Prophetic Word for February 2025

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Beloved, have you been hiding yourself in the secret place of the Most High and begging Him to make you like Jesus, and to bless you indeed? If so, you are going to love what the Father said in this prophetic word for February 2025.

I heard the Father say:

“I want you to know that I am guiding your steps. Follow My peace and joy, for truly I am bearing the fruit of the Spirit in you when you are on My perfect path.

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    I know that, sometimes, My path doesn’t make sense to you. I know it can be frustrating to start down the path and not know how it is going to turn out. And I know that it can be intimidating when I ask you to do more than you had planned to do; when I expand My vision for your life, or your task, or your assignment in any given moment.

    But, beloved, I am with you to enlarge you in this season.

    In this season and this month, I am enlarging your territory and showing you enlarged portions of your assignment. I am going to do this many times by showing you things to do in any given moment–things that are virtuous and praiseworthy–even when you did not intend to do them, but I lead you, guide you, and give you unction to do a thing.

    I am keeping you through it all. I am enlarging your vision for the nations, for people, and of My heart toward you. I am showing you that I am so much greater than you ever dreamed this month, and I am giving you an awe of Me that will surpass any prior level of the Spirit of the fear of the Lord that you have had in the past.

    In moments where I enlarge your vision, take the time to pray and make sure you really have peace about what you are seeing.

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    I did not say to make sure that you know every detail, but rather that you should make sure My peace is settling over you like a skin. In that place of peace, you may not know how I am going to do a thing, but you will know that it is I Who am doing it. You will see the fruit in the thing, and you will know that it is I Who am doing the thing through you. Remember to follow My peace!

    Also, in this month, I am showing you great and mighty things that you did not know by answering long-term prayers for My favor.

    You have asked Me for favor many times, and I have answered you to some degree, and in some measure. But, this month, I am going to pile favor upon favor upon favor upon you, for you are My witness of how good I am. And as you testify to others of what I am doing, I am increasing the favor on your life. Your life will truly be a witness and a testimony of My goodness, which leads men to repentance!

    This month, I am caring for your soul in ways that are new for you.

    You have not always cared enough about your own wellbeing and health, but you have been getting better at it. In this month of February, I am anointing you to rest, relax, and to receive healing in My presence.

    You and I will have many sweet moments together, and I will teach you how MUCH I care about your wellbeing in every way. You will see this in February, for I the Lord am jealous over you, and I am protective of you. I am beating fatigue back and giving you rest from your labors in this month.

    I am making all things new in your life, slowly but surely–and you will see great strides forward this month.

    All Things New: How to Receive Heavenly Downloads for Your New Season

    Do you need to hear from God about what He has for you in this new season? Then get Jamie’s book All Things New, and learn how to hear the Lord about prayer directives, goals and dreams, changes in your heart and soul, and more!

    God will speak to you about every aspect of your new season if you will set yourself apart to hear what He has to say.

    I am proud of you for choosing to rest in Me, and to receive from Me. I am delighted with your heart for Me and for people. I just also know that you do not honor yourself enough; and I am going to help you honor yourself as My chosen vessel of glory this month, so that you can receive and walk in My great love for you at greater levels.

    My beloved, I am always bringing you higher.

    This month is a time of purposeful rest in Me. It is a time when the secret hours we spend together will reap for you an eternal reward, and you will see tangible, visible evidence of My reward this month.

    No longer am I holding back blessings because of character issues, for you have been faithful to let Me reshape your character into more of My likeness than ever before, and I will bless you as I am helping you to rest in Me this entire month long.

    Love, your Heavenly Abba Father.”

    Thank You, Abba Father! We rejoice in you, and we thank You for Your goodness and grace toward us!

    Beloved, does this prophetic word for February 2025 minister to your heart today? If so, leave a comment below!

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    All Things New: How to Receive Heavenly Downloads for Your New Season

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    1. Thank You, Abba Father, I receive this prophetic word of God and believe it by faith. Amen. Hallelujah

      1. I receive this in JESUS mighty name Amen

      2. Amen Glory to Gid I received this in Jesus Name amen

      3. Shirley Jackson says:

        I receive it in the name of Jesus

    2. God is good faithful and loving All the time. Peace and much needed rest! Thank you Jesus

      1. Thank you ABBA Father for this message is speaking directly to me and letting me know that he is guiding my path according to his plan.

    3. 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾thank you Father

    4. Thank you father. I too receive with a grateful heart. ☀️

    5. Sue Brage says:

      Yes in all the ways. Perfect timing. Perfect words. A perfect picture of ABBA’s beautiful heart for us this month.

      Thank you Jamie. Your words in 2025 have been spot on for me. So grateful to have your voice in my life. 🥰

    6. Austin Ibe says:

      Thank you Abba Father, in You there is hope for a better tomorrow. I believe in your word of prophecy for me this month. Amen in Jesus name.

    7. Thank you my Father, I receive your word, and thank you Jamie, good and faithful steward

      1. Carole Grant says:

        Thank You Most Gracious and Loving Father for remembering and blessing us once again. We are forever THANKFUL for Your GOODNESS, LOVING CARE, GUIDANCE and WISDOM.

    8. What a month to looking forward! I cannot wait to see what our Heavenly Father has in store for me this month. I feel like a kid on a sled in the snow racing down a big hill for a big thrill! Thank you, Jamie! Blessings.

    9. Deirdre Danna says:

      I receive this word in the name of Jesus. Amen

    10. This word is for me and so timely@!! God has heard my prayer points even this morning @! Glorryy be to my Abba Father!

    11. Jamie, this is a wonderful word and encourages me greatly. Thank you! Thank you Abba!

    12. Amen Thank you Jamie for sharing the Word of the Lord. Always up and more Father God is wonderful!

    13. Thank you God you are so faithful. Thank you for your rest. Thank you for covering my spiritual well-being. You truly care for me.

    14. Lord you are making all things new in my life and destiny and I am truly grateful for your anointing that is destroying the yoke, strongholds, and principalities that are trying to delay my progress and blessings in this new month of February! No longer will I struggle I shall thrive I shall live my life in abundance, to the full, until my life overflows with more more of your supernatural abundance, grace, favore, mercies and prosperity! In Jesus Christ Name Amen 🙏🏾 My real estate career shall Glorify you and I shall have great success! All shall witness that your hand is upon my life! You shall enlarge my territory and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! In Jesus Christ Name Amen Thank you Abba Father

    15. Thank you Jesus, I believe this is my month of remembrance.I must have a reason to smile again and testify of his goodness and mercy in my life.
      I receive all my father have in store for me this month and the for the year 2025. In Jesus name.

    16. This is the word of the LORD to my heart!
      Amen! Let YOUR will be done FATHER!

    17. Shinika C McQuarter says:

      Glory hallelujah 🙌 Thank you Abba Papa. I receive in your precious name Jesus

    18. Salome Makina says:

      May it be my portion in this month , waiting in Jesus mighty name receive.

    19. AMEN AMEN, Thank you Lord may your will be done in me🙏

    20. Thank you Father God for your words of blessed assurance. You are Father God a Great and Loving God. Thank you Lord for your goodness, mercy and grace every day. I believe and I receive your words for the month of Februaury and the rest of the months of 2025 in Jesus name. Amen

    21. I receive this message. Thank you Lord!!!

    22. Phillipine Tlou says:

      Thank you Father,God .
      God the Father; God the Son; God the Holy Spirit. I received the prophetic word of God and believe in it in faith. God bless me more and more and more.
      Hallelujah and Amen

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