How To Invoice the Treasury of Heaven
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Do you want to build your faith for answered prayer and God’s provision? Then it’s time for you to send an invoice to the Treasury of Heaven! If you’re wondering how, read on and let’s talk about how to invoice the Treasury of Heaven.
First, know that the Treasury of Heaven is primarily God Himself.
Now, it’s true that He may have real treasury buildings and storehouses in Heaven. The Bible says over and over again that we should lay up treasures in Heaven, so we can only assume that there might be actual places where those treasures are laid up. It’s definitely possible! Also, many saints have had visions and dreams of actual treasury buildings in Heaven over the years.
But when I am referring to the Treasury of Heaven, I’m talking most about God (our Provider, El Shaddai) and the transactionary nature of God.

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What is “the transactionary nature of God”?
Almost all of God’s promises have conditions. His Word promises us over and over that He will do amazing things of various kinds for us. But nearly every time, He says “If you … then I ….” And as long as meet the conditions, He will do the thing He promised to do.
Every time.
For example:
- Matthew 6:33: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” The condition is “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness,” and the promise is “all these things shall be added to you.”
- John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” The condition is that you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. The promise is that you will not perish if you do, but instead you will have everlasting life.
- Matthew 7:7-8: “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” The first condition in this passage is to ask; the promise is that what you ask for will be given to you. The second condition is to seek, and the promise is that you will find that for which you are seeking. The third condition is that you knock, and the promise is that the door upon which you knock shall be opened to you.
Yes, God’s promises are conditional.
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Even the promise of salvation is conditional. It is a free gift, yes; but we have to believe in Jesus (that’s the condition) in order to receive the free gift.
However, no matter what promise you’re reading, you will receive everything God has promised to give you if you meet the conditions.
This means that we can make a literal transaction with God through obedience and prayer.
If you meet His conditions, then you can point out to Him in prayer that you have met the conditions of His promise. Then, you can ask Him to go ahead and meet His obligation–the obligation that He chose to bind Himself by through virtue of His Word.
Note that God doesn’t owe us anything in and of itself, but He has chosen to obligate Himself to us by His Word and promises.
God is God, and He owes us nothing. But, He told us that His Word will not return to Him void. As it says in Isaiah 55:
“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:10-11 NKJV).
So even though He is Sovereign and the King of the Universe, He said that He will do whatever His Word says. He is always true to His Word. After all, Jesus promised that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life:
“Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me'” (John 14:6 NKJV).
… And God is not a man that He should lie:
“God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19 NKJV).
And Psalm 68 that God Himself is the REAL Treasury of Heaven:
“Your congregation dwelt in it; You, O God, provided from Your goodness for the poor” (Psalm 68:10 NKJV).
When God provides for us (which He does every moment of every day), He literally reaches within Himself and takes His own goodness–which takes solid form and manifests as the provision that we need.

So when you want God to fulfill a specific promise, you can simply pray and show Him in prayer that you have met His conditions.
And if you have met His conditions, you have 100% right to receive whatever His Word says you will receive.
So this means that your prayer is a legal petition. You are calling on your contractual right (the contract being God’s Word) and you are literally filing an invoice with the Treasury of Heaven. You have a right to do that, and you should.
Did you hear that? You have a right to invoice the Treasury of Heaven.
God has obligated Himself to you by His Word.
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Invoice the treasury of Heaven today!
One of Jamie’s favorite prayer techniques is to submit an invoice to the treasury of Heaven. Read all about it here, and order your own full-color, cardstock notepad of invoices today!
So how do you invoice the Treasury of Heaven? It’s simple:
- Come boldly before the throne of grace, where you may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. (See Hebrews 4:16.)
- Tell the Father that you believe Jesus paid with His blood for you to have everything He has promised.
- Tell the Father which of His promises you are claiming.
- Show the Father in prayer how you have met His conditions.
- Ask Him to fulfill His Word in that promise, doing for you the thing He said He would do.
Recently, as I was praying and contemplating these things, I heard Holy Spirit tell me to literally file and invoice with the Treasury of Heaven based on these principles.
I heard Him say, “Invoice the Treasury of Heaven.” I knew such a thing is not absolutely required (unless He tells you to do it!), but I also understood that He was showing me how to demonstrate my faith in His Word.
So, I made an actual invoice. Here’s what it looks like:

