FREE Spiritual Gifts Inventory!

Would you like to know what your spiritual gifts are? You can, with my new, FREE spiritual gifts inventory!

“Spiritual gifts” are special abilities that God gives to every person when they give their life to Jesus.

Know Yourself: An Inventory of 18 Spiritual Gifts contains:

  • Scripture references to where each gift is found in the Bible;
  • bullet-point teaching about each of 18 gifts of the Spirit; and
  • a 90-question survey (with a simple scoring grid) that will help you figure out what your gifts are, and which of your spiritual gifts are strongest.

This spiritual gifts test is written from the supernatural point of view that we find in the Bible–not watering down any of God’s powerful gifts to present them as less sensational or less powerful than they really are, as some spiritual gifts tests do!

This 15-page PDF ebook is instantly downloadable, and it’s available to everyone who signs up for my free email updates. (You can unsubscribe at any time.)

Get our free PDF Prayer to Reverse Unjust Situations when you sign up for our free email encouragement program!


    Enroll here in free email updates and receive my FREE spiritual gifts inventory when you confirm your subscription:

    Need more info about this free spiritual gifts inventory?

    Here are the gifts I discuss in the book:

    1. Prophecy
    2. Ministry/helps
    3. Teaching
    4. Exhortation
    5. Giving
    6. Leading
    7. Mercy
    8. Word of wisdom
    9. Word of knowledge
    10. Faith
    11. Gifts of healings
    12. Working of miracles
    13. Discerning of spirits
    14. Different kinds of tongues
    15. Interpretation of tongues
    16. Craftsmanship
    17. Celibacy (don’t worry, this is not the same as involuntary singleness) 🙂
    18. Administrations

    This free spiritual gifts inventory will not only help you figure out what you’re called to do, but it will also help you determine where and how you can serve others and still enjoy it. It will also show you which gifts you don’t have yet, so you can ask God to give those gifts to you too. He’ll give you all the spiritual gifts if you ask!


    Enroll here to sign up for free email updates and get Know Yourself, my free, 15-page, instantly-downloadable PDF spiritual gifts inventory, when you confirm!

    * We value your confidentiality and never share or sell your email address. We believe our free email program, Presence Seekers’ University, will bless you, and we’ll never spam you. However, you can always unsubscribe at any time if you don’t benefit from our emails after all. The free spiritual gifts inventory is yours to keep regardless. 🙂


    1. I just want to give thanks!

    2. Ndi Nerissa says:

      I really thank you for this, I have searched such a website online for some time now, I know the spirit let me here,and am hoping to finally discover the gifts in me

    3. Elizabeth Winfree says:

      I took the spiritual inventory but – got several scores of 19 and the list doesn’t go that high.
      Are you leaving gifts off?

      1. No; the points aren’t related to the number of gifts. The points simply mean that, the higher the points, the higher that gift is in you. 🙂

    4. Penny Hallman says:

      I have tried downloading the Spiritual Gufts Inventory, but all it is allowing me to do is sign up for free emails updates. I have done this like 4 times and do not see the link to downloat the inventory. Please help. Interested in your blog ministry, but can’t seem to get anywhere with this inventory. Thanks for your help.

      1. Hi Penny,
        When you filled out the form to sign up for free email updates, our system automatically emailed you a confirmation email. You have to click on the link in the confirmation email. As soon as you do, the PDF inventory will open up and you can save it to your computer.

      2. It didn’t work for me either.

        1. Hi Melissa, I’m so sorry about that. There was a problem with the link and I found and fixed the problem. It works now if you’d like the inventory. 🙂 Thank you!

    5. Melissa S. Sanders says:

      I kept clicking the option to sign up for the email to receive the Spiritual Gift Assessment and that never came up. There’s also before it that tells you to Click Here in order to take the assessment and it leads to a broken link. Then further down it says sign up for the email subscription to get the assessment. That’s a bit misleading but none of it works.

      1. Hi Melissa, I’m so sorry about that. There was a problem with the link and I found and fixed the problem. It works now if you’d like the inventory. 🙂 Thank you!

    6. Thank you. The bible plans really helped me with my prayer life. Thank you for sharing what the Lord has given you.

    7. John Marshal says:

      I’m already subscribed to your emails. Could you send me a link to this resource?

      1. Hi John, the signup form gets you the inventory auto-delivered to your inbox, but it doesn’t sign you up for emails again. 🙂

    8. Hi Jamie

      Thank you for your know yourself – inventory of 18 Spiritual gifts. I did the inventory at the rear of this booklet and I have a question for you.
      My question is : I answered the questions and did the totals , what I found at the end is that some of my totals summed up to more than the number of gifts listed. For example , I got numbers like 20 and 19…..What spiritual gift would those number relate to? Did I do it correctly?

    9. That was amazing and spot on. Thank you so much. It gave me the tools to ask God for the gifts I am lacking and gave me a foundation qhere they all stood. Looking forward to use it again in the future as my gifts increase since i am just starting out..

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