Encouraging Word If You Don’t See the Light
1×1 mentoring phone calls OR DREAM INTERPRETATION
webinar FEBRUARY 11: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 2
Do things look dark in your life today? If so, the Lord spoke an encouraging word to me to share with you today.
Here is what I heard the Spirit of the Lord say:
“I am with you.
You don’t always feel Me, and you don’t always understand why I haven’t answered your prayers yet in some areas. But I know why I haven’t answered them. I know why I am asking you to wait.
The most important thing you need to know is that I am with you. I am with you in your tears. I am with you when you collapsed today on the floor and didn’t want to get up. I am with you when you hid behind a closed door this morning, and yesterday, and the day before.
I know the things you are going through are really hard for you right now.
But take heart! I am with you, and the very fact that I am here should reassure you. I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am all the strength you need, at the very moment you need it. Look back upon today: you didn’t think you would make it through even this day! Yet, here you are–for I am with you.
I have a greater purpose for you than you can ever imagine. That’s why I am closing some doors for you, so I can open others. That’s also why I am opening doors for you that you NEVER, no never, could have opened for yourself.
I am bringing multiplication to you–multiplication that you cannot imagine.
I have not forgotten your seed. I have not forgotten your tears. I have not forgotten and will never forget the harvest that I owe you, for you have taken Me at My Word and sown in tears.
But you will reap in joy.
Those who sow in tears will doubtless come again with joy, bringing their sheaves of harvest with them. The harvest may not come the way you expect it to. It certainly will not come as soon as you originally thought it would–for we are already past the date when you originally felt it would come! But your times are in My hands. I am the same every day, and I am taking care of you while you wait.
Shhhhh. Quiet your aching, wandering heart. Bind yourself to Me. Calm and quiet yourself like a child rests upon its mother. Let My grace be sufficient for you, for My strength will be made perfect in your weakness. I see that you feel like you cannot go on, but My mercies are new every day.
In the morning, you will wake up, and it will be a new day.
Tomorrow will be a day of victory, of courage, of grace to walk around the city one more time. It will be a new day of wealth in your soul. It will be a day in which I will grant you revelation about many of the things that concern you.
Ask Me for updates in your dreams.
Before you go to sleep tonight, ask Me for updates regarding the things that concern you. Let Me speak to you in your dreams about the things that have been on your mind. Ask Me for a status update; for Me to show you how things are progressing. You might be surprised at what I am going to show you if you will just ask!
My grace is sufficient for you.
Today, lay your head down in peace. Tomorrow, awake to a brand new day. Ask Me to activate My angels on your behalf. Put the Word to work on your behalf by speaking it out of your mouth. I am with you always, even to the end of the world. I love you and will never leave you–not ever for all of eternity.”
Thank You, Papa God. May You, the God of all comfort, comfort us and encourage us in this night season. Minister to us as only You can do. Provide us with status updates in our dreams tonight, and help us to understand what You are saying.
Beloved, is this word ministering to your heart today? If so, leave a comment below. I’d love to hear what the Lord is speaking to you!
Thank you very much. The holy spirit is amazing and I am glad there are people like you who are vessels of his spirit to encourage and lift up.
I have a very strong faith, but I get thrown in so many directions trying to keep up with the holy spirits guidance, work, family etc, I grow weary.
I pray often that I am worthy, and that I will be raptured up to be with my king. Life is hard, God is good. He has blessed me, and answered many of my prayers, but today was off. I had a heavy heart, and I prayed for guidance, so I randomly checked my email after a solid prayer.
Thank you and God bless you.
I laid down last night and asked for some comfort in my night season and awoke to you prophesying a word that had my soul shouting and dancing this morning with joy of conformation. Jamie, I’ve following you for 3 years and EVERY time I go through my tough season you come in right on time to with words of comfort from our Father and for that I honestly thank GOD for you daily!🤗
The Lord was definitely speaking to me this is the reassurance that I needed! I was feeling down and discouraged for some reason today. Thank you Jesus I feel better so much better now!! Thank you Jamie God bless you.
Thank you for sharing the word of the Lord
I receive it indeed hallelujah
Blessings blessings upon blessings to you indeed in Jesus mighty glory Name
Praise God! May God continue to use you and may God also bless you your family as well as your ministry a hundred folds.
Your truly,
Charity Williams
What I needed to read at such a time as this. Glory to God.
Jamie, I needed this! I get chills knowing this is the Lord My God speaking to me through you. He is watching, he knows ALL.
You have once again put my heart at ease & at the same time fired up my faith. Wow…THANK YOU …BLESS YOU my beloved sister in Christ!!!!
Amanda xoxoxo
Hi Jamie, thank you for the encouragemt I have been so discouragement I feel all hope is gone but with this word I feel God is speaking to me and I feel much better now God bless you
This is really what I’m going through and see! Thank you lord for your peace and healing that you are doing and thank you lord for helping me through tomorrow because today has been only hurt and pain but I will keep pushing! Thank you for this I read it and Is helping me!
