You Have Entered the Warfare of the Promised Land
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Beloved, have you recently entered into an unprecedented season of spiritual warfare? If so, have you ever considered that the warfare you’re in might be PROOF that you have entered the Promised Land?
I believe it is, for I heard the Lord say to me just a few moments ago:

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“I want to encourage you today!”
I don’t know about you, but I can use all the encouragement I can get, so I asked Him to please, go ahead. 🙂 And this is what the Lord said to me and all of us:
“You are tired, but you are getting your edge back. You are weary, but I am giving you rest.
The rest I am giving you is far beyond any rest I have given you before, for your need is greater than you have experienced before. You are so tired, and I know it. I know you more deeply than you can possibly imagine.
But I want you to hang on to the fact that I am the Giver of good and perfect gifts.
I need you to trust me, even when things seem obscure before you. You have not passed this way before, and only I know the way. If you follow Me, I will lead you and guide you, for I am the Commander of the armies of the Lord of hosts.
You knew your way in the wilderness.
Things were predictable in the wilderness, for you had been wandering there a long time. Now that you are out of the wilderness, you feel dazed, uncertain, and unsure of how to proceed. This is normal, even though it’s not normal for you.
Remember that your entire “normal” has been spent in the wilderness, and this is now the Promised Land. Of course you don’t know the way, and of course you aren’t sure how to proceed. How could you know? You have not passed this way before.
Now that you are out of the wilderness and here in the Promised Land, a great many GOOD things await you.
The good things I intend for you are not things you have experienced before. You know all the principles, but you have never seen manifestation like this. You have never experienced warfare like this, and you have never seen victory like you are about to see.
I need you to trust Me.
Literally the only thing you will be able to cling to with 100% certainty in this new place is Me. That’s why I am your Rock. ‘Lead me to the rock that is higher than I,’ My servant David wrote, and I am that Rock. I am the only thing–the only One–beneath your feet that is not moving.
Things will happen fast in this new place, and you will not be able to keep up if you do not simply trust Me. Trust is the name of the game as you conquer the Promised Land. Obedience is the strategy, and it’s the only strategy.
If you try to figure your surroundings out, you will go wrong every time.
You do not know your surroundings. You do not know where you are. You know nothing of the cities you will conquer, or of the treasures you will receive. You yearn for the fulfillment of all my promises, but it is not in you to understand them before I give them to you.
So trust Me, My child. Cling to Me, and only to Me, every day.
Depend on My stability, and only on My stability. Let yourself relax and lay back in the shelter of My arms. Do the work that I have entrusted you to do as you slay the giants you see before you. I will progressively reveal the battle plan to you each and every moment, and I will only show you what you need to know for each day at this time.
Little by little I will drive your enemies out from before you.
You thought the Promised Land is a land free from enemies, didn’t you? That is what people who have not studied My Word have told you for so long, but the opposite is true! I have brought you right into the camp of the enemy so that you may destroy it. The Promised Land is not a land free from enemies until you liberate it! Nay, I tell you, the Promised Land is where your enemies are most concentrated!
The very fact that your enemies surround you ought to be a sign to you.
You are in the camp of the enemy, plundering everything he has. You are bringing back the treasures that have been in darkness and repossessing them unto My Kingdom of light. I have sent you, My child, and you are not alone.
The Angel of My Presence is with you.
I, the Lord, will go before you to make crooked places straight and rough places smooth. This side of the Jordan is not without battles; instead, it is where your warfare begins. Don’t lay down your plows; instead, beat them into swords! It is only just beginning, but hereafter you will win every battle!
I have commanded you to slay the giants in the land. Don’t leave them for the next generation to deal with. YOU be the one who heals your land. YOU be the one who purifies all the land I will show you. YOU be the one who cleanses and sanctifies yourself, and I will make your way straight.
The giants of the land are before you, but so is the treasure.
Focus on Me, not ever on the giants. Hear Me. Heed Me. Seek Me for My strategy. As you trust Me, moving through each day with your thoughts fixed on Me, you will find peace, stability, and faith to carry on as you watch and see what I will do for you.”
I receive that, Lord! Thank YOU!!!
Beloved reader, is this word for you today? This IS the season of the Promised Land.
You HAVE crossed over to the other side. You have won the first battle and the Lord has rolled away the reproach from off of you. Now that you are healing, He is setting you up to vanquish the land.
Are you ready to go forward into the fight? Leave a comment below if you are, and sow a seed unto the Lord if this word was for you today!
The Angel of His Presence is with me. Thank you!
We Receive It
Here in Douglasdale
South Africa
Thank You Thank You Lord
Amen and Amen
I receive this message as my lord prepares me now that I am in the promise land in jesus name amen
I believe & receive this word as I have an unction that this is my time as I have crossed over into the promised land in Jesus name Amen
Yes I really needed this word for today thanks a lot . This is so true !! Thanks a lot !!
