4 Huge Solutions Are Coming

1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2

Have you been looking for some major solutions to problems that have been plaguing you?

If so, the Lord gave me this word for you:

“Four huge solutions are coming, and your desert is going to blossom like a rose.”

Excited and questioning, I asked the Lord for more details. Here is what He told me:

“Your life feels like it has been going down the drain, and you have needed Me to show up with a solution. I tell you today that I AM the Solution you need. And because I Am the solution, I have the solution. 

Today, look for the solution you need to manifest. Your first solution is found in something you have hesitated to do. You have felt like all would be lost if you took this step. However, the step you have hesitated to take will actually bring about your deliverance.

The second solution will be found by your perseverance. 

Right now, the enemy wants to derail you by putting inconveniences in your path. The enemy wants to steal your ease away and therefore convince you that there’s no flow in a thing. But now is the time to press into My holy ease.

If you will press into My holy ease–taking each thing as it comes, knowing that nothing is a surprise for Me and that I am with you always–then you will find that the obstacles and hindrances the enemy put before you are nothing after all. You will find that:

  • the delay won’t matter;
  • the effort won’t hurt you; 
  • the uncertain things will work out just fine; and
  • you will be sufficiently prepared, after all!

The third solution is that I am going to supernaturally deliver you from the attack of the enemy that has been hounding you.

You have remained hidden in My secret place and hidden under the shadow of My wings. Nevertheless, you have suffered a severe attack that was not your fault. Things have festered despite everything you have done and tried to do to resolve this situation.

I want you to know today that I see the purity of your life. I see your clean hands and pure heart, and I have created your life to be a work of beauty. You are My masterpiece,” says the Lord, “a masterpiece suddenly appearing and yet long in preparation. 

You have cozied up to Me, for that is the only place you have been able to endure what has ailed you. Under My shelter is the only place where you have found true rest. Even though others have stared, wondered, and attacked, still You have remained hidden in Me.

I will reward you for your faithfulness,” says the Lord. 

The Lord wants you to know: “I am coming swiftly to deliver you. I have kept you in the palm of My hand, and nothing is hidden from Me. Now I am carrying you into a meadow of soft, green grass, where rest is. I am placing the dew of Heaven under your feet and have removed all the burrs from your path. You will soon revel and delight in My peace and joy,” says the Lord, “for I am QUICKLY delivering you from the hand of your enemies.

The fourth solution is a bright and shining reward that the Lord has for you.

This is what He told me:

“The fourth solution is a reward that I reserve only for My intimate friends. It is produced by your level of intimacy with Me, and it is something you have longed for a LONG time. I am coming swiftly to deliver your dreams into your hand,” says the Lord, “and you will say that it was worth it all.

Soon you will see the tapestry I have woven out of your pain. Soon you will see the mantle I have embroidered for you out of the threads of your life. Soon you will see what you thought was broken beyond repair spring suddenly to life. I will do it suddenly,” says the Lord. “Yes, I will do it suddenly.

Four solutions are coming to you, and you will see again that I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Rejoice, for I have given you My Kingdom–and you shall reign in your situations with My mighty hand and My outstretched arm.”

WOW! Thank You, Father!

Do you receive this word? If so, leave a comment below and claim it as your own by your confession of faith!


  1. Rev. Sophia Snyder says:

    Thank you this was very timely.

    1. Thank you Jamie. This spoke to me since I have been waiting faithfully for so long. I have greater hope now. Praise be to God!

    2. I receive this word over my life right now in the name of Jesus Thank You!! ….

    3. Thanks I receive your email daily and it’s a great inspiration. I’m going through some trials and tribulations right now and ask for your prayer and that God delivers me from this. Thanks for your ministry!

    4. Ophelia Russell says:

      Good Morning Jamie:

      Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you in a mighty way. I been longing for a conformation from God and here it is. Thank you so much, I really needed to that encouragement.

      Thank you again

      1. Ophelia Russell says:

        Hi Jamie:

        I apologize for the last sentence, it should read (I really needed the encouragement).

        Thank you

    5. thank you i receive it in jesus name

    6. Kathy Magaw says:

      Thank you! I receive this word! I so needed this!❤️

      1. RONDOLYN BAKER says:

        Amen! And so did I! Smen!

