Do Not Limit the Holy One of Israel!
1×1 mentoring phone calls with jamie
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
webinars JANUARY 20-22: how to interpret dreams/visions
webinar JANUARY 29: how to cast out demons
Hey beloveds,
The Lord woke me up around 2 AM this morning and began dealing with me about a Scripture verse out of Psalm 78. I’m ALLL freaked out about it, and wanted to pass it on!
The passage says this:
“How often they provoked Him in the wilderness, and grieved Him in the desert! Yes, again and again they tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel.
They did not remember His power: the day when He redeemed them from the enemy …” (Psalm 78:40-42 NKJV).
If you read the first part of the chapter–and I highly encourage you to do so–you’ll find an odd passage where the Lord says it angered Him that the Israelites questioned whether or not He could give them their favorite food to eat. Their doubt and unbelief provoked Him so much that, even though He did give them the food they asked for, while it was still in their mouths He struck them.
Then, in verses 40-41 above, He says that they LIMITED HIM and did not remember His power.
Why is this important? Because we believe for too little.
I know I have been limiting God, and I suspect you have too. As an example, here are some ways the Lord showed me I have been limiting Him:
I believe God for other people’s paid-for houses–and even for paid-for churches–all day long. But, when it comes to my house, do I ask Him to just pay off my house? Not usually. I usually ask Him to provide extra principal for us to pay down on our house every month instead. In essence, then, I am limiting His power by not expecting enough. There’s a big difference between “Lord, do an amazing miracle for me” vs. “Lord, help me to do it myself over a long period of time.”
Also, my family needs a new vehicle. I know what I want–a 2019 Toyota Highlander, red, with 8-passenger seating and all the options. But do I ask the Lord to provide it? Only rarely. Usually, I ask Him to help me save the money towards its purchase.
Again, that’s a big difference.
Another example: I ask the Lord for favor in the things around me. But do I ask Him to surprise me with favor in areas that I can’t see? Do I believe Him to do things I couldn’t have imagined? Yes, but I don’t put nearly as much effort into praying for those things every day as I should.
In all these areas, by my failure to really go after the great and the mighty things of God–the wild, the crazy, the outrageous, the ridiculous miracles–I am actually limiting His power.
Like anyone, my faith waxes and wanes in this area.
When I’m all fired up because I’ve studied a particular passage, or because the Lord has spoken a specific prophetic word to me about something, it’s easy to keep the expectation of miracles front-and-center in my mind and spirit.
However, when the tedium of life takes over my attention, I often forget, just like you probably do also. sometimes we just put out fires or survive from day to day.
But you know what? There’s nothing Biblical about just putting out fires every day.
Jesus said in Matthew 11:12:
“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” (Matthew 11:12).
Even though I forget to be aggressive in believing God sometimes, there’s nothing Biblical about forgetting. Jesus said that we need to be violent and take His Kingdom by force.
I think we need to remind one another of this pretty often.
It’s really easy to forget to have violent faith amid the humdrum activities of daily life. But you know what? I don’t want to ever forget. And the only way to accomplish “never forgetting” is if we ALL stir one another up. That’s what the Body is for: iron sharpening iron. All of us standing shoulder-to-shoulder and advancing the cause of Christ.
I want my faith for God’s BIG, unlimited power to move in my life to only increase and never wane; don’t you?
If so, let’s stir one another up.
Remind your friends of this often. Study the Scriptures about God’s unlimited power in your life. Make a list of the areas in which you’ve been limiting His power, whether on purpose or by accident. (Remember to stay within the bounds of His Word when considering what to put on that list, however.)
We need to never forget what the Lord has done for us–and never stop pressing into asking Him to do MORE. We should always have a grateful heart and bless Him for everything He is and everything He has done. But on top of that, we also need to believe His Word that says He wants us to ask and keep on asking.
God is looking for people, places, and ways in which He can display His glory on the earth.
That means He wants YOU to be His vessel. Will you? Will you cease limiting His power and let Him flagrantly display His majesty in you, His willing vessel?
Leave a comment below if you will!
Oh Lord….I’m all teary as I write this! I just finished watching a message on exactly the same thing and I was being challenged because I have been limiting God so much with the bare minimum! Thank you Lord for confirming Your Word! Be blessed Jamie!
Yes absolutely I will continue to trust Him even if I don’t see anything happen outwardly..,I will never forget what His done for me inwardly.. praise Jesus 🙏🏻
This came in just handy. Sometimes, I feel Im asking too much or bugging God. Now I’m reminded I can’t ask too much.
Dear Jamie,
You are a true mouth piece of christ and u always speak to me. May u be watered as u water us and may the anointing of God upon your life go from glory to glory. In the name of Jesus christ, amen.