I receive in Jesus name
Yes I’m ready to go into the promise land..I am ready.
Bless you Jamie! I don’t think anything I have read lately has made as much of an impact as this! I have felt the past three years such a burden yet God has told me He wants me to remain in the place I am. Thank you for the hope and reminder that He is in control and NO weapon formed against me will prosper!
This word was for me today I receive it in Jesus name amen. Have a blessed day.
2019has been the worst best year of my life. I’ve endured betrayal, slander, accusations etc etc. the best part is that I’ve learned so much. Ready for my promise land
Yes i will
This message was for me! I receive in Jesus’ name!
I believe and receive this word !!! Thank you so much from Ardmore Ok
This word has encouraged me so very greatly even though I have read it days after it was released and I believe its mine
Thank you Lord!
This is word is definitely for me. Praise God!
I receive this message in the mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
I receive this Word…I am standing in agreement. So much of this is what I have prayed..such as …lead me to the rock that is higher than I…Amazing…Thank You Abba Father for sending this Word…Thank You Jamie for being obedient to His Voice…Amen…God is so Good and Jesus is Lord.
Thank you for the word. May God richly bless you. Please pray for me because I don’t have document to stay in Italy. I don’t have work too
Great post. He is saying the same here in the UK. Let go of the past so we can embrace the new. The old wine skins can not contain the new wine. He wants to pour us out for his glory. As we take the land we are learning to battle and to occupy and the victory will be sweet. We have not been this way before. Thanks for your insight!!
Thank you. Just today, the Lord was reminding me of the importance to “stay silent”. I thought about 6 days of marching around Jericho and the shout of praise on the 7th day.
Focus is going to be so important for what’s to come in the days ahead… but miracles ARE coming. The next two weeks are going to be verrrrrrrry interesting.
Thank You Lord .I receive that Lord!!!
Yes Jamie, this message was definitely for me. Thank you, Anna
Yes Jamie, this message was in good timing and assurance im doing Gods will. Thank you, Anna
I have read and have been notice of positive changes in and around my life. Much needed.
Thank You, Lord! I receive this word!
Thank Jamie, I receive the message
Amen, Hallelujah. Lord we thank you for bringing us into the promised land. I will trust in you alone as you lead me through the promised land. Help me Lord to fix my eyes only on you because you know the way. Thank you father that I shall conquer every giant I come across because you are with me always and you lead us in a triumphant procession. Thank you master for the love you have for us.
Yes and amen!!!
Thank you, it’s as though you read my mind with this post!! Thank you and thanks be to God!
Hello Jamie ,
I am new to your blog. I have been reading your messages since December of last year beginning with the prayer to reverse unjust situations and I can sincerely tell you that they all speak to the situation my family and I are experiencing. I thank you hor coming into my life when you did. I am looking forward to receiving the word .
I was recently let go from my job of 13 yrs for no apparent reason so I am unable to contribute to your cause at this time.
In the meantime I continue to be obedient to God even though I have been tempted to get back at the person who stole from me and cause me to lose everything. My home, money and most of all my sanity.
May God continue to use you as his vessel.
Thank You,
Nice to meet you, Janette! Welcome! Your reading IS a contribution to this ministry, so THANK YOU! Abundant blessings to you, and I pray the Lord would lead you into the new and BETTER job that He has for you very soon!
Love in Christ,
Jamie Rohrbaugh
Deuteronomy 11:11
But the land you are crossing the Jordan to take possession of is a land of mountains and valleys that drink rain from heaven. This is a verse I have been declaring since seeing 11 11 constantly. Also I had a dream I was up about the earth Gods presence was behind me a grey cloud to the left and the right of me. But in front of me was a large high city of gold. God did not speak but He was there so I take the dream the verse and today’s word deep into my spirit along with rolling off all reproach recieved, recieved! Keeping my focus on Him! Being dazed, not focusing on the giants! This again was a now word for us! Unbelievable how each word: If you try to figure out your surroundings you will go wrong. The very fact your enemies surround you is sign! Everywhere! And rest so needed and yes rest in ways I never thought. Let us sing your praises! May we glorify you my Lord in all ways! Awesome Jamie!
How can I get to a point that I can hear from my Abby Daddy in such a way I do not need to reach out but give out?
Hi Sharon! This is awesome; thanks for sharing! And yes, it’s a worthy goal to be able to give out the word of the Lord! How do you get there? Practice, practice, practice, and start where you are! Learn to hear the voice of God accurately, and start encouraging people! Even sharing a vision or short word or prayer on Facebook is great practice! Ask the Lord to give you ears to hear, eyes to see, and a nose to smell His fragrance–and He will! It takes time to grow in confidence, but practice and always get verification of your words with proper checks and balances (compare to the Word, ask people if it resonates, fruit, etc).