        1. Amen!!! I touch and come into agreement with this word so timely spoken’ in JESUS mighty name!!!

    7. Thank you 🙏🏼 so much for this timely word today. Yes, that’s me and I receive and believe it

    8. Sharon Thompson says:

      Oh GOD! Thank You for this seasoned word. I’ve been TRYING to hold ON keep my sanity and not be in any confrontations. Every body-thing-problem that you would think happen I’ve never been here before and it’s the hardest place for me. Thank You for the word… I needed this SO MUCH 🎚

    9. Christian says:

      I receive 4 huge solutions are coming in Jesus name.

    10. Thank you so much. I receive the word in the name of Jesus! I am hurting right now and I feel encouraged! Praise the Lord! Amen!

    11. Yes! I needed to hear this TODAY.

    12. Amen 🙏🏾 I receive it Lord

  2. I claim this word Amen
    Jamie Thank you God bless
    Papa i fall before you in jesus Sweet name

    1. Alita Thompson says:

      I have started to see the manifestation. Thank you Lord!

    2. Thank You Lord for this word. I have been down, depressed, sad but your word has made it clear that you have answered all my prayers and I will TESTIFY soon.
      Thank you Lord and thank you Jamie for allowing God use you for our good.

    1. I receive this word from the Father.

    2. Teresa D. White says:

      God Bless you, Jamie! Thank you so much for this word and the ministry which The Lord has entrusted to you. He has used you so much already to speak into our lives. I read a word that you published on The Elijah List at the end of June, and Holy Spirit touched me so powerfully at 3 am that morning as I felt so low. He flowed out of my iPad screen and touched me so powerfully through that word! Once again He has done the same thing with this word! He has touched my husband and my mother as well through this word. We have been through almost two years of trials and attacks and afflictions. Our whole world was tried to be turned upside down, but The Lord has been so faithful. But we have asked many, many times when this would pass. We are so thankful for this powerful word and also for the webinar with Pastor Judy Jacobs tonight. Praise God for your obedience and your love for Him and His Kingdom, to be able to promote other people’s ministries because you truly want Him to receive the glory. Thank you! Blessings!

  3. Hannah Christopher says:

    Thank you, Jamie. This particular message from you was a timely one for me in my present situation at work as well as in my life.Thank you,

    Hannah Christopher

  4. Kahn Johnson says:

    I have been under heavy attack, but I have found refuge in the secret place of the Most High, and He has given me peace which certainly passed all of my understanding!!! I do see the Lord at work in my life and I am accepting that He will do His work SUDDENLY!!!!! In matchless and mighty name of JESUS!!! I speak promotion over my life and my enemies scattered as the Lord is lifted up!!!

    God bless you , Jamie!
    Kahn Johnson

  5. Yes! Glad to hear described so perfectly my experiences in life. And that there is still an outcome of victory coming.

  6. Sue Tracy says:

    Yeah baby I am so ready it’s been a very long bumpy road and I am weary but this girl is steadfast and patient. Come Lord Jesus, I say come! Amen

  7. Wow & Wow HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH. I Receive THAT it Confirmation. OH PRAISE HIM. BLESS HIS HOLY NAME. Thank U Jamie Woman Of GOD. May you be Blessed For your Obedience bring GOD’s Word Forward To HIS PEOPLE. ✌ SHALOM! 😇🙏

  8. You have described my situation impeccably. I receive this word that you have spoke. Thank you and my God bless you .

  9. Amen, I received this powerful message!! Thank you Jesus!!!

  10. I am speechless and in awe right now only thing I can say is praise God and God bless you Jamie for being faithful to give this word. I receive it Lord,,,so long in coming thank you Father thank you Jesus thank you Holy Spirit Amen and Amen

  11. Daniel Joshua says:

    So shall it be in Jesus name, Amen.

  12. Thsnk you do muvh. On time message!

  13. Derricee Newton says:

    Thank you for that word. I receive.

  14. Roshanda Teamer says:

    I receive this word Amen!

