12 Signs Your Breakthrough Is Imminent

webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Prophetic Word with Jamie Rohrbaugh | FromHisPresence.com

If you’re in the middle of contending for your breakthrough, you might wonder how to tell when your breakthrough is imminent. Funny thing, that … because it’s usually when things look and feel their absolute WORST that your breakthrough is about to come.

In case it encourages you, here are 12 signs your breakthrough is imminent:

1. You see ZERO evidence of your breakthrough actually happening, but you refuse to waver in your faith. You decide you are GOING to believe God no matter what … so you do.

2. The pressure you’re under feels like you will not be able to live another day if it doesn’t let up. Instead of complaining, you go the Lord in travail and pray carefully for breakthrough in every aspect of your situation.

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    3. You don’t feel like spending time with the Lord at all, but you purposefully decide to get up earlier–or make other time in inconvenient ways–so you can both seek Him first AND spend more time with Him than you usually would. Just to fight back against the enemy.

    4. Your emotions try to carry you away, but you refuse to go.

    You stubbornly set your eyes on Jesus and begin thanking Him instead. Each time you overcome one emotional temptation, the enemy throws another one at you. It’s hard fighting, but you fight anyway and refuse to give in to his temptations.

    5. You’re so upset, sad, angry, and discouraged that you count the minutes until the day is over. But, you decide to rest in God and trust Him. You confess your faith, thank Him, and do something restful and fun just to enjoy your day and get your mind off it.

    6. You decide on purpose to speak God’s Word out of your mouth verbally, even when your feelings seem like the opposite of what God said.

    7. You are tempted to tell your friends how sad/mad/angry/hopeless you feel.

    But, you don’t. Instead, you shut your lips tight and refuse to give credence to the enemy by doing so. You recognize full well that you’re in a fight for your life, and you don’t want to speak words that would oppose your faith.

    8. You’re tempted to confess things that go outside what you’re believing God for. You refuse to do it, and you seal your lips tight except for confessing your faith in God.

    9. You suddenly feel angry about old things that people have done to you. You recognize this anger as being soulish, and you decide–through tears and maybe even fury–to worship God instead.

    10. You feel starved for affection, even though you’re around people who love you. Instead of chewing out the person/people you feel should love you, you submit your craving for affection to Jesus and ask Holy Spirit to comfort and encourage you. Even if you have to do it through tears.

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    Invoice the treasury of Heaven today!

    One of Jamie’s favorite prayer techniques is to submit an invoice to the treasury of Heaven. Read all about it here, and order your own full-color, cardstock notepad of invoices today!

    11. You see someone else get the thing YOU have been working for, bleeding for, and pleading with God for.

    You momentarily feel tempted to be jealous, but you recognize that jealousy as being an attack of the enemy. You congratulate the other person instead, and you mean every word. Then, you go to the Lord, put your proverbial face between your knees, and pray again for Father to bless you with the same thing.

    12. You do pray for God to deliver you and honor you, but you pray even more that He would draw you close to Himself and make you like Jesus. You really mean those prayers, too.

    All these temptations are desperate attempts by the enemy to derail you from something big that is coming.

    Overcoming all these temptations is a sure sign of character growth, which is the purpose of every test and trial the Lord allows to enter your life.

    Beloved, if these 12 things describe you, your breakthrough may be ahead.

    As a matter of fact, it may happen today. Look up! Look at Jesus! Keep your eyes on Jesus, for your redemption draws near!

    Do you see any of these 12 signs in your own life? If so, please leave a comment below and give Jesus glory for the breakthrough He is bringing you! 


    1. Kadeen Dobbs says:

      You overcome with the enemy with the word of your testimony. I got a long awaited breakthrough today, and I know soon that another big one is going to happen. I thank my Abba Daddy for his love and faithfulness.

      1. My breakthrough must be over close because this describes me and all that I’m going through at this time. I found it very helpful and it strengthens me to continue to keep on trusting and praising and believing in God . I know I can trust Him and He will come through for me. I am in a battle and Jesus has already given me the victory and I cling to that.
        I thank you so much Jamie for being a faithful servant to God and speaking His word to His other followers. You and your ministry is such a God send. Thank you and God bless you and your family abundantly.

        1. Jamie, I praise God for you. You always give His word in time.
          Love Myra

          1. Sharon Y Barley says:

            Everyone of these I am going through I thank God for the victory in advance Chipotle hours to figure

        2. I feel the same n I thank God for leading me through be blessed

      2. I have faith in my God that my break through is coming because I have been having all of these feelings and Im going to keep to praising him no matter how hard it gets.I known the Lord has not brought me and my family this far to forsake us.Im claiming my break through this coming week.Thank you Jesus!!!

        1. Amen💯 thank you jesus, thank you father god✨🙏👏

          1. Thank you Lord for my breakthrough is near, thank you for you heard my cry in Jesus name AMEN.

      3. Glory to God. The enemy I see today, I will see no more.

      4. WEGOSASA STELLA says:

        just to say thank you so much for the message , its real me but am fighting so hard to over come these temptation, coz i can see my breakthrough and now days am very happy, really God is blessing my life, i mean me.
        i love God so much.

      5. Gail Segars Rainey says:

        Dear Jamie,
        I saw all 12 of these in my life currently. Halleujah!!! Praise the Lord and yes, thank you, Jamie, for your encouragement. I believe you are “reading my mail.” Har!!! Many blessings on you, woman of God.