If you haven’t already, please be sure to listen to my video class/webinar replay about prophetic ministry 101. You can find that on my Gumroad store, and it will help you a lot. The first School of the Prophets training was very helpful regarding ministry and the prophetic too, if interested. I also recommend anything John Paul Jackson wrote about hearing the voice of God, and Doug Addison. They are both fantastic.
<3 Love and blessings to you!
The Lord will drive out my enemies from before me in the name of Jesus! I trust You, Lord! Yes, this is for me!
Thank You for this word Jamie. I trust You Father and know Your plans are to prosper me and not harm me. I thank You for always being with me.
So on target for us here in Oregon! Thank you for your faithfulness Jamie.
Oh Jamie God bless your soul for this encouraging word. Talk about being tired and worn. I just got an extra surge to forge forward to possess the land.
Thank Goodness God is a faithful God who honors His words.
Much love and blessings!
I am so moved..I hardly even have the words. I feel him speaking to me. My heart is so full. I keep my trust in the Lord as he eyes fixed on Him at all times.. as he brings my victory over from the supernatural into the natural. Bless you Jamie…Thank you!
Lord, I give YOU all the glory and honor for being a good Father. Thank You Daddy for using Your servant Jamie, to bring forth the WORD in such pure form. I am tired and weary but I will hold on and trust in You Lord.
Please continue to bless Jamie and her family, and her ministry in Jesus name.
Blessings to you Jamie for being obedient when God speaks to you.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
I am exhausted but will get back up! Leaning on the rock and trusting in my God! The warrior of Heavens Armies! I can trust nothing and no one else but the One True God! Blessings of strength to each warrior here today in the promise land! Victory is ours! Rest up, the next round is going to be spectacular! Blessing to you and your family Jamie! Your faithfulness will be honored!
Amen I am ready to go
Yes and Amen.
Yes I am ready to go forward into the fight in Jesus Mighty Name – Amen
Prophetess,God bless you and your family. This hit me “the Angel of His Presence” oh yes at His Presence there are pleasures forever more! Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Amen !
Thank you and yes I am fully and whole heartedly in agreement. My eyes are on you only Abba Father.
Yes, LORD!
I receive this word. Thank You, Lord! Thank you, Jamie for obediently conveying this message!
Praise you Abba Father! I receive this in Jesus mighty name! Thank you Lord! Hallelujah! 🙏🙌🏻
I receive this by faith in Christ and believe God amen. This is indeed totally for me because He just brought me and my babies out of a mentally and emotional abusive marriage. He brought us back to the promise land. He has been restoring all that I have lost and been with me all the way. Thank You Lord. All I want to is do His will, love and worship Him. Heavenly Father You are all I need and I know with the help of the Holy Spirit and by Grace my focus, my attentions and my desires will be on You alone in Jesus Name amen
Every word rings true. War and rest. Trust and obedience. The Angel of Lord is before me and behind. What should I fear?! I will cling to the Lord constantly moment to moment. I have been so dazed and wasn’t sure why. I will focus on Jesus. In Jesus name I receive this word.
I receive the whole of it in Jesus name. After five years of medical neglect and abuse, unrelenting pain that could have been easily corrected, not “managed” as I am unable to take narcotics or anti inflammatories that would not fix my injuries anyway, I am healing through the promise of his Word, through the practice of Holy Communion, through the confirmation of this Word from Him to you to us. I thank Him for this Word. I thank Him for all the things He created for our healing. From not being able to walk, to drive, to work, I am healing. From spending the last five years being able to be up for two hours, then having to lay down for thirty minutes as my only pain control, He is healing me. He has healed my husband. Medicine filed fraudulent claims, falsified records, refused to give records so we could file to recapture the money we had spent. They destroyed my credit (120,000.00) with five insurance companies that would have paid the claims. No attorney would take our case because the records were so bad. They missed ten fractures. We traveled 38 hours round trip to get care and paid for it ourselves. None of our bills were paid. No settlement was made. The Lord will return ALL that the locust has eaten to us and to everyone reading your post no matter what they are going through because we are his children. I crawl up in my Father’s lap and He comforts me with Words of love and reassurance. Those that did this to us, well, they are not MY children to discipline. They are His. To me I have His love, His mercy, His grace, and ALL of His promises. But you are so right. After being in a wildernes of pain for five years, this Promised Land of restoration is stunning. I am still trying to take it all in. Please pray we will not “miss” any of His directions. Thank you Jamie.
