3 Encouraging Words for You!

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Hi everyone! I recorded two short videos with encouraging words for you this week, and I have both of them posted over on Facebook.

The first video is about where your passion meets God’s provision. Click here to watch!

The second video is actually a response to a reader question.

Someone asked me if something was wrong with her because she felt a blockage come up between her and God during worship. Answer? No, nothing is wrong with her! In this video, I explain why that blockage may be occurring–and what to do about it. We can trust the gentle hands of Father!

Click here to watch the second video.

And one more encouraging word:

Beloveds, I have been praying for you all intensely--particularly in the area of your finances! I believe that your finances are really important to God, and He wants to bless you in all things.

But what does it take to receive those blessings? I believe it takes just two things:

  1. It takes obedience to God’s Word concerning how we handle money.
  2. It takes prayer–claiming God’s promises to you about how He will bless you when you obey!

So I am praying for you in these areas, and asking Father God, our good, good Papa, to pour out His blessings on you today. And if you are a partner with or donor to this ministry, I have the legal right in the spirit realm to ask God to multiply your seed back to you 100-fold … so that’s what I’m asking Him to do! (I’m also asking Him to bless you in your entrepreneurship efforts, as He has blessed me!)

And, even if you are not yet partnering with this ministry financially, know that I am praying for you too; and God still wants to bless you! 🙂

Beloved, our Papa God cares about everything you care about.

That means He is here to help you in your financial need. He is here to help you in your marriage. He is here to help you no matter what you need; to comfort you, encourage you, lift you up, and draw you closer to Jesus.

And in the presence of God is fullness of joy (Psalm 16). In JESUS we have all things we need.

So will you draw close to Him today, obey Him in all things, and seek His face?

If you will seek Him first, you will have everything you need.

Much love in Christ,



  1. oscar lozano says:

    Hi, Jamie could you please let us know exactly what you do to get into God´s presence so i can get into His lovely presence too.
    Oceans of Blessings from mexico.

  2. Hi Jamie
    Thank you for the 2nd video it was really helpful and I have layers of hurt and I thought i had dealt with it all.I attended your 1st webinar on deep soul healing and did all the steps on forgiveness and Ive been so prayerful and believing Gods healing me and I believe He heals in different ways sometimes it happens in an instant and other times its a process and I believe my healing is coming thru a process.Thank you for your prayers and help.God bless you abundantly.

  3. Dear Jamie please i need your prayers so that i will be granted release from immigation detention in the uk, i am very desperate i feel like i am drowning in this place and there’s no hope for me. I have tried everything i prayed i asked for prayers but nothing good happens only more rejection and refusal, this is too much for me to bear at the age of 62.

  4. debra sparks says:

    Hi Jamie

    it is a pleasure and honor to be able to write you my name is Debra it has been a blessing the day i started getting your message i fell off a little but im getting back there it has been a battle spiritually i been trying so hard but it just dont seem to be enough to me everyday life family issue distract me alot well i can go on and on but i want i need mentor in my life i was going to a local church but slacked off a little but need to start back soon Thank you

  5. Irma Nortje says:


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