      6. Alleluhah! This really
        discribe everything I’m going through now, I do believe my breakthrough is vary close…

        God bless you Jamie…

        1. Hi Jamie this is Soo true .everything describes me and I know in my heart that my breakthrough in life and all my heart’s desires is what is very near to come to pass. I can feel it in my sprit. Amen

      7. All of these things literally happened to me I was at my breaking point on February 28th on March 1st the very next day I received a job offer and got multiple blessings all in one day . This post is stop on!

      8. Selloane Mokhomo says:

        Thank you so much for the 12 signs. They describe me. I was even short of words to pray. Thank you for this.. thank you very much

    2. Mary Josephine says:

      Hi Jamie,
      Thank you for sharing, I have been in this struggle for so long, I sometimes wonder if breakthrough will ever come, I hear of breakthrough so often and I geared myself up to wait for mine to manifest, but nothing! So, I just keep on waiting and telling myself this won’t last for long and God is faithful.
      Do I have the above signs, I guess if I am still holding on and reading your encouragement and inside me says, “there is hope” I have these signs.
      I am holding on so tight cause my situation is getting to a point where I am near to desperation.
      Lord, I do believe, help my unbelief.

      1. Feeling the same. sometimes dissapointment. Desesperately need my breakthrough. but above all i am confident in my Jesus…Yes yes yes…

      2. nakimuli annitah says:

        all the above signs describes me. Thank you Jesus for you are about to pave away

    3. This was excellent! I want to come through the fire without smelling like smoke!!!

    4. Thank you Jaime. I am truly experiencing all 12 of these. But regardless, I do believe God will bless soon. Thank you for your godly counsel and bless your ministry.

    5. ISAACOWUSU says:

      I’m really troubled with my life now and trusting God for a miracle. I’m schooling in China. Graduated this year June with masters in Business Administration but got a job but using a worker visa cos it’s hard for Africans to get a working visa after graduation here and school I got visa in is troubling me to come for lectures or else they’ll cancel my visa or blacklist me and I’m not happy cos I’m taking care of my mummy back home and my niece here in China. God please come to my aid

      1. I read what you wrote , ISAACOWUSU, and it humbles me at what you are enduring in the way of stress. I pray for the peace that defies understanding to flood your spirit, and for God’s perfect answer to come soon and allow you to truly rest. In the mean time, going to God daily, sometimes hourly, and speaking with confidence that He is WITH you and FOR you and believing in His goodness and mercy will carry you through, is my belief. It is what helps me. I sometimes find myself not acting right because of the struggle being too much, but then I am reminded of who I am, and most importantly…WHO GOD IS, and I get right back into prayer and repent and praise God. We are not perfect, but we are forgiven and the righteousness of Christ. Be blessed and I am believing with you the your visa problem will not longer be an issue. Mark chapter 11 is a good read. The part about having faith of a mustard seed and speaking blessings into your life is a promise from God. Like me, in the natural my doctor said I should have had my knee replaced years ago, but I claim and thank God for healing me and I walk several miles a day. Try that with the visa…thank God for fixing the visa problem. Keep saying it, and believing it and believe, me …His promises do not come back void. God bless.

    6. FATHER GOD is awesome and amazing, in how HE speaks through you Jamie on specific blog topics that is going on in my life, or how I’m feeling at the present moment! HE IS LETTING ME KNOW TO “LET US NOT BE WEARY IN WELL DOING: FOR IN DUE SEASON WE SHALL REAP, IF WE FAINT NOT.” I continue to lift up you, your family, and ministry in prayer… Shalom Peace & Blessings
      April H.

    7. Palmarisha says:

      Wow! So timely. I see many of the things spoken about happening right now. In fact, the one about ‘old anger’ happened to me today. Yes, am encouraged and I know that my BREAKTHROUGH is here

    8. Thanks Jamie
      I just like to add if we can breakthrough in PRAYER we will see this breakthrough manifesting. The Rehma produces manifestation of breakthrough

    9. Thank you Jaime ♥️You have been such a blessing to me and I praise God for your life??I’m holding on to our loving,merciful ALMIGHTY GOD because only He can restore and bring me my breakthrough ??????Standing on the promises of God

    10. Jilla Tucker says:

      I have succumbed to the temptation to complain about my situation & complain, then complain some more. I was hit out of nowhere with diverticulitis & ended up in the hospital. I’ve been attacked from all sides & need my Jesus in worst sort of way. I’m going to have to start over on my standing & believing for a breakthrough.

      1. Osabouhien says:


    11. Yes & Amen!?? HALLELUJAH All Glory Be to GOD who is the author and finisher of my faith! I know my suffering has not been in vain so no matter what I Believe GOD! 1 Peter 5:10 “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast”

    12. Lori Jett says:

      Jamie I love reading your posts! You are so REAL! lol
      I have been waiting 11 years for my breakthrough but have set my face like flint and refuse to back down! I have learned PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE, TEMPERANCE and more! And my breakthrough will be exceedingly abundantly above all I have asked or thought! I’m so close I can taste it! Every day is one day closer! I spend time with the Lord making sure I am ready when it gets here IN HIS TIMING…which is PERFECT!
      I would love to share this post on my blog with your credits and link back if you don’t mind! It would encourage my friends!

