The Freakiest Things Happen Over Lunch

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Click here to read how lunch with others is anointed by God! By Jamie Rohrbaugh The freakiest thing happened to me recently. I had lunch with a lady I didn’t even know who had given up a child for adoption. Over the course of the conversation, I realized I knew the family who had adopted the child. When we realized this, the birth mom just broke down sobbing. I was able to encourage her, and let her know how well the family was caring for their child. Freaky, huh?

Oddly enough, though, God-encounters like that have happened more than once for me recently. Why? Because God has been leading me into the ministry of lunch. 

Can we put aside the ministry of preaching and worship for just a moment, and talk about the ministry of lunch? 

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    Now, it’s true that I like food. A lot. (God invented ice cream, I’m sure… you know, every good and perfect gift and all that.) 😉 But I want to talk about the ministry of lunch because it’s far more important than just liking food. Lunch is about PEOPLE.

    My story:

    I used to be very shy and didn’t ever reach out to people. I was lonely and wished I had friends, but I didn’t know how to make friends. I had just joined my church and would sit alone in services. I went home alone afterward.

    Then one day my Sunday School teacher, who was about my age, asked me if I wanted to go get some ice cream after service. DID I EVER! I was so grateful. I could have fainted with relief. That simple dessert date resulted in a new friendship, plus my friend suggested that I check out the church’s weekly prayer meeting… which actually set the course of my life (because I have been involved in my church’s prayer and prophetic ministry ever since).

    One meal together. One invitation. But that invitation changed everything for me.

    Related: The Worst Discipleship Technique That Made No Disciples Ever

    So I turned the tables:

    A few years ago, God gave me the heart to reach out to others instead of worrying about myself all the time. So I started inviting people to lunch. (I only invite women if we are alone, but I do include men and couples if we are in a group.) God has taken those lunches and done some amazing things:

    • I’ve gotten to laugh and cry with people over lunch.
    • I’ve introduced new church members to new people and new ministries because of lunch.
    • I’ve shared the Gospel over lunch.
    • The Lord has given me opportunity to interpret dreams over lunch.

    There’s something about the ministry of lunch! Lunch is anointed by God.

    Why? Lunch is anointed by God because it’s a primo opportunity to do life with the Body of Christ. It’s a perfect way to connect with people. It has a beginning, an end, and no awkward silences if you ask lots of questions about the other person.

    Having lunch together is a way we, as Christians, can take care of one another. Look at this startling thing in Acts 2:42-47:


    And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

    Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.

    So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”

    This is a description of the early church. This is what life looked like for Christians right after Pentecost. There were four huge keys to their lives:

    1. They dedicated themselves to the Word through the apostles’ teaching.
    2. They dedicated themselves to fellowship – to doing all aspects of life together.
    3. They ate together! Continually! And from house to house! and…
    4. They prayed!

    I was just studying this passage recently, and I was really shocked. Somehow, I knew the early Christians listened to the apostles’ teaching. I knew they were involved in each other’s lives. I knew they prayed.

    But I never realized how important eating together was.

    I mean, really. Look at this. The early church ranked eating together right up there with the Word and prayer. {Click to tweet this!}

    Why is eating together so important?

    Because people can really bond over the table. They open up. People will tell you their life story over a meal. They will share things they never planned on sharing, just because the environment is so caring and homey.

    Eating together matters. And it’s easy. Lunch is the easiest discipleship tool I can think of. {Click to tweet this!}

    Anyone can do it. You can invite people to lunch without feeling awkward. Just say “Hey, I’d love to get to know you better. Would you like to have lunch sometime?” I’ve met people for lunch dozens of times by using that simple invitation. Ten to one, if you ask, people will accept.

    And when they do, you will have the opportunity to love on them, to listen to them, to make disciples, to make friends.

    Who can you invite to lunch today?

    Image courtesy of stockimages /

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