Amen! This is exactly what is going on with me today that no one knows about. I’m a man that likes to be optimistic about everything, but I need help sometimes more than I realize. I don’t know if it’s because I feel skeptical about who to trust, or just a combination of fear, doubt and worry in “keeping” my destiny.
Thank you for this prophetic word from God! I had ask God to help me today and through your message I can be reassured that he will. God is Good and Faithful and I am claiming this message for my life. Again Thank you for all your work in Jesus name!
As usual, the timing and message is the perfection of God Almighty. Thank you for hearing His heart and sharing His Word.
Thank you Jamie! Picked me up of despair once again! God Bless you!
This word that God gave to you, is a confirmation & an answer to my prayers.
Thanks for encouraging my Spirit.
Hi Jamie,
These past five years have been a struggle for me and my family. My husband has been ill and not able to work. We are down to one income. I work constantly. I’m grateful that I have work. But, it’s not enough to make ends meet. We are in a very dark and stress filled place. I feel as if we are drowning. We are on the verge of losing everything including our home of 21 years. I’m not sure what we will do. I pray every day and try to have faith that everything will work out. I believe that God does have a plan for us. I wanted to thank you for your encouraging words and believe God speaks to us through others. I really needed to hear this today and will be praying for a status update in my dreams tonight. I pray for you Jamie and hope you know how much you are appreciated.
Wow! My faith is being tested and I talked to my husband and he shared a word, then I read this and that word is confirmed! In real time! This has lifted my spirits. I know I’m due for a major breakthrough any moment now! And I will not lose faith in what God spoke to me! This was beautiful!
Thank u Lord only knows
Oh my LORD
This is a wow word for me. I see the radiologist tomorrow Bec doc diagnosed uterus c.
I have the promises that has been given and so daily I ask for a Word as I read my bible.
Like today it’s “Do not be afraid. You will not be ashamed. Nobody will take away your good name. Isaiah 54:4 EASY”
Reading your blog has encouraged me further too
Praise GOD.
Jamie, I thank you for this encouraged word to night. It bless my heart so. This is what I needed to hear. May God continually bless you, family, ministry. In the mighty name of Jesus. AMEN 💝💝💝💝🙏🙏🙏🙏💕💕
This word was for me, right on time!! God bless you Sister Jamie & your obedience! Thank You Father!! I love You & Bless You Father!!
This word is do very accurate fit me right now! Thank you for your dedication and voice that speaks to our hearts and ministers to our needs. Such a blessing ❤️🙌🙌🙌
The word is speaking to me becoz I just loss my mom and sister. They died 5 days apart. We had a double funeral. I need God right now. Thank you!
Amazing! Yes l have been wondering why my prayers aren’t answered for sure. I sat in my room behind closed doors for most of the day,praying, believing and waiting on Papa!
Thank you sweet Jesus my Papa for strengthing my heart! I believe your word! Amen,
Thank you so much, my sister, for your obedience! This has blessed my heart at a much needed time and I have a Spirit of Expectation that GOD will do just what HE promised!
Hi Jamie, thank you. This really ministered to me as I have recently lost my coupled with yet to be answered prayers for marriage. Please keep me in your thoughts and I pray that Lord will hear and answer me. May the Lord bless your ministry and use you to touch His people. Amen.
Wow did I ever so need that message tonight. You have no idea… but we know God did!
Thank you very much Jamie. This word is for me. Right on point and timely. Thank you for your obedience. May the Lord bless you and watch over you and your family. May the Lord shine His face on you always. I am humbled and encouraged and empowered to go on. I was starting to feel a little lost and confused. Prayer a struggle. Now no more. Bless you.
Jamie, this word was for me. I am going through a tough season and everything you spoke about has occurred in my life and even some today. Thank you so much Lord Jesus for speaking through Jamie to me and to others. Thank you so much for her heart and willingness to share with us. Thank you Father God for being with each one of us during this season.
Thank you, Jamie. This Word is for me . Thank you for your timely wor
D of encouragement for me today.
Today is my Birthday. Please pray for me and also give me a Promise Word from Our Lord Almighty!!!
Hi Jamie, God bless you. Hmmm… woke up to this mail. Thank you Jesus. It addressed my state of being all thru yesterday.
Hi Jamie, this message right hear is the answer to all the questions that have been on my mind. Thank you for you for letting the Holy Spirit use you. May the good Lord bless you.
I also felt the word was for me coz everything seems so dark around with no job since 1.7 years and totally depending on my father who works so hard who himself is old n he send me money ..may God open new doors for me to get job and go abroad to stay in Canada with him and to step into the calling of evangelism
🙏🙏🙌 thanks Jamie God bless you, i needed to hear that from Papa God i receive the Word in Jesus name.