    13. Lori Jett says:

      Jamie I would like to share something here. I have been past the point of desperation, past the end of my rope, and past my wit’s end several times. But I’m still here and though Father didn’t answer like I wanted Him to, I’m still here and He helped me every time and I’m a much better person for it. I let go of that rope and fell right into His waiting hands beneath me. If folks are desperate then they are right where God needs them to be to learn to trust Him with their very life! I learned that His ways really are higher than my ways! His thoughts are much better than my thoughts! I’m still waiting for the things God has promised me but I know it will come in God’s timing. He sees the whole picture and knows when it’s time for my part to happen. Let go of that rope people of God and just trust Him. It’s all for a reason and for our benefit! I’m so much happier now and blessed to be His child!

    14. Marlo Woodard says:

      Thank You Jamie for this blog. This really helps us to see where we are. I know in my spirit that I am so close to breakthrough.I pray also for my brothers and sisters who are going through. You will have breakthrough in your lives. Just continue to hold on and be encouraged. Thank You , God Bless !

    15. Good morning Jamie you are talking to me my God thats exactly what is happening to me, praise God it is over in Jesus name.

    16. You’re a real blessing and encouragement in my life Jamie.. I thank God for your selfless love in Jesus, May you reap in His abundant provisions.

      1. Hallelujah! I receive Lord. Thank you Jamie.

    17. Good morning Jamie.
      These are very encouraging words indeed, my day will come as well. I am waiting in God cause He alone He is God….

    18. Hi Jamie
      I send you an email, this morning, but I think I did not send it the right email address ,I am not good with computers. I just want to mentioned you are so spot on with your text..The Holy Spirit used you to speak directly from the Father’s heart..You really listen to the Spirit..Everything that you spoke this morning is my life story..I do not want to be sad..but I just want to live for God.despite my trials,and hardships that i go through..Thank you for you obedience and caring spirit for those who are in need of encouragement..Thank you for your hard work,and always listening to the Spirit.

    19. Absolutely…. “All of the above” would apply, although I am also feeling totally useless and ignored by all AND God Himself!! And I feel guilty of maybe being rebellious also, based on frustrations, because I cannot get to REST in God, no matter what I do or try… so tired of all, I frequently thinking of going shortcut to heaven!!!

      1. Yes it’s so hard and I feel this way too. Then I remember that even small things count hugely with our God. There really isn’t anyone I know right now that isn’t going through this horrible pressure. We all figure it must mean He is returning soon or just showing us that HE ALONE is our strength and portion forever. It’s hard but He is here no matter how alone we feel. And I am guilty too of being frustrated and angry and sad and at times hopeless. But then there He is …He shows me a little miracle here and there…He is an awesome God. I just need Him to come down and sit with me and chat, in person LOL!! I need Him We need His touch!! I need to sit in my Daddy’s lap and rest my head on His shoulder….???

      2. Lashaunda says:

        Basie, I’m with you, but we are not alone, God is with us too. I know it gets hard cause it’s hard for me too, but don’t give up on God we almost there, I can’t express this enough to you ask for his peace ask for much needed rest in Him and when you ask of these needs believe He heard you and He has giving them to you..you won’t have to fight in this battle, He got you!! I prayed for you and will continue until you get your strength back…YOU ARE BLESSED AND LOVED..

    20. Henrietta says:

      Praise the LORD!!! Thank you so much for this post Jamie! It’s so encouraging to know this! All the points are so true! Yes, yes and yes!!! I can feel it!!! The breakthrough is so close… Victory to our Lord and all glory to Him alone!!!

    21. All of these 12 things are going now to me. But i know GOD is in control of everything on these earth. And tht GOD is bigger than my problems….finding ways to get my breakthrough as soon as possible. Please pray for me Jamie!

    22. Hi Jamie,
      It must be my breakthrough is coming, I have everything and anything go wrong even when I do things right, my closest family,fiancé at me constantly, I see my enemies get ahead and everything I do go 20 steps back. All 12 I feel forsure. I’m standing ground and I have to learn there is nothing else for me to do just be still and let God fight this battle. I may not understand one thing going on but I stand on Gods word talking to him in my car always, I listen to Joel osteen when driving if I get irritated then I listen in silence to hopefully hear Gods voice. I’ve asked for Extraordinary things that I could never do on my own ever nor do I have connections to be able to do the things that I want to do where the funds that I would like to help others or take care of my family the way they need to be, even a great family vacation 🙂 For my cup to be overflowing like no one’s business.. Believe me I’ve had Extraordinary problems, against me that no one has ever heard of or have been done to.
      I believe there’s no coincidences and somehow I got your name your blogAnd has spoke to me loudly of what is going on. It’s all God is doing and I pray in the name of Jesus that anything that is hindering you and many blessings upon you he will bring you out and give you what your heart desires

    23. Kahn Johnson says:

      Hi Jamie,
      This is exactly what I’m feeling and doing. I’m tired, yet hopeful, so I won’t say much.
      Thank you so much for your obedience and diligence in prayer and support!! I’m praying for your family as well( You, your husband and your beautiful son).


