Free Webinar: How To Make Right Decisions 100% of the Time
webinars December 16-18: Divine alignment in 2025
webinar JANUARY 17: Jesus’ sermon on the mount, part 1
Hey everybody! Ready for the next free webinar? For our next webinar, I feel led to teach on How To Make Right Decisions 100% of the Time.
Can you make right decisions 100% of the time? Yes, absolutely. How? That’s what I’m going to teach!
In this class, we will examine the 7 gates of Spirit-led decision-making.
If you learn how to use these 7 gates, you can know exactly what God’s will is for you at every moment, and you’ll be able to make decisions KNOWING that you are right in the center of Father’s will.
Sound good? It is! And it’s ALL based on the Word of God!
When: Saturday, April 1, 10:00 AM Eastern time
Where: Online! Click here to register for this class.
Note that there are only live 100 seats available for this class–but an unlimited number of people can register.
Everyone who registers will get a free video replay link emailed to them automatically by the webinar system an hour after class is over.
But how do you get a live seat? Sign in early on the day of class!
The last 2 webinars I taught, where I let an unlimited number of people sign up, we had people signing in about 30 minutes before class. Kudos to them, because they got a live seat, AND they got their questions answered! So BE SURE TO SIGN IN EARLY!
Why do I let an unlimited number of people register? Because I get bored teaching the same class over and over, and there are hundreds of you who want to attend these classes–but the webinar system limits us to only 100 live seats. I don’t have the time or the attention span to keep on teaching the same thing after I’ve recorded it once. 🙂
But I DO love to engage with you, so SIGN IN EARLY. #LoveYouMeanItCan’tWaitToTalkToYou
Fair enough? Don’t wait! Sign up for How To Make Right Decisions 100% of the Time today!
Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? I need you; we are in this together! This blog, and all of the Kingdom work we do in this community together, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases.
If you’d like to help, please check out the partnership details and products available for sale here. And, thank you in advance for helping make this blog and everything we do together for the Kingdom possible!
Blessings for Today for all Presence seekers and may the Lord release and answer all your prayer requests.
Amen. Thank you, brother Leon.
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Thanks for asking! Here it is on our Gumroad store: