Crucial Breakthrough Technique: Don’t Walk Away from Your Faith-Builders PODCAST

Are you ready to graduate from where you are? If so, then you have to recognize it when God sends you a “faith-builder.”

Whenever God is ready to take you into a new place, He sends you a crucial experience that is basically meant to PROPEL you into that new place. However, those crucial experiences are …

… Wait for it … 

… Nearly always HARD.

Nevertheless, if you’ll persevere at the time God first sends your faith-builders to you, you will grow like a spiritual giant and you’ll reap a huge reward.

However, if you back off in the face of a challenge and you refuse to embrace and defeat this challenge the Lord sends you, then the whole purpose of your faith-building obstacle is defeated and you have to walk around that same old mountain in the wilderness AGAIN.

In today’s podcast, I want to share with you how God sends you faith-builders–and how I have personally FAILED a number of His faith-building tests. 

I pray that sharing my stories of failure will help encourage you NOT to fail, but to stand in the face of the faith-builders in your life and PASS THE TEST with flying colors.

By the way: God never sends sickness, disease, or sin.

God is perfection itself, and He only gives good and perfect gifts. So if you’re dealing with a sickness, disease, or sin today (even the aftermath of someone else’s sin), please, don’t ever say that “God sent this because He has something to teach me.”

No; if you’re dealing with sickness or sin–even the aftermath of someone else’s sin–the devil sent that thing, and you need to bind it off and pray it out. You have the power over it JESUS came, lived, died, and rose again so you could be completely free from sickness, bondage, and sin.

Therefore, when I talk about faith-builders on today’s podcast, know that the part that I’m saying GOD sent is:

  • the challenge that is simply a challenge, not a sin or sickness;
  • the call to walk in joy;
  • the call to stay in faith, even when we can’t see a way out with our human eyes;
  • the call to never take our eyes off Jesus or go down into self-pity or the valley of “Oh, no.” 🙂


Today’s encouraging word of hope is episode 24 of my podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh.

You can listen to this short, encouraging, prophetic word using the player above or below, and please remember to subscribe to and rate this podcast if it blesses you!

(You can subscribe using your Podcasts app on your iPhone or iPad, or you can even subscribe on Spotify. And as always, I’d be ever-so-grateful for a 5-star review if you love the podcast!)

Thank you so much for listening! Have a great day!

In Christ,

Jamie Rohrbaugh


  1. Thank-you Jamie,This word is awesome,Our family needs this!

  2. Sharon Cole says:

    Jamie I just love your ministry. Every day I want to quit. God has told me Love covers a multitude of sin, meaning love your husband. Over 3 years. Now in a pit caused by myself. Please pray for my marriage. We have a awesome son who loves God being hurt deeply. I need my God.

  3. Wow!! Thank you so much for this Word Jaime! The Lord was definitely speaking directly to me through you and right on time as usual 🙂 I am entering a new territory in my life in my faith, personal and professional life and this has been such an encouraging and strengthening Word to ‘set my face like flint’. I feel the Lord saying I’m on the right path, I just need to remain steadfast and focused on Him as He helps me build my faith as He prepares me for the next level of my walk with Him! God bless you Jaime!

  4. Emma Joyce Kirven says:

    You are one of my destiny helpers I love you with God’s love you are always on times. With the help I need thank you so much I have order your prayers the 25 book copy God bless and be with you.

  5. Natalie Joseph says:

    Need to hear this. God Bless!!!

  6. Annanson John says:

    Right now at the threshold and this could not have come at the right time!
    Most very grateful and thankful.

  7. Elizabeth Tuinidau says:

    Wow!!!i am going through it right now.I can’t sleep last night,don’t know what is happening.Was waiting upon the Lord. Now i know as you shared,i love to hear it and i am ready to go through it.I NEED Papa to help me.I will not go back again.Iam going to trust in God and hang in there.Love you for this powerful testimony

  8. Dear Jamie, as I listened to You, I heard the Spirit say to me ‘Love your parents in law same as you love your own parents’. I guess that’s my faith builder for me at this time. Thank you for your transparency. It’s very encouraging. God bless you,your family and your ministry always.

  9. Thanks so much Jamie. This word was so timely as I have been experiencing Faith builders for the last 2 nights. Tonight’s test was most difficult and although I felt myself slipping as the fire got hotter the Lord brought me through! My attitude changed as well. God knew I needed this word. Thank you for sharing personally your story with us!

  10. Jamie you are such an encouragement to the Body. Although not in the middle of a Faith-Builder at the moment, I’m placing this message in my spiritual toolbox for the ‘next one’ because sometimes you need an outside voice to bring a spiritual clarity and perspective to the seasons of struggle. Thank you for being so real and vulnerable. God bless.

  11. Niyoyitungira Donatien says:

    Thank you so much Jamie
    Your daily email is a really blessing to me because they come in situation where I need more to keep my faith strong.
    May Almight God strenghen you and protect you now onwards

  12. Jamie i can not access the podcast, and i would really love to listen to it.

    1. Hi Dandy, I’m the business manager for the ministry. If you have a podcast app, you can search “Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh” and listen to all 30 podcasts there or you can go to the homepage of and the player is on there as well.

      Hope that helps!

      Michael (for Jamie)

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