How To Release Prophetic Worship (and Make It Easy)

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

How To Release Prophetic Worship | by Jamie Rohrbaugh |

Have you ever wished you could sing a prophetic song, or that you could release prophetic worship in your prayer meeting or church service?

You can!

It’s easy to release prophetic worship when you don’t forget the “prophetic” part. šŸ™‚

Sometimes people get intimidated by prophetic worship because they confuse it with spontaneous worship. Then they put a lot of pressure on themselves to conjure something up. If it doesn’t flow very well, the result is awkward worship … and you might get discouraged if your effort turns out awkwardly.

The good news is: ALL of God’s people can prophesy! And releasing prophetic worship is easy when you remember that the “prophetic” part makes up 50% of the phrase!

To bolster your confidence in prophetic worship, I am releasing a free video teaching today about how to release prophetic worship …

… and how to make it easy. šŸ™‚

Here it is:

This vlog is 28 minutes long. In it, I teach 5 keys that will not only help you with prophetic worship, but also will help you flow in prophecy of any type. These tips will enhance your worship life whether you are on the platform or in the congregation!

By the way, see my blog post here about How To Win In Spiritual Warfare for practical tips about releasing the testimony of Jesus during worship.

After you watch, I’d love to hear from you! Do these tips help encourage you that you, too, can release prophetic worship? Please leave a comment below!

Related resources (these are not affiliate links):

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  1. Mutebi Joseph says:

    Jamie this is incredible,I love this may the Lord continuosly bless you.

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