    24. Rebecca Ditsele says:

      Rebecca Sheila Ditsele says
      31st October 2018

      To God be the Glory , Honor and Power , yes woman of God , as I read through all these signs, I see my life been spread in each one of them .It has not been easy, it is only His Grace and Mercy that has kept me thus far and thanks to the Lord God Almighty because He wouldn’t let go of me . I just want to thank God for this word and further thank Him for giving us strength to refuse to listen to the lies of the adversary .May the breakthrough that I have been waiting for , for all these years find me standing firm in the Lord and may He hold me with His hand like He held Jabez in Jesus name .

    25. Hi. Jamie, thank you for sharing. It really laid out the pre-breakthrough experience. I just want to add that I experienced this earlier this year almost verbatim. I shortly experienced a spiritual breakthrough too. However, I did readily tell my believing friends to lift me up on prayer. I didn’t keep my mouth shut about what I was experiencing. I’m not sure why one would as you mentioned in step 7 . why wouldn’t you seek out the body for encouragement during a time like that. Isn’t that the same thing as reading your messages? We’re just getting encouragement from you vs. another sister in Christ?

      Thank you in advance for your feedback. Just asking for clarity



      1. Hi Iro,
        There’s a difference between reaching out to someone for support and reaching out to someone to moan, groan, and complain about everything that is wrong in your life. Usually, when you’re in a battle like the ones I described above, we are tempted to groan and complain to our friends. It’s fine to ask for prayer. It’s fine to briefly describe what you need prayer for. But if you unleash all your anger, rage, bitterness, “they did this to me” thinking and angst on your friend during a spiritual test, you will fail the test because doing that makes you take your eyes off Jesus. The spiritual test is a time when you need to look at God and God alone.
        Great question. Thanks for asking it. I hope this helps.

    26. Feeling the same. sometimes dissapointment. Desesperately need my breakthrough. but above all i am confident in my Jesus…Yes yes yes…

    27. Jamie, God is gifted you with wisdom. You are righteous. Thank you. I see these 12 points in my life. I will not give up. My breakthrough is imminent.

      God Bless you and walks with you through the deep waters you are wallowing now. Believe in Faith with Me that Our Breakthroughs are Nigh!

    28. Dear Jamie, have just started reading your blog a few days ago. I am feeling so dispondent at the moment. My niece is not behaving in school and she is so sweet at home. Her mother is mentally shaken. Please pray for that child. Thanks

    29. This is exactly what I am going through. I am fighting this with everything I got, I feel exhausted but I keep praying for God promises. There are moments I feel I want to give up but than I think about Jesus and that He went on the cross for me and so I keep going thinking about the blessings of being saved. There is a lesson behind all of this and my desire is to move forward with Jesus. I trust God time and I keep the faith that one day I will understand. Thank you for your words Jaime

    30. Thank you Jamie! I’m experiencing all of this for a long time but everything just heated up and I’m getting it from every direction. Family, job, fiancé, finances . There are times I can’t take it no more but I told God I’m not giving up no matter what! . This spoke to me loud and clear. Many blessings on to you. Thank you ????

    31. Lashaunda says:

      Thank you so much Jamie, I laughed while reading and my heart was leaping for joy although my body is overly tired, but you hit me on all 4corners especially the one where you said you want to tell your family and friends but you don’t want to feel defeated or speak anything contrary on what the word says…thank you again for letting us know how close we are..may this help us to keep running this good race..Blessing to you and your family as I keep you in prayer..

    32. Rebecca Ditsele says:

      To God be the Glory.R

    33. Stephanie says:

      Jamie your faith and our fathers words always seem to find me when I most need them. Thank you. See 5 months ago I was presented to lead a team in my profession, for the past 5 months I’ve been slandered and defamed by 1 team member , I’ve prayed and constantly given thanks to our father for the opportunity, but the hostile work environment has caused great health issues for me, with no support from my boss other than the corporate double lingo of well you knew you weren’t going to be liked by everyone, it has left me very discouraged.. Not to mention very stressed. I recieved your emails and I will admit I don’t always open them but in our heavenly father timing I do. And I just want to say thank you . I open my heart and day every morning giving thanks and praise for all my blessings and secure my heart and thoughts every night with Thanksgiving to our father above. I ask that this community pray that our heavenly father if it is not his will to bring me a work environment that’s conducive to peace and abundance. Thank you for continuing to reach all of us, I mean that from my heart!

    34. Thanx! Jamie- I have been betrayed by people who have ate @ my very table …It Cuts like a knife!……but I believe GOD -even when I don’t see anything……….peace to you!

    35. Tracy Bowman says:

      Hello. I just wanted to thank you for your words of encouragement. It has been a real struggle for me this week to believe God for what I believe and Sence in the spirit that He is about to do for me and my family. I love Him so much and I ask Him to help and forgive my unbelief . You see one minute I will feel such peace about our finances and everything else we are struggling with, knowing that Hod is in control and the next I am listening to the evil one whisper in my ear telling me all is lost and it is all hopeless. I then plead the “blood of Jesus” over all of these things again and my Peace returns. It has been an uphill battle for me all week and like so many others I believe that God ha directed me to you and I want you to know how much you and your words have meant to my very soul!! Thank you so much!! God Bless to you and yours!!!

    36. Cora Ortiz says:

      All of which you wrote is like an arrow straight to my heart and tears are flowing in my eyes. Thank you for allowing God to talk to me through you Jamie. I can’t stop reading all your blogs. It’s like God is talking to me face to face. I have been in the darkest times of my life and stood with God knowing His love, grace, and mercies never end. And you’re right, I received the breakthrough which I’m waiting for and I know that God is not done with me yet. He will move heaven and earth to help me accomplish great and mighty things for His glory. Thank you so much. God bless you always.