Here’s how this Invoice to the Treasury of Heaven works:
Just like an earthly invoice, you fill out your name and address on the top left.
Then, you check the box to tell the Lord what “account” you want to charge your request to. For example:
- Are you praying for something He promised regarding the tithe–e.g. rebuking the devourer or guaranteeing your harvest and profitability? Check that box.
- Are you praying for a desire of your heart, and you meet the requirements He listed in Psalm 37? Check that box.
- Are you asking God to repay you for something you sowed to a poor person (which is called “giving alms”)? Check that box, for He has promised to repay you, according to Proverbs 19:17.
- Or, are you claiming a promise other than the ones pre-printed on the invoice? Perhaps you’re claiming John 14:14: “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” If so (or if you’re presenting any other Scripture to God), check the “other” box and write in your Scripture reference.
Then, fill out the quantity, description, and amount portions of the invoice.
If you need one bill paid, write it down–along with the amount. But if you need 3 pairs of shoes for your children, 3 winter coats, and 2 bicycles, write those things down.
If you prefer the Lord to simply give you the money and let you pick the things out yourself, you can write the amounts of money that you need. Or, if you prefer that He provide you with the actual item, you could leave the amount boxes blank.
(Keep in mind that He may choose in His sovereignty to answer your invoice either way, including by allowing you to earn the money you need. But it doesn’t hurt a thing to ask Him for what you desire in detail anyway!)
Learn more about God’s Word by exploring our How to Know the Bible is True series!
At the bottom of the invoice, total up your need if you listed prices or money amounts.
Then, list the terms of the invoice. In the business world, “terms” means when the payment is due. For example, “net 30” means that the whole invoice needs to be paid in full within 30 days. “Net 45” means you have 45 days to pay, and “Due on receipt” means it needs to be paid now.
At the very end of the invoice, add any notes to the Lord that you desire to add.
Then, lay it before the Lord and pray over it. You could pray something simple like this:
“Dear Heavenly Father, I come to You in Jesus’ name. Father, thank You that Your Word does not return void. I praise You for Your faithfulness and truth.
Father, in Jesus’ name, I am submitting this invoice because I believe I have met Your conditions laid out in (insert Scripture here). And because I have met Your conditions, Your Word says I am entitled to (insert request here).
Please do for me what You have promised, Father. And I am asking that it would be done quickly, right now if possible; for the blood of Jesus already paid the price for me to receive everything You have promised.
Thank You, Father God. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen and amen.”
Then, I suggest that you might want to lay the invoice out before the Lord for awhile, so the angels can read it too. If you need to carry it with you, you might stick it in your Bible and take your whole Bible with you.
Remember that invoicing the Treasury of Heaven is a faith-builder.
That is why I suggest you actively do this, and that you even keep it with you in your Bible, just like you would keep your checkbook and debit cards with you. God’s Word is better “money in the bank” than any earthly currency ever could be!
Friend, do you have a need? Then invoice the Treasury of Heaven!
Find a Scripture and be sure you meet the conditions. If you aren’t sure which Scripture to pick, choose one of these 16 miracle Scriptures! And remember John 14:14 too: “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” That’s a pretty easy one to claim!
After you have found your Scripture, then fill out your invoice. You can even fill it out the easy way, by scribbling on the photo on your phone, if you need to. Look at one very simple one I filled out:

I know it’s sloppy, but I don’t know how to write on images using my phone very well–and I’ve been petitioning the Lord and sowing for a Corvette for a very long time, so I wanted to get this invoice before Him right away. 🙂 I don’t think He minds that it’s sloppy. 🙂
(If you’re wondering what’s the story about the Corvette, know that I got saved around age 20 when God gave me a Corvette. I sold it after a few years and wished I hadn’t. Cars that rumble are such a delight to me, and they bring me joy; so I’m asking the Lord to send me another Corvette, because it’s my favorite car on earth.)

Whether you print your invoice out or scribble on it using your phone, lay it before the Lord and pray.
Ask the Father, the great Treasury and Treasurer of Heaven, to provide what He has promised. His Word will not return to you void.
Does the idea of invoicing the Treasury of Heaven excite you? Are you going to use this faith-building prayer technique? If so, leave a comment below!
Download your PDF invoice now!
You can print this easy PDF invoice on your home printer, and present it before the Lord as many times as you like!
Yes plan to do this ! I like this idea ⭐️
Praying for specifics for your corvette with you .
Thank you
For some reason, God has been speaking to me so DIRECTLY to write the desires of my heart down. This was also spoken about at my Catholic Charismatic prayer meeting on Tuesday and it has been on my mind since and I struggled to write what I wanted and needed!
Look at how the Holy Spirit is moving.
Thank you, Jamie, God does His work through you. I have written my invoice and in faith and belief, I trust that everything I have asked for in the Mighty Name of Jesus has already been answered positively!
Praise God.
Thank you Jamie, I’m so excited about it. I’m going to try this.
i by faith have submitted my invoices to heaven and waiting expectantly for quick answers and the manifestation of the promises to be seen. Thanks Jamie! I love this!
I was told to write it down and make it plain, and my new prayer group I’m in actually said it to one of my sisters in Christ last night so this is confirmation! For some reason, I can’t download it I’ll try on my computer! I love it!! This is a word you put seed on and watch God produce the harvest!! Thank you Jesus for using Jamie and her ministry!! To Jesus be all the glory!!!!!
YES! I will definitely be doing this. I have not been able to take my cat to the vet for over three years now and I know he needs attention for an “owie”. Plus I have other needs. Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you my pastor for such deep revelation, I really like it. Let me start with it today. God bless you and give you more revelations to help build our faith. It’s really beneficial.
Thank you and thank you God for using Jamie and the ministry to change my life,I’m going to try this,be blessed.
Glory be to God thank you Jamie and your ministry. May God bless you with your Corvette and all he has for you. These tools are such a blessing to me .Thank you
Yes, I will do something like this and want to invite my prayer team to do the same.
Many blessings to you Jamie.