Yes! In fact, I give God less than 24 hours (tonight). Can I do that? I love Him and it helps me to believe. Do something Because He Loves Me, Amen!
Thank you, Jamie!
Dear Jamie, I’ve read Fourth Dimension in Bible school years ago but I realise that I have never made it my own – asking God for exactly what I need instead of limiting Him and believing that I don’t deserve His outpouring instead of drops. Your writings are worth SO much, I live in a small village in South Africa and you are the nearest spiritual family. God bless you.
Thank you so much for this write up. I often limit God especially when challenges weigh me down. I feel this is actually for me. I am blessed.
Hi Jamie, Thank you very much for this post, and God is really speaking to us concerning this subject. Just today I was talking with my friends telling them that I at times surprise myself when it comes to issues of faith believing God for something. That when I pray with another person for something, I do it fully believing God to answer. But when it’s personal is like the faith is not as strong as when I prayed for the other person. It’s like when I even forget the promises of God in the scripture. We really need to remind each other so that we don’t lose focus. That you very much for the inspiring message. You are blessed.
Yes and amen!
Amen for the powerful measage from God.I did receive it deep in my heart and I am going through now learning to believe that my God is not a little God but I mighty God and a big and a wonderful God is He.My God is still a great God…Amen!!!
This came in just handy.
Sometimes, I feel like I’m bugging God. Thank you for reminding me that I cannot ask too much.
Love this message!! Thank you, Jamie! I needed that too!!!
Ms. Jamie – I wonder am I out of line when I pray BIG prayers. I know that I am bless exceedingly abundantly more than so many in the world. I’m blessed to have running water and a roof over my head.
I dont want to get out of whack with my asking God. I seek to be a father that can provide a better situation for my kids. I believe that is something within God’s will.
Yes it would be nice to have my N-used vehicle paid off. However I do not want to be out of God’s will asking for these things.
Pray for me that I stay aligned with the Word of God.
As long as what you’re asking for lines up with God’s Word, brother Travis, ask away! It’s insulting to God NOT to ask!
Hope this helps!
These very words crossed my heart too. I am always running out of something. And it is easier to pray for others than ask for yourself.
QQ We are believing The Lord for tremendous miracles that show who He is in our lives and in others’. My husband had a massive hemorrhagic stroke and his voice physically and spiritually tried to be stolen. The Lord has given confirming prophetic words that his body and anointed musicianship will be restored better than the original. He has given other prophetic promises as well – and we are believing for a turnaround from The Lord even more MASSIVE than the attacks have been. Also, the plot to have our home foreclosed – we receive victory from The Lord and DO NOT LIMIT HIM! We repent for the times in the past that we have done so, knowingly or otherwise.
We agree in prayer with you Jamie, for the desires of your heart. Thank you for being such a caring individual and a watchman on the wall, communicating the heart of our Lord. Bless you and yours!
Good morning Jamie
I am so touched by this Word because you are speaking to me,about me .I felt grieved in my spirit as I became aware of how little faith I have when it comes to my needs .I felt in away how I have done myself in because I actually did not believed that God want to bless me far above what I ask or pray for.God bless you woman of God .
I own it I have fallen short of this. However God gave me Philippians 4:19 in my spirit while washing dishes. And led me to Matthew 11:20-31 regarding my complex with Martha /Mary behavior. I alwats want to remain balanced while fully clothed in His Holy Spirit. When I am weak He is strong and He is able to complete me so I can do all He asks of me. I lean hard on Him!
Thank you very much for thispost. I am guilty of limiting God in spite of walking with Him and proving His faithfulness over and over again. Lord forgive me. This is so timely. So I will ask and keep on asking and believing Father God for salvation of loved ones, healings and critical personal needs.. He is forever faithful. Thank you for stirring and challenging me again. God bless you, your family and ministry. Thank you for disobedience and generosity in sharing.
Thank you Jamie for reminding us of what a Mighty God we serve. A God that can do what seems to be impossible. I am claiming this today and have ask for what might seem to be impossible in a certain situation to be possible and I Than You Hod for the results. Also Thank you Jamie for all you do in uplifting us!
Good morning.
I so needed this word this morning. I have been talking to God about the fact that I am at a point in my life where I am not sure which direction to go and I asked the Lord to show me. To fill me with His Holy Spirit and to show me the path to go. Thank You Lord that You are always there. That You never slumber and sleep and that You hear the cry of Your children. I am greatly encouraged and I also want to encourage you Jamie, today. Keep on doing what you are doing. You are such a great blessing to us all. Have a truly blessed day in the Lord.
Thanks for this post Jamie. I am guilty of limiting God. Just yesterday the impossible happened to me and I questioned whether it could be true, whether God had done this thing for me. God performs miracles all the time. He can give us what we need without us doing a thing or prescribing the solution. Thanks so much for this reminder.