    Thank you Jamie

  15. Charlotte Hendryx says:

    Yes annnnnnd ammmmmeeeennnn!

  16. Joy Ehrenzweig says:

    Wow Jamie!! God is really speaking to you!
    I feel like I’m suffocating and gasping for airmailing and the only place I seem to find refuge is under God!s wings.
    God bless you and your family for your support and all you do for His kingdom🙏

  17. I receive this and I’m grateful for your obedience! I have been very weary but started praying your 7 life changing prayers for people who feel forgotten. In two days I have seen this:
    Yesterday I had a divine appointment that was a blessing. A new godly relationship formed by just one call from someone that I never would have met without God’s favor. Today a friend surprised me with a belated birthday brunch and to my amazement I was given several expensive gifts from her including a pair of diamond earrings that I had always wanted but I had never told anyone not even my husband and some Mariana jewelry in black that I had just had thoughts of wanting to buy this week and only GOD knew those thoughts. Honor, favor, rewards….! Thank you Jamie!! God bless you abundantly❣️

  18. hermite salomon says:

    I received it too., I have been under attacks and I have read the prayer from Jamie for the past 26 days and tomorrow, they will have a meeting to decide on my situation, People at work wants to destroy me and tonight I want you guys to pray and believe with me that Lord the Father will send his angels to seat in the meeting and to put confusion between them and to make me victorious. Please pray for me because the victory is for the glory of the Lord in Jesus ‘s name , please pray for me and I promise I will come back and testify. Glory to God in Jesus’s name Amen

  19. To God Be The Glory, I Give All Praises To Our Heavenly Father.I Thank God For Leading Me To Your Website. All I Can Say Is Wow Wow And Wow. Let God Continue To Speak In You And Through You. Powerful Woman Of God.

  20. Yes!, God , this is mine!!!.

    Thankyou God

  21. All I can say in the midst of this very Prophetic and Strategic Word is: WOW! Thank You, Father!

    Be blessed Jamie!!

  22. Thank you for this timely word. You see I have been battling with a situation for the past ten years. I tried all I can do to make it better but to no avail. Just today I spoke to the Lord concerning it,asking him how long again before I see the prophetic word spoken come through. And tonight I see this. God bless you as I claim this word for me

  23. Thank you so very much Jamie for the coming 4 huge solutions. The word of prophecy addressed my situations directly and I as read the words they spoke to me specifically. I am greatly touched. At the fullness of time, by God’s grace, I will share testimonies on these 4 huge solutions revealed to you by the Lord. May the good Lord continue to bless you, your family and ministry big time.

  24. Millie Williams says:

    Jamie, I thank you for this word today. I have been going through a lot right now. This word bless my heart. May God continually bless you, family, ministry.
    Mrs. Millie

  25. Jamie, I am broken by this Word. How utterly beautiful and tender God is when He lets us know that He sees where we are, knows our thoughts and struggles and then delivers us through a Word of hope that is precious beyond words! Thank you!

  26. Uplifting words. God bless you Jamie.

  27. Thanks Jamie,
    What a very uplifting words and so timely and perfect in my struggles for over a year now. Your words are truly inspired by the Holy Spirit.
    Thank you Jesus for blessing Jamie with your wisdom. God bless.

  28. Sonja R Campbell says:

    Life to the bones Jamie, life to the bones.

  29. Oh, Glory, Glory, Glory……in tears of trust and joy. Thank you, Jamie. I’ve been in the desert for so long. Once I realized our Lord and Savior is THE way, the truth and the life and surrendered all that I am, I’ve been isolated and under a lot of rejection and attack. Finally, coming out of the darkness, more refined and stronger….still in that sanctifying, peaceful yet painful fire. Your prophetic words have really been right on for me the last month or so, and this one…just wow. May God continue to guide you, bless you and make his face shine upon you and your loved ones, in Jesus name. Amen.

  30. Pollyanna Benavides says:

    Yes and Amen I receive this Word ….. Thank you blessings

  31. My name means Rejoice! I will rejoice indeed! I receive all these solutions!! Thank you Jamie. God bless! Prayers and love to you and yours!