    37. Justin Long says:

      Thank you so much for writing this article, Jamie. I identify with almost all of your twelve points at this time in my life, and I just want to say aloud THANK YOU JESUS! Thank You Jesus that my personal breakthrough is imminent and that THIS TOO SHALL PASS. Thank You Lord that You are God and that You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. Thank You Lord that Your Word does not return void, but it accomplishes all things for which it was sent. Thank You Lord that NO WEAPON formed against me shall prosper. Thank You Lord that my latter days shall be much GREATER than the former. Thank You Lord that the blessing of the Lord makes me rich and You add no sorrow with it. Thank You Lord that You supply ALL of my need according to Your riches in glory in Christ Jesus. And so Lord, thank You that You are building my character and perseverance levels through the testing of my faith. In faith, I position myself for Your answer and breakthrough for my life. In the Name of Jesus Christ I pray, amen.

    38. Tank u for this great encouragement,I look upon God for a breakthrough in my relationship,when things seems as if his parents are accepting me,the worst will happen,but I still see myself being sturbon,and a spirit telling me that my God makes every impossible situation to b possible,that I should not and hope in God

    39. Please pray for our friends they are going through some sad things.

    40. Thank you Jaime. I’m in a desperate situation. I’ve been without work for over a year. I’ve been praying for a job with benefits but have only been offered part-time jobs without benefits. I know God has something for me and I will not give up because God has a plan for me. I claim it in Jesus name. Amen

      1. What a truly amazing person you are Jamie. I believe God led me to you today. I keep hearing that a breakthrough is coming and this enemy is leaving. I’m working on faith. You helped me solidify that.
        Bless your ministry!

    41. Yes each stage has been experienced. Now I am at total peace with my Savior. This world has nothing for me, but He has everything. I don’t go back in my mind because that is not where I am. If it comes to mind I quickly leave it. Not going to lie, hardest thing I’ve ever been through.

    42. Carlos Delgado says:

      Yes. I sè all 12 of out of the 12 I just read! Yes, am believing in faith in God that my breakthrough God has for me is right around the corner. And the flory belongs to the Lord for it is His love that is breaking through that me or anyone one could have done. My heart i s so thankful and praises Your Holy name. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

    43. Adelaide Schaap says:

      I can relate to all twelve signs that my breakthrough is here, I give God all the glory and praise for he is worth. This makes my heart rejoice that my breakthrough is finally here. Praise his Holy name. I love you Lord with all my heart.

    44. Deidra Mccroy says:

      As i read through the article all i can say i “Lord I thank you.” These past couple months have been so trying, i have been through many storms but this one is different, instead of giving up i immediately pray, when feeling discourage i immediately pray, Some days i feel like everyone is against me, but i simply say Lord hold me closer to you. I’ve never been placed in a position to choose between feeding my children and paying bills but lately i have, in the midst of these trying times I’ve found my faith to be stronger than ever before, i affirm that i will be everything that God has called me to be

    45. Demarious B says:

      Chilllleee!!!!!! This was right on time!
      Thank You! I really needed this!

    46. Thank you! Life is so hectic and overwhelming right now… thank you for the affirmation that my breakthrough is really close! I have to confess that some of the points I’m struggling with… keeping my mouth closed when I get frustrated just so I can let people know why. Also spending time with God… I must get better in just doing that- reading the Word and praying, even if it’s only a few minutes worth. I pray that God sees my heart and continues to mold me into who I’m meant to be.
      Thank you again for reaching me in the midst of my currently (but temporary) overwhelming schedule!
      May God bless you abundantly!!!

    47. Am glad to say all the 12signs speak about me.praise Jesus. May a every obstacle blocking me from my breakthrough be cleared in Jesu’s name, amen!plz pray for me.ineed a miracle job right now, so quick

    48. Wow! You spoke my experience!! On 1/3/15, I was diagnosed with scute myeloid leukemia (AML). I later learned that I had days to live had I not gone to the walk-in clinic. One minute I was expecting to get care for the flu and the next I was in an ambulance in route to the hospital where nurses were waiting at the elevator to start an Iv. Thru 5 rounds of chemo; loss of my hair twice; a stem cell transplant and severe side effects I refused to believe facts and figures and the devils lies. Rather I believed The Truth. And the Truth was (is) that I am healed. I am in recovery and stand in the Truth that He gives strength to the weary and increased the power of the weak (Isaiah40:29). In fact that is my mantra for PT exercises. I experienced all 12 situations you detailed. I’m not just alive, but I live abundantly with the peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray that anyone who reads this post is inspired. Thank you Jamie for all that you do and will do in your ministry.

    49. Jamie this is very timely . Yesterday I had a breakdown moment and I could not help that i cried at night because I felt unloved by the people closest to me.I pushed through worship eventually and prayed.God is indeed using you. Your blog post is a confirmation something big is about to happen in terms of breakthrough.

    50. Thank you so much for your wisdom and encouragment!!
      May God richly bless your and your ministry!!

    51. Hi Jamie.
      Almost all 12 speak to me. Thanks for the encouragement; I’m prepared to persevere until my breakthrough comes to pass.