In my every get up and fall down I ask the holy spirit to come and minister to me in this dry season and warfare I am going through. I am expecting of updates and renewal and the plan that God is preparing for me for the hardship I am going through. I humbly ask for revelation to have the courage to go with the divine process. Holy spirit supply me with your grace and your faith to continue on the journey you have planned for me.Amen
Thank you Jamie for the comfort I received in this! I’ve been going through such a heartbreaking season being separated from my husband. Praying fervently that there won’t be a divorce. Praying for his salvation. For almost 3 years, I’ve cried more than I ever have. Grown in the Lord so much. This has helped me to want to keep going on with papa and never give up on his promises.
I look forward every day to reading what the Lord speaks to you for us.
May God richly bless you!
Thanks Jamie, our God is great. I just got the mail now since it came in at midnight because of the time difference but I will tell you our is not moved by time zones. The word really blessed my life and gave me the comfort that God is still and always with me.
Dear Jamie. Thank you for the comforting word. I have been praying for my family for such a long time to be saved and I was really getting discouraged although I do have a word from God. But today I am feeling encouraged again and will keep on praying for them and believe by faith that all of them will be saved by the Lord’s grace. I pray for you dear friend, I pray for your family and your ministry. May it grow more powerful day by day and may the Lord use you as a powerful vessel to bring His word to His people. God bless you all.
Wow , I was crying behind a closed door yesterday, I cried out to God but could not feel his presence.
Thank you so much Jamie
Thank you Jamie for being a blessing. I needed to read this today. God bless you and your family.
Thanks Jamie for this inspirational word. It is a true reflection of my life and I believe that tonight God will give me an update of my progress as I await to wake up tomorrow to a new dispensation.
Just what I needed to hear. My pastor preached about year of multiplication this year and here I see the word given. Thank you Jamie. Truly a blessing. A right on time word. Blessings to you and your family.
Thankyou so much. As I read through I felt the Lord speak to my current situation. Id decided to give up on Prayer this morning but after reading this revelation, I feel encouraged. God bless you
wow thank you so much, i really need it this word God is so faithful , i been feeling overwhelmed with so many things and i know God is with me but sometimes you just need to hear a encouragement word.
Yes. I am staying still with God and resisting the thoughts of the enemy.
2 Cor. 1 :3-4
Praise be to the God and Farher of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.
Thank you it hard sometimes believing for 40 years that God will finally bring me a Godly Husband I don’t always understand but I know God loves me st this point he’s either going to give me the desire of my heart or call me home I pray either way he acts swiftly
God bless you Pst.Jamie, This was a direct word from the mouth of God for me. My husband has gone to be with the Lord three weeks ago. I am struggling with the loss an cannot move forward. Please remember my four sons an I in your prayers. May God richly bless you an your ministry. Thank you once again .
God is good indeed, I thank Him for you Jamie, this evening I am assured that Papa God is with me and my family, a lot of things have been happening in my life, my husband has not been successful in his business, he is still waiting for his breakthrough but we trust the Lord that in due season my husband will reap in joy,
I am also trying to register an NPO things have not yet come together, but I have faith in the Lord as I am convinced and convicted that what I want to do in my NPO is a calling from the Lord. I an waiting upon His promises patiently.
Your writings gave me hope and courage to soldier on. Thank you Jamie, may the Lord continue to use you. Amen
I just got wrecked by this word…as heavy my heart was from discouragement this word gave relief and comfort . I have been pressing in like never before for my breakthrough and the enemy seems to be taunting and mocking me and at times my heart starts to race so fast I feel like my heart cant take anymore discouragement. But I keep saying Father I will not give up and I cry . I just dont understand what’s going on and why things are delayed but all I do know is I trust and understand who my father Jesus Christ is. ABBA I’m tired ABBA. Strengthen me ABBA. I need your comfort to speak to my heart tonight about the things I asked you for . I know it’s on your divine timing .
AMEN!! Be blessed Jamie!!💖
Thank you, Jamie. These very encouraging words were exactly what I needed to hear right now! My family’s circumstances are difficult, but we will continue to talk to our God as your prophetic words suggest and ask him to give us updates on our unanswered prayers. Blessings for you and your family.
This really really helped me ❤️
Thank you for this word ….I have prayed over a situation for over a year and was on the Verge of giving up and God moved and gave me back the years the locust ate, Thank you Jesus…never give up!! Keep praying and God will move…
Hi Jamie,
I have done exactly this today. This has given me peace as I read it and made my spirit rejoice. God is so good… he has definitely got me. This message has come at the right time. Thank you that God is using you to uplift others.
Thank you for this word. It feels like the dark ess wants to engulf, like the fire is raging even harder. But this word of comfort is exactly what I needed to remind me that God’s promises are yes and Amen….Thank you Jamie