  32. Melissa Kopf says:

    Thank you Abba, it will happen right on time! Amen

  33. Amen!! I receive this word of encouragement in Jesus mighty name!!

  34. Charity Williams says:

    Praise God! I receive it in Jesus name.

  35. Annette Thivierge says:

    I’m receiving this in The Name of Yeshua HaMashiach–Jesus The Messiah! I’ve been standing in the gap for my husband and for Restoration of our marriage for some years. Sunday, 7/14, I was in an accident. Tho it wasn’t my fault, I was cited because the other car “technically” had the right of way “under the law”. I’d looked twice, my mom looked and there were no cars. The next thing I knew I was across the road. I think she was speeding and distracted but there’s no way to prove it. So it looks like I’m being held 100% responsible. She drove away, I had to be towed. My little car is currently in a repair shop waiting to see if it’s fixable or totaled. No clue on her car. I’m having to drive a rental while I wait on the decision on my car.
    Praise God no one was hurt. I could certainly can use God’s uncontainable Blessing, Intervention, & outpouring of prosperity in all situations.

  36. Thank you God and Jamie for this message. I receive this word of deliverance over my life. Amen

  37. I recieve it!!! Thank you Jamie and God-bless you.🙏

  38. Immaculate says:

    Jamie,you are a vessel from throne room sent to deliver hope and answers to all those that are subscribed to this river flowing from you tapping from the holy spirit.its timely for me.
    Its confirming Isaiah 60:20 and 22

    Nb/I am the Lord,in its time I will do this swiftly.
    I am chosen of the Lord,its not a coincidence.
    Thank you Jamie for being faithful to His work

  39. Hi Jamie

    This is my word. Thank you Jesus.

  40. Stephan Lottering says:

    How Great is our God?

    This message comes as if sent from above, in direct answer to me again…..

    Thank you Jamie.

    All the Glory to the Lord God Almighty.

    I receive this in the Name of Jesus.


  41. Leshoboro Makoae says:

    I receive Man of God…

  42. Mehrunissa says:

    It’s as if you looked into my heart and read my personal prophetic words from Abba! Thank you and may our Father bless you beyond your wildest ,grandest requests 💜

  43. Thank you Jamie. Everything you have posted in the last few weeks have been in season.

    I appreciate all that you are doing.

  44. Elizabeth says:

    Wow thank You Jamie for this amaaaazing word!! Praise God – He is always on time. I am always in awe of how He confirms things He has said. Thank you for your ministry and your faithfulness in obeying God because through that we are blessed!! I am receiving this word as it spoke to me and trusting God. x0x0x

  45. Glory glory so grateful and I receive in faith knowing He too is faithful to His promises! May you be blessed for your obedience to His voice.

  46. Delia.Gonzales says:

    Jamie God is awesome He always comes at the right time and speaks to us through you and Pastor Judy yes i receive this word of my Mighty God and Father I did go through something heavy that was not my fault yes their is something that i long for and Papa assured me He is going to deliver me i take it all by faith now i am going to wait to see all the manifestations He has for me. As soon as i am delivered May the Lord continue using you. I want to get out of debt that is my next step yes i will help you to reach other people for Christ. Alleluia Praise to. You Almighty Father.

  47. Henrietta says:

    THANK YOU ABBA FATHER! I am speechless!

    Glory to Your holy name forever!!!!

  48. I am literally shaking as I type this. It feels as if you wrote this for ME. On this very day of all days!!
    I’m going to act in obedience, indeed I’ve been scared and hesitant to do something because I was terrified of the consequences ,I’ll admit I still am. Please pray for me. But in fath I will finally do it. Thank you

  49. Jamie,

    Thank you for that word. I really needed to hear that. I receive it in Jesus name.

  50. Mampe Gololo says:

    I Thank God everyday for the words of revelation and inspiration from you. I greatly thank you for this revelation.

  51. Cynthia Silas says:

    Jamie thank you for this word from the Lord! I receive it by faith.

  52. God bless you and yours! Thank you Jesus! I accept and receive this word from you Jamie, as well as, praise and rejoice for our blessings from our magnificent Father God!

