YOU Are More Valuable Than Many Sparrows

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YOU are more valuable than many sparrows! Read this encouraging blog post by Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.comDear reader who feels unloved,

The Lord placed you on my heart today. I felt His love for you and His heart toward you. You may have felt unloved for a long time. You may even know intellectually that you’re loved, but you don’t feel it on the inside.

If that’s you, my heart breaks for you right now. I know what it’s like to feel unloved. I also know what it’s like to feel loved, and I so long for you to experience and fully receive the amazing, beautiful love God has for you.

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    And you can. Because He loves you so much. His heart beats for you, and He will help you.

    I believe  this word will encourage you because the key to receiving God’s love is meditating on it; pondering it; letting it roll over and over in your imagination until your spirit rises up and grasps it. (Read more about how you can begin to feel like God loves you, including my story of the same, here.)

    In Matthew 6, you can see a glimpse of the Father’s love for you. This picture is so poignant and it spoke to me recently, so I wanted to share it with you today.

    In this passage, Jesus said:

    Start-quoteLook at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? …

    So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all hi glory was not arrayed like one of these.

    Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?” (Matthew 6:26-30)

    Precious reader, look at the Father’s love for you displayed in this passage:

    Jesus starts off by telling us about the beautiful birds and flowers. The Father made these precious things, and He never forsakes them. He clothes them in beauty and glory, just because it pleases Him.

    Think about it: people don’t even see His creations most of the time! How many beautiful flowers are there on the mountains of Switzerland that no human eye will never see? How many birds must there be in the Amazon rain forest whose song no human ear will ever hear?

    And yet our Father clothes them and cares for them, His precious creations. But those things are just flowers and birds. Lilies and roses and eagles and sparrows. Things of no eternal consequence.

    But you are more valuable than many sparrows, and you do have eternal importance.

    To paraphrase, Jesus basically was communicating this message:

    Start-quoteIf the Father cares that much about things that people will never see …

    If He cares that much about things that exist today and will be totally destroyed tomorrow, that nobody will ever miss …

    If He cares that much about little birds whose song only He will ever hear …

    How much more must He love you, the child of His bosom?

    Think about it. Precious reader, the Father loves and cares for things that are completely insignifanct in the eyes of the world. He takes the time to clothe them in beauty and glory:

    • He makes every sparrow’s feathers shine.
    • He makes the pink lilies bloom gloriously, shouting their praise back unto God with their color.
    • He makes the sunflowers lift their faces to celebrate the light.
    • He feeds the rabbits and the prairie dogs and the raccoons and the chipmunks … things no one else would even care about.

    He delights in these things. He loves and takes care of His creations.

    But if Papa loves and delights in these things that nobody else cares about, how much more must He love you, the child of His heart?

    Flowers and birds were not made in His image, but you are made in His image:

    • You are the one He fashioned to look like Himself.
    • You are the one into whose lungs He breathed, so that you would become a living soul.
    • You are the one in whom He placed His own Spirit.

    You are the one about whom He says:

    Start-quote‘Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you'” (Jeremiah 31:3).

    Precious brother, you are the son of God’s heart. Precious sister, you are the daughter of God’s heart.

    You have a Papa who loves you. His heart beats for you. He cares for the sparrows, but God Himself says you are more valuable than many sparrows.

    Related: Healing the Orphan Heart: Your Name Is Carved On God’s Tree

    YOU have inestimable worth. You are His delight, His beloved, His pride and joy.


    And when God looks at you, He smiles.

    Oh beloved one, He loves you so. You are the apple of His eye, the desire of His heart. You are His prize, His inheritance. You are the beloved of the Lord. You are His bride. You are the object of His affection.

    Precious one, you are so valuable. On days you don’t feel like it, Papa loves you. On days you feel no one sees you, Papa loves you. On days you feel like no one cares, Papa loves you.

    He loves you. He loves you. He loves you.

    You are more valuable than many sparrows, and I pray you would feel His love for you today.

    I pray you would sense His affection. That you would sense the ponderings of His heart, as He thinks more thoughts about you than there are grains of sand in the sea.

    I pray that the precious Holy Spirit would hover and brood in your heart today, that you would feel yourself surrounded and filled with the love of this Father who is obsessed with you.

    Papa takes care of little things. He made them to be beautiful and to shout His praises. But you are the child of His heart. You are the son of His bosom. You are the daughter of His joy.

    And He loves you.

    Does this message encourage your heart today? If so, please leave a comment below. I’d love to hear your thoughts!


    1. Donna Brooks says:

      Yes I needed to hear it. I love to read your zeal. The Lord in study time taught me me what a precious Heavenly father He is. Have you found the beautiful scriptures where He says we are literally bonded to His heart. I love to read what you say you feel a lot the same way as I do about the Lord. He is the precious treasure of my heart, that pearl beyond value. I feel like an oyster that has a precious pearl beyond value in me and when I witness about the Lord I feel like an oyster that opened its shell to show the whole world the precious pearl, that lives within my heart, my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. Yes we are blessed to be “part of the family of God”, part of the body of Christ. I asked God for what you said in prayer, even told Him I just needed to hear it, from my Heavenly Father.

      1. I’m so glad to hear that, Donna! He is so beautiful! I’m not sure if I am familiar with the Scripture you asked about or not; what book/chapter/verse is it? Sounds awesome!

        Thanks so much for reading and sharing- and for your encouragement too! 🙂

      2. Cory Wolf says:

        I just wanted to say how cool it is to see how much you know of the fathers love! Thanks for this blog today, in a world where it has been a cgristianity doomed world to me, it is great to know atleast one other person is out there that knows how much love the father has! May God bless and keep you and make his face to shine upon you! Ttyl @corycorydwolf via twitter!

      3. SHALOM to you and your home. Thank you for reminding me that papa LOVES ME PERFECTLY.1Jn4:16-18

    2. Thank you so much for the message, Jamie. It is precisely what the Lord has been trying to tell me but my thoughts towards myself have been so full of condemnation. This message really lifts me up!

    3. Jody Mitc says:

      That was beautiful.

    4. Deanna M. Chatman says:

      Thank you for that beautiful articles and prayers.

    5. Chenequa Cash says:

      I am the person who has felt unloved since I was a child going through sexual abuse to my teenage years. My dad abandoned me. My mom couldn’t love me as she should bc she was in a physically abusive marriage. My grandmother who died when I was in 8th grade was the only person I felt loved me but when she died my world crumbled. I miss her so!! I am now 40 and I still feel unloved. ???

      1. Jeanine Sinor says:

        May the Lord wrap you in His loving arms and hold you as often as you need Him and as long as you need Him to hold you. May His love enter your heart drop by drop until you know that you are loved. I have felt the same pain you feel and still do sometimes. I ask him to hold me and he does.

    6. Thank you yet again Jamie! This timely message is the truth that I need to grasp and absorb fully. It is a transformative, life changing truth, and one that my Heavenly Father is gently opening me up to. It feels almost too beautiful, the mystical realisation that I am not only God’s beloved daughter but that our intimacy is a sacred marriage. He desires me for his bride, pure and spotless in His sight. I am loved beyond any earthly understanding! Thankyou for being God’s vessel to share His Love to those who need it Jamie Big Hugs from me

    7. DEIRDRE DANNA says:

      Thanks for sharing I have been battling with not feeling loved. I know God loves me but I long to feel Him and have comfort knowing my Daddy (God) loves me. I love Him so much and I know His love is greater than mine could ever be. I open my heart to receive His love.

    8. Lucretia Wingate says:

      I needed to hear this. Thank 😊 you so much. GOD bless you.

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