I cannot begin to tell you how discouraged I have been. I have been going through a season that I have never found myself in and every time I thought it was over, I would realize that I am still in the wilderness! I have been so down and didn’t even want to read another word of prophecy since even when I receive it, the situation still remains the same. However, I realized that God has indeed been my solid rock upon which I have stood and still standing on otherwise, I would not have the many testimonies that I have of supernatural favour, provision and protection. I am thankful for this word and thank God for reminding me that He has been there with me. I am really really tired but as I receive this Word, I wait for the new battle plan! Thank you God!!!
God bless you Jamie!!
Yes Lord I receive thank You Father Yes I am ready for anything Daddy as long as You are in control nothing is impossible AMEN….
I am ready for the battle in the promise land, may the light of our Lord Jesus Christ shine upon my life in the promise land every day. May God order my steps every day and fight my battles every time one emerges for in him I declare I am safe. In Him I will will all the battles in Jesus Christ name. Amen
Yes indeed Lord that was Your word for me. I am thatfull that You have open my eyes mord to see more of Your will o. Earth as in Heaven. In Jesus’ Mighty name. Amen and Amen….., Hallelujah 🙏 🙏
I identify with this message. God bless.
Yes, this word definitely hits home for me. I receive it in Jesus’ name.
I declare and decree I receive. I surrender to your guidance strategies and to your power to lead me to the Supernatural victory. In Jesus name .Amen
I believe and receive this word it was right on time. Amen
I say YES LORD! And Thank you so much! I receive this insight, instruction and I WILL TRUST ABD OBEY! I’m ready for the PROMISED Land!!!!
Thank you Jamie for discipling us ir
Jamie, I am always enriched by the Lord as He speaks trough you. But these past few weeks, since Christmas time have been an extraordinary prophetic unction from you for me. I have been battling enemies on all sides. But the Lords word through you have kept me strong and encouraged. Thank you Jamie for your obedient and loving heart.
May the Lord of Hosts bless your steps in every direction and spread out your tent pegs beyound where you can see !
Thank you lord.I receive that.In Jesus name. Amen
Three words: Jesus did it!
Lord open unto us the gates of righteousness, nevertheless, with Holy Spirit we can and we will! It is finished! United we stand! In God we (TRUST)!!! He will deliver us all! Hallejuah! Hallejuah! Hallejuah! We’re armed and ready for battle by the Blood of Jesus! Thanks Jamie🙋😊☝😇👼🙌👀☝😇
I recived it Jamie,on my way to work now (tues 21/01 /20),and i am blessed to hear this Great message this morning.It challenges my walk with the Lord and also as i am about to finish my 21 days of fasting,it reminds me that i have to be ready for the enemies at the camp.Wow!!!!amazing.I am ready for this battle because He is the Commander of the great heaven’s army …Amen
No wonder the words overcomer, conqueror, victory have been jumping out at me and I’ve been hovering over them. The promises of God are yea and Amen to those who are in Him. Hallelujah! Thank you Jamie for this word.
Thank you for this game changing word at the perfect time!! Praying for you and your ministry needs!!🙏❤👑🕊
Thank you Father in heaven and my lord and savior, Jesus Christ, I receive this message as I have now entered into the promise land. And here I wait for your promises for my life to manifest. Hallelujah
Thank you Jamie.i receive this Rhema Word in Jesus Mighty Name.i welcome the Angel of the Lord’s presence in my Life and i have Faith that Jesus Will Open every door that the enemy has shut.I decree and declare that this is my year of restoration in Jesus Mighty Name.May God Bless you Jamie and extend your territories.
This is such a timely word. I am seeing and sensing things I have never experienced before. In my spirit I felt to trust God. Thank you for this word Jamie. It’s encouraging and it’s helping to give me direction. I receive it In Jesus Name. Amen
Yes, this message speaks directly to my heart. Thank you for this encouraging word!
Thank You Abba Father!!!
Thank you Jamie!
Yes Lord I am ready, I receive your word! I trust you with my whole being and ready to fight! Thank Father God and Thank you Jamie! God bless everyone!
Wow…amazing…awesome is our God.Just this morning I was asking the Lord for direction. His thoughts are higher than my thoughts .Thank you Jamie every word I digest an am full of His rivers of living waters. Every thought He knows an before I can speak them out He brings this through you .Thank you Lord for the angel .I preached on the giants an the promised land last sunday an so much confirmations .Am so refreshed ……yes more Lord .God bless you all .
I receive this word, Amen and Amen
I received this message in the name of Jesus keep working on me Lord blessed me I need you right now Things are hard for me right now but as the days go by a lot of the dead Weight coming off my shoulder And I thank you so much Jamie
I receive this in Jesus name!
I receive this word today.