  53. AMEN I claim this word as my own I claim it over my life in Jesus name

  54. Amen🙏 GOD is good and always on time ❤️ Halleluja 💕🙏

  55. Mellony Ramalho says:

    I receive it in Jesus name ! Thank you for sharing and being obedient God is so good! This is speaking directly to me wow oh how I love the Lord! I a, so excited

  56. Amen!!! I receive this word with arms wide open! Thank you for the affirmation of what I’ve been believing for! I’m so grateful for ALL of God’s blessings!
    I hope you all have a happy and blessed day!!!… how can we not?… our God is so so good!

  57. Jamie I received this blessing on my life Amen. Love you Woman of God

  58. Lucretia Wingate says:

    AMEN and AMEN.. HALLELUJAH, thank you JESUS 🙌🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾🙏🏾🙌🏾.. I received that.. GOD BLESS you Jamie.. .*💗TAKE CARE💗*

  59. My God! My God! I receive this word. It is sooo on point for my life.
    Thank you again, Ms. Jamie for being a good steward of the gift of Our Father.

  60. Wow what a great revelation. God has truly being in my life for nearly two weeks now. This morning your prophecy spoke directly to me. I never thought anybody could be reborn but I have experience the warmth ,joyous peaceful feeling whenever I pray or speak about God. For the first time today I said to a cashier at the pharmacy that I am saved by the grace of God and the feeling of the Holy Spirit permeated right throughout my body. Thank you and bless you for guiding me on this beautiful road.

  61. Jamie,
    Confirmation! This word is for me! I receive it! Father God is so sweet and loving! Amen.

  62. Toochukwu Edward Egungwu says:

    I receive this. Amen!

  63. I receive this Word. I was under a severe attack that lead me into the mental hospital away from my children. I thought Jesus left me and did not want me anymore. My heart is hardened bc of it. My mind has been under attack like never before. Jesus set me free from Satan and his demons. Pluck me up out this darkness into your bosom.

  64. Hallelujah I was sitting in the patient room in my doctor office when I started to read this and I had to fight back the tears. Thank you that God used you to give me an answer to our private conversations. Hallelujah I asked him for a quick work of things, I have neen living by what HE spoke to me months ago. He simply spoke the word EXPECTATION and since then I have been praying and giving his Word back to Him with the expectation that He will perform it. This message from you was ABBA quick response letting me know even more that my solution is coming soon. All the trials and warfare that you spoke about has been my situation. Hallelujah hallelujah Thank You Lord for YOUR quick answer and I wait in expectancy for YOUR quick solution

  65. Hallelujah! I receive these words in Jesus’ name. I am so blessed! Praise God. 🙌

  66. Sanhawit Suzie AHMAD says:

    Praise God! This prophetic word gave my heart ease and comfort . This is 100% confirmation . God bless you sis for being so obedient to the lords voice .I receive this in Jesus name .

  67. Glory hallelujah amen thank you Jesus Christ amen hallelujah

  68. Hi Jamie,
    This is a timely word for me. I receive it and give thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ. Jaime I also pray that Our Loving Father Jehovah God will continue to prosper and strengthen you.

  69. Shawntel E. says:

    This is such a Rhema word for me. My soul is crying out Hallelujah. God is so faithful, wonderful and beautiful for every situation

  70. Kisses to you my Daddy and to Jamie. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for letting me know REGARDLESS you have everything all in your hands. But most of all, thank you for loving Me and sticking with me through everything even when I’ve disappointed myself thinking I’ve disappointed you. Hugs and kisses.

  71. I receive it and I claim it in the mighty name of Jesus!! Thank You Father!!!

  72. Jamie I’m ready to receive these holy words of God… I believe in this manifestation of love

  73. Lucretia Williams says:

    Thank you Daddy God, it couldn’t come at a more fitting time. Here I am here at work at lunch and through the words you allowed Jamie to speak and bring forth, your daughter is moved to tears because You Daddy God have kissed me. You know what Daddy God I don’t care. You bringing me this word that I gladly receive, so what if I’m moved to tears at here at work.

