Prophetic Word: Let My Heart Constrain and Propel You

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Prophetic Word with Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Beloved, do you desire to move as one with the heart of God? If you’re even open to that idea, this word from our Father is for you today.

I heard the Lord say to you and me and all of us:

“I have placed My heart within you.

Indeed, My heart is the only heart alive in you, for you are crucified with My Son Jesus, therefore you no longer live; Jesus Christ, who has My heart, lives in you.

My heart is in you to constrain and propel you:

  • To constrain, because My heart keeps you from doing things you should not be doing.
  • To propel, because My heart within you causes you to feel what I feel, to love what I love, and to hate what I hate–and to do something about those things.

You can follow the leading of My heart, and I will come up under you and help you every time.

You do not fully understand My life within you, but you will. You need to know today that it is in My Son Jesus that you live and move and have your being. This means that you feel what I feel.

When you have a passion or burden for something, I have the same burden, for you got it from Me! You are only feeling My passions and burdens because you are inside Me, hidden with Christ in God!

I want to move through you and bring you the enjoyment I feel as well.

I enjoy moving on the earth; it is My greatest joy to bless My children! I want to share that joy with you. I want you to know Me in this way; to know what makes Me glad!

This is a key to rejoicing in Me always: knowing and sharing the things that cause Me to rejoice always. And the things that make Me rejoice (the things which I am always doing) are things to bless, help, and pour love on My children.

O My beloved, there is a reason I have ordained you to be a blessing!

You are to be the glove to My hand; the feet for My walk; the eyes for My tears; the hands for My gifts. You are to carry My heart on the earth and feel it so powerfully, being one with Me, that you don’t even have to ask Me what I want; you already know! When you see anything on earth that is not just like Heaven, you don’t even have to ask Me what to do about it; you will already know if you are walking closely with Me and living out of My heart!

I see all My children, and I want to bless them at all times. 

Why do you think My friend David wrote, “I will bless the Lord at all times”? It is because he was overwhelmed with the magnitude of My heart; he knew what I carry and release into the earth; and he wanted to be a part of it! I used him mightily, too. He and I worked together as friends; he is one of the best friends I’ve ever had.

O My love, My child, will you be my friend that way too?

Can we be one? Will you walk with Me and talk with Me, letting Me tell you that you are My own–and telling Me that I am your own too? Can we share a heart on purpose–My heart? Can we laugh together and delight in releasing all My good on the earth?

I am in you, and I want to be the force inside you that moves and drives all your passions until My passions become your passions. I want us to act like ONE, for in Christ we truly are at unity and harmony with one another. 

I love you so much, and I dearly desire to be with you in manifestation. But until you can understand Me and how I operate, I cannot show you My glory. It would kill you! Flesh and glory cannot take up the same space. But when your flesh becomes only the place where you live and My heart is that which constrains and compels you, then I can show you everything that I am because your resistance to Me is gone.

I would that you live for My glory and from My heart.

Look around you and see! What would I like to do through you today? What is amiss in your life, and in the lives of those around you? I am willing, indeed EAGER, to fix it and bring change! I am GREATLY desirous to release Heaven in the lives of those whom I have brought to your notice. Will you let Me do so? Will you help Me by allowing Me to flow through you?

I have so much that I want to get done, and time is drawing closer to an end. Every good thing I release on the earth brings more sons and daughters closer to Myself AND releases more of My glory on the earth, which propels the Gospel.

The testimonies offered of Me truly release a train of glory over the earth! That is how My glory will eventually cover the earth as the waters cover the sea.

What will you allow Me to do through you today?

Will you be My hands and feet? Will you flow through Me and allow Me to flow through you to release My glory, activate My Word, and release My goodness on the earth?

I dearly long for partners in blessing. I dearly long for friends of the heart–My heart. I deeply yearn to share My heart with you in an active, manifest way that makes us truly move as ONE.

Will you be My heart today?


Your Heavenly Father.”

Wow. Thank You, Father God.

Let’s respond:

“Dear Heavenly Father, I yield to Your request to let Your heart flow through me today. Please teach me how to do this. Thank You so much for the opportunity to bear only Your heart in my chest.

Thank You for making me one with Christ, hidden with Him in You. Thank You for giving me Your heart. Let everything that is done today on earth and in my life be only a manifestation of Your heart, beginning right now.

Thank You, Abba Father. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen and amen.”

Beloved, is Holy Spirit speaking to your heart today through this word? If so, what will you do through the heart of God today? Leave a comment below!


    1. Bongiwe Dindi says:

      Thank you HOLY JESUS CHRIST of NAZARETH….THANK you for remembering me and see the rneed for being with me in my heart always I open my heart for you HOLY LORD what can I be without you my HOLY father thank HOLY Lord I suffered enough I believe your coming in my life will change my life because I need you holy JESUS CHRIST more that anything in my life I am lonely rejected and hungry for my HOLY FATHER. GOD. I was speaking to myself today saying I wish God can send his people to take me out of this place and to work for him far from home so help me God. Thank you so much for the Prophetic word i am all yours HOLY JESUS i love you so much, H

    2. I’m undone by the mercy of Jesus
      I’m undone by the goodness of the Lord
      I’m so excited to spend time with him I’m writing every word to speak and read and read . I can hardly believe all he’s speaking to you specifics that concern me .
      I’m praising him 🙌🏻❤️

  1. Shauna Ducannon says:

    Blessings my sister as I was reading this post. I was very emotional because I truly want God’s heart to be my heart… I have a passion for His love… And I only want to be in His presence to help as a gift to the body that I know he’s called me to be…
    Thank you for allowing God to use this as a platform to reach his prophetic intercessors.

  2. linda harrison says:

    Thanks always to the Heavenly Father, I need u Lord always. Thanks Jamie

  3. Elizabeth Winfree says:

    So loving and I feel so loved. Thank you for the vessel you are, Jamie.

  4. 🙋🏾‍♀️WORD 4 ME!!!

  5. Christina Mccrory says:

    Holy Spirit has definitely spoken to me through this Word and I’m encouraged to give God all of me Today so that He can release His glory, blessings, goodness, and love into the earth Today!
    Whatever YOU want to do through me Lord, have YOUR way!❤️
    Thank you Jamie!❤️

  6. Thank you FATHER this word spoke to me and I felt it. I feel 😭😭❤ so loved ❤️💕❤️. Thank you so much JAMIE.. GOD 🙏🏾🤍 bless you. .*💗TAKE CARE💗*.

  7. Peace Warrson says:

    My incredible God, I thank You for loving me this much. This word is very timely and its all mine. Lord, I give my heart my all so you can use me for glory.
    Thank Jamie for availing yourself to grab this prophet word.

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