7 Words of Wisdom to Know TODAY

LIVE webinar: How to Hear God Prophetically For Yourself | May 10, 2024

LIVE webinar: What It Takes to Develop a $100,000 – $1,000,000 Income Blogging|May 18, 2024

Hey beloved, Holy Spirit has been speaking some divinely-inspired words of wisdom, strategies, and confessions from the book of Proverbs this morning. I wanted to share them with you very briefly, as they are hot bread, fresh out of the secret place:

1. Make a list of all the things you desire–at least 11 of them.

Proverbs 10:24: “The fear of the wicked will come upon him, and the desire of the righteous will be granted.” WRITE THE VISION!

2. Confess this:

“Everything I desire will be granted, for I am the righteousness of God in Christ!” (See Proverbs 10:24 above.)

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    3. Know this: God tends to accelerate things for you when you begin to obey Him.

    But, there is always a cost to obeying Him. Obeying Him always means you’ll have to deny your flesh, for in your flesh dwells no good thing (Romans 7:18). You’ll also have to deny every tendency that is contrary to God’s Word.

    4. The Kingdom of God was preached in Proverbs long before Jesus came to preach the Kingdom in bodily form on the earth.

    If you’ll read and obey Proverbs, you’ll get filled with righteousness, joy, peace, and the power of the Holy Ghost; and, you’ll prosper spiritually, physically, and financially.

    5. Ask the Lord to make you humble.

    Humility is the gateway to success. (From Proverbs 11:2.) Simply pray this every day: “Lord, make me humble and give me wisdom, in Jesus’ name.”

    6. If you feel dry, sparse, and desperately needy/hurting in your emotions:

    Then claim this promise: “The Lord will not allow the righteous soul to famish, but He casts away the desire of the wicked” (Proverbs 10:3).

    Remind God of this promise in prayer and ask Him to feed your soul. (Your soul consists of your mind, will, and emotions.) Then read God’s Word, worship Him, and pray. As you focus on Him, He will heal and restore your emotions. (See also Psalm 23).

    7. If you’re struggling with memory issues:

    Whether you struggle to remember things OR if you have traumatic memories, ask God to heal your MEMORIES and your MEMORY too. Ask Him to help you remember things you’ve never been able to remember before, such as:

    • people’s names,
    • tasks,
    • Scripture references with chapter and verse numbers,
    • dreams,
    • whole passages and chapters of the Bible,
    • whole BOOKS of the Bible,
    • the stock prices of your investments, and more.

    Claim this promise: “The memory of the righteous is blessed, but the name of the wicked will rot” (Proverbs 10:7).

    That’s all for today, folks! Let me know in the comments if these 7 words of wisdom are a blessing to you! And, sow into this word here if the Lord leads you to! He’s got me on a whirlwind of sowing, personally, and the blessings are overtaking me faster than I can sow. Be a sower when the Lord speaks to you! ♥


    1. Lorenza Passarella says:

      Good morning and 😊 🙏 thank you!

      1. Jamie, this was an on-time word for me. I am in a season of transistion and I need God’s wisdom and direction to navigate.
        The word about memory was also perfect timing. Praying for my mom, myself and our generations for memory issues to be loosed from us.

    2. Gwindolyn Swearington says:

      Good Afternoon Jamie. Its always a blessing to read words of wisdom from you and in God’s word. . Thanks for showing us how to pray this out in Proverbs.

      I love you and have a terrific day!

    3. Hi, Thank you so much for this. It also reminded me of some questions I have…… I know that I have heard things conflated in past about “self” vs “God-given identity”, ie, it seems that often people with maybe poor boundaries or who misunderstand some things talk about denying self when what they really seem to be denying is their God-given identity or some such – I’m unsure of the particular semantics.
      So, since “flesh” came up here – “in your flesh dwells no good thing (Romans 7:18″…… that also reminded me that I’m not sure I have a real clear definition of what is referred to by flesh. Esp since God created us. I understand that we have a sinful nature and are fallen creatures in a fallen world, but if you have any past posts or any new info to provide on some of these distinctions, I’d love to have a better handle on that. I want to honor what needs to be honored and nurtured, and not get mixed-up about which is which in the whole “honor/deny” thing. Thanks!

    4. Thank-you Jamie ! this is speaking to us , God Bless!

    5. Your post have been right on for my life, thank you for sharing God’s heart. Thank you Jesus!

    6. Thank you for this great reminder today 🙏🏼♥️

    7. Charlotte says:

      Thank you Jamie. You are truly anointed

    8. Marvelous Tshuma says:

      Oh yes. Wow!!!My memory is restored and I remember all the programming languages that I have studied and even more I believe that I have a supernatural memory and intelligence of birthing inventions!!!It is the Lord’s doing and it is marvelous in my sight!!!

    9. Thank you Jaime for allowing God to use you. Your work is a blessing to my life. May He continues to use you and increase your sphere of influence ❤.

    10. Travis Glasgow says:

      This is right on time for me where I am at right now.

      I thank God for you.

    11. Kirsten Touchette says:

      Thank you jamie. I appreciate your word and it sounds like a confirmation to me . As I was doing this today. Working on a plan and desires of my heart this morning

    12. Leunida Ambalu says:

      Thank and God bless you for bringing this to us.
      May he help me all through even as I write my vision and run with it.

    13. Crystal hill says:

      Thank u Jamie I receive dis msg I pray god renew my mind give me the strength to memorize in my mind lord Give me strength to finish getting my GED math and reading

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