    52. Linda Stanford says:

      I see a lot of these 12 in my life. I am contending that my breakthrough is coming and coming doesn’t. Lord Jesus I claim this breakthrough in your Holy name and I Thank you for it!

    53. Thank you so much for this mighty word. This is definitely for me. These 12 describe where I am. There are desires that God put in my heart to believe Him for. In the natural, everything is so contrary to His word to me. It’s been about a year and half ago. God spoke to be about my husband. I met a man of God. Now Due to his job and his mother being sick, we are living in different states. I know in my heart, God has called us to be in the covenant of marriage and be in Ministry to together. God spoke that so clearly to me. The circumstances speak so differently and the enemy has been speaking lies to me. I keep my faith in God, knowing He cannot lie. I just keep pressing and believing. I know God is faithful❤️❤️

    54. Hi Jamie,
      I have experienced all 12 of these signs. I talk to god every day to overcome what ever the enemy or situation (s) thrown at me.
      I stay strong and I know this break through is coming real soon.
      I have received and claimed it.

    55. Bernadette Bethel-Rahming says:

      Hi Jamie, the 12 signs that you shared is a blessing because I am living through those signs. Instead of being overwhelmed about my situations..I find myself going deeper in worship and my prayer life is being strengthen. Instead of obsessing over the hands of God, I am becoming more and more in love with his presence. I passed the days away with loving on him and talking with him. My bond with my LORD and King is getting much stronger. I know that my Daddy will bring His promises to pass. But appreciation is for the process. Yes the process was hard and long but I am still standing. I know that makes the process will make the best part of my testimony. I have grown and gain a lot of wisdom. 🙌NOW, I am totally grateful for my positioning in my journey with Christ. I have come to appreciate the beginning of Zechariah 4:10 Do not despised humble beginnings. There is no promotion without humility. There is no true understanding of the grace of God without the pit, or prison life experiences.
      So I counted all joy.
      Blessings to you and your ministry.

    56. Thank you so much for this word. So powerful. I have been ignoring reading it for a few days because of discouragement and emotional fatigue about life in general. So glad I opened it. Just the encouragement I needed. God bless you Jamie. Praying that all your family and ministry needs will be met on time. Lord my eyes are on You for this dear sister. Thank you for all the answers to this prayer. In Jesus’ Name with Thanksgiving in my heart.

    57. Hello Jamie..
      It’s unbelievable how i am literally encountering the 12 signs..All of them!
      Thank you Lord Jesus for Your faithfulness and for my breakthrough that is already here by faith.
      You are indeed a faithful promiser.

    58. Patrick Fayomi says:

      Hi Jamie,
      Yes! this message best described me and I have experienced two breakthrough last week and all glory be to almighty God who has granted me another marvelous breakthrough this week and I am going to receive it in due course in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Praiiiiiiiise the Lord! Alleluyah!

    59. Yes! I am waiting for my breakthrough. I will receive it in Jesus Name.

    60. So comforting to read this………I completely identify with each one of these signs, thank you for confirming and sharing this word! God bless you Jamie!

    61. Kate Plange says:

      Thank You Jamie. God is definitely using you to get his messages across the broken hearted. May Papa Bless And Empower You More

    62. Abba my Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ my Saviour, HOLY Spirit, my Comforter, living inside of me be mercifull to me a sinner. Holy Spirit I invite you into my life please take control of my entire life. Please help me so I don’t stray myself away from Jesus especially as my break through is near and miracles are about to happen my life n Jesus name amen. Father I thank you for what you have done what you are doing and what you are going to do in my life in Jesus name amen. Hallelujah Praise the Lord, Father you are worthy to be Praise. We gloryfy your name,. Father thank you for giving me help from the sanctuary through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior amen. Thank Holy Spirit for answered prayers in Jesus name amen

    63. Nadia mulder says:

      I am ready for my blessing and I have faith that God will provide it through his amazing love and glory! To God I give the glory, I am ready for this breakthrough!

    64. Osayande Nosakhare says:

      Sir I experienced all of this infants nothing I do make a difference all is the same I cry to the lord those we are working together God has blessed some of them but I keep on praying to God everyday of my life all i see is disappointment and frustration but I still trust in God with all my heart.

      1. I will pray for you. I am walking through the same. Don’t feel alone. Jesus is with us. Be strong we have a powerful Father. He always tells me to be still because He is taking care of this. I thank You Lord because our breakthrough is close. God bless you and make His face shine on you and give you peace.

    65. Dr. Israel Pēníel says:

      Your information gave me the inspiration to claim my breakthrough this day! It seems that I have had to wait a long time for this one to manifest. The lesson has been learned, I’m staying with God regardless if He blesses me or not. Nevertheless, not my will, but thy will be done. Though you slay me, yet will I trust Him. The most important fact in my life right now aside from the expectation of this life changing breakthrough is that it is well with my soul! Yes Lord! When Jesus saved my soul and made me whole, it took a miracle of Love and Grace. I’m saved Jamie!
      Peace and Love,
      Dr. Israel Peniel

    66. Bafedile Mahlokwane says:

      I am feeling exactly as listed above, its so hard but I stand in His name, my tree is so dry, there’s just nothing under my belt, I almost lost my furnitures, am unemployed and actually God is my only hope and refuge, He is all I have, not even sure as to how to pray to Him. So all of the signs I do relate to them right now, I even had to Google to find out what’s really going on in the state of life I’m in. It’s very sad but He remains my God.