Amen. Congrats. Trusting God for the impossible right now and I know I will testify to God’s glory, in the name of Jesus amen
Thank you Jamie for this post. I’m going through a difficult time right now and I see no way out with my limited mind, but God sees and knows and although I feel my faith is small I know He is working and I just need to stay focused on Jesus. He will make a way! God bless you each day!!
I raise up a hallelujah in the presence of my enemy. I know that God is preparing me to meet my soul mate.
He has it all planned out.
I thank you Jamie for your encouragement.
Praise God for you.
Good Morning Jamie! Thank you for the encouraging Word of not limiting Our Father God !
I am believing and asking Father God to Pay my house off Now in Jesus Name !, Now Today!!! I believe He is Able and I believe His Word!
My daughters and my mother and I have been standing on His Word and asking God to PAY OUR HOUSE OFF IN FULL!, Then I call my House You Are Paid In Full! I live in a Debt Free Home!! In Jesus Name Amen!!
However I do need to Speak this aloud everyday!
You see the thief has been caught!! And he must pay 7 folds and double pay for what he has done ! The enemy used my biological father to sue me for our home that we lived together ….because my father wanted money lots of money he pulled out of this house …
I had to hire lawyers to keep and save this house this home for my family and I …we are 4 generations and this took place 15 years ago!
This house naturally would be paid off today! But naturally there is a lot financially owing because of what had taken place. And a huge monthly payment ! It’s a long story ..enough to make a book!
However ONLY GOD could turn this mess around because my father did such a number on this situation! And my God heard my cry’s and my mother’s and my daughters and He showed us step by step what we had to do ! And He and He Alone Receives All The Glory Honor And Praise for saving our House Home and Family! Praise Our Lord Jesus Christ! And I know Father God will continue to complete this soon because Justice will be served! And the bank did me wrong and all those who were involved ! It’s not been easy but God keeps me moving and standing keeping my family and I together and strong!
I thank God and Jesus and The Holy Spirit everyday for the Truth is in His Word! Everyday pray His Word over your life family and situations be covered at all times.
If God could provide a man of God who gave my parents a home to live in rent free for the rest of his life (9 years-until his kids inherited it), He surely could provide a someone who has the means, to pay off your home and pay off my home! Same with getting that new car! Nothing is too big or too difficult for our God. Let’s pair Gods word with our faith to see it come to pass. Let’s watch testimonies on YouTube where others have experienced what we are believing for! He is the God who parted the Red Sea, The God who created the Heavens and the earth! He owns the cattle on 1,000 hills! Nothing is impossible for Him. Nothing is too big or to difficult for Him to do! Even more, God is able to give beyond whatever we can ask or think. Let’s think and ask big! Let’s delight ourselves in the Lord and He will give the desires of our heart! Our Heavenly Father desires to give his children the best gifts! We praise you and thank you God for who you are and all that you have given for us. You are a good father. All glory to you God.
Jamie, what a word! Wow. I needed that. Just recently God opened the door for me to get a brand new car. I believe that God will do anything and He did. I went in with a 550 fredit score and no money down. I went to the dealership on the strength of a Word from God. So far He has paid for my tag, my insurance and Im just waiting on the car payment. He told me to “watch and see the salvation of God!” He keeps His Word and will never let us down. He has opened doors for me to preach the gospel. When you pray for the needs of others to be met you are sowing into your own. God does want to show Himself big on our behalf so the world can see that He is a Big God!!! Praise Him.
I receive this word and it has blown me away I’m willing to be used where I must go. Thanks again for this word. We serve an amazing Good.
This word is on point. I pray that I flagrantly display God’s majesty and be a vessel to show His greatness and power, Amen.
I woke at 2 am and couldn’t go back to sleep and I felt like praying. I prayed from 2 am until 5am. Your words are so encouraging. If feels like your speaking directly to me. Thank you.
Bless the Holy one of Israel and the vessel used to publish this on time word. Received an intent to foreclose letter today and as much as I wanted to give up, this post was a reminder to not limit God in anyway no matter the situation.
Thanks for this message. Yes we don’t have to limit God since He is all powerful, He knows the beginning to the end and so there is nothing He can’t do. I pray that I have to trust Him to do everything that I have put my faith and belief in, that He will surely do it. Bless you Jamie.
It’s amazing to find a blog that talks about God and spirituality.
Thank you for sharing Jamie.
How do I believe God for furniture and also for a a house already paid.
Sonia Perez,
Yes, I am believing God to impact this world for Him!
Thank You for all the ways you’re working in my life Father. If ever I limit You, please stir up my heart and remind me just how big You are.
Keep me thankful, grateful, humble and generous Father.
Thank you Lord 🤍