the last few weeks. An attack on my body as well while I was reading this Prophetic word . But I know it came so that I would miss the instructions. I praise God that I am being obedient . But God….
Lord I will rest. I WON’T LET GO!
Oh Jamie!
I bless God for the day I discovered your blog. I didn’t actually discover it God sent it to me, in the most bizarre, miraculous way. But that’s a story for another day lool.
He has used it to bless me immensely, and grow my Spirit man in more ways than I can start to explain right now. So thankful for this!
I read this prophetic word yesterday evening and didn’t know if it was for me. But when God says something like this, I OBEY anyway.
So this morning I read it again after I read your news letter( I kept getting a reminder in my spirit to read your email after I saw the notification) , the follow up to prophetic word and asked God for help, on what to pray about and how to spend my day. The Holy Spirit came through as always , encouraging me to spend time with the word and meditating. The revelation I got was mind blowing! I will send you a detailed email on this via email if that’s OK?
I really just thank God for all he is doing through you and your blog.
I pray that your ministry continues to grow in all areas and God renews his spirit in you every morning just like his mercies.
Much love from Lagos, Nigeria.
God bless you!
Thank you so much for this word, your right on point. Blessing you sister in Christ.
Amen I recieve this word
Oh, yes this Word is for me. So much stress and pressure I’m dealing with right now. Things did not go they way I was hoping for but God says ‘rest’ in Him. Thanks for sharing, this is a much needed word.
Confirmation! Lord God I wait on You!
Thank you so much, Jamie, for allowing God to use you to speak to me. I believe this is a direct word for me. I have been waiting upon the Lord for a something and the pressure is becoming too much. I trust Him to lead me into His rest as He takes over my area of concern. God bless you.
Emmanuel, Nigeria
Hi Jamie
I am blessed to find some one like you may God my Papa bless you I am touched.
wow , this was a needed word for me. Going thru some stressful times , my husband of 41 years passed away on the 20th. So many things to do ! Thank you for reminding me to rest in You Lord…