    67. Jean Potgieter says:

      Good morning. When I read your post this morning, I can sooooo relate to it. The Lord has given me a mission and due to Covid-19 and us not allowed to move around, it has been on hold for 6 months. Now I have taken the leap of faith and took some action, and the devil is absolutely bombarding me with negative thoughts. I refuse to fear and give him any place, I have bitten my tongue and gone to the Lord asking Him to strengthen me and give me a word of encouragement. Thank you Lord for this message. It has greatly encouraged me. Praise the Lord. I also want to encourage you today and bless you. May everything you are praying for come to pass soon. I asked in Jesus name. Glory to God.

    68. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

      Praise God!!! Jamie,my dear sweet sister,i acknowledge your life and i glorify Abba Father alone.I am a little bit shy to tell the truth that all the things you’ve shared here ,is what i am going through right now.From the first one to the lastThank you so much

    69. I am experiencing almost all the 12signs discussed. Thank you Jamie for your inspiration.

    70. My dear sister in the Lord Jamie,
      These twelve points you wrote down here got me so emotional because for my sake, God has asked you to write them down to reach me. My husband sat by me while I read through them, he consoled me because I was in tears. Thank you so so much. I believe strongly that my breakthrough is at hand!!!. Thank You Lord Jesus for all Your sacrifices to see us through. Thy vows are upon us, and we will render praise to you. Thank you Lord. Lilian.

    71. Hi Jamie
      Wow am speechless because all you’ve said described is happening to me right but I continue fasting and praying waiting for Abba Father to breakthrough from every corners of my situation circumstances troubles battles am facing right but my eyes my faith my trust is always to him so therefore I won’t give up I still hold on my faith and trust to my masterpiece the king of kingdom of the cite gates. Thank you so much for strengthening my faith daily and nights I really appreciate it with all my heart 🤍🙏🏼 May God to continue protecting you and to bless you richly in Jesus Name 🤍🙏🏼😇

      Kind regards

    72. All of this is what im going through its like you are there looking in my life do many times i have been feeling angry , discouraged thought thetr is something wrong im doing but the more i want to ress on and trusting God even when idont feel like ot. Thank you for this Word again to stand firm and wait for Paa Hod to jpbor me
      Blessing to you and family ❤💕

    73. Tarrah Johnson says:

      Yes Jamie! I have been dealing with these signs. Satan is really trying to distract me but I know God is up to something. I’m seen the number 444 and 555 so I know God sees me and He is working.

    74. Lucretia Wingate says:

      I have in faith in God in everything, and this really spoke to me 😊🙌🏾.. Thank you Jamie

    75. Kay Brown says:

      Thank you for this. I know my breakthrough is now!!!! God thank you for honoring me, and allowing favor to rest on me and my household.

    76. Jamie
      This message is so timely for me that I thought it’s like you were describing me.
      I believe my breakthrough is so near, and can occur anytime. And am so much focused on Jesus Christ and full of new found faith. Am thankful to God for you for this article.
      God bless you .
      Simon (All the way from Africa-Kenya).

    77. Friday Idise says:

      These 12 signs are reflective of my current situation but will not give up because I known whom I have believed and I am fully persuaded that I have my breakthroughs.

      Thank you so much Jamie for the words of encouragement. Pray for more strength and wisdom in what you are doing for the body of Christ. God’s blessings always.

      Thank you.

    78. Yes Amen Praise the Lord breakthrough

    79. Akua Vera Etornam says:

      Thank you and all that i can say is, Amen!, Amen!!, Amen!!!

    80. Jason Obeyesekera says:

      Every one of these 12 signs are accurate for the breakthrough I have been praying for. I keep my eyes on Jesus!

    81. Chinyenkem Obinna Wegbuom says:

      Yes im a living witness to all of this, I knew the Lord was aware and it upgraded my character totally made me more stronger and wiser in spirit, I know God loves me and have something great for me, let his n be praised. Amen

    82. I have been awaiting a break through for almost four years. The day after Thanksgiving I received another set back that felt like the straw that broke the camel’s back. Between fighting for disability, work comp for my husband, ongoing financial struggles with both of these ( because of the medical aspects) my husband has become depressed and angry and I do everything I can to hang on to God and keep us both in our faith. Our parents health is declining, at the same time. In all this, you breathe and learn to say it is well with my soul.

    83. Christopher Mendez says:

      This is so me right now. Everything I’m feeling you just described. Especially the feelings of giving up

    84. Crystal hill says:

      I have faith in God in everything, and this really spoke to me I receive every word you spoke in and I pray God give me a healing in my breakthrough he was speaking directly to me in that message sometimes I want to give up but the guy I serve won’t let me I’m keeping my faith😊🙌🏾.. Thank you Jamie

    85. I’ve come back to this as a reminder that God is a God of breakthrough.. I’m holding on but this is hard I’ve never been one to want to give up but the thought of it keeps popping up.