  74. I CLAIM MY DELIVERANCE AND RECEIVE YOUR BLESSINGS UPON MY LIFE TODAY HEAVENLY FATHER. I THANK YOU, HONOUR YOU AND WORSHIP YOU. For this purpose the Son of God was manifest that he may destroy the works of the devil. Greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world. AMEN

  75. Thanks be to our Father, this is direct word from His heart to me. I receive it and wait expectantly to see the visible manifestations. Thank you 😊 Jamie for sending this message as received. Thank you for your stillness and obedience.


    Just what I needed God has provided
    Thank you God bless you

  77. Thank you Jamie… I receive this in Jesus Name. I’ve been waiting and crying out to God for many years now for breakthrough and solutions for my Kingdom walk. I’ve been through a very long lonely valley, mainly because I have not followed mans ways and as a result been dismissed every where I went. I had to discern God Truth in every situation. You have encouraged me to keep on this path following and discerning Gods ways and not on leaders or churches expectations. I’m now waiting for His glorious plans for my/our lives as I continue to look to Him.

  78. Thank you Thank you Thank you Hallelujah Thank you Jesus

  79. This was such an on time word for me and He definitely was speaking to me.

  80. Jamie, I thank you for this POWERFUL WORD!!. Our Papa knows exactly what each of His children have need of. And, He WILL provide ALL of our needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. ALL Glory be to God, the Author and Finisher of our faith.

    God bless you and this ministry for the GREAT work that’s being done.

    many, many
    Blessings to you JAMIE

  82. Thank you, Jamie, this was ment for me to read the frist day you posted it, I by passed it ,I was in between a few things and couldn’t seam too get too it, I had a sense to read it but could seam too get too ,it a few things happened I know this would have helped me if I had gotten a chance to read it , it really put everything at ease for me , I’m back on track my heart it whole again , thank you so much for related the world

  83. Yes, my King – I am in agreement with this word. I fully believe that You are my solution – and You have a solution for me. I believe and receive Your reward, my King for You are faithful, and you see my obedient heart. I love You, and thank You for what will manifest on earth as it is in heaven. In Jesus Name, Amen!

  84. Sheila Ramos says:

    Thank you Jamie,
    I receive this word. I am in agreement with this word.
    Thank you Jesus.

  85. Shailaja Abraham. says:

    Thank you pastor 🙏.I receive this word in the mighty name of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ.

  86. Thank You LORD, for loving me . I do not deserve You. Please forgive the way I have treated You, with disobedience, rebellion & selfishness. I am sorry. I love You .

  87. Yes Jammie this is my KNOW Prophetic word. I receive and I believe in it. Amen.

  88. christine Kopp says:

    i receive it! I am claiming it! Thank You Father God!Thank You Lord Jesus! Thank You Holy Spirit! Thank You Thank You Thank You! With Love Chris

  89. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus! I receive this word of prophesy in Jesus mighty name. This is exactly what I wanted to hear because my husband has invested a huge amount of cash with a forex company and his monthly returns were not paid since April. He then received a letter that, his capital plush outstanding returns will be paid on the 21st June and we are still waiting because the account is frozen and we are trusting God for supernatural intervention and the release of his payment
    Show quoted text

  90. Laurna Tallman says:

    Dear Jamie,
    Thank you for your faithfulness. We have been pushing through fatigue, illness, and suffering. Nevertheless, I have been taking risks and action in the Name of Jesus. Your Words in the Lord lately have confirmed and affirmed my discernment. I am encouraged by these promises. as I continue to stand in the power and light of Jesus’s whispers to me and the ringing responses in your spirit to the Holy Spirit. God bless you and your family.
    Love and prayers,

  91. Yes Lord! I receive your word!

  92. Glory to God! This word spoke to my heart directly. May it be so, in the name of Jesus!

  93. Suret Henning says:

    All glory to our Lord God Almighty, who was, is & is to come. I receive this word in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

    1. Thank you so much. Yes I received it and claiming it over a situation I have been dealing with for 5 years. It has been worse this past month, but God is working it for my good and his glory.

  94. Thank you so much for sharing this. I receive this Word. God is so good to us! Thank you and God bless all you do.

  95. Hi Jamie,
    In agreement with the word of the LORD and with you. I believe and I receive this powerful word in the Holy Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. Amen.
    Thank you LORD and thank you Jamie.

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