    86. Jay-R Gatdula says:

      I am a Filipino who used to work in Singapore and I lost my job last May due to Covid-19. Now I am back in the Philippines. It was hard for me when I lost my job in Singapore as I am the breadwinner of my family and I have a house loan to pay. This has been a difficult year for me and I thought that losing my job was the worst thing that have had happened but then last November 7, my bank account had a fraudulent transaction and P80,000 was stolen from my savings that is meant to pay for our house loan. I am praying everyday for the bank to give my money back and to get the justice that I deserve from this fraud that had happened to me. The bank told me that they will let me know of the outcome on my case after 35 days. I am praying everyday for God to help me to get through with all these problems. I know that someday things will be better for me and my family. I have a stronger faith now knowing that God will never give up on me. Jesus, I trust in You.

    87. Thank you Woman of God.Im giving praises unto God already for my breakthrough it is here.I can see it already. Thank you Jesus🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

    88. Praise The Lord!
      I believe my breakthrough is almost here because this article speaks of me and what I’ve experienced for a while now.
      Thank you Jamie for the encouragement and remain ever blessed to be a blessing to the nations.

    89. Jamie,could you please pray for us we just lost our family member on Tuesday in our life for 16 years an oh,oh… it hurts our judgement very clouded right now just want to hide from the world

    90. Desiree custis says:

      This is me rite now and I keep telling myself ny breakthrough is near . I’m fighting, I’m crying , I’m in a place of despair I’m angry , but God . I’ve prayedadkedGod to fill every void in my life with more of him .

    91. I have been experiencing most of the signs discussed, thank you Jamie. Thank you heavenly Father for my breakthrough.

      1. Thanks Jamie. I’m experiencing most of the things listed above. I just laughed at my self especially when I read about someone getting excactly what I’ve been praying for. I thank the Holy Spirit. Waiting patiently for my breakthrough. May God bless you abundantly

    92. Abuya Solomon says:

      This is so apt about me. Praise be to God!

    93. All these signs describe me
      Thank you Jesus for my breakthrough

    94. Greetings. Am seeing most of these signs yet the stress of the world since the pandemic began often leaves a feeling of “Lord, why have you clearly opened doors for reconciliation with a loved one yet my loved one continues to block and unblock me on social media back and forth like a yoyo”. My loved one has come from a background of abuse from males and seemed to become very angry during last yrs lockdowns and my own insecurities from previous broken r/ship hurts was apparent.

      Funny thing is we never had a single fight in 5 yrs together and despite more than 1 yr going by, since doing constant daily prayers with close friends and family in recent months, I know God has opened doors, I have praised God each time my loved one unblocks me but the constant back and forth is torcher. I know they are reaching out and am fed up with naysayers views of letting troubled people go. Good people who are troubled often lash out at loved ones because the hurt is coming from someone else. God bless.

    95. SCHELLA JEAN says:


    96. Yikes!! I stumbled on this article because I’m going through it right now. I’ve been praying for something for 3 years now. Each year since then I’ve gone through a spiritual transformation. I’ve learned so much and I’ve grown even more. Just before Mothers Day this year (2022) the Holy Spirit told me to Get Ready!! I was giddy. On Mother’s Day, after church the Holy Spirit then said that ‘The Siege is over!’. I thought my breakthrough would come the next day. Nothing happened. It’s July 2 now and still, complete silence. As a matter of fact, the enemy has been very busy frustrating me.
      I live in NJ, and belong to a church that has several vans to pick members up every week. It is extremely helpful. We don’t pay. Just before the pandemic a young woman used to pick us up and her driving skills are abysmal. We, the passengers, decided to make a complaint to the transport unit. (Unfortunately she’s the head of said unit). She did not take kindly to our complaint. It’s been 2 years, during which we didn’t even step in church, but this young lady has held this grudge against us. Recently she’s been sabotaging our bus route. She’s in charge and she can do it. Instead of making another complaint, I decided to hand it over to God. It’s interesting how we pray every day for new converts and someone is within the church actively preventing some of us from showing up. Church is my therapy. Worshipping and praising God is medicine for my soul. And the enemy has made it his business to keep me away from the one thing that helps me keep my sanity.
      I’m still doing my every day prayer and worship on my own. On Sundays, I participate online. For now.
      Thank you once again for allowing me to recognize that my breakthrough is NOW.
      God bless.

    97. Faith McDermott says:

      I too came across this page when I typed in the question, “How long Lord till the breakthrough”. All 12 apply to me! This has been a very trying season for most, and any Christian who is spiritually aware knows this is not a natural occurrence. I have been praying daily for years, but with the uptick of chaos I have been praying daily without ceasing…..Lord thank you that help is on the way….Amen and Amen.

    98. Thanks Jamie. I felt you were speaking to me personally. You described me in detail. Wow. God is in my vicinity with my breakthrough. I am ready for a pleasant surprise. Papa God thank you that you are bringing me breakthroughs from today. Amen and amen.

    99. My breakthrough is near, thank you! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

    100. Thank you Jamie. I feel so tired today but managed to read these signs. My breakthrough is near. Lord help me to seal my mouth and not say negative things

    101. I have been seeing all 12 of these signs , along with guidance from the Holy Spirit. I have been relying solely on God to give me faith when everything seems impossible or so very far away. My emotions tell me to give up, but I know my thoughts are not God’s. In my heart I know God is working behind the scenes.

    102. This is definitely speaking to my situation. I give God thanks for the help in the form of this teaching. It greatly encourages me to keep going! Thank you Jamie! I bless God for your ministry too! It really helps!!
